How To Write A Press Release: A Simplified Guide

If you’re like most small businesses, you probably don’t have a full-time PR person on staff. That’s OK! As long as you know how to write a press release, you can get the word out about new products or services.

How to Write a Press Release – YouTube
1. Clarity is Key: Ensure your press release conveys the message clearly and concisely.
2. Compelling Headline: Craft an attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the news and piques interest.
3. Provide Value: Include relevant and valuable information that addresses the “who, what, when, where, and why.”
4. Engage with Quotes: Incorporate quotes from key individuals to add authenticity and a personal touch.
5. Contact Information: Include contact details for media inquiries, making it easy for journalists to reach out.
6. Distribution Strategy: Plan how and where to distribute your press release to reach your target audience.
7. Proofread Thoroughly: Check for grammatical errors and ensure accuracy before sending out your press release.
8. Follow Up: After distribution, follow up with journalists or media outlets to gauge interest and build relations.
9. Metrics and Analysis: Measure the impact of your press release through tracking metrics and adjust strategies.
10. Iterate and Improve: Learn from each press release to continuously refine your approach for future releases.

Write A Compelling Headline

The first thing to consider when writing a press release is the headline. It’s the first thing your reader will see, so it has to be compelling enough to make them want to read on.

The key here is action verbs. Instead of writing something like “Now Available!” or “Announcing A New Phase In Our Product Launch!”, use words that directly tell readers what they need to know about your product/service. For example:

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Building a strong online presence is essential for modern businesses. Discover strategies for creating press releases that go viral and watch your brand’s visibility skyrocket.

Lead With Who, What, When, Where, Why (And How)

The most important thing to remember when writing a press release is to lead with the who, what, where, when, and why.

Who: Who is the person or company being written about? What: What is the newsworthy item? Where: Where did this happen (or will this happen)? When: When did it happen (or happen)? Why: Why was it special or significant? How: How did they do it/make it happen?

Tell The Reader Why They Should Care

When you’re writing your press release, the first thing you need to do is tell the reader why they should care. Why should they spend their time reading about your product or service? What is it about you and/or your brand that makes this news important? 

Your job as a writer is to convince them that this story needs to be told, and for that to happen, you need to tell them why it’s important.

When writing a press release, focus on providing just enough information so that the reader can understand what’s happening without being overwhelmed by details. Keep in mind that you want the reader (and more importantly: the journalist) focused on what matters most and sometimes less is more when it comes to storytelling.

Crafting a press release that captures attention doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Learn how to write a perfect press release in just minutes while delivering impactful messages to your audience.

Include a quote

  • Quotes should be used sparingly, and only when they are relevant to the story.
  • Do not quote yourself in a press release unless you have done something exceptional, or if it is one of your core products/services that you are trying to promote.

Do not quote people who don’t know what they’re talking about. If you want to make sure that the company you’re quoting is legitimate, ask them if they’d like to be quoted by providing their name and title at the bottom of your email or document with “quotes” written beside it (i.e., “Quotes”). 

For example: “‘We love working with [company name],’ said John Smith, CEO of Company Name.”

Do not quote people who do not want to be quoted they may take legal action against you for using their likeness without permission and could hurt both your reputation as well as theirs!

Don’t Oversell It

Don’t use superlatives. Don’t say that your product is the best, or most unique, or only the best of its kind. It’s not. And if it were, you wouldn’t need to make sure every reader knows it! Be as general and vague as possible when describing your product or service because this will catch more readers’ attention than a line like “This is the greatest thing ever” will ever do.

Keep adjectives to a minimum too especially those used in conjunction with words like “unique”, which are highly overused by companies looking to create an air of exclusivity around their products and services (but don’t mean anything). 

If you want readers to know how great something is without having to say how great it is, simply describe why people should care about what you offer and then let them decide whether or not they agree with you!

Write In An Inverted Pyramid Style

The inverted pyramid style is a writing style where the most important information is at the top of the article and you move down to less important details. It’s a good way to keep your readers engaged and interested in your story, so it’s great for press releases.

You can use an inverted pyramid style in any type of story format, from magazine articles to business emails.

In this example from Forbes, we see how they’ve used an inverted pyramid structure:

Writing press releases for small businesses requires unique insights. Explore the lessons learned from writing 1000 press releases for small businesses and gain valuable tips for effective communication.

Include Your Contact Info In All Releases

Your contact info should be at the very top of every press release. Include your name and title, along with the name of your company or organization and its headquarters. Also include:

  • The date of the release
  • The name of who wrote it (usually you)
  • A phone number where you can be reached for questions about this release
  • An email address where you can be reached for questions about this release (this is especially important if you’re releasing something that has confidential information)

Simplify Your Formatting

You should simplify your formatting. This allows you to focus on writing your release, rather than trying to figure out what font size you should use. It’s also important to use a simple layout so that readers can easily read through the information.

