There are three types of people in the world: those who love you, those who hate you, and the rest. But how do you entice that last group the lukewarm people who could go either way? It’s a conundrum that marketers have struggled with for ages.
And while there are plenty of ways to win over skeptics, some companies have decided that it’s better to become the object of scorn than just another meh service in a sea of “eh” providers. Let’s take a look at why some marketers like people to hate them.
Key Takeaways |
1. Controversy Strategy: Some marketers intentionally adopt controversial tactics to stand out and evoke strong emotions, which can lead to increased brand recognition. |
2. Attention and Engagement: Negative reactions from the audience can generate attention and engagement, allowing marketers to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. |
3. Risk and Backlash: While controversy can yield benefits, marketers must be prepared for potential backlash and criticism, as this approach can polarize opinions. |
4. Brand Authenticity: Maintaining authenticity and aligning controversial campaigns with the brand’s core values are crucial to prevent damaging the brand’s reputation. |
5. Balancing Strategies: A balance between attention-grabbing tactics and ethical marketing practices is essential to effectively leverage controversy without alienating the audience. |
They Are Tough
It’s true that in a world where everyone is trying to be the absolute best, being honest about your successes and failures is a valuable trait.
If you can admit when something went wrong, it shows that you are also willing to take responsibility for it. And then there’s the biggie: not worrying about being liked by everyone (like, say, how many other successful marketers seem to).
They are not afraid to take on the big boys. Nothing makes people hate someone more than when they take on an industry leader or celebrity and come out victorious so long as you’re humble about it!
After all, if you’re going up against someone who has more money and power than you do, chances are they’re going to win every time without even trying very hard…unless YOU try very hard!
But if you manage this feat with grace (and humility), people will love what they see in their newsfeeds next time around whether that means sharing links from your site or just liking them.
Because they admire someone who knows how much work goes into making something happen outside of their comfort zone (and doesn’t let anyone tell them otherwise).
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They Are Not For Everybody!
Know who you are, who you are not and who you are for.
This is one of the most important things to know when building your brand or business. You need to know that there are people out there in the world who will not like you no matter what you do.
They don’t like your style, they don’t like your message, and they just plain don’t like how you come across as a person.
That’s fine! Just because someone doesn’t like something doesn’t mean it’s bad or wrong – it just means they aren’t an ideal customer for that product/service/personality type/etcetera!
Haters Don’t Know Who They Are Taking On!
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “haters don’t know who they’re taking on.” It’s a bit cliche and trite, but I think it’s true. If someone is actively hating on you, it’s not because of your actions or attitude. It’s because of their own.
They’re threatened by you not because you are doing something wrong or unethical, but because they don’t know what to do about it yet. You have something that gives them pause and makes them question their path in life.
And this is good news! Because it means that if people are willing to hate on you enough for long enough, then there must be some sort of reason why they feel threatened by your success and happiness.
And if people feel threatened by what is happening in their life right now (and probably will continue), then maybe there is something worth building upon here!
Video marketing has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their audiences. If you’re aiming to build a strong community around your brand, explore the power of videos. Our article on Why Video Marketing Is an Effective Way to Build a Community provides insights into creating compelling video content that resonates with your target audience.
It Is Good To Have An Opinion
It is good to have an opinion. You can’t please everyone, and it is better to be able to stand up for what you believe in than just give in. You may not always agree with the opinions of others, but everyone deserves a chance to speak their mind without being dismissed or ignored.
It is also important for marketers to take ownership of their brand, product, or service and make sure they are proud of it before presenting it publicly.
If your customers don’t feel like they can trust you as a marketer then they won’t even bother listening when you try and sell them something else later down the line.
The Best Haters Are The Ones That Make You Think
If you’re a marketer, you might want to consider the idea that haters are the best kind of fan. Here’s why:
Haters are more likely to be passionate about what you do. Think about it people who love your product or service are less likely to be vocal about their feelings because they already think everything is great.
A hater, on the other hand, has something negative to say because they feel motivated enough by their dislike to go out of their way (and possibly even pay for) a service or product just so they can tell the world just how much they hate it.
Haters are more likely to be engaged with your company and its content on social media. If someone loves something enough not only does he or she not need an incentive;
But also he/she wouldn’t bother sharing his/her thoughts at all since it would go without saying anyway (i.e., “Of course I love this!”).
But haters they’ll share their comments and critiques with others through posts like “Why I Hate This Company And Their Product” or “I’ve Been Told This Is The Worst Brand Ever.”
What better way for marketers than through social media where there’s always another chance at reaching new customers?
They Buy From You Anyway!
If you’re a marketer, it’s likely that at some point in your career you have been told that being hated on is a bad thing.
It’s not always the case. It turns out haters can be great for business! Here are 7 reasons why some marketers like people to hate them:
They buy from you anyway!
Haters are often more likely to buy from you than fans, so whenever someone says something negative about your brand or product, don’t immediately assume it’s going to hurt sales.
If anything, chances are those kinds of comments will only increase interest in what you’re selling and maybe even lead to an increase in sales.
A study by MyLifeSciences found that 64% of consumers would consider buying from brands they hate if there were “a significant price drop.”
Brand engagement is the cornerstone of successful marketing strategies. The process might seem complex, but it can be unraveled step by step. Discover the key elements that contribute to brand engagement in our piece on 10: Unraveling the Puzzle of Brand Engagement, and start building lasting connections with your audience.
