Headlines are the first thing potential readers see when they visit your blog or website, so it’s important that they get the right impression.
While writing headlines may seem like a straightforward task, there are a lot of factors that go into creating one that works well.
To help you figure out how to craft an effective headline, we’ve put together this list of tips and tricks for writing headlines that can make all the difference.
Takeaways |
1. Headlines play a crucial role in capturing readers’ attention. |
2. Understanding the target audience is essential for effective headlines. |
3. Use strong language and highlight content benefits in headlines. |
4. Incorporate relevant keywords for better SEO and search rankings. |
5. Avoid clickbait tactics and misleading headlines for credibility. |
6. A/B test different headlines to identify the most engaging ones. |
Make Sure Your Headline Is Well Written
If you want your headline to be effective, it needs to be well-written. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should also have a purpose: what is the reader supposed to do after reading this headline? Is it meant as an invitation or an announcement?
Does it contain any specific instructions for how to draft a response (e.g., “tell us why you love our company”)?
You can check these elements by reviewing past headlines that worked well and asking yourself: What was different about those headlines? Why did they work when others didn’t? What were the key differences between them and this one I’m working on now?
Also, check for grammar mistakes; spelling errors; punctuation mistakes (e.g., missing commas); too long or too short; boring or unclear language;
Not enough information about what’s being offered/promised in exchange for participation (“Tell us why you love our company” doesn’t tell us anything else but that).
Writing great blog article titles and meta descriptions is essential for attracting readers and improving search engine visibility. Learn how to craft compelling titles and meta descriptions with our comprehensive guide on A Guide to Writing Great Blog Article Title & Meta Description.
Be Consistent With Your Headline’s Style
When writing headlines, the first thing to keep in mind is consistency. It’s tempting to change your style depending on the topic of your post or even its tone but this can end up confusing readers and turning them off from reading any further.
Instead of trying too hard to match your headline with the rest of your content (say, if you’re writing a more somber article), just go with something that sounds good in isolation: no fancy words or phrases necessary!
Make Sure Your Headline Is Specific
When you’re writing headlines, make sure they are specific.
This means using words that people can relate to, and not vague words like “a” or “the.” Instead of saying “A Guide To Writing Headlines That Work,” say something like “How To Write A Headline That Gets People Reading.”
Another example: instead of saying “The Best Way To Make Your Content Go Viral,” say something like “How You Can Get 20k Views On Your Video By Using This Simple Trick.”
It also helps if your headline is clear and easy to understand. Don’t use words like this or that this is confusing and makes your headline less readable than it could be!
Want to enhance your blog post writing skills? Discover the quickest way to improve your writing with tips and techniques from our expert guide on The Quickest Way to Improve Your Blog Post Writing.
Make Sure Your Headline Gives Details
You should make sure that your headline details what the post is about. This can be accomplished in one of two ways:
State the topic of a given post. “How to clean your oven” or “The best way to cook quinoa” are both good examples of this approach.
Be more general and leave some room for interpretation, allowing people to discover what’s inside by clicking through.
For example, if you have a recipe for chicken tacos that uses chipotle peppers as an ingredient, it’s okay to use something like: “Crisp-skinned chicken tacos with smoky chipotle sauce.”
Make Sure Your Headline Tells What The Post Is About
Your headline is your first chance to inform readers about the content of your post. Make sure it tells them what the post is about!
Specifically, make sure that:
- Your headline is specific it should tell readers exactly what they’re going to learn in this post.
- Your headline is short and easy to read. Shorter headlines are more likely to capture attention than longer ones. In general, aim for 20 characters or fewer if possible (though this isn’t an iron-clad rule).
- Your headline sounds interesting enough that people want to click into your article, rather than just scan past it in their feeds without any intention of reading further.
Make Sure Your Headline Can Stand On Its Own
Your headline should be able to stand on its own.
It’s important to make sure that your headline can stand on its own because this is what will make people click on your article and read it.
The first thing you should do is make sure that the headline can tell someone what the post is about. If someone reads your headline and thinks, “I know exactly what this article is going to be about!” then you are doing well.
The second thing you want to do is make sure that the headline can be read as a stand-alone sentence: “How To Write Headlines That Work” means nothing if I haven’t read anything else (and especially not if there are no other words after it).
So make sure it reads like one complete thought with some kind of verb in there at least! You don’t need a lot of detail yet but try not to leave too much out either; it’s still very important right now.
Because we’re just building up knowledge here before moving onto more advanced topics like storytelling techniques or even best practice advice for social media influencers like myself 🙂
Planning and strategy are key to successful article writing. Unleash your writing potential with our guide on A Guide to Creating an Article Writing Strategy – My Experience, and take your content to new heights.
