It’s no secret that the real estate industry is rapidly evolving. We’ve seen more changes in the last ten years than we did during the entire 20th century. The good news is that there are tons of new strategies and tactics you can use to stay relevant with your audience and keep them coming back for more.
Takeaways |
1. Focus on creating compelling listing descriptions that highlight unique property features and benefits. |
2. Collaborate effectively with real estate agents to leverage their expertise and provide accurate information. |
3. Craft engaging and informative real estate blogs by incorporating valuable content and using visual elements. |
4. Explore the potential of text message marketing to enhance your property listings and engage potential buyers. |
5. Avoid common mistakes in real estate writing, such as inaccuracies, jargon, and lack of proofreading. |
1. Content Is King (But Only If Your Readers Care)
This may sound obvious, but it’s worth stating: good content is the most important part of your website. Why? Because your readers are coming to your website for content, and if they don’t get what they’re looking for, why would they come back?
Your goal should be to keep them coming back and that can only happen if you create amazing content that stands out from the rest of the websites in your industry.
Building a successful career in real estate writing requires a comprehensive understanding of the industry. Our comprehensive guide, The Complete Guide to Writing Blogs About Real Estate, will provide you with the insights and strategies needed to excel in this field.
2. Think Like A Writer And An Editor At The Same Time
Writing is rewriting.
For many writers, this is a difficult concept to accept. In fact, I’ve read that some famous writers have said they only wrote one draft of their work they just cut it down from there and polished it until it shines.
That’s not how most people work though, and for good reason: writing can be hard! So when you’re stuck on something or feel like your writing isn’t as good as it could be, don’t worry about writer’s block think of yourself as an editor instead.
Sometimes being too close to your own words can get in the way of seeing how they need improvement. When we edit our work or give feedback on others’ writing, however, we become less attached to our ideas and are better able to see where changes need to be made for everything else around them (like grammar) to make sense too.
3. The Importance Of Cohesiveness (Or How To Make Sure Everything Flows)
The single most important tip you can follow is to make sure your content has a flow. This means that it should be cohesive with the rest of your website and brand.
It also means that it should be cohesive with your overall marketing strategy, because if you’re not writing content that isn’t relevant to the customer journey or even what they want at all, then they won’t stick around long enough to give you their email address or phone number (which is what we all want).
This can be difficult to do since most people think about writing from an individual perspective and not as a collective whole but as someone who writes for a living, I can assure you: If done correctly, cohesiveness can help grow traffic by hundreds of thousands of visitors per month!
Succeeding in real estate content writing demands a blend of creativity and industry knowledge. Discover actionable advice and effective techniques in our guide on how to succeed at real estate content writing, ensuring that your writing captures the essence of the real estate world.
4. Stick To One Topic Per Real Estate Blog Post
Real estate blogs can be long, but it’s important to stick to one topic per blog post. You don’t want to overwhelm readers with too much information at once or make them lose interest because they’re struggling to follow along. Likewise, you want to avoid writing too little and leaving people hanging at the end of a section.
It’s also important not to switch topics too often in your posts: if you jump around from idea to idea, it might feel disjointed and confusing for your reader. On the other hand, if your blog posts are all about one thing (like how much land costs in Hawaii), then they’ll get boring after a while and no one will read them!
5. Write Every Day
This may seem a little obvious, but it’s worth mentioning because writing every day is the only way to be a good writer. Writing is not something that you can read about and immediately master, just like any other skill.
It takes practice, and if you don’t practice regularly then your writing will suffer. So if you want to be able to write well enough to get published as an author or real estate agent (or anything else), then don’t wait around until inspiration strikes before starting your next great work of literature start now!
6. Skip The Jargon And Write In Plain Language
One of the best real estate writing tips is to write in plain language. This means avoiding industry jargon and acronyms, which includes:
Jargon – words used by a specific group of people in a specific context
Acronyms – abbreviations formed from the first letter(s) of each word in a phrase or name (the most common real estate acronyms are CMA and CMHC)
Buzzwords – words that have become trendy with little substance behind them (but they sound cool so everyone uses them anyway)
Industry buzzwords – new phrases created by marketers to describe things that don’t need any description because they’re so obvious
Achieving success as a real estate writer goes beyond just the writing itself. Learn from the experiences of accomplished writers who share the 15 Things Successful Real Estate Writers Do to enhance your skills and professional journey.
