How do you become a master marketer? Is there some kind of secret recipe for success? The answer is simpler than you may think.
While there are plenty of tactics, strategies and techniques that can help you win at marketing, the most important qualities are less tangible. They’re more about attitude than actionable things to do. And they can be applied to any aspect of everyday life, not just marketing.
So what separates the real heroes from the rest of us? These 20 qualities and characteristics I’ve seen in my favorite heroes over the years:
Takeaways |
1. Embrace creative storytelling in your strategies. |
2. Master the art of audience engagement. |
3. Continuously adapt to evolving market trends. |
4. Foster genuine connections with customers. |
5. Don’t shy away from innovative approaches. |
Be Obsessed With Your Craft
The next part of the journey is to become obsessed with your craft.
There are two parts to becoming a true expert in your field: being a student and being obsessed. Being a student means you need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your industry and be open to new ideas, so you can incorporate them into what you do for clients.
You should also read articles about marketing and business, as well as books by leaders in the field (like Seth Godin’s Purple Cow).
Being obsessed means striving for constant improvement, even at times when it seems like there’s nothing left to learn or improve on. It means working hard every day not just when it benefits someone else but because it helps you grow personally too!
Enhancing your push notifications requires the perfect blend of creativity and strategy. Discover the 13 Ingredients of Every Amazing Push Notification that can skyrocket your engagement and conversion rates.
Be Resourceful
It’s easy to get stuck in the “I don’t have what I need” mindset, especially when you’re a newbie. But this isn’t helpful, and it doesn’t make you a better marketer. It’s the opposite!
This mindset will only keep you from taking action and growing your skillset and ultimately, your career.
So instead of worrying about what resources aren’t available to you yet, focus on how good those resources could be if they were at hand (and on how much more amazing your work would be)!
Be resourceful by:
- Using what you have around the office or at home that could be useful for a project (i.e., USB drives)
- Taking advantage of other people’s expertise when working on projects together (i.e., asking coworkers for advice)
- Do research online or in books/magazines before starting certain projects so that when things go wrong (they inevitably do), there are backup plans ready to go into effect immediately
Do It All
The biggest mistake marketers make is trying to delegate, outsource, or hire their way into success.
Sure, you could spend time researching and hiring a team of freelancers who will take care of everything for you; but why would you want that? There’s nothing more rewarding than doing it all yourself!
By creating a marketing plan from scratch and implementing it yourself, you’ll learn everything there is to know about your customers: their names, favorite foods, birthdays…the list goes on!
Then when someone comes along with a better idea like maybe a content calendar instead of blog posts once per week you’ll be ready to hear them out without judgment.
Plus if they’re right (or wrong), they’re more likely to love working with someone who understands their needs so well that they can offer suggestions based on first-hand experience rather than just relying on what worked in the past.
Ready to dominate social media as a B2C marketer? Learn the essential tactics with our guide on The Social Media Strategy All B2C Marketers Need to Learn and become a powerhouse in the digital landscape.
Get To Know Your Audience
One of the best ways to create marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience is by getting to know them.
This is especially important for marketing campaigns that rely on social media since you need to know your audience to understand what they want and when they want it.
For example, if someone follows you on Instagram then they’re likely interested in seeing images of food or beauty products. If they follow you on Twitter then they may be more interested in news updates and articles related to business management.
You can also look at how often people interact with other posts posted by other accounts you manage (and vice versa), which will give you a better idea as well if there are any similarities between these accounts’ audiences as well!
To analyze this information effectively we recommend using Google Analytics an online tool that allows marketers like us here at [Company Name] to use all sorts of tools available so we can make sure our ads are reaching the right people out there!
For example, Google Analytics allows us -the creators behind those ads -to see where each ad was shown across various channels including Facebook Ads/Twitter Ads/Instagram Ads, etc.,
What time did each person see each particular ad about XYZ product line along with their demographic information such as age range gender etc?
Invest In Yourself And Your Career
There’s no better time to invest in yourself than during the lean months of winter when you can pour more energy into personal development without having to worry about keeping up with client work.
Consider taking a class on coding or learning how to code; there are many free resources available online that will help you learn at your own pace while still keeping your skills sharp and relevant.
