9 Tips For Writing Press Releases For Startups

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re a startup founder or owner looking to get more people interested in your company. While you might have some content ready to roll out, there’s still one piece missing: the press release. 

It can feel like a daunting task to write a good press release for your business, but once you’ve done it once or twice (or 20 times) it becomes easier and faster each time.

The Ultimate Press Release Guide for Startups – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Tailor Your Angle: Craft press releases with a unique angle that highlights the startup’s innovative aspects.
2. Concise Headlines: Use clear and concise headlines to grab attention and convey the main message.
3. Newsworthiness: Ensure your press release addresses timely topics or industry trends to attract media interest.
4. Provide Value: Offer valuable insights or solutions in your press release that resonate with your target audience.
5. Contact Information: Include accurate contact details to enable journalists and readers to reach out for more information.
6. Visual Assets: Incorporate images or multimedia content that support your narrative and make the press release more engaging.
7. Quotes and Testimonials: Include quotes from key stakeholders to add credibility and a personal touch to the story.
8. Succinct Writing: Keep the press release concise, focusing on delivering essential information without unnecessary fluff.
9. Proofread and Edit: Thoroughly proofread your press release for errors and clarity before distribution.

1. Headline

The headline is one of the most important parts of your press release. It should be short, to the point and catchy. A good rule of thumb is to keep it below 20 words long so it can fit nicely in social media posts, and make sure that it contains keywords that will help you rank for search results. 

If you’re writing a press release about an app with a unique name like “Courier” then make sure there’s some kind of reference to this in your headline (e.g., “Courier Launches New App To Deliver Food Fast And Free”).

You’ll also want to make sure that your headline is relevant both to what’s going on with the company/product (i.e., newsworthy), but also relevant enough that people who have never heard about it before will understand what they’re reading right away (i.e., not too vague).

Crafting an effective press release requires attention to detail and a strategic approach. Learn from our comprehensive guide on how to put together a press release that captures attention and delivers results.

2. Subhead

A subhead is a secondary headline (usually shorter than the main headline) that can be used to break up the text. The subhead typically summarizes or explains the main headline and adds a twist to it. Subheads help readers quickly digest content and understand your message without having to read through an entire piece of writing.

Subheads are most effective when they are placed at about 75% of the way down in each paragraph, or after every three or four sentences if there isn’t enough room for them within paragraphs.

3. Short Intro

Keep it short. A good intro should be no more than 2-3 sentences. Simply tell the reader what they’ll get out of reading the rest of your press release, and why they should care.

Set the tone for your company’s PR strategy by introducing yourself as a professional who is going to provide accurate information promptly. If you’re having trouble with this, try asking yourself these questions: 

What would I want to know before I decided whether or not I wanted to do business with this organization? What kind of communication style appeals most to me when I’m reading about someone else’s company? 

Be honest with yourself about how you like things presented to you so that you can use those preferences when crafting reviews for others’ benefit!

Want your press releases to gain viral traction? Discover the secrets to crafting share-worthy press releases in our article on creating press releases that go viral, and watch your message spread like wildfire.

4. Longer Intro

When you’re writing a press release, it’s important to keep it short and sweet. But if you’re with a startup, your goal is probably not to be concise; you want to create buzz and make an impression. To do that, you’ll want to use as much space as possible to explain what your new product or service is all about.

Start by introducing the company itself: who founded it, where its headquarters are located, and who does what at the company (if applicable). 

Then dive into explaining the specifics of what they’ve launched and what problem this solves for consumers. How does it work? What makes it different from similar products on the market? Why should people care about this particular product? Why should they buy from this particular brand? And so forth.

Make sure that everything mentioned above is clear and intelligible; don’t expect readers who aren’t familiar with your business model or industry jargon to understand right away what exactly makes something novel or noteworthy!

Incorporating press releases into your content marketing strategy can yield powerful results. Discover the reasons why press release writing should be part of your content marketing arsenal and unlock new avenues of brand exposure and engagement.

5. Quote From A Company Spokesperson

The quote from the company spokesperson should be short but include the most important points. The CEO is usually not available to be quoted in all press releases, but if they are, get them on the record. 

If you know that another high-level executive has a particular focus on your product or service and would be an excellent source for quotes (for example, if your CTO is also involved with marketing), then by all means use that person as a source.

If you can’t get anyone to speak on the record about your company’s latest news, then don’t quote anyone at all just write an introductory paragraph and get into the heart of what makes this release so important!

