You’re a writer. You have a voice and you want to share it with the world, but you don’t have time to write for Huffington Post. No problem! We’ll ghostwrite for you, or anyone else who needs an article.
Just tell us what kind of article you want us to write (blog post? book?), how long it should be, and some other details about your idea (see below).
Once we’ve got all that info together, we’ll write up your piece in our own words and send it back to you so that you can review it before posting it on your blog or website.
Takeaways |
1. Learn the art of ghostwriting |
2. Understand the Huffington Post guidelines |
3. Adapt your writing style for publications |
4. Maintain confidentiality and discretion |
5. Network and build connections in the industry |
Have An Idea
Before you get started, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and the message you want to convey. You’ll also need a purpose for writing. In other words, who is your target audience and what do they want?
- What is my goal? What do I hope will happen as a result of this article being published?
- Why am I writing this article in the first place? What benefit does it provide me (or others) if it gets published on Huffington Post or elsewhere in the media?
Ghostwriting is an art that’s gaining prominence in the modern world. If you’re wondering why the world needs more ghostwriters, check out personal insights and experiences shared by an expert in the field.
Do Your Research
Before you even consider writing for a publication, do your research.
Research the topic. Whether it’s politics or gaming, you should know what you’re talking about.
If you don’t know much about the topic, read some books on it or watch documentaries, or better yet, take a class in that area. You can even find other writers who are experts on the subject and interview them for tips and advice!
Research the publication itself by reading past articles so that you can see how they write their content (and whether or not they use an editor). Most publications have an FAQ section where they give information about themselves.
This is also helpful when researching what kind of content they produce and if there are any guidelines for pitching ideas to them (such as word counts).
Research your audience. Who will be reading this piece? Do they usually focus on entertainment news or political issues? How old are these readers? Do they prefer short articles with bullet points or long-form narratives with more detail?
Knowing this information helps narrow down exactly what type of content would appeal most strongly to them while still staying true to your style as a writer!
Write It Out
The first thing you need to do is write it out, in some form or fashion. You can write it out on a Word document, Google Doc, text file (like .txt or .rtf), a paper notebook, and even digital notebooks like OneNote and Evernote.
The important thing here is that you want to be able to read your words back with no problem and make sure they are easy to understand by someone who isn’t familiar with the topic.
This step will also allow you to go through each sentence multiple times until everything makes sense and flows well together without any awkward sentences or phrases sticking out too much like sore thumbs.
Are you intrigued by the world of ghostwriting but don’t know where to begin? Our beginner’s guide to becoming a ghostwriter is the perfect starting point for aspiring writers looking to enter this fascinating profession.
Edit It
The last step is to edit the piece, which means checking for spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, word choice mistakes, and any other potential errors.
Editing this way allows you to catch a lot of errors that may have slipped through an editor’s eye (or just pass unnoticed).
Some other things you’ll want to check for include: sentence structure (make sure your sentences are clear and easy to read), and paragraph structure (make sure there aren’t too many long paragraphs).
Flow (is everything working together smoothly?), consistency in tone/voice/word choice across paragraphs or throughout the whole piece?
If you’re editing by yourself then it’s best not to edit while writing – focus on one section at a time instead. This way you don’t get lost in creative thought when trying not-to-forget something important like “Hey! Did I remember how many commas were required?”
Spell Check It
You need to make sure you spell-check it. This can be done in the word processor software or on the internet. You might want to use a word processor that has a spell checker and grammar checker, or even better, all three.
Have A Friend Edit It
Ideally, your friend will:
Be familiar with the subject and publication you’re targeting. This ensures that they know how to navigate the publication’s style guide and can offer you tips on how best to adhere to it.
If this is not possible, then at least try to find someone who has experience editing for that type of blog or website.
Be willing to give honest feedback along the way and even more so when it comes time for them to edit your draft! They shouldn’t be afraid of telling you when something doesn’t work or needs more work done before submitting.
Be able to recognize when something doesn’t make sense or needs clarification (or just flat out isn’t working).
Read It Out Loud To Yourself
This is the most effective way to find any errors in your article. You might be surprised how many times you go through it, only to discover that there are several misspelled words or grammatical mistakes.
This method will also help you see if your sentences flow well together. If they don’t, it could mean that you need to reword them for clarity or brevity (you want readers to speed through your articles).
You’ll also hear any weird words or phrases like “aforementioned” or “for all intensive purposes.”
