I have written more than 1,000 press releases for small businesses. I did it for a living for two years, and some of them were good. Most of them were bad. So today I’m going to share with you the secrets I’ve learned from writing so many press releases: what works, what doesn’t work, and how you can do it yourself!
Key Takeaways |
1. The power of compelling headlines for press releases. |
2. Understanding the dos and don’ts of press release writing. |
3. Crafting press releases that capture attention and go viral. |
4. Leveraging press releases as a tool for small business growth. |
5. Tips for writing press releases with maximum impact. |
6. The role of press releases in content marketing strategies. |
7. Insights into writing effective press releases for startups. |
Keep It Short
Keep it short. I’m talking one page, 300 words, or two paragraphs max. You want to give people just enough information that they’ll be interested in stopping what they’re doing and clicking on your link (or read more) without giving too much away that they can’t imagine how you could offer them enough value to come back for more.
Use direct language instead of passive voice when possible because it makes things clearer and easier to understand quickly even though most publications still require the use of passive voice in press releases due to internal style guides, many editors will let you get away with using direct language if you ask nicely!
Building a strong foundation for your press release can save you both time and money in the long run. Learn the best practices for writing an effective press release in our guide on How to Write a Press Release: Saves You Time and Money.
Editors Are Human Too
As you begin to write press releases, keep in mind that editors are human too. They’re busy people who are looking for content to fill their pages, so your job is to make it easy for them to do so!
To do this:
Make sure the story you’re telling is relevant and interesting (i.e., not just another boring piece about your company)
Make sure there are no errors in spelling or grammar (if you don’t know what a word means, look it up!)
Avoid jargon unless necessary; save that fancy language for when you’re talking with other industry experts or executives–editors will appreciate being able to understand what you’re saying!
Be Likeable
This is one of the most important things to remember when writing a press release: you have to be likable. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a walking, talking doll or anything (though if that’s your thing, do it).
You just need to keep the reader’s best interest at heart while they read your release. This can be accomplished by being positive, polite, enthusiastic, and professional—and also helpful and friendly! Think about how much fun it is when someone listens closely to you or responds thoughtfully after reading something from you.
It’s rewarding for both parties involved in these kinds of interactions because there’s mutual respect between them as people who care about each other as well as each other’s work. Now apply those principles with the intent of being authentic rather than fake no one wants a fake person around here!
And don’t forget that even though press releases are written for public consumption on behalf of businesses rather than individuals there will always be someone reading them who knows exactly who wrote each one.
So make sure they’re written well enough so no one ever accuses us writers at BuzzStream/ReachLocal of needing lessons taught them by others before publishing their words (which would never happen).
Crafting a compelling press release involves attention to detail and strategy. Explore our article on 17 Tips for Putting Together a Press Release to enhance your press release writing skills.
Be Human, But Keep To A Professional Standard
Writing in a conversational tone is easier said than done. You’re probably used to writing in a very formal way, but you must change up your style to make your press release feel more personal and relatable.
The best way to write like this is by emulating the same rules that apply when writing an email or text message: use contractions (don’t write “do not” instead write “don’t”), don’t use slang or abbreviations (no texting abbreviations like “LOL,” etc.), and don’t use first person (“I” or “me”).
Chances are you’ll be able to find examples of these principles in any standard English textbook and if you need help learning how to break them down into rules, check out this page from Grammarly!
Transitioning from a day job to a successful press release writer can be a game-changer. Discover the journey of someone who made over $100k in a year through press release writing in our feature on How I Quit My Day Job and Made Over 100k in 1 Year by Writing Press Releases.
Your company is not the story
There are a million reasons why you might want to write a press release, but the most important thing you need to remember is that your company is not the story. I know this can be hard to understand if you’re used to traditional marketing and PR tactics: in those cases, your brand or product will often be at the center of whatever campaign you’re running.