You can make your release easier to read by using bold and italics to highlight important information, bullet points for lists and hierarchies, and short paragraphs (no more than three sentences).

simple fonts (such as Arial), simple background colors (like white), logos that are easy on the eye and don’t distract from the content of the release itself, and images that complement but do not overpower in terms of size or coloration

Don’t Use A Boilerplate

A boilerplate is a pre-written paragraph that can be used over and over again in different press releases. However, boilerplate is often boring, doesn’t tell the reader anything new, and isn’t specific to the story. 

Boilerplates are less effective than customized paragraphs because they aren’t personalized to each story or product release. When writing a press release, remember not to use boilerplate paragraphs if you want your content to stand out from other companies releases!

Use Links To Enhance Your Story

You should use links to enhance your stories. Links help readers find more information and can be embedded in the press release itself, or given as a separate source link. 

If you choose to include links within the text of your story, make sure that you present them clearly so readers don’t get confused about what they are clicking on. 

It’s also a good idea to check whether any duplicate news stories are being reported on by other media outlets before writing a press release; if there are, consider using one of these instead of writing something new yourself!

If you’re going to provide outside sources for readers who want more information about your topic (and who isn’t?), make sure those sources have authority; if possible, look for third-party validation from well-known publications or organizations (like science journals). If all else fails…well…you could always just link directly back to one of your pages.

Launching a startup? Discover the secrets behind writing press releases for startups that grab attention and establish your brand in the competitive market.

Check Your Grammar And Spelling

Now that you’ve written your press release, it’s time to review it. The first thing to check is your spelling and grammar.

First, make sure you’ve used a good spellchecker. There are lots of options available for this I like the one provided by Google Docs because it automatically suggests corrections as you type (and doesn’t flag certain words that don’t need to be corrected). If you’re using another program, just make sure there’s a spellchecker built in before sending out your press release!

Next, check for proper grammar this means checking for sentence structure as well as punctuation. 

Use or even just Google search terms like “correctly use semi-colons” if something seems off about how the sentences flow together in your document; similarly, if there are any words or phrases that aren’t commonly used in formal writing (such as slang), please find replacements before sending out anything! Finally: 

Don’t forget about commas splices when writing dialogue! Those can be confusing so double-check them all over again while proofreading too 🙂

Get It Out Fast (But Not Before You Proofread)

As the saying goes, “The early bird gets the worm.” Once you have a press release written and edited, get it out fast. The first rule of writing is to get it done, but as with all rules, there are exceptions. In this case, the exception is proofreading your work before sharing it with others.

While there are tools available to help you proofread (such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor), nothing beats a human eye for catching errors and no one knows their work better than the person who wrote it!

You can also ask someone else to read over your press release before sending it off into cyberspace: another writer at your company or someone in the know in your target market who might spot mistakes that slipped through the cracks because they know what they’re looking for (for example an industry expert). 

And if neither option works out for whatever reason (maybe they didn’t have time or just weren’t up on their grammar), consider having an experienced editor does some propping up before releasing your news into the world so its message comes across clearly and without distraction.

Mastering the art of press release writing is a powerful skill. Dive into The Definitive Guide to Press Release Writing to elevate your PR game and deliver compelling messages to your target audience.


With these tips, you’ll be able to produce a press release that will capture the attention of readers and grab their interest in your subject matter. And don’t forget: You may not always have time to write the perfect release, but if you follow these guidelines and keep them in mind while composing your message well, that makes it easier on all of us!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your understanding of press release writing:

Writing Effective Press Releases – Mailchimp Learn from Mailchimp’s comprehensive guide on writing press releases that capture attention and effectively convey your message to your target audience.

Crafting a Compelling Press Release: A Step-by-Step Guide – HubSpot HubSpot provides a step-by-step guide and a template to help you create compelling press releases that resonate with your readers and get noticed.

How to Write a Press Release: The Definitive Guide – Shopify Shopify’s definitive guide offers valuable insights into writing press releases that can help your business gain media coverage and attract attention.


How do I make my press release stand out?

To make your press release stand out, focus on a captivating headline, concise and compelling content, and include relevant details that resonate with your target audience.

What is the ideal length for a press release?

A standard press release should ideally be between 300 to 800 words. It should cover the necessary information without being too lengthy.

How can I ensure my press release gets media coverage?

Ensure your press release is newsworthy, provides a unique angle, includes relevant quotes, and is distributed to the right media outlets and journalists.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in press release writing?

Avoid using jargon, being overly promotional, neglecting the headline, and failing to include essential details like contact information or release date.

How can startups benefit from writing press releases?

Press releases offer startups a platform to announce milestones, products, or partnerships, helping them generate brand awareness, credibility, and media attention.