Ghostwriting can be a mysterious realm for many. Delve into the details and discover what exactly ghostwriting is and how much it costs to hire a professional ghostwriter for your writing projects.
Give It A Rest And Re-Read It Again Later
If you’re feeling a little burned out and ready for a break, take one. Get up early the next day and read what you’ve written again. You’ll be amazed at how much fresher your mind is at 5:00 am than it was at midnight!
Take a break from working on this blog post for about an hour or so (or more), then come back to it later with fresh eyes. This will help keep your mind fresh and prevent writer’s block because you haven’t been staring at the same page for hours.
Put Your Photos In Place (If Any)
The next step is to add your photos and widgets. If you have any, let’s go ahead and put those in place, then add some tweets (I recommend linking them to your social accounts), a bio, links to your website and social media accounts, and an email address.
You may also want to include a link to a contact form on your website so that people can get in touch with you if they have questions or comments about the post.
Creating an online presence as a ghostwriter can be crucial for attracting potential clients. Learn from someone’s experience and insights on why building a ghostwriting website could be a game-changer in this competitive industry.
ProofRead Your Post For The Umpteenth Time
Finally, proofread your post for the umpteenth time. This may sound like an obvious step, but it’s easy to forget about things that are obvious when you’re writing quickly and intensely. So check for spelling and grammar (and take note of any corrections that you’ll need to make).
Check for consistency in terms of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (don’t use all caps on one word). Check for flow if there is too much or too little white space between paragraphs or sentences; if there are any awkward sentence structures that might be confusing readers;
If paragraphs are too long or short; if anything looks out of place (Does this sentence feel like something we’d see in The New Yorker? Does this paragraph feel like something Huffington Post would publish?)
Checking these things will help you ensure that your blog post reads well and makes sense when it comes time to submit it!
Add Apps, Widgets, Tweets And Whatever Else You Plan To Use
- Add social media buttons in a separate column on the right side of your blog so they are easy for readers to find.
- Add a call to action button at the end of each post (this is optional but recommended).
- Add a link to your website, preferably somewhere visible in the sidebar or footer area.
Link as many posts as possible back to their corresponding landing pages (the page readers will land on after clicking through from social media platforms like Facebook).
These pages should include information about who ghostwrote what book and why this book would interest them (or be useful), along with links back again if possible!
This helps drive traffic through your site while also building brand awareness among visitors who may not know you yet but might someday become regular clients or collaborators once they do!
If you’ve ever considered venturing into the world of ghostwriting, learn how to become a ghostwriter and make money writing for others. Explore the potential of turning your writing skills into a lucrative career.
You may be sick of reading your writing, but it’s an important step in the process. These days, I proofread my post for the umpteenth time right after I write it and then give it a rest before re-reading again later on.
Once you’ve completed the first draft and made any necessary edits, it’s time to give your work one final look through with fresh eyes.
As you read over what you’ve written, ask yourself: Is this clear? Does this sound good? (This is also where having someone else proofread can come in handy.) If something doesn’t sound right or needs an extra exclamation point out how to do something better next time!
And that’s it! You should have the tools and knowledge to write a great post. Just remember, it’s all about writing in an engaging way that helps you connect with your audience.
Don’t forget to proofread everything, even if it seems like there are no mistakes you never know what may have slipped through!
Further Reading
How to Become a Professional Ghostwriter: A comprehensive guide on the steps to establish a career as a professional ghostwriter.
Ghostwriting Tips from HubSpot: Valuable insights and tips from HubSpot to enhance your ghostwriting skills.
Everything You Need to Know About Ghostwriting: A thorough exploration of the world of ghostwriting and its essential aspects.
What is ghostwriting?
Ghostwriting is the practice of writing content on behalf of someone else without receiving credit for it.
Why do people hire ghostwriters?
People hire ghostwriters to save time, leverage professional writing skills, and maintain a consistent writing style.
Is ghostwriting ethical?
The ethics of ghostwriting can vary depending on the context. As long as both parties are aware of and agree to the arrangement, it can be considered ethical.
What types of content do ghostwriters commonly write?
Ghostwriters commonly write books, articles, blog posts, speeches, and social media content for clients.
How much do ghostwriters charge for their services?
Ghostwriting fees can vary significantly depending on the scope of the project, the writer’s experience, and the client’s requirements. It can be a flat fee, per word, or a percentage of the project’s revenue.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.