News Writing Tips For The Web? (Expert Thoughts)

When I was a kid, my mom would always tell me that I had to write news articles for school the same way she wrote them for work. She worked as a reporter at a small-town newspaper, so her standards were pretty high. 

To her, “news” meant very specific things: it had to be short and factual; it had to be accurate, and it couldn’t contain any plot twists or surprises. 

As much as we’ve all come to love scrolling through Instagram Stories and Snapchat Discover feeds in recent years (and trust me, we have), these apps have given us permission to embrace our inner fiction writers when crafting stories for their audiences and who knows? 

Maybe someday soon you’ll find yourself writing fictional novels about what’s happening in your city instead of just reporting on it!

What is Newswriting? – YouTube
1. Write concise and attention-grabbing headlines.
2. Structure your content with the inverted pyramid method.
3. Use short paragraphs and sentences for easy readability.
4. Include relevant images and multimedia to enhance engagement.
5. Prioritize accuracy and credibility in your news reporting.
6. Optimize your content for search engines (SEO).
7. Encourage social sharing and reader interactions.
8. Format your content for mobile devices.
9. Maintain a consistent brand voice in your writing.
10. Stay updated with the latest news writing trends and best practices.

Headlines Are Key

Headlines are key to getting people to read your story. They’re the first thing and sometimes only thing a reader sees, so you want them to be as compelling as possible. If readers don’t click on your headline, you’ve lost them forever.

But just because headlines are important doesn’t mean they have to be accurate or even true. For example, this story’s headline would have been much more eye-catching if it had read: “9-Year-Old Boy Found Dead in Bathtub.” 

However, it did not say that; in fact there was no nine-year-old boy found dead in a bathtub anywhere near my house today unless you count my cat Frankie who I think might have gotten into some bad meatballs while we were out of town last week and then died from food poisoning before I could get him medical assistance.

Headlines should also be short and snappy not like the one above which is way too long for anyone’s attention span (even mine). 

My advice for writing good headlines is always try using words like “OMG!” or “LOL!” instead of something like “I’m sorry about what happened with Frankie but at least now we can eat whatever he ate without worrying about poisoning ourselves!”

Writing a compelling blog article is an art that every content creator should master. If you want to know the secrets of crafting engaging blog posts, check out our guide on How to Write a Blog Article: Tips from a Pro to elevate your blogging game.

Keep Stories Short, To The Point, And Easy To Read

In web copy, the shorter and sweeter you can make your story, the better. Keep in mind that people are browsing on their phones or laptops while trying to multitask, so you don’t want to make them work too hard.

To keep it brief and easy to read, avoid jargon and acronyms. Instead of using full words like “aforementioned” or “hereby,” write out more commonly understood phrases like “said” and “in this case.”

To break up long paragraphs into bite-sized chunks, use bullet points instead of full sentences or even better yet: subheadings! 

This will help readers navigate through your story more easily by giving them a clearer idea of where they are at in the article (which is especially important if there’s multiple parts).

Keep sentences short by avoiding unnecessary words such as “very” or “really.” You can also reduce word count by replacing conjunctions with pronouns (they/them/their).

Since they don’t add any new information but simply repeat what has already been said several times over again in previous sentences. 

Don’t forget our old friend ‘I’ from English 101 either: rather than saying something like “The writer should avoid using passive voice because…” try something more direct like “…the writer should avoid using passive voice because…”

Drop Video And Interactive Elements Into Your Story

You can also use video to engage readers. If you have the resources and the time, consider developing a short interactive video to accompany your story. It’s a great way to tell a story, illustrate an important point and explain complex issues.

Headlines are the gatekeepers of your content,” said every expert copywriter ever. Learn how to create attention-grabbing headlines with our comprehensive guide on A Guide to Writing Headlines that Work: Expert Advice, and watch your readership soar.

Embrace A Different Cadence Of News

One of the most important skills to develop as a news writer is the ability to communicate in a way that feels natural to your audience. While there are many things you should keep in mind when crafting your stories, none of them will matter if you can’t connect with your readers.

One way to do that? Embrace a different cadence of news than what you’re used to. News writing for the web isn’t just text on a page anymore it’s also video clips, images, interactive elements and more. 

For example: If an earthquake hits and causes widespread damage, you may write about it for television but not include any images or video at all because they would take up too much screen space.

And make it hard for viewers who don’t have cable TV service (or any kind) to access them easily on their phones or tablets while sitting around waiting out aftershocks; 

But when writing those same details up online where people often prefer shorter paragraphs so they don’t have to read paragraphs all day long before finishing one article.

You’ll need some type of visual element because otherwise people won’t know what exactly happened during this time period even though they’ve just been told about how many buildings were damaged by these tremors.”

Tell Stories Visually

Images can be used to tell a story, illustrate your point and break up text. Here are some ways to use images in your next news story:

Great writers are voracious readers, and if you want to improve your writing skills, you need to delve into the world of literature. Discover the power of reading in enhancing your writing abilities with our article on How to Improve Your Writing by Reading Great Books and open the doors to better writing.

Tell Stories Visually

Images are a great way for readers to understand what’s happening in the world around them. If you have an image that illustrates a particular topic or event, use it! 

