How To Write A Press Release (The Right Way)

Writing a press release is a lot like writing an email that you want to be read by your boss and colleagues. 

You need to make sure it’s concise, clear, and professional. But unlike with emails, you can’t write a draft and send it out into the world you have to publish it on your company’s website as well as on all of your social media platforms. That means making sure every word counts!

How to Write a Press Release – YouTube
1. Focus on a compelling headline that grabs attention.
2. Craft a concise and engaging introductory paragraph.
3. Include the who, what, when, where, and why in the main body.
4. Incorporate quotes from key stakeholders for credibility.
5. Provide clear and concise contact information for media inquiries.
6. Structure the press release for easy readability and skimming.
7. Tailor the content to your target audience and their interests.
8. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.
9. Utilize multimedia elements like images and videos for visual appeal.
10. Distribute through online platforms, media contacts, and social media.

Follow This Formula

Now that you know the basics of how to write a press release, let’s go over how to write one in the right way.

  • Find out what your goal is with the release and who your target audience is.
  • Write a headline that will catch people’s attention and get them interested in reading more of your content.
  • Lead with an overview of what happened and why it mattered, then dive into details about what happened next (the body). Finish by reminding people why this event was important (the conclusion).

Building an effective press release requires attention to detail and strategic planning. Discover valuable insights in our article on putting together a press release with 17 practical tips to enhance your press release game.

Be Newsworthy

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the information contained in your press release is newsworthy. 

This means that it should be something new, interesting, and relevant for the reader. It also needs to have some kind of importance or significance attached to it if not for yourself or your company then at least for the people who will read it. If you don’t think your idea is worth sharing with others then it’s probably best not to share it at all!

But what does “newsworthy” actually mean? Well, there are three main types of news: 1) News about a person – their life changes, achievements, etc; 2) News about an organization – their history/services offered; 3) 

New products/services/methods developed by an individual or organization (even if they haven’t come out yet). What this means is that when writing press releases you shouldn’t just focus on one topic but instead think broadly across all three categories so as not to miss any potential stories worth discussing further down the line!

Use The Inverted Pyramid

You can write a press release in any way you like, but the inverted pyramid is designed to help you prioritize what’s most important and give readers a sense of what to expect from your story. 

The inverted pyramid starts by laying out all the information that’s essential for understanding the story up front and then gives readers some more detail with each subsequent paragraph. 

It’s not just a good technique for writing press releases it’s also useful when writing news stories or blog posts that require you to cut out extraneous information to make sure readers are getting exactly what they need at any given point in time.

Want your press releases to capture attention and spread like wildfire? Dive into our guide on creating press releases that go viral to unlock the secrets behind crafting content that resonates and gets shared.

Put Your Most Important Fact First

You should put your most important fact first. Don’t bury the lead, and don’t be afraid to use numbers, statistics, and percentages in your release.

Don’t be afraid to use examples in your release either they can help demonstrate the story behind the numbers, which will make it all more compelling for readers.

Quotes from people involved with or affected by your release are also a great way to give it some personality…and pull readers in further!

Grab Attention With A Great Headline

Your headline is the first thing people will see, and it’s also the most important part of your press release. You want to grab attention with a great headline because if you don’t, no one will read past that point.

Here are some ideas for grabbing attention:

  • Use a question
  • Use a surprising fact
  • Use a number or statistic (e.g., “Nine out of ten people prefer our product.”)
  • Quote someone well-known for their insight into the subject (“Jack Johnson says…”).

Write For Journalists On Deadline, Not For The Public

You’re a company, and you want to get coverage in the press. Your goal is to get journalists to cover your story, so they can write about it and have their readers know who you are and what you do. 

This means that if you’re writing a press release, it needs to be written for journalists on deadline which means no unnecessary information and no complicated jargon or concepts.

What does this mean? It means that every word should be directly related to getting the journalist or editor (the person in charge of deciding whether or not to publish an article) interested in covering your story. 

You don’t want them thinking “huh?” while they’re reading through their inboxes, after all, if they’re confused by what they’ve read then they won’t cover anything written by someone who doesn’t make sense!