This way, when the job market picks up again (and it will), you’ll be prepared for the opportunities ahead!
Read. Read A Lot
You’re a marketer, so reading is an integral part of your job. Some of the books you should be reading:
- The Four Steps to the Epiphany by Steve Blank
- Purple Cow by Seth Godin
- Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Other suggestions:
Read blogs (like this one!) and articles from thought leaders in your industry. – Listen to podcasts like Marketing Legends with David Meerman Scott and Digital Marketing with Larry Kim.
These are all great resources for marketers who want to learn more about marketing strategy, tactics, and culture.
Looking for inspiration for your next marketing campaign? Dive into the world of creativity with 12 Marketing Campaigns That Will Blow You Away and discover strategies that can leave a lasting impact.
Embrace Social Media, But Don’t Be A Jerk
While the world has come to accept that we’re all narcissistic and attention-seeking jerks, this does not mean you should be one of those people.
Social media is about connecting with others and building real relationships, so why would you want to contribute to its downfall? Your content should be authentic and helpful; if it isn’t, then what’s the point?
Be Authentic
Don’t fake it until you make it just be yourself! This can apply not only to how you sound through your posts but also to how they look: In other words, don’t try too hard or take things too seriously; remember that this is supposed to be fun!
If there’s anything I’ve learned from life in general (and especially working as a marketer), it’s that when something goes wrong (which happens often enough), there are two excellent ways of reacting:
Take Accountability For Whatever Error Occurred
pologize sincerely if necessary but don’t dwell on what happened because there’s nothing we can do now except learn from our mistakes and move forward by making sure such errors don’t happen again in future projects/posts/etcetera…
And then hope for better results next time around…and maybe even celebrate some wins along the way too!
Look At One’s Role In Any Bad Outcome
Did anyone else play a part? What could those individuals have done differently instead? Was there anything that could’ve been done differently before any negative event occurred?
Set Boundaries With Your Work And Personal Life
To achieve your goals, you need to set boundaries. As a marketer, your work life will overlap with your personal life. You need to be able to separate the two and stay focused on what’s important at any given moment.
Don’t worry about other people’s goals just focus on yours!
Set goals like this: “I want to lose 15 pounds in 3-6 months by eating healthy foods and running 10 miles per week.” Then write them down so you can see them every day (to help keep them top of mind).
Be ambitious, but stay realistic! Don’t focus on something unreasonable like losing 25 lbs in one month when you’ve never lost weight before…you’ll just set yourself up for failure and disappointment if it doesn’t happen immediately.
Achieving an impressive ROI in B2C marketing is a goal every marketer aspires to. Uncover the secrets with 15 Tips to Launch Your B2C Marketing Campaign with Impressive ROI and ensure your efforts yield remarkable results.
Have An Opinion
It’s important to have an opinion, but it’s also important to be able to defend your opinion and articulate it in a way that is relevant to the discussion. You might have an idea or belief that isn’t popular or considered “correct.”
This can be intimidating and cause many people not to speak up at all. However, if you do speak up about something that may not be popular but is still worth saying, then you are more likely to gain respect from others in your field than if you always agreed with everyone else.
On top of telling someone what we believe about something (and why), we want them also to know how our beliefs will serve them or solve their problem.
Whether it’s selling products or services, helping communities grow stronger together through organizations such as Rotary Club International Foundation Programs for Community Service Youth Leadership Development Program Youth For Understanding Exchange Student Program Peace Corps AmeriCorps VISTA AmeriCorps NCCC
Make Time To Listen And Learn From Others
One of the most important things you can do to become a marketing hero is to listen to others. You’ll learn more by listening than any other way, and it’s not just about hearing what people say it’s about paying attention to how they say it.
The best marketers are known for their ability to spot opportunities where others might see problems because they’ve been listening carefully for years and have built up a huge library of experiences that inform their intuition.
The longer you’re in business and the more experience you have under your belt, the better equipped you’ll be at spotting future trends before anyone else does.
If something goes wrong during one of your campaigns (and let’s face it something always does).
Don’t be afraid to take time out from another project or task so that everyone can convene around what happened and figure out what went wrong so that it won’t happen again (and yes this will happen).
