How To Write A Press Release That Gets Media Coverage

A press release is the best way to get your company’s name out there. When done right, it can help you gain new business leads and increase awareness of your brand. However, too many companies make the mistake of writing weak press releases that don’t get picked up by journalists or bloggers.

Here are five tips that will help you write an effective press release:

How to Write a Press Release (Free Template) – YouTube
Craft a compelling and attention-grabbing headline.
Focus on the most important information in the lead paragraph.
Highlight the newsworthiness and relevance of your story.
Use clear and concise language to convey your message.
Provide quotes and statistics to add credibility to your press release.
Include contact information for media inquiries.
Tailor your press release to the interests of your target journalists.
Proofread and edit thoroughly to eliminate errors and typos.
Utilize multimedia elements such as images or videos when relevant.
Follow up with journalists to gauge their interest and offer additional information if needed.

Organize Your Thoughts

Before you start writing, it’s important to organize your thoughts. You want to make sure that your press release is organized in a logical order that tells a story and makes sense to others. This will help make it easy for the media to understand and write about your story, increasing the chances of getting selected for coverage.

Here are some tips for organizing your thoughts:

Think about what you want to say before actually writing it down. Determine how much information you need (or don’t need) to get across what’s important about your story or event. If there’s anything else related but not as relevant, consider whether or not it should be included at all: if so, where does it belong?

Organize things like facts and quotes into paragraphs with titles that highlight their importance within the piece as a whole; these titles should also be written in boldface so they stand out from other text when viewed online. 

This strategy keeps readers engaged while providing them with direction along with helpful context clues about why certain things appear in certain places within this particular piece of content which helps keep readers’ attention focused on key points made throughout each article without losing interest due to multiple unrelated details being thrown at them all at once!

Crafting a press release that truly stands out requires attention to detail and a strategic approach. Explore our article on 17 Tips for Putting Together a Press Release to learn valuable insights into creating impactful press releases.

Write a Strong Headline

When it comes to writing headlines, you want to make sure that you start with a strong one. A good headline is short, catchy, and relevant. It should also be concise, unique, and clear.

The most common mistake made by people who are new to writing press releases is that their headlines lack any kind of meaning or appeal. This can happen when writers forget what their objective is: to get media coverage for your business or organization through press releases distribution services like PRWeb or Business Wire.

Craft Your Lead Paragraph

Your lead paragraph should include a brief overview of what your story is about and why it’s so important.

This is also the part where you include quotes from an expert on the topic, like an academic in your field or an industry leader. Make sure that you use someone who can speak authoritatively about your subject matter; if you don’t have access to such experts, go ahead and reach out to them anyway they may know someone who can help!

If there are any quotes from people within your business (like executives), make sure they’re well-written and placed appropriately into context. 

You don’t want readers wondering whether these are actual human beings saying these things; make them sound like normal human beings by having them answer qualitative questions about the topic at hand: “Why did we choose this particular method?” rather than “I think…”

When it comes to getting your press release noticed and shared widely, there are certain techniques that can make a significant difference. Discover how to create press releases that go viral by checking out our comprehensive guide.

Add Quotes When Possible

If you can, add quotes from experts and other people who have relevant experience to the topic of your press release. This will make your press release sound more authoritative and credible.

Quotes are a great way to help readers understand how important a product or service is by having someone else confirm it. 

Quotes also help create an emotional connection between the reader and your brand that enhances the story being told. However, don’t makeup quotes if you don’t have any! If you really want to add a quote but can’t find one, just leave them out altogether!

Include Contact Information

If you’re not including contact information in your press release, who will call you? This should be obvious, but it’s worth repeating. You need to include your phone number and email address in your press release. 

A website is also helpful (if you have one). If you don’t have a website yet or if it’s just going up at the same time as your press release add social media handles so that journalists can ask questions or find more information on Twitter and Facebook.

Writing effective press releases for startups requires a unique approach. Our article on 9 Tips for Writing Press Releases for Startups provides valuable insights tailored to the specific needs and challenges of startup companies.

Stick To The Facts

It’s tempting to get creative with press releases, but stick to the facts and include as little opinion as possible. The goal of a press release is to get your company noticed by journalists and bloggers, who will then write about you or interview you for their blog posts or articles. 

That doesn’t mean that every word in the press release has to be completely factual feel free to add in a few statements like “we are excited about our new product” or “we are proud of our recent funding round.” 

However, avoid including any quotes from friends and family members alike (this includes yourself) because they aren’t unbiased sources of information.

The same goes for speculation if you want people writing about your company, keep all of your commentaries rooted firmly in reality (i.e., don’t say things like “Our new widget will revolutionize home building forever”). And finally: Don’t quote dogs!