Writing press releases for startups can be a unique challenge. Our post on writing press releases for startups offers 9 valuable tips to help your startup’s press releases stand out in a crowded market.

Put Yourself In The Journalist’s Shoes

The first thing to consider is what the journalist needs. The job of a journalist is to write stories that will be read by people who are interested in their topic, so they need a story that people will want to read. 

They also need something interesting or unique, because if the story is boring, no one will read it. This means you can’t just write “I wrote this press release about my company’s new product!” because that’s not an interesting story unless you have some sort of unusual angle (like maybe if it turns out your company has been making inappropriate jokes about its products).

So what do they need? First off, they need information on who you are and why we should care about your new product/service/company/whatever. 

They also want links back to previous articles or mentions of your brand so they know where else they can go for more information if needed (and trust me: most journalists will look into any link provided!). Finally and perhaps most importantly they need those facts quickly!

Keep It Simple And Focused

You’re going to want to make your press release as clear, concise, and straightforward as possible. The very first thing you want to do is remove all unnecessary words. There are lots of common phrases that people use in their writing that are unnecessary. These include:

  • “Good Morning!” (Just say what you mean)
  • “I would like for…” (Say “I want…”)
  • “The reason why…” or any variation of this phrase (Just say what you mean)
  • “We should consider…” or “You should think about…” (Just say what you mean)

The second thing that makes a press release difficult is jargon language used by specific professions or fields of work, such as law enforcement officials and doctors. 

While we may think we need this language because it sounds smart and sophisticated when we’re communicating with others who speak the same lingo, it’s just confusing them! 

If someone doesn’t understand something written in your company’s official reports and most people won’t you risk losing business opportunities because clients won’t know how valuable your services could be until they’ve read through everything carefully enough to understand how they work together seamlessly?”

Make It Readable, But Just Barely (8th Grade Reading Level)

Your press release should be readable, but just barely (8th-grade reading level).

  • Use short sentences.
  • Use simple words.
  • Use a conversational tone.
  • Using active voice and contractions were necessary to keep it sounding natural and easy-going.
  • Use synonyms from when you feel your writing is getting too dense or stilted (like “utilize” instead of “use”).
  • Break up long paragraphs with lists, bullet points, and subheads for maximum readability (and SEO).

If all else fails: break up the text with blank lines between paragraphs! This helps readers digest what they’re reading in manageable chunks the same way you would eat an entire bag of potato chips at once versus one handful every few minutes until the bag was empty

Crafting a killer press release is an art that requires mastering essential elements. Discover the comprehensive insights shared in The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Killer Press Release, covering everything from formatting to compelling storytelling.

Don’t Go Overboard

The next step is to get the most important information in there. It has to be relevant, it has to be newsworthy and it has to grab people’s attention.

Don’t include information that isn’t relevant. If you have a press release about your new product line, don’t go into detail about your company’s history or what your CEO does in his spare time. That kind of stuff is not going to impress anyone and it definitely won’t make anyone want to write about you!

Also, don’t include too much detail in any one section (or paragraph). You don’t want readers getting bored halfway through reading an otherwise great piece of writing because they’re tired of reading long sentences with lots of clauses and commas packed into them; nor do journalists want writers who are trying too hard when writing their articles:

Forget About Fancy Fonts And Colors.

The most important thing to remember is that a press release is not a creative writing assignment. Your goal is to inform your readers about an event or product, and the best way you can do this is by using plain language.

Many people think that fancy fonts and colors are necessary for their press releases, but this isn’t true – as long as you choose a standard font like Times New Roman (for example), you’ll be fine. 

You should also use black ink on white paper to create a contrast between your words and the page they’re written on; otherwise, it will be difficult for readers to see what they’re reading!

In addition, don’t forget that proper formatting has its place in any piece of professional writing: once again we recommend sticking with Times New Roman (or similar) with 12 pt text size at 1 inch spacing between each line of text; if possible make sure there are no widows or orphans at all – especially after “the” so that nothing gets lost on accident due to lack symmetry

Make Sure It’s Not An Ad Or A Sales Pitch

  • Avoid hype and hyperbole.
  • Don’t use the word “best.”
  • Don’t use the word “new.” It’s OK to be new, but don’t say it’s “the newest” or “the first of its kind.”