6. Quote From Another Person Relating To The Subject

One of the best ways to add more credibility and authority to your press release is by quoting someone relevant to what you’re writing about. 

This could be a customer, competitor, or even an industry expert. For example: “We are thrilled with how our new product has been received globally,” said Jim Smith, CEO of Company X. It’s important that you don’t take up too much space with this quote and make it short and sweet so that readers can easily understand its significance about your story.

7. Body Text

The body text is the real meat of your press release. It’s where you tell your readers why they should care about your startup and what makes it unique, as well as any interesting news or developments that have happened since the last time you made a big announcement.

A few tips for writing great body text:

Make sure it’s engaging and easy to read. The last thing you want is for someone to get bored with reading the story when they’re only halfway through!

Keep in mind that there are two main types of people who will be reading this information: journalists (who may not want to read everything), and consumers who might not know much about journalism (and therefore won’t appreciate how long-winded some journalists can get). 

Your goal is therefore simple: make sure both groups find this information funny/interesting enough so that they’ll continue reading it all without getting bored or confused along the way and ideally link out from there into other parts of your website such as blog posts, customer testimonials etcetera.

Ensuring your press releases make a significant impact requires careful consideration of their contents. Explore our insights on essential elements to include in press releases to maximize your message’s reach and influence.

8. Contact Info For Inquiries About The Company

Include contact information for inquiries about the company. This is a great way to share your contact info and also a good way to make it easy for journalists and bloggers who are interested in writing about you.

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Social media handles
  • Website
  • Address (or if virtual, an online location)

Contact person(s) – the name of the person who will be most responsive to interview requests or inquiries from other potential partners/customers/investors/etc. 

In some cases, this might be your founder or CEO; in others, it could be someone on your marketing team or communications department; and if you’re part of an established company that has formal communications channels already set up (like an investor relations or communications department).

Then those can also be listed here instead of having one main point-person designated as “the” spokesperson for all things related-to-your-company’s-interactions-with-the outside world (which can get confusing). 

If no one person seems suitable because everyone has different strengths when interacting with various types of people so try not to pigeonhole yourself into saying it must always be someone specific from either side you don’t have time anyway!

9. Images, Hyperlinks Or Embeds For Media That Might Add Value To The Story Or Content You’re Pushing Out

Images, hyperlinks, or embeds for media that might add value to the story or content you’re pushing out can be a great way to make your press release more interesting. If you have any images of your startup, products in use, team members, etc., consider adding them to the press release.

Images should be relevant to the story and of high quality. Hyperlinks should also be relevant if you are linking back to your homepage or blog post related to the new product launch then it makes sense! When embedding videos make sure they are high-quality as well (and relevant).

Writing press releases for small businesses offers unique insights into effective communication strategies. Dive into our article on lessons learned from writing 1000 press releases to enhance your PR skills and make a real impact.


As you can see, there are a lot of different elements to consider when writing a press release. It’s not just about what you say in it but also how you say it. We hope that these tips will help you write your next press release and get it out there for everyone to read!

Further Reading

Explore these additional resources to enhance your understanding of writing effective press releases for startups:

How to Write a Press Release For Your Startup Short Description: Learn essential tips and techniques for crafting impactful press releases tailored specifically for startups.

The 10 Golden Rules of Writing Press Releases Short Description: Discover ten fundamental guidelines for writing press releases that resonate with your target audience and media outlets.

Hillel Fuld: 5 Tips for Writing a Great Press Release Short Description: Gain insights from industry expert Hillel Fuld on five effective strategies for composing compelling press releases.


How can I write a press release that captures media attention?

Crafting a press release that stands out requires a compelling headline, concise information, and a newsworthy angle that resonates with journalists.

What are the key elements to include in a startup press release?

A startup press release should include a catchy headline, a concise introductory paragraph, relevant details about the startup’s product or service, quotes from key stakeholders, and contact information.

How do I ensure my press release is newsworthy?

Ensure your press release addresses current trends, industry developments, or solves a problem that is relevant to your target audience and the broader market.

What’s the ideal length for a press release?

A press release should ideally be around 300 to 500 words, focusing on delivering key information concisely while maintaining reader engagement.

How can I distribute my press release effectively?

Distribute your press release through targeted media outlets, industry publications, and online platforms to reach your intended audience. Additionally, consider leveraging social media and email marketing for broader visibility.