Trust me: no matter how many times I’ve had this conversation with clients over my 25 years as an entrepreneur and business owner…the first few times sucked!
But after doing it enough times, I know now that those meetings are some of the most valuable ones we could have because they allow us all–from our team members right down to our clients–to share ideas on how things could work better next time around.”
Critique Yourself. And Then Do Better Next Time
Don’t be afraid to critique yourself. But don’t go overboard on the criticism, either. You have to learn how to pick yourself up and move forward after a mistake, no matter how big or small it is.
There are two ways of looking at this: you can think about it as being able to accept that you made a mistake and get back on your feet (in other words, learn from it).
Or as seeing every mistake as evidence that you aren’t good enough and never will be (in other words, beat yourself up).
We recommend looking at it firstly; this way of thinking helps you roll with the punches so that when things go wrong (and they will) there’s not too much damage done by one small misstep in an otherwise successful campaign.
Embracing controversy in marketing? Find out why some marketers prefer it with insights from Why Some Marketers Like People to Hate Them. Discover unconventional approaches to engaging your audience and sparking conversations.
Content is king. Content is the new marketing. Content is the foundation of your marketing strategy. Content is how you reach your audience and tell them who you are and why they should care about you and your business.
Content is the basis of all good marketing. The content strategy should be at the core of everything you do as a marketer, because if no one knows about or cares about what it is that you’re selling (or not selling), then there’s no point in trying to sell anything at all!
Agility. Audience
Agility: The ability to adapt quickly to change.
Audience: The group of people you’re trying to reach.
Agility and audience are two of the most important ingredients for becoming a marketer hero, but they’re also interrelated.
For your marketing efforts to be effective, you need an agile team that can quickly change its course when necessary and this is where agility comes into play!
Agility is also important because it allows you to adapt when things don’t go as planned or when something unexpected happens (like your audience changes).
Build It And They Will Come
No matter what kind of product you’re selling, the most important thing is to build it and they will come. For this to work, though, you need to make your product easy to use.
That way, people can find and use it without any extra effort on their part and if they have questions or problems with your product or service, then they’ll be able to contact you easily (and hopefully at no cost).
If a customer has a problem or concern with something that’s not working well in their experience using your company’s products or services.
Or if they want more information about how things work then it should be easy for them to contact someone who knows the answers right away!
It also helps if there are no forms involved when customers try purchasing something from us; instead, we’d prefer them just placing an order over email so there aren’t any delays involved getting paid either before delivery occurs.”
To build a thriving, engaged community, you need to let go of your ego and focus on helping others. Instead of focusing on what you can get out of a community, focus on what you can bring to it. Focus on creating value for those around you.
Those who have joined your community and those who might join in the future. This is not only an opportunity for personal growth and development;
It’s also an opportunity to improve yourself as a marketer by making connections with people who are interested in similar things as you are.
Competitive Intelligence
Want to be a hero of marketing? Then get to know your competition. You don’t have to spy on them or break the law, but you must understand what they’re doing and how they’re doing it.
If you want to be a successful marketer, then start by knowing your audience. The people who buy your products aren’t necessarily the same people who make up your audience they may not even be aware of the existence of either one!
Your customer base is also known as “the target market” or “the niche,” so think about that when considering their needs, wants, desires and preferences.
The more time you spend learning about yourself and what makes you unique as a business owner/marketer/creative person (or whatever role we may take on), the better off everyone will be in the long run; especially when it comes down to making money!
Data is the new oil. Data is the new gold. Data is the new currency. Data is the new everything in marketing and business today, and you need it to be a hero.
But how do we get this precious resource? It’s simple: use your powers wisely (whatever they may be) and collect as much information as possible on consumers and then use that knowledge to create products or services that will delight them!
Your mission should always be to provide value to others, because after all…
Customers. Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s a key skill for marketers, business people, and human beings.
If you can’t put yourself in your customer’s shoes, how will you know what they want? If a brand doesn’t understand its customers’ needs then it won’t be able to provide them with what they want.
The most successful brands are those who have built their offering around their audience’s desires and motivations – not their own goals or agendas (which may or may not coincide).