Don’t use the word “innovative.” Ever heard of “innovation?” It means something new and better, which already implies that there is an existing standard or model upon which it is improving so saying that something is innovative just ends up sounding redundant. 

Similarly, avoid using any other variation of those words (e.g., revolutionary, unique) because they’re too general to mean anything in particular about your product or service being offered; instead, focus on more concrete descriptions: What makes it unique? How does it improve an old product/service? What problem does this solve? etc.)

Don’t Use Jargon Or Buzzwords Unless It’s Necessary

The most important thing to remember when writing a press release is that you should never use jargon or buzzwords unless it’s necessary. Even then, it’s best to keep the jargon to a minimum and try to write as simply as possible.

This is because your audience will likely be made up of different people with different knowledge levels that may not understand your terminology. 

You want them to get the information they need without having them read through several paragraphs of complicated words before getting what they came for in the first place: The news! So avoid using long sentences no sentence should have more than 15 words and don’t use short ones either (like those found in text messages). 

Also, avoid technical language where possible; while some technical terms might be necessary if discussing something specific within an industry, if there’s an alternative word available then always choose that instead.

A well-structured press release can significantly impact your sales efforts. Learn how to incorporate essential elements with our discussion on 10 Elements of a Press Release That Will Help You Sell More Stuff and optimize your press releases for maximum effectiveness.

Provide Relevant Background Information, But Don’t Get Too Far Into The Weeds

You should provide a brief overview of the problem, followed by a brief overview of the solution, then a brief overview of your product/service. You should also give an overview of your company and the people behind it. For example:

There is a growing epidemic in America – obesity. It is estimated that over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, making them more susceptible to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. 

The average American spends $1,500 per year on obesity-related medical expenses! We have developed a new weight loss program called Slender for Life that uses our proprietary formula to help people lose weight safely and effectively without surgery or medication. 

We believe this will be an effective way for people to take control of their health while saving thousands each year in unnecessary spending at doctors’ offices and hospitals! 

Our team includes Dr. Smith who has been researching ways people can make healthier decisions about what they eat while reducing costs associated with high cholesterol medications; 

Ms. Jones who has been working on ways to reduce obesity rates among teenage boys; Mr. Brown who has experience designing apps like Fitbit which encourage healthy habits through gamification techniques; 

Ms. White who has worked as CEO before so knows what it takes to run a successful business (she was responsible for launching one company worth over 5 billion dollars!).


I hope this article has helped you understand how to write a press release. Press releases are an essential part of marketing, but they can be tricky to write if you don’t know what you’re doing. I would recommend following these tips and checking them against your writing before sending out your press release, just so that it’s as effective as possible.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your knowledge of press release writing:

Mailchimp’s Guide to Writing Press Releases: Learn the ins and outs of writing effective press releases, including tips on crafting compelling headlines and structuring your content.

HubSpot’s Press Release Template: Access a comprehensive template that provides a step-by-step guide to creating a well-structured press release for your announcements.

Shopify’s Guide on How to Write a Press Release: Discover actionable tips and best practices for writing press releases that capture attention and generate interest.


What are the key components of a press release?

A press release typically includes a compelling headline, a concise introductory paragraph, the main body with relevant details, quotes from key stakeholders, and the contact information of the company’s media contact.

How can I make my press release more newsworthy?

To enhance the newsworthiness of your press release, focus on timely and relevant topics, highlight unique angles or insights, and ensure that the content addresses the interests of your target audience and the media.

What’s the recommended length for a press release?

A standard press release is usually around 300 to 500 words. It’s essential to convey the essential information concisely while keeping the reader’s attention.

How can I distribute my press release effectively?

Utilize online press release distribution services, target relevant journalists or media outlets, and share your press release through your company’s website, social media channels, and email newsletters.

Should I include multimedia elements in my press release?

Yes, incorporating images, videos, infographics, or relevant media can enhance the visual appeal of your press release and make it more engaging for readers and journalists.