Writing about real estate is a bit of an odd duck. There’s a lot you can cover, but the subject matter is often dry and technical. It can also be confusing to newcomers who don’t know much about real estate or how to buy or sell homes in their area.
That’s where this guide comes in! We’ll walk through what you need to know and how to write about it like a pro even if you’re new at this whole writing thing.
Takeaways |
1. Understand the key principles of real estate writing. |
2. Learn how to create engaging and informative content. |
3. Explore the essential techniques for effective real estate communication. |
4. Gain insights into writing for various real estate niches. |
5. Develop your skills to succeed in the dynamic field of real estate writing. |
Focus On The Home, Not Your Services
When writing about a home for sale, it’s important to remember that the point of your writing is to show the benefits of that particular piece of property and make it sound appealing. It’s not about you, or your services.
Therefore, when writing about homes:
Focus on what makes this specific property so great (or awful), and not on anything else. The benefit is that it has four bedrooms and baths in addition to granite countertops throughout; the feature is that it was built in 2005.
Don’t try to sell a home based on its neighborhood or market value; just focus on highlighting why this house is unique and special enough for people to want to buy it rather than any other house they could find in their price range.
If someone wants an older home with potential issues but proximity to downtown area schools, then maybe they will want yours!
But if they want something newer with plenty of room for kids/dogs/grandkids but less crime rate because of street lamps out front night after night…. well then maybe they won’t consider yours as much at all! It all depends on what’s important for each person who reads these descriptions (and hopefully we don’t offend anyone).
Building a successful career in real estate writing requires mastering the essential strategies. Discover the 15 Things Successful Real Estate Writers Do to enhance your skills and stand out in the industry.
Include Details That Set The Home Apart From Others
In addition to including the basics of a good lead, you need to consider how your property is unique.
- What makes this house stand out?
- How many baths does it have?
- Is there an outdoor area for entertaining?
- Does the kitchen have stainless steel appliances or granite countertops?
Are there granite entries and porcelain tile in bathrooms, or are you working with a more budget-friendly option like travertine floors and vinyl wall coverings instead?
When listing a home for sale, buyers can be overwhelmed by options there’s no shortage of homes on the market that is similar in size and style so make sure yours stands out from all the rest!
This may mean highlighting some features that aren’t necessarily related to technical aspects (like square footage) but play into buyer preferences: Do they want hardwood floors throughout their new space or would they prefer carpeting in at least one room? If this seems like something you should include in your real estate description, go ahead!
Nix Real Estate Jargon And Acronyms
When real estate jargon is used, it can confuse all parties involved. Real estate agents might use words that sound perfectly normal to them but are completely foreign to buyers or sellers.
For example, “discretionary listing agent” sounds like a normal phrase except that it’s not: in this case, the term refers to an agent who has no legal obligation to represent a seller’s best interests by listing their home on the MLS (multiple listing service).
Similarly, terms like “comps” and “tear downs” aren’t generally understood by people outside of real estate circles and even some agents may not know exactly what they mean either!
Real estate lawyers also have their own set of acronyms and abbreviations that can make understanding contracts difficult for laypeople. So if you’re writing anything related to legal issues or contracts (and if you’re not a lawyer yourself), it’s best just avoid using these kinds of words altogether unless they’re necessary.
Are you aiming to turn your passion for real estate writing into a lucrative business? Learn how to Build a 6-Figure Business Writing Real Estate Blog Posts with our comprehensive guide and start achieving your financial goals.
Avoid Writing A Laundry List Of Features
Real estate writing is more than just a list of features. I know that’s what you’re thinking, and you’re right but only partially. The thing is, while it is important to use the right words and choose them carefully, it’s also important to avoid writing a laundry list of features that could be easily found in any other listing.
Avoid Repetition And Overuse Of Adjectives
You want your writing style to be clear and concise so that it doesn’t sound like you’re repeating yourself or using too many adjectives. In short: focus on what makes your house stand out from all others in the area and make sure those things are expressed clearly throughout your listing’s content (like how long it has been since someone lived there).
Add A Call To Action (Cta)
A CTA (call to action) is a link that prompts a user to take an action. It should be placed at the end of the article, but not necessarily in the last sentence. The most important thing when creating CTAs is making them easy for the reader to understand and click on.
For example, if you’re writing an article about buying property in Florida and want people who are interested in seeing what properties are currently for sale, create a CTA like “Click here for homes for sale near me!”
If you have any other questions about how to write an effective blog post or want some help from our team, feel free to contact us today!
Use Video Or Video Tours When Possible
In the real estate industry, video tours are an essential part of the marketing process. They allow prospective buyers to get a feel for a home before they even step foot on the property.
Video tours are also useful for selling homes that aren’t in great condition if the listing features a state-of-the-art kitchen and other high-end amenities, potential buyers will be more forgiving of cosmetic flaws.
You should always encourage clients to include video footage in their listings; it’s an easy way to make sure they’re maximizing their online visibility and boosting traffic flow on their websites!
Writing compelling blogs about real estate demands a deep understanding of the subject. Check out The Complete Guide to Writing Blogs About Real Estate to gain insights and strategies for creating engaging content that captivates your audience.
Include Testimonials Or Client Quotes
Testimonials are a great way to build trust with your audience and make them feel more comfortable as they read your writing. You must use testimonials from people who have bought the same type of property as what you’re writing about.
For example, if you’re writing about a new development in Toronto, Ontario Canada then it would be best to get testimonials from people who live in Toronto or surrounding areas.
