If you’re like me, you probably don’t have any formal training in writing. You’ve learned on the job, by reading other people’s work, and through trial-and-error. And that’s fine! In fact, it’s more than fine. It’s great! But this post isn’t for those of us who are self-taught writers (although we could all benefit from it).
This is for those aspiring writers out there who want to go pro but don’t know how. It can seem like a daunting task: how do I find an audience? How do I get paid? How do I see my name in print? But no one starts with these answers; they happen over time through experience and practice (and sometimes just plain luck). So let’s get started.
Takeaways |
1. Master the basics of real estate writing. |
2. Learn to write compelling agent bios. |
3. Develop essential skills for real estate content. |
4. Improve your real estate copywriting techniques. |
5. Find your first real estate writing opportunities. |
6. Understand the importance of captivating headlines. |
7. Avoid common mistakes made by real estate writers. |
8. Enhance your knowledge of real estate marketing. |
9. Focus on key skills when writing about properties. |
10. Keep refining your craft to excel as a writer. |
Work On Your Writing Skills
As a real estate writer, you’ll have to tell the stories of others and your own. You’ll need to understand the rules that govern storytelling. And most importantly you’ll have to improve your writing skills so that you can write with more clarity and style than ever before.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to improve your writing skills:
Read books on writing good sentences and paragraphs (or even better read them aloud).
Practice writing every day, especially when it comes to engagingly telling stories.
Learn how to break down information into smaller parts so it’s easier for people who don’t know much about what they’re reading yet still want more information on this subject matter (and all subjects matter).
Mastering the basics of real estate writing is crucial for success in the field. Learn about the essential techniques and principles in our comprehensive guide on The Basics of Real Estate Writing to ensure a strong foundation for your writing journey.
Become A Good Property Listener
Being a good listener is the key to being a successful real estate writer. The more you understand what your clients are looking for, the better you can help them find it.
Ask questions and listen intently to what they have to say. Learn about their likes and dislikes, their needs, their goals, and their budget as well as time frames and motivation (for example if it’s strictly for personal use or if there’s an investment element).
You also need to be able to anticipate your client’s needs before asking them directly. For example: Do they want updated appliances or would they prefer a place that looks older?
This will give you insight into what kind of property will appeal most strongly so that when you do come across an opportunity that meets these criteria it’ll stand out from all the others vying for attention in this competitive market!
Become A Good Property Reader
Be a good property reader. Now that you know how much research is involved in being a real estate writer, let’s turn our attention to how you can become a better property reader.
There are several things that you need to look out for when reading through properties listed on the MLS system:
Read the listing thoroughly and make sure that you have all the information about this property so that it will be easy for you to write about it later on. If there are photos provided by sellers, take time looking at them closely so as not lose anything important while writing your article or blog post on their behalf;
Read through descriptions carefully and get familiarized with what they have written because they may contain details that they want potential buyers/tenants to know about before making an offer/renting/buying decisions;
If there are any available videos showcasing different areas inside or outside of homes shown on sale listings then take some time watching these videos as well since this would give viewers more ideas about how things look inside houses listed by real estate agents who belong from Manhattan Beach (California).
Crafting a compelling real estate agent bio can set you apart in the industry. Discover the step-by-step process to create a captivating bio with our article on 7 Steps for Writing a Better Real Estate Agent Bio, and enhance your professional image.
Listen to Your Client’s Needs
When you’re working with a client, you need to listen to their needs. If a client is asking for something that doesn’t make sense to you, ask them questions.
As they talk through their concerns and goals, write down any information they provide to have a better understanding of what they want out of the project.
Asking your clients questions like “Can you tell me more about your goals?” or “What budget do I have available?” will provide insight into what their end goal is and it can also help guide your writing process as well as ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.
Develop A Marketing Plan
The first step in creating the marketing plan is to think about your audience and what they want. Who will be reading your posts? What kind of information do they need?
How can you deliver it in an interesting, engaging way that keeps them coming back for more? Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to get into the details of how you’ll make this happen.
- Describe what success looks like for your business
- What are your goals for the next 6 months, year, and 3 years?
- How much money do you want to make each month/year/$$$$ over the next 3 years?
Develop A Real Estate Niche
A niche is a very specific topic that you want to write about and specialize in. While you don’t want to be too narrow (you do want some variety in your content), it’s important that you pick something that interests you and relates to your life. This will help you write with more passion, which will come through in the articles themselves.