7. Always Proofread Your Content (And Don’t Just Rely On Spell Check)
The best way to get your message across is by presenting perfect content, which means making sure that everything you write has no errors whatsoever. Even if it’s a simple spelling mistake or an awkward sentence structure, these things can easily turn a reader off and make them not want to read any further.
To ensure that you have the cleanest copy possible, there are numerous ways of proofreading and editing content:
Read Out Loud
Get someone else to read it for you (or even better for them!)
Use a dictionary and/or thesaurus when appropriate; find synonyms for words that aren’t clear enough in context (e.g., “go” instead of “walk”)
So readers will understand what you’re trying to say more clearly as well as help them grasp how long it takes for something specific to happen without having to be told explicitly every step along the way such as when describing moving house or driving somewhere new where neither person has ever been before).
8. Find Your Niche Within The Niche (Aka Know Your Audience)
When you’re writing specifically for a certain audience, it becomes harder to write in general. While this is okay to a certain extent because you want to cater your content to the people who would be reading it, there’s also value in knowing how much or little information is needed for them to get what they need from it.
You can do this by focusing on what your readers like and dislike, where their interests lie and finding out whether or not they want more information about something specific or if they just want an overview of everything that could interest them about real estate writing.
9. Set A Timer And Write While The Clock Is Ticking
Set a timer for 20 minutes and write. Don’t stop writing until the timer goes off. If you get stuck, just keep writing anyway it’s okay if there are typos or missing words in your writing, just keep going!
This may seem like an odd tip, but it works wonders for keeping you focused and on task. When we’re busy with other things, it can be hard to stay motivated and keep up with our writing goals.
By setting a timer, you’ll know exactly how long you have to finish what you’re working on without having to worry about being distracted by other work or chores that need doing around the house or office. This method also helps writers avoid writer’s block (those dreaded moments when you stare at a blank page trying not knowing what comes next).
To create impactful real estate content, it’s important to adhere to proven guidelines. Get valuable insights into writing effective content with our article, 12 Tips for Writing Successful Real Estate Content, and take your real estate writing to the next level.
10. Take Advantage Of Syndication Platforms Like Zillow, Trulia, And Redfin
Syndication platforms are a great way to get exposure for your real estate writing. Zillow, Trulia, and Redfin all offer syndication opportunities of some kind (Trulia’s platform is called the Market Insights Network). Syndicating content on these sites can lead to more traffic from their search engines, which can, in turn, lead to more clients and sales for you.
You can also take advantage of getting your real estate writing published on other sites by using an RSS feed or email list service like MailChimp (or another similar service). That way, when someone reads one piece of your work they will be notified when you publish another so they don’t miss anything new that comes out!
11. Use Video To Enhance Your Content For Youtube And Facebook Live
Video is a great way to enhance your content for YouTube and Facebook Live. Here are some ways to use video:
Show off your listings. A video tour of a property can give potential buyers an idea of what they’ll see when they visit in person.
Show off your team. When people see how professional and friendly the agents at your agency are, they’re likely to feel comfortable working with them on selling or buying their property.
Show off your business. If you have an office space, show it off with a tour! And if you have any events planned for this month or next year, put out regular videos about them so people don’t miss out on any opportunities for getting involved in their local community.
12. Do Keyword Research To Produce Better Content For Seo Purposes
Use keyword research to determine what people are searching for. For example, if you’re writing about real estate in Colorado, then you’re going to have to do some research on what queries people are using when they search for “real estate in Colorado.”
You can use any of the tools listed above or simply Google it yourself and see what comes up. You want a healthy balance of direct keywords as well as words that include your phrase or a variation of that phrase.
For instance, maybe one person is searching for “best neighborhoods in Denver” while another searches “top 10 neighborhoods in Denver.” This tells us that we need both phrases on our page if we want traffic from both searches (and we do!).
13. Make Use Of Real Estate Infographics As A Way To Convey Data Easily And Effortlessly
Infographics are great for conveying data. They can make it more digestible, appealing, memorable, and shareable.