If there is an estate sale happening somewhere else in Canada but not at the location being advertised by this piece of content then steer clear of using these testimonials because there will be confusion around why someone would buy an estate outside their area when there are so many properties available closer to home (and without having to travel).
The last thing anyone wants is for their client base (whether internal or external) to feel confused about what information is relevant
Make It Mobile-Friendly
Use a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit the screen of any device and make sure you’re using a font that is easy to read on small screens.
Add navigation links on your landing page so users can quickly find the information they need without having to scroll down. You can also include an “About Us” or “Contact Us” link at the bottom of each page, making it easy for visitors who are interested in learning more about your company or talking with you about their real estate needs.
Make sure your contact form has fields that are large enough for mobile users to select them easily by adding custom CSS code (more info).
In addition, include an “I want more information!” button which will allow visitors who want more information but aren’t ready yet right now! Finally, always remember color contrast is key when designing websites – this means text should be easy-to-see against its background so people won’t get distracted while reading it!
Use Descriptive But Not Cheesy Headings
Include keywords in your listing’s heading, which will help Google know what the page is about. You can use:
The home’s name and address (examples: “1234 Main St” or “the Smith house”)
A few keywords that describe the neighborhood (examples: “urban,” “bohemian,” “quiet”)
The city, state, country, and continent where your property is located. For example, if you’re selling a home in New York City on Long Island’s North Shore that sits on an empty lot with views of the Atlantic Ocean and Manhattan skyline you could use headings like these:
North Shore oceanfront homes for sale near NYC (this would appear at the top of search results)
North Shore oceanfront houses near NYC for sale (this would appear just under it)
Crafting successful real estate content requires careful planning and execution. Enhance your writing with 12 Tips for Writing Successful Real Estate Content that cover key aspects of creating informative and captivating articles.
Optimize Every Page For Search Engines
Keywords are the most important part of your content. They help search engines determine what a page is about, and they help Google and other search engines know how relevant your content is to a particular search term.
You should never stuff keywords into your content that can hurt you in the long run by making it look unnatural to both readers and search engines. But there’s no need to be afraid of using them either! You just have to do it strategically so that people will find you through organic searches instead of having all your traffic come from ads or other paid channels (and then turn into conversions).
Here are some tips on how best to optimize every page
Keep Your About Page Short Yet Engaging
The About page is one of the most important pages on your website. Don’t make it long! Keep it short and sweet, but engaging and personal. You want to use a conversational tone that keeps the reader interested, not bored with excessive text.
Here are some other things to keep in mind when writing an About page:
Use pronouns like “I” instead of “you” or “we.” Pronouns can make or break the vibe on a page it’s better to use something less formal than “we.”
Use simple language like “I love working with clients who appreciate…” instead of saying something like, “The best part about being in real estate is when you get to work with”
This makes it seem more authentic and personal because you didn’t say “I” but rather “the best part”. If this seems too hard, start by using plural pronouns (e.g., we) because they’re less formal than singular pronouns (e).
When talking about yourself as an agent vs talking about yourself as a person: if someone comes across your website through Google search results for terms related specifically to agents (i.e., “top real estate agents”) then they may have no idea who YOU are!
So write accordingly by referring back specifically towards yourself (i) versus making general statements such as all agents should follow these rules when contacting potential leads/clients etc.
Get Started With A Solid Headline
If you want to write a headline that will catch the eye of your readers and lead them in, here are some guidelines:
Use something catchy. A good headline should be short and snappy, and it should also have an element that makes it stand out from the rest. Think of phrases that are catchy or funny or anything else that stands out from the norm. Just make sure it’s accurate; don’t just throw together words hoping for a good result!
Make sure it’s relevant to the article as well as information about what you’re writing about in general. If you’re writing about real estate investments, then write something like “How To Invest In Real Estate From The Comfort Of Your Home.”
This is something people will want to read because they can do this themselves not only does it explain how real estate investing works but also explains how anyone can get started doing this without having any previous experience with investing at all! It also has relevant keywords within those four words (such as “investment”).
Exploring the world of real estate writing can bring up numerous questions. Our resource on The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Real Estate Writing addresses common inquiries, providing clarity and guidance for those stepping into this field.
Remember that the goal is to get your readers to feel excited about buying a home. Don’t forget to also include details about why this particular property or neighborhood makes sense for them and how it will benefit their family. Finally, remember that you should be writing with your audience in mind at all times and not just when it comes time for them to buy!
Further Reading
Investopedia – Real Estate: Explore the comprehensive guide to real estate concepts and terminology on Investopedia.
HubSpot – Real Estate Business: Discover valuable insights and strategies to grow your real estate business on HubSpot’s sales blog.
Corporate Finance Institute – Commercial Real Estate: Dive into resources related to commercial real estate, provided by Corporate Finance Institute.
What is real estate writing?
Real estate writing involves creating content focused on various aspects of the real estate industry, such as property transactions, market trends, investment strategies, and more.
How can I become a successful real estate writer?
To succeed as a real estate writer, develop a deep understanding of the industry, refine your writing skills, and stay updated on market trends to provide valuable insights to your audience.
Are there any specialized areas within real estate writing?
Yes, real estate writing can cover various niches, including residential properties, commercial real estate, property investment, property management, and real estate marketing.
How do I effectively target my real estate writing to my audience?
Identify your target audience, understand their preferences, needs, and pain points, and tailor your content to provide valuable information and solutions that resonate with them.
What are some key skills needed for real estate writing?
Key skills for real estate writing include research abilities to gather accurate information, the ability to simplify complex real estate concepts, strong storytelling skills, and the capacity to adapt your writing style to different platforms and audiences.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.