Real estate niches can range from how-to guides on buying or selling homes to stories about relevant current events affecting the real estate market. For example:
- Selling Your Home: Tips for Getting Top Dollar for Your Property
- 5 Important Things You Should Know About Buying A New House
- 10 Secrets of Luxury Real Estate Agents
Writing about real estate requires specific skills to effectively convey information. Explore the essential attributes you need in our guide on The 10 Most Important Skills When Writing About Real Estate, and sharpen your abilities for impactful real estate content.
Establish An Online Presence
To succeed as a real estate writer, you need to have an online presence. This means having:
A website that is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. It should be packed with useful content written by you and others. One way to get started is by using a blog platform that allows you to create your domain name (e.g., “www.YOURDOMAINNAMEHERE.com”).
You could also use WordPress or Squarespace if you prefer more flexibility over ease of use. If it’s just too daunting for now, there are plenty of free websites option out there just make sure the one you choose has great SEO so Google knows where all your best stuff lives!
A social media presence on Twitter and Facebook where people can follow along with what’s going on in your life (and vice versa). Don’t think just because someone follows doesn’t mean they’re interested in every single thing about your day there will be plenty of time later when they’ll want even MORE info from YOU!
So don’t worry about posting every little detail right away; instead, focus on telling stories through pictures and videos rather than long text blocks at first that way people will stay engaged longer before feeling overwhelmed or bored (which tends to happen pretty quickly).
Then gradually introduce new ideas into those same posts over time so each post feels fresh again even though nothing changed except for how much knowledge about investing/real estate now exists inside everyone who reads these things regularly (including me!). That being said, don’t forget how important it is
Write On Social Media Regularly
One of the most important things you can do to succeed as a real estate writer is to write on social media regularly. This means posting at least once per day (but more often is best) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Google+, and don’t forget about YouTube.
Let your audience know what you’re up to. Share your content with them through hashtags and emojis that are relevant to what you’re posting about: whether it’s an article topic or a photo from your latest open house tour!
Write Blog Posts Regularly
This is the biggest secret of all, but it’s also the most obvious: if you want to be a successful writer, you need to write regular blog posts. And not just any old blog post you need to write good ones!
The key is to do this regularly at least once per week or twice per month. You don’t have to work in terms of weeks/months; maybe you can commit yourself weekly or monthly or quarterly (or whatever works for your schedule).
Once you decide how often and for how long, set up a system so that writing becomes part of your routine and doesn’t take extra time away from other things in life like family responsibilities and career advancement opportunities.
Effective copywriting is a cornerstone of successful real estate communication. Elevate your copywriting techniques with our comprehensive tips found in 15 Ways to Improve Your Real Estate Copywriting, and create engaging content that captures your audience’s attention.
Write Articles For Real Estate Magazines Or Websites Monthly
If you’re looking to make money as a real estate writer, writing articles for magazines or websites is one of the best ways.
It’s also one of the most accessible ways to start making money as a real estate writer because you don’t need special experience or a lot of contacts to get started. The key is finding the right publication and pitching an article that matches their needs.
Here Are Some Ideas
Pick up copies of local newspapers and read them for articles about real estate topics (for example, tips on buying investment properties). Take note of which ones have been well-written and try to emulate those writers’ styles when submitting your pieces.
Search online for “real estate magazine” in Google News; find any publications that seem like they might be open to publishing articles by authors who haven’t established professionals with years of experience under their belts (and so charge less per word).
When sending out queries via email or postal mail, keep things brief and professional don’t get too personal or go overboard with your compliments about how great this publication is!
Once you land an assignment with one outlet, use it as leverage when approaching others: they’ll know they’re getting someone whose work has already been vetted by another publication so there won’t be any risk involved in getting started right away without having met up beforehand.”
Attend Relevant Events And Network With Colleagues
Attending relevant events and networking with colleagues is a great way to build your reputation as a real estate writer, and also attract clients.
There are many different types of events you can attend: local events, national events, and even virtual conferences.
You should also consider attending industry-specific events where you will have the opportunity to network with other industry professionals who share similar interests as you do.
You may want to consider joining professional organizations such as the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) or the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC).
These organizations offer memberships at different levels so that they can help give members access to special education programs, publications, and other benefits like discounts on insurance products.
You’ll want what everyone else wants when it comes down here – something that stands out from all others in its category (iTunes vs Spotify).
Make Friends With The Media And Journalists
The media and journalists are an important part of your real estate writing career. They’re your key to getting your work featured, which is how you can grow your visibility as a writer.
So how do you make friends with the media? You have to network! This means:
Attending events, like conferences and seminars, where journalists are likely to be present (or at least know about).
Get yourself out there and write articles that showcase your skills and experience in real estate writing. The more people who know who you are, the better!