You can use infographics to help your clients better understand the housing market and their situation in it. For example, an infographic on average home prices in a city that’s experiencing rising rental costs could be very useful in determining where people should invest their money at this time versus another location.
An infographic showing changes over time would be extremely useful for someone who is looking to sell their property because it shows them exactly what has changed since they bought it (for example interest rates fell from 6% to 4%, sales volume increased by 10%, etc.).
14. Come Up With Evergreen Topics Ideas For Blog Posts
An evergreen topic is a subject that’s relevant all year-round, such as “how to find an agent” or “what to look for in a home.”
Evergreen topics are important because they can be written about any time of the year and still attract visitors. By contrast, seasonal topics like “how to choose your Christmas tree” are only relevant during December and aren’t worth the effort unless you’re writing specifically for that audience.
To come up with evergreen topics, consider what questions people ask when they’re thinking about buying or selling a house: things like “How much will my house sell for?” or “What’s a fair offer price?”
15. Create Content That Relates To Holidays
Holidays are a great opportunity to create content that relates to your audience. Whether it’s something like “The Top 10 Ways to Save Money During the Holidays,” or “How to Select the Right Tree for Your Home,” you can use holidays as an excuse for creating evergreen content that is relevant to your niche.
You might also consider creating holiday-themed pieces of your own, such as an infographic depicting how many times Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving (I’m looking at you.
Science of Us). If you create unique and interesting content around these holidays, it will get shared far more than normal posts which means more traffic and potentially new followers who are interested in what else you have to offer!
Captivating the attention of potential homebuyers requires specialized writing techniques. Explore our collection of 16 Tips for Writing House Hunter Copy That Sells to refine your approach and make your real estate listings stand out in the market.
16 Get Involved With The Community Through Local Events
If you want to be a successful real estate agent, you need to do more than just show up at open houses and put your name on a sign. You need to get involved in the community, and one way of doing that is by getting involved in local events. There are many different ways you can do this:
Get involved with local organizations that are related to real estate or your profession (e.g., Rotary Clubs).
Attend events such as charity fundraisers or fundraising dinners where people are interested in learning more about what it takes to be a successful real estate agent (or other professional). This will help you build relationships that could lead customers or clients down the line if they decide they want someone like yourself helping them out!
17 Create A Quarterly Or Monthly Newsletter For Clients
Use a template that you can customize and then use a service like MailChimp or Drip to manage your email accounts.
Include photos and videos in your newsletter, as well as helpful tips and advice from previous experiences with homeowners.
You’re probably wondering why we’ve called this section “The Best Real Estate Writing Tips & Advice,” when it could have just as easily been titled “The Top 17 Writing Tips for Real Estate Bloggers.” It all comes down to personal preference! We chose the former because it feels more inclusive and gives us a chance to include some of our favorite tips from this list in our title.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to enhance your understanding of real estate writing and related topics:
Crafting Effective Listing Descriptions with Text Message Marketing: Learn how to create compelling property listing descriptions using text message marketing to attract potential buyers.
Tips for Collaborating with Real Estate Agents: Gain insights into effectively working with real estate agents and leveraging their expertise to enhance your writing about properties and the market.
5 Tips for Writing the Best Real Estate Blogs: Discover five valuable tips to craft engaging and informative real estate blogs that resonate with your target audience.
How do I improve my real estate listing descriptions?
Improving your real estate listing descriptions involves using compelling language, highlighting unique features, and focusing on benefits that resonate with potential buyers.
What should I consider when collaborating with real estate agents?
When collaborating with real estate agents, communication and mutual understanding are key. Establish clear expectations, provide accurate information, and maintain an open line of communication to create successful partnerships.
How can I write effective real estate blogs?
To write effective real estate blogs, focus on providing valuable information, using engaging storytelling, incorporating visuals, optimizing for search engines, and keeping your content up-to-date.
How can text message marketing enhance my real estate listings?
Text message marketing can enhance your real estate listings by providing concise and direct information to interested buyers, increasing engagement, and enabling quick communication for property inquiries.
What are some common mistakes to avoid in real estate writing?
Common mistakes in real estate writing include inaccuracies in property information, using jargon that readers might not understand, neglecting to proofread for errors, and failing to tailor your content to your target audience.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.