Haters Usually Have No Following Yet Have A Lot Of Talks
So, why do people hate? Hate is a way for people to get attention. It’s a way for them to get noticed. It’s a way for them to get their reaction out there and be heard by others.
Hating or being hated is often viewed as a means of validation, too if someone hates you, then they must care enough about you that they want to tell other people how much they hate you!
And even if the hater doesn’t have an audience like if they’re sitting alone in their bedroom writing angry tweets at brands the act of hating itself can be validating.
Because it allows someone who feels powerless over his or her life circumstances to feel empowered by having power over something else: namely, other peoples’ emotions (or lack thereof).
Many People Love The Back And Forth With Haters
It’s fun to have a good debate. We humans love to argue and prove others wrong, even if we’re arguing about something that doesn’t matter in the end.
It helps you learn from your mistakes. If someone is talking smack about your marketing strategy or content, it can be a good way to review it yourself and think about how you could have done better.
You get feedback on what works for other people as well as what might not work for other people. No marketer has all the answers, but by reading through comments on posts or tweets you can learn from other marketers’ mistakes (and sometimes successes).
It Is Great For Sharing Of Voice
Hate is good for sharing of voice. Hate is good for social media. Hate is good for online presence. Hate is good for brand awareness. Hate is good for brand recognition. And hate is good for brand loyalty and equity, just to name a few benefits of being hated by people around the world!
In an ideal world, we’d all be loved by everyone and never feel like we were doing anything wrong but that can take its toll on a marketer’s health (especially if they are responsible in any way).
Some people thrive on negativity – it gets them up in the morning so they can go out there and do another great job at being hated by more people while also making money off their products/services which make them feel invincible.
Because no one else has made something as cool as theirs yet so they keep at it until someone else does come along (and then eventually gets surpassed too).
Every marketer aspires to become a hero in their field. The path to achieving this status involves understanding the secret ingredients that set you apart. Dive into our guide on The Secret Ingredients to Becoming a Marketer Hero to uncover the strategies and qualities that can elevate your marketing journey.
Hate In An Industry Is Better Than No Comment At All
If you’re a marketer, and people hate you, you have to love it. If there are people who don’t like what you are doing, that’s great! Why? Because they’re paying attention to your stuff.
Their hate means that now there’s an opportunity for engagement. You can reach out and start a conversation with them and if we remember anything from our marketing classes, it’s that “engagement” is key for building brand awareness and loyalty in any industry.
What does this mean for marketers? It means that when someone has something negative to say about what you do online or even offline take it as a challenge: Address the person directly (if possible) and explain why their opinion isn’t correct or valid in this case;
Invite them into conversation; offer solutions where possible; share more content related specifically to those points of contention (that way anyone else who sees it will understand your point of view); etc., etc., etc…
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You May Find A Real Gem Of A Hater!
You may find a real gem of a hater! You may find a new customer, friend, ally, or employee. You might even find someone willing to work for you rather than against you.
If that happens, then it’s time for some serious celebration because this means that you are in demand and on your way to building yourself up as an authority in your industry.
Haters Help Create Credibility As Well As Awareness
Credibility is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of a brand that we love. When someone says something positive about your business, we tend to trust their opinion more than if they said something negative about it.
This is because people who love a brand are likely to support it and will not be quick to criticize it just for attention or fun.
For example, when someone says they love McDonald’s Big Mac, there is no reason for them not to be honest about their experience at the restaurant because they enjoy eating there so much.
They won’t feel like they need to say they didn’t like something because they want other people to think badly of the place (which would affect future sales).
However, haters can also help create credibility by showing how strong your brand is; this shows others that you have loyal customers who aren’t afraid of speaking up even when things aren’t going well – which means other potential customers will likely follow suit!
Haters are here to stay and marketers can use them in many ways. Haters provide a lot of free content just like this article which is shared more than other less controversial articles.
So haters are helping marketers as well as spreading the word about their brand. I hope you found this article interesting and helpful!
Further Reading
If you’re interested in exploring more about the topic of marketers and public perception, here are some additional resources that delve deeper into the subject:
Why People Hate Marketers: Discover insights into why certain marketing tactics evoke negative reactions and explore ways marketers can improve their strategies to build positive relationships with their audience.
6 Reasons Why We Hate Salespeople & Marketers: Uncover six common reasons behind the negative perception of salespeople and marketers, and gain a better understanding of how to address these concerns in your marketing efforts.
The Psychology Behind Why People Dislike Ads: Dive into the psychology of ad dislike and explore the factors that contribute to negative attitudes toward advertising. Learn how to create ads that resonate positively with your target audience.
What are the main reasons people dislike marketers?
Negative perceptions of marketers often stem from intrusive or deceptive advertising tactics, overexposure to marketing messages, and the perception that marketers prioritize profit over customer well-being.
How can marketers address the issue of public dislike?
Marketers can work to build trust and authenticity by focusing on transparent communication, providing value to the audience, and avoiding aggressive or manipulative tactics.
Is controversy in marketing always a bad thing?
Controversial marketing can generate attention, but it comes with risks. Marketers should carefully consider the potential backlash and ensure that any controversy aligns with their brand’s values and message.
How can marketers create a positive brand image despite potential negativity?
By consistently delivering quality products or services, engaging in ethical marketing practices, actively listening to customer feedback, and being responsive to criticism, marketers can shape a positive brand reputation.
What role does psychology play in people’s reaction to marketing?
Psychological factors such as cognitive biases, emotions, and social influences play a significant role in how individuals perceive marketing messages. Understanding these factors can help marketers craft more effective and appealing campaigns.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.