Facebook Ads
So, let’s get started! To become a Facebook Ads master, you need to learn how to use the Facebook Ads Manager and gain a firm understanding of it.
The Facebook Ads Manager allows you to access detailed information about your campaigns and audiences to make informed decisions about their performance.
To get started with the Ads Manager, click on ‘Create Campaign’ (or click here). Then select either the ‘Facebook Page Post Engagement Audience’ or ‘Campaign Budget’ options when prompted.
These two options are useful in different ways; if your goal is engagement with your post then selecting “Page Post Engagement Audience” is ideal since it allows you to select which post from your page will be targeted specifically by this audience (meaning only people who have seen or interacted with that post will see it again).
If instead however you want people who have visited another website but not necessarily interacted with any posts from there then selecting “Campaign Budget” would be more appropriate.
Since these types of customers may not necessarily know about any specific products/services on offer yet – meaning ads targeted specifically at them could prove more effective than those targeted at just those who’ve already seen something related before.”
Funnels. These are not your typical funnel, but a special kind of funnel that tracks the journey of a customer from their initial interest in your product or service to becoming a fully engaged long-term customer.
Funnels can be used to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns (how many people came into contact with it and then converted), customer service (how many people contacted you and then converted), or sales team (how many prospects became customers).
Gaming The Algorithm/s
Optimizing your content for search engines is a must. If you don’t do it, you’ll get lost in the shuffle.
But there’s more to optimizing your content than just making sure you have optimized titles and descriptions for each piece of content; there are also some other places where you can game the algorithm/s.
Here are some of the things I’ve seen work:
Make sure that your social media presence represents all relevant keywords. This means having more than one account on each platform (e.g.: Facebook business page, Instagram account, LinkedIn company page).
It also means posting regularly across multiple networks (e.g.: Twitter and Pinterest) with appropriate hashtags and links back to original pieces of content.
Whenever possible so that people can easily find what they’re looking for if they want more information on a topic or product that interests them.
Include an email capture form at least somewhere near the bottom of every blog post so people who find something interesting will be able to receive future updates from you via email when relevant topics come up again later down the road (or even better yet – subscribe directly through their favorite news reader service like Feedly or Feeddler RSS app).
Let me just say that this piece is not meant to be all-inclusive, nor is it meant to cover everything you need to know about being a marketer.
After all, there are hundreds of other topics and areas we didn’t touch on here. But the one thing I will say is that marketing isn’t an exact science. Some would argue that it’s more art than science.
That’s why marketers need to continue learning and exploring the industry, so they can stay ahead of the curve (and their competition). And to do that effectively, they need access to as much data as possible.
Hopefully, this piece has helped you understand what data you should be looking at. If you’re still not sure where to start when it comes time for your next campaign launch or quarterly review meeting with your boss, feel free to reach out!
Further Reading
Storytelling in Marketing: Crafting Compelling Narratives Short Description: Explore the art of storytelling in marketing and learn how to create captivating narratives that resonate with your audience.
The Secret to Building a Successful Marketing Career Short Description: Uncover valuable insights and tips for carving out a rewarding and prosperous career in the field of marketing.
From Zero to Hero: How to Become a Must-Have Brand Short Description: Discover strategies to transform your brand from obscurity to indispensability, becoming a “must-have” in the eyes of your customers.
What is the significance of storytelling in marketing?
Storytelling in marketing plays a crucial role in forging emotional connections with the audience. It helps convey the brand’s values, evoke empathy, and make messages more memorable.
How can I build a successful marketing career?
To build a successful marketing career, focus on continuous learning, networking, and gaining practical experience. Adapt to industry trends and be open to taking calculated risks.
How can a brand transition from zero to becoming essential?
Transitioning from obscurity to indispensability involves understanding your target audience, delivering exceptional value, and consistently meeting their needs through innovative solutions.
What are the key elements of a compelling brand narrative?
A compelling brand narrative includes relatable characters, a captivating plot, and a resolution that aligns with the brand’s values and goals.
What role does personal branding play in marketing careers?
Personal branding is essential in marketing careers as it helps professionals establish their unique identity, build credibility, and stand out in a competitive industry.
![Costantine-EDWARD Headshot](
Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.