For example, let’s say you’re writing about the Super Bowl and want to show people exactly where their favorite team is from on the map. 

You could do this by placing pins on the map where each team calls home (or play). Images like these are easily understood by readers at a glance and make it easier for them to visualize what’s being discussed.[See More]

Move Away From Textual Anchors, Towards Tapestries

In addition to the text of a story, you can include other elements that help illustrate what’s happening in the world.

Images: Images are an excellent way to add visual interest and context to a story. You can use images taken by yourself or others (with permission).

Audio: Audio is another great way to set the scene for readers – whether it’s recording interviews with people on the ground or using music from their region, it will help tie together your story and make them feel like they’re really there with you!

Video: Videos have become more and more prevalent on social media over recent years but news organizations are still catching up! 

If possible try filming some video segments for your next project so readers have something extra special waiting for them when they click through from Twitter/Facebook etc.. 

Just remember not all platforms can play video natively so if you’re planning on posting directly onto Facebook remember to preview first before hitting publish!

Understand The Role Of Social Media In News Consumption

Social media has become a key distribution channel for news, with Facebook and Twitter serving as the most popular platforms. This is particularly important because social media is also a key source of news for many people: 

One study found that 92% of Americans get their news from social media at least sometimes, with Twitter being used by 25% of all Americans at least once in a given week; 

Another study found that younger people are more likely to get their news from social media than older ones (50% vs. 45%, respectively). 

Given these facts, it’s clear that staying on top of how journalists use different platforms (including your own!) will make you more competitive as a writer.

Crafting an irresistible blog article title and meta description can significantly impact your content’s click-through rate. Dive into our guide on A Guide to Writing Great Blog Article Title & Meta Description to learn the art of attracting readers with enticing titles and meta descriptions.

Create Story-Driven Visualizations

Visualizations can be a powerful way to tell stories on the web. The visual medium is ideal for showing data and making connections between facts, figures, trends, and other information. 

Visualizations also give journalists an opportunity to convey what’s happening in a way that’s easy for readers to understand.

As a journalist, you should know how to create data-based visualizations on your own or work with a designer who can do it for you. 

In addition, you should understand how to use infographics and other types of visuals in your reporting and why they’re important when telling news stories online.

News May Have New Authority, But That Doesn’t Mean It Hasn’t Always Been Partly Fiction

There is a long history of news being embellished or even completely fabricated for entertainment purposes. In the 18th century, newspapers would often publish reports about ghosts in haunted houses to boost circulation and sales. 

Some of these stories were true, others were made-up by journalists trying to make a buck with their readers’ gullibility. In either case, it’s clear that there has always been more than one way to report the news and that might be why we’re so fascinated by fictionalized journalism today.

Look For New Ways To Explain (And Visualize) Complex Topics

Visualization is a powerful tool for explaining complex topics. It helps readers see patterns, relationships, and structures in data that might otherwise be difficult to grasp. 

Visualization is also an effective way of understanding the dynamics of topics that are constantly changing or evolving.

To use visualization effectively in your news stories, you’ll need to do more than just slap some charts on the page and call it a day. 

You should think carefully about what kind of visualization best suits the topic you’re covering and it’s worth experimenting with different tools until you find one that works well for you!

News writing requires a unique set of skills to deliver information effectively. Unlock the secrets of writing news articles with our comprehensive How to Write a News Article: The Unofficial Guide and become a pro at reporting and engaging your audience.


I’m not suggesting that you give up on writing long-form articles, or even that you abandon the role of a dedicated reporter. You can still be a hero in this world and your stories will still matter. 

But at the same time, we need to recognize that not everyone has the time or patience for long-form reading and that may actually be okay! 

The web has changed how we get news and share it with each other, but those changes shouldn’t mean abandoning an old-school journalistic approach. It just means understanding what works in this new environment and adapting accordingly.

Further Reading

Writing for the Web: Tips for Creating Compelling Online Content: Enhance your online writing skills with practical tips and strategies tailored for web content creation.

Content Writing Tips from Experts: Master the Art of Engaging Content: Learn from industry experts and improve your content writing prowess with these valuable insights.

Writing for the Web vs. Print: Key Differences You Need to Know: Discover the fundamental distinctions between writing for the web and print, and how to adapt your writing style accordingly.


What are some essential tips for writing compelling web content?

Creating compelling web content involves understanding your target audience, utilizing clear and concise language, incorporating visuals, and structuring content for easy readability.

How can I make my content more engaging for online readers?

To engage online readers, use storytelling techniques, include interactive elements, foster conversations with the audience through comments, and encourage social sharing.

What are the key SEO considerations when writing content for the web?

Optimize your web content with relevant keywords, meta tags, and internal linking to improve its search engine visibility and reach a broader audience.

How can I maintain a consistent brand voice in my online writing?

Establish brand guidelines for tone, style, and language to ensure a consistent voice across all your online content, reflecting your brand’s identity.

Is it essential to format my web content for mobile devices?

Yes, with the increasing use of mobile devices, formatting your web content for mobile responsiveness is crucial to provide a seamless user experience for all visitors.