If you’re a writer, you know the feeling. You have an idea, but no idea how to turn it into a piece of writing. You know what you want to say but not how to say it.
You have time and ideas, but no structure or direction. Sound familiar? Well, don’t worry it’s a common problem among writers everywhere! That’s why I’m sharing 13 secrets that will help all real estate writers write faster and more effectively:
Takeaways |
1. Apply these 13 secrets to accelerate real estate writing efficiency. |
2. Streamline your writing process for improved productivity. |
3. Enhance your skills to produce compelling real estate content faster. |
4. Utilize practical tips to overcome writer’s block and save time. |
5. Implement strategies to deliver high-quality content more efficiently. |
Be A Math Whiz
When you have to calculate something, use a calculator. If you’re writing a story about the gross rental yield on a property, bring up your spreadsheet tool and figure that out!
If you don’t have access to one of those tools and don’t feel like doing the math by hand, you can set up Word’s AutoSum feature (included in Word 2010 or later) to do all of the heavy liftings for you.
Simply highlight any number within your text and press Alt+F11 for Macs; this will open up an editor window where you can enter formulas and calculations directly into your document. Just copy what’s already there from one cell into another cell it’ll automatically update with new results when needed!
To make things even easier, Excel has built-in functions that allow users to perform simple mathematical operations without having to memorize formulas or remember how many decimal places are required for accuracy in calculations. You don’t need fancy graphing calculators anymore; all anyone needs today is Microsoft Excel installed on their computer!
Understanding the fundamentals is crucial for any real estate writer. To delve deeper, explore our guide on The Basics of Real Estate Writing and grasp the core principles that drive effective real estate content.
Add Up Your Words
A word counter is a tool that allows you to track how many words you’ve written in a given time.
There are many benefits to using a word counter. For example, it can help you write faster because it lets you know how much longer your article needs to be before it’s finished. It can also help ensure that your content is engaging and well-written by showing you where there are areas where the flow of ideas begins to break down or get muddled.
At its core, a word count tool is just another form of feedback for writers, and getting as much unbiased feedback as possible can only make us better at our craft!
Make A List Of Topics
Have you ever looked around and thought, I have too many ideas? Well, that’s what happens when you’re good at something. You get ideas, and then more ideas to go with them. So how do you organize all of these thoughts into a coherent article?
The answer is simple: make a list of topics (or themes) for your articles and stick to it! There are lots of ways to make lists you can use a word processor or spreadsheet or mind mapping tool or even just an outline but whatever method works best for you will help keep the writing process going smoothly.
Crafting an impactful real estate agent bio requires attention to detail and a strategic approach. Discover our insights on taking 7 Steps for Writing a Better Real Estate Agent Bio to create a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.
Bare Your Soul
Don’t be afraid to share your story. Be honest about the things that you have learned and how they have affected your life. It can be something as simple as the lessons you learned from childhood or the way you look at life today, but sharing it will help others connect with what you are saying.
You also need to bare your soul when writing, especially if you want readers who connect with what they read. If there is some part of your story that isn’t flattering or positive, don’t hold back! People respond better when they know exactly who it is behind the words on their screen or page; no one wants someone hiding behind fake praise or criticism either!
Be An Expert
If you are writing about something that you don’t know, it will show in your writing. You will come across as being unsure of yourself and people won’t want to read what you have written.
Instead, become an expert on the subject by doing research and reading everything available on it. If there is some information that isn’t readily available, then try reaching out to experts so they can help fill in the gaps and explain things better than most books ever could.
Being an expert on your topic gives you credibility and makes readers more open to taking advice from someone who has been through it all before versus someone who has just started out learning about real estate investing themselves
Be A Real-Life Documentarian
If you want to write faster, then it’s time for you to become a real-life documentarian.
In other words, your client will be the subject of the footage. This can include:
Take photos and video of them (if they’re willing).
Interview them about their business or property.
Ask them to sign a release form so that you can use their name and face in your article without having to worry about getting sued by them later on down the line for using their name without permission.
Avoiding pitfalls is essential in the world of real estate writing. Our article on The 16 Most Common Mistakes Real Estate Writers Make sheds light on these errors and offers valuable insights to help you refine your craft.
Uncover Multiple Angles On The Story
When you’re writing a story, you may find yourself stuck. Maybe you feel like the angle is too familiar and there’s nothing new to say, or maybe the angle is just plain boring. To solve this problem, try looking at your story from different angles:
The reader’s perspective What will they want to read? This is one of the most common questions writers ask themselves while working on a piece.
The answer depends on many things, including who your target audience is (elderly people vs millennials) and what kind of content they typically consume (fiction vs non-fiction). If your target market doesn’t care much about real estate trends or technology in the industry, then it makes sense for you not to write about those topics either!
The writer’s perspective How can I make my writing better? Every writer wants their articles to be engaging and easy to read.
If something isn’t working in an article that’s written by someone else but could be improved if written by me instead (and vice versa), then I would consider switching up my approach before moving forward with publishing anything under my name that might disappoint readers due to poor quality workmanship or lack thereof like badly edited articles or poorly researched ones!
Having said all that…there are other things too which are important but aren’t quite as obvious when trying hard enough.”