Finding your first real estate writing gig can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Explore practical advice and strategies in our article on 15 Tips on How to Find Your First Real Estate Writing Gig, and embark on your journey towards a successful writing career in the real estate industry.
Study Real Estate Market Data
One of the most important things you can do to succeed as a real estate writer is to understand the market. It’s a good idea to keep up with the latest trends, such as average listing prices or what areas are seeing the most competition. You can find this data in your local MLS (multiple listing service) and on sites like Zillow, Trulia, and Redfin.
Once you have some information about what’s happening in your neighborhood or town, it’s time to analyze it! Look at how long houses stay on the market; if they’re selling faster than usual then there might be more demand than supply for property in that area.
Or maybe more listings are coming onto the market than usual this could mean that sellers are feeling confident about their asking prices and willing to list their homes earlier than planned.
Once you’ve analyzed these statistics from multiple sources over time (not just one month), take note of any changes so that next year’s analysis will be even easier!
Take Good Photos Of Properties You’re Writing About
When you’re writing about a property, you must take good photos of the place. Your readers will want to see what the house looks like as well as read your words and get an idea of how much it costs.
As a writer, you can take pictures yourself or hire someone else to do it for you. It’s always better if there is an actual photographer involved instead of just using stock photos from Google Images. In addition to taking high-quality photos that are relevant to the article, make sure they are in focus and well lit before posting them online!
Research The Market Thoroughly Before Writing An Article Or Posting Something On Social Media About It
When you write an article or post something on social media about a topic, it’s important to do your research.
Research the market thoroughly before writing an article or posting something on social media about it. Make sure that you are writing about something that people will be interested in and/or able to relate to.
Ask As Many Questions As Possible About The Property For Sale Or Rent
As a real estate writer, you must know as much about the property for sale or rent as possible. You want to understand your client’s needs, expectations, budget, and marketing plan before writing a single word.
If you don’t ask enough questions, it will be difficult for you to write an effective real estate article that will get people excited about buying or renting the property in question.
Discuss With Your Client The Selling Points Of Their Property
When you are discussing the selling points of your client’s property with them, keep in mind that they may have a different perspective than you. As a real estate writer, your job is to write about your property and help potential buyers see all that it has to offer.
Your clients, on the other hand, are more likely to be fixated on flaws than features. So don’t take anything personally just ask questions!
When talking with clients about their homes or properties for sale, be prepared for some possible reactions:
They might get frustrated if they’ve been trying to sell it themselves and think “I told you so.” Try not to take this personally; after all, no one likes being told how something could be better when they’ve already been trying their best! Being open-minded about new ideas and suggestions from your client could make all the difference in getting them out there into the market faster.
To sum up, there is no easy way to become a successful real estate writer.
It takes time and effort to develop your skills, but with the tips we’ve outlined here, you can get started on your path toward becoming a professional writer who helps people sell or rent their properties. Remember that it’s important to listen closely to clients’ needs to understand what they want from an article or post and then deliver on those expectations.
Further Reading
If you’re looking to dive deeper into the world of real estate success, here are some additional resources to explore:
Top 29 Secrets to Become a Successful Real Estate Investor Short Description: Uncover the insider secrets that can pave your way to success as a real estate investor.
Habits of Successful Real Estate Investors Short Description: Learn about the habits that differentiate successful real estate investors from the rest of the pack.
Becoming a Successful Real Estate Agent Short Description: Discover the key factors that contribute to becoming a successful real estate agent.
How can I become a successful real estate investor?
Becoming a successful real estate investor involves a combination of thorough market research, financial planning, risk management, and networking within the industry. It’s essential to continuously educate yourself about the real estate market and trends.
What are some habits of successful real estate investors?
Successful real estate investors often exhibit habits such as disciplined financial management, consistent property analysis, a willingness to take calculated risks, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
What skills should a successful real estate agent possess?
A successful real estate agent should possess excellent communication and negotiation skills, a deep understanding of the local real estate market, strong networking abilities, and the capacity to provide exceptional customer service to clients.
How can I stand out as a real estate agent?
To stand out as a real estate agent, focus on building strong relationships with clients based on trust and integrity. Leveraging effective marketing strategies, staying up-to-date with industry trends, and continuously improving your skills can also set you apart.
What are some common pitfalls to avoid in real estate investing?
Common pitfalls in real estate investing include inadequate due diligence, overestimating property values, neglecting to account for maintenance and repair costs, and failing to have a contingency plan for unexpected events. Proper research and careful planning can help mitigate these risks.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.