Avoid Excessive Self-Promotion

The other thing to keep in mind is that the goal of a press release isn’t just to get coverage. You should also use it as an opportunity to promote yourself and your company. But you don’t want to go overboard here, either. If you try too hard, reporters will be put off by your shameless self-promotion and won’t give you the kind of attention you’re looking for.

So how do you strike a balance between promoting yourself and getting media coverage? There are no hard and fast rules, but here are some guidelines on what works best:

Don’t be afraid to promote yourself or your company if it’s appropriate for the story at hand; just don’t make it all about them!

Don’t be afraid to promote products or services that are relevant to the story; just don’t make it all about them!

End With A Call-To-Action

Now that you’ve got a good idea of how to write a press release, it’s time to end with a call to action.

Ask for a response. Is there anything the reader can do with your story? Do they want more information? Are they interested in talking with you, or would they like you to contact them? 

Make sure that at the end of your announcement, there’s something concrete that they can do next something other than just reading some text. 

If someone wants more information about your product or service, let them know where they can find it and make sure that it’s easy for them to do so. 

A good way to do this is by including an email address in the body of your release (preferably at the bottom) that includes either “info” or “contact us” somewhere within it. You may also include details about who should respond (for example media inquiries only).

Ask for feedback from readers and potential customers. You don’t have access to everyone who will see your press release so asking people directly what they think is one way around this problem and also allows them to provide feedback which could help improve future releases! 

It isn’t necessary though so if no one answers then consider adding this feature later once there are more opportunities available such as through social media platforms like Facebook groups where members could post comments directly onto posts.

instead of sending emails back-and-forth all day long trying to get replies while juggling multiple responsibilities simultaneously such as work commitments etcetera ad infinitum.”

Gaining media coverage through press releases is a powerful strategy for small businesses. Dive into our exploration of 7 Things I Learned Writing 1000 Press Releases for Small Businesses to glean practical tips from real-world experience.

Add Boilerplate Text About Your Business

It’s not uncommon for boilerplate text to be the first thing that a journalist sees when they open your press release.

Boilerplate text is the same copy that you use in all of your press releases, and it typically includes the company logo, contact information (phone number and email), slogan or tagline, and sometimes a link back to your website.

The good news is that this information should already be on hand so adding it to your next press release will only take a few extra minutes.

This information should generally be in a small font size at the bottom of each page of your document under the “Company Profile” or “Contact Details” sections.

Know What You’re Promoting And How You Want It Covered In The Press

Know what you’re promoting

The first thing to do is make sure you have a good idea of what it is you want to promote. You may be running an event, releasing a new product or service, launching a book, and so on.

Know how you want it covered in the press

Knowing who your target audience is and understanding which media outlets are relevant will help you decide where to send your press release and how best to pitch it.

Know what you want to say

Some people write their entire press releases before they start pitching them out; others write as they go along (I’m one of these people). Either way, knowing what the main points are that need communicating when pitching your story helps focus attention on key messages rather than rambling on about irrelevant details.

Know how to say it

Getting the right press coverage can be a game-changer for your business. Learn how to effectively utilize press releases with insights from our guide on How to Get Press Coverage with a Press Release and pave the way for increased visibility and success.


Now that you have all the information you need to write a great press release, it’s time to go out and make your marketing dreams come true. We hope this post has given you some insight into what goes into crafting an effective PR piece. It’s not always easy, but with the right strategy and approach, it can be done!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further enhancing your press release writing skills:

Writing Press Releases: A Comprehensive Guide: Explore this comprehensive guide on writing effective press releases to improve your PR strategy.

Press Release Template and Tips: HubSpot offers a detailed press release template and valuable tips to help you craft impactful releases.

How to Write a Press Release: The Ultimate Guide: Shopify’s ultimate guide provides step-by-step instructions for writing press releases that get noticed.


How do I write a press release that stands out?

Crafting a press release that stands out involves focusing on a compelling headline, concise writing, and a strong lead paragraph that captures the essence of your story.

What should I include in a press release?

A press release should include essential details such as the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your story. Ensure that the most important information is conveyed in the first few paragraphs.

How can I make my press release newsworthy?

To make your press release newsworthy, focus on timely and relevant topics. Highlight the unique aspects of your story that would interest journalists and readers.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in press release writing?

Common mistakes to avoid include excessive jargon, overly promotional language, and neglecting to provide contact information for media inquiries.

How do I distribute my press release effectively?

Distribute your press release through reputable distribution channels, including newswire services and your own media contacts. Tailor your distribution list to target relevant journalists and outlets.