Make Sure Your Headline Fits The Tone Of The Rest Of Your Content
The tone of a piece is often established by its opening paragraph, so if you write an article that’s meant to be serious (like an editorial), it’s probably wise to stick with a more high-minded and dignified headline.
On the other hand, if you’re writing something humorous or silly (like satire), then it makes sense to keep that spirit going with your choice of words in the first sentence.
Think about how you feel when you encounter different kinds of headlines on Twitter: do they match what was written in the tweet itself? If not, does that affect whether or not you click through?
Make Sure Your Headline Makes A Promise
A promise is a statement of what will happen if the reader clicks on your headline. A promise includes both the benefit (what someone gets out of it) and how that benefit is achieved.
For example:
- “Get 10% off your next order”
- “Save money on everything you buy at this store”
- “Learn how to better manage your finances”
Make Sure Your Headline Fits Your Voice
Your voice is the way you communicate your ideas. It’s the style, personality, tone, and attitude that come through in everything you write and it’s up to you to make sure it works for what you’re trying to say.
A good headline should reflect your brand and its point of difference so if your voice is quirky and fun, then a headline like “How To Make A Million Dollars” isn’t going to be right for you.
Master the art of writing captivating articles with our unofficial guide on How to Write an Article – The Unofficial Guide. Uncover insider tips and techniques to engage your readers and deliver compelling content.
Answer Some “Wh” Questions In It
The 5W’s & H framework is a useful tool for writing headlines. This framework is based on the idea that you can answer five questions with the first letters of each word (who, what, when, where, why).
This method works well because it gives your headline a conversational tone. You’re asking a question and answering it right away in an easy-to-understand way.
When people read your headline they’ll be able to easily understand what you’re looking for because you’ve already told them!
Use Common Words And Phrases Everyone Can Relate To In It
You want your headlines to be relatable, so you should use words and phrases that everyone can relate to.
Words like: “why” and “how” are common words that people use in everyday conversation. Words like this make it easy for readers to relate to what you’re saying.
This approach is also a good way of making sure your writing doesn’t get too long-winded or complicated since it’s much easier for people to read shorter sentences when they don’t have time on their hands (and who does?).
Keeping things short and sweet is always good advice if you’re trying to communicate something clearly without confusing anyone along the way.
Use Numbers And Lists In It
If you want to emphasize the importance of something, try using numbers. For example:
- “The 4 best places for food in [name of city]”
- “The 7 most important things parents should know about raising children”
If you want to break up text into bite-sized chunks, use lists. Lists can be useful for breaking up large blocks of text, or for showing how many different types of things are included in a topic:
Give Advice In It
Another way to make your headline work is by giving advice. It’s an effective strategy because it helps people, helps you and your company, helps your customers, and helps your employees.
Examples of headlines that give advice:
- “How To Do This Thing You Want To Do”
- “Here’s How To Get The Results You Want”
- “7 Ways To Achieve Greatness In Your Life”
If You Make A Good Headline, People Will Want To Read What You Have To Say
When it comes to writing, headlines are the most important part of your content. They are what people see first, and they’re what people share. They’re also what people read and remember and perhaps most importantly, they’re what gets you clicks.
After all, if you make a good headline that’s compelling enough for someone to click on and read your article (or watch your video or listen to your podcast), that person will be much more likely to engage with everything else that you have to offer as well.
In short: headlines matter!
Crafting catchy blog titles is an art that can set your content apart. Learn the expert overview on Ways to Write Catchy Blog Titles and attract more readers with attention-grabbing headlines.
In short, the best headlines are well-written and give readers an idea of what will be in your post. A good headline can make or break your content, so take time to perfect it before you publish.
Further Reading
How to Write Headlines That Work: Learn the art of crafting headlines that captivate your audience and drive engagement.
Headline Writing Tips for On-Page SEO: Discover effective strategies to optimize headlines for better search engine rankings.
Mastering the Art of Headline Writing: Get expert insights on writing compelling headlines that boost click-through rates and conversions.
How can I write headlines that grab readers’ attention?
Crafting attention-grabbing headlines involves understanding your target audience, using strong language, and highlighting the benefits of your content.
Are there any SEO tips for headline writing?
Yes, incorporating relevant keywords in your headlines and keeping them concise can improve your on-page SEO and search engine rankings.
What are some common headline writing mistakes to avoid?
Avoid vague or misleading headlines, clickbait tactics, and overused clichés to ensure your headlines resonate with readers.
How important are headlines in content marketing?
Headlines are crucial in content marketing as they are the first impression of your content and can significantly impact click-through rates.
Should I test different headlines for my content?
Yes, A/B testing different headlines can help you identify which ones resonate best with your audience and drive higher engagement.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.