But when it comes down to it, nobody cares about what happened with your business this week they care about what happened in their life or community. It could be something as simple as “I lost my job” or “There was an earthquake in Japan!”
The point here is that people want news coverage because they want answers; they don’t care how many employees work at XYZ Corp., or even whether XYZ Corp. exists at all (although some folks might).
In short: don’t make yourself out to be the hero of every single story we write about because chances are good nobody will believe us anyway!
Use Your Own Words
As with any type of writing, it’s important to use your own words and not rely on the words of others.
Don’t use other companies’ press releases as inspiration for yours. If you want to use someone else’s exact language, be sure it’s your idea first! Otherwise, you’re just copying them and that isn’t going to make you look like a smart business owner or thought leader.
Want to make your press releases stand out and capture attention? Discover actionable insights in our guide on How to Create Press Releases That Go Viral and learn the keys to creating shareable content.
Write To Be Understood, Not To Look Smart
Write in plain English. This is the most important thing I learned. When you write something, it should be easy for anyone to understand, not just people who are familiar with the industry or company. That’s why it’s important to avoid jargon and be specific when explaining terms or processes that might be unfamiliar to your audience.
Jargon can come up in press releases when talking about your company or industry, but it can also sneak into your writing anywhere.
For example, if you say “the company will utilize its expertise…” instead of saying “we will use our knowledge it sounds less awkward and more professional and readers will appreciate knowing exactly what kind of expertise they have at their disposal!
Also try avoiding passive voice (such as “The new product was designed by our team…), long sentences full of complex sentence structures (like this one), complex vocabulary (like I just used), complex topics (like this one) and complex concepts (again).
Press Releases Are Good For Business And You Can Write Them Quickly And Well
You can write a good press release in less than an hour.
It’s true! Using this method, you can churn out a quality press release in about the same amount of time it takes to watch an episode of your favorite TV show.
The one caveat is that I would recommend taking a few days or weeks to build up some content before writing your first one so that when you start doing them regularly, they don’t take more than an hour each and are easier to write.
I also found that being able to produce good copy fast helps me get better at writing great copy overall: by forcing myself to use abbreviations, learn how-to steps and take shortcuts wherever possible such as having boilerplate information or templates saved in Google Docs you’ll soon find yourself producing content faster than ever before!
Writing effective press releases requires understanding the do’s and don’ts. Get valuable insights from our article on My Favorite Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Press Releases to ensure your releases have maximum impact.
Press releases are a great way for small businesses to get the word out about their products or services. They’re easy to write and can be done quickly, so there’s no need to stress over them. Plus they’re a great way to get your name out there and build relationships with editors who might want more information on your company later down the road!
Further Reading
HubSpot’s Press Release Template: Explore HubSpot’s comprehensive press release template and guide to crafting effective releases.
How to Write a Press Release – Carminemastropierro.com: Carminemastropierro.com offers practical tips and steps for writing a successful press release.
Crafting a Killer Press Release: Learn from Copyblogger about the elements that make a press release truly effective and captivating.
And here’s the “FAQs” section in Markdown format based on semantic of the TITLE:
How to Write a Press Release?
A press release is a structured document used to announce news or events to the media and the public. It typically follows a specific format and includes key details to grab attention.
What are the Essential Elements of a Press Release?
A standard press release includes a compelling headline, a concise lead paragraph, relevant details, quotes from key stakeholders, contact information, and a boilerplate about the company or organization.
How Do I Make My Press Release Stand Out?
To make your press release stand out, focus on a newsworthy angle, write an attention-grabbing headline, keep it concise, use quotes effectively, and ensure the information is timely and relevant.
Where Can I Find Press Release Templates?
Many online resources offer press release templates that can serve as starting points. HubSpot’s press release template and Carminemastropierro.com’s guide are valuable references.
How Can I Maximize the Impact of My Press Release?
To maximize the impact of your press release, target relevant media outlets, customize the release for your target audience, include multimedia elements if appropriate, and follow up with media contacts for potential coverage.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.