Use Journalistic Techniques
First, let’s review the basics. If you are writing a news story, the inverted pyramid style will be your best friend. This means that you start with what is most important in other words, the conclusion, and then go back to explain how it happened and why it matters. For example:
For years, residents of this small town had complained about their neighbor’s barking dog. But when he moved away and his new neighbors took over the house next door, things got worse than ever before! The town council was powerless to do anything about the noise until today.
This type of structure is good for real estate stories because it gives readers a quick overview of what they should expect to find out later in more detail.
You can also use quotes within these sections (which we’ll discuss later on) or at any other point in your article as they break up long sentences into smaller ones while offering additional details about an idea or person being discussed by your main character or narrator.
In addition to using quotes appropriately throughout journalism-style articles like this one, remember that journalists often rely heavily upon facts provided directly by experts such as doctors who work with cancer patients; lawyers who specialize in immigration law; etcetera).
These people won’t always have time for lengthy interviews so instead reporters often quote them verbatim after conducting brief phone conversations which include only basic questions like “What was your favorite part about working on this case?”
Capturing your audience’s attention is paramount in real estate blogging. Dive into the art of creating engaging ads with our guide on How to Write a Compelling Ad for Your Real Estate Blog and Why It’s Important, and elevate your content to new heights.
Create A Best-Of List
The power of “best-of” lists is well-documented. They are popular and easy to write, which means you can come up with a new one for every topic you cover. They also help readers find out about your blog or website more quickly by featuring it in the list of resources at the end of an article.
A great way to create such a list is to start with some keywords related to your topic (such as “real estate agents”, “home buyers”, etc), then search Google using those keywords and see what comes up on page 1. Use those results as inspiration for other similar content that people might want – if not yours!
Look At History
It’s important to know the trends of your audience, especially if you’re writing for a specific type of person. For example, if you’re writing for young people in their 20s, there’s a good chance they have a lot of disposable income.
You can use this knowledge to your advantage by tailoring your content to appeal to them. If you notice that most of the real estate ads online are geared towards older generations (who usually have more money), then you should probably focus on attracting younger audiences instead.
Research, Research, Research
You can’t write about something you don’t know. This is the most basic rule of writing, but it also happens to be one of the most important. You need to spend time researching your topic before you start writing so that you have a solid understanding of what you are talking about and how best to convey this information in your writing.
Here Are Some Tips For Doing Research
Read articles on the topic(s) that interest you from other websites or magazines (the New York Times, Huffington Post, and Forbes are good options). This will help give you an idea as to what people want from their content, as well as show which topics people want to be covered more often than others. It will also inspire writing ideas!
Conduct interviews with experts in your industry whether they be real estate agents or home buyers who can give insight into how they think about certain topics related to real estate sales/buying process (i.e., “What should I ask my Realtor when looking at houses?”).
Then take notes during these conversations so that later when it comes time for writing up your article(s), they will come in handy while crafting sentences/paragraphs around these points made by these individuals previously interviewed.”
Find Supporting Stories That Can Be Used Around The Main Topic
Find supporting stories that can be used around the main topic.
You need to find supporting stories that can be used around the main topic. You can use the same story multiple times, for different articles and audiences, and purposes (like selling a property in a real estate market or writing an article about how to sell your property).
Enhancing your real estate copywriting skills can set you apart in a competitive market. Discover actionable tips and techniques in our comprehensive article, 15 Ways to Improve Your Real Estate Copywriting, and refine your ability to convey property value and emotion through words.
To Be Successful As A Writer You Need To Know How To Write Fast And Well
The best way to learn how to write faster is by writing faster.
Here are some tips for creating a writing process that helps you get your words down on the page as quickly and efficiently as possible:
Write for 15 minutes every day. This will help you build the habit of writing, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. If you don’t have 15 minutes in your day to spare, try 10 or even 5! Even if it’s only for five seconds at first just put a pen (or fingers) on paper or screen every once in a while with practice there will be progress made soon enough.
Learn how math works so that you can count words and time yourself accurately when writing longer pieces. A good rule of thumb is 1-2 sentences per minute, so if one sentence takes up half an inch of space then 250 words should take somewhere between 7–8 minutes depending on how fast you type!
If you want to be a successful writer, you need to know how to write fast and well. The first step is understanding what makes people click on your content. If they don’t find it interesting or compelling enough then they won’t click through and read what you wrote. That means making sure that every piece of content you write has something unique and valuable that people will want to read about!
Further Reading
Explore these additional resources to deepen your knowledge and skills in real estate writing:
Secrets from Real Estate Insiders: Gain insights from industry experts on strategies for success in real estate.
Mastering Cold Calling in Real Estate: Learn effective techniques for cold calling in the real estate industry.
29 Secrets to Become a Successful Real Estate Investor: Discover expert tips for achieving success as a real estate investor.
What are some insider secrets shared by real estate professionals?
Real estate insiders provide valuable insights and strategies that can help you navigate the industry more effectively and achieve your goals. Check out resources like “Secrets from Real Estate Insiders” for a deeper understanding.
How can I enhance my cold calling skills in the real estate sector?
Improving your cold calling techniques is essential for success in real estate. “Mastering Cold Calling in Real Estate” offers practical advice and strategies to make your cold calls more impactful and productive.
What are the top secrets to becoming a successful real estate investor?
Becoming a successful real estate investor requires a combination of knowledge and strategies. Explore “29 Secrets to Become a Successful Real Estate Investor” to learn from experts who have achieved success in this field.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.