How To Blog About A Product You’ve Never Used

When you’re writing a product review, it’s important to be able to explain your experience with a product. You want readers to know if they should buy this product or not, so you need something meaty to say about its features and drawbacks. 

However, if you’ve never used the product before, how do you start? How do you figure out what information will help others make their own decisions? 

In this article, I’ll cover some tips for finding out what makes a particular product worth trying — or not — as well as some ideas for making sure your review is both informative AND entertaining.

How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel
1. Writing about products you haven’t used requires research and understanding customer reviews and feedback.
2. Focus on presenting accurate information and avoid making false claims to maintain trust with your audience.
3. Use storytelling and creative techniques to engage readers and provide valuable insights about the product.
4. Disclose the fact that you haven’t personally used the product, but emphasize your expertise and knowledge on the subject.
5. Leverage user-generated content and testimonials to add credibility and authenticity to your blog post.

What Is The Product?

First and foremost, you want to make sure you know exactly what the product is. What’s its name? What materials are used to construct it? How big/heavy is it? How much does it cost? The warranty information should be easy enough to find online.

For example, if I wanted to write a review about my favorite pair of headphones (a Sony MDRXB50AP), I might start with something like this:

These headphones are called “Sony MDRXB50AP” and they’re made from plastic and rubber. They’re black, have an over-ear design that weighs 1 pound 2 ounces (or 454 grams), and cost $90 at Amazon. 

The warranty lasts for one year from the date of purchase; customer service can be reached at 800-555-5555 Monday through Friday from 5 am – 8 pm EST or on their website anytime 24/7 for help resolving any issues that might come up during your ownership period.

Writing about products you haven’t personally used can be challenging, but with our step-by-step guide on how to blog about a product you’ve never used, you’ll discover effective techniques to create engaging and informative content.

Research What Others Have Said About It

Look at reviews.

Look at what people are saying about it on social media, in comments sections, and retailer sites like Amazon and Walmart.

What do they like? What don’t they like? Why did they choose to buy this product over another option? What are the most common complaints about it? How does the price compare with other similar products in the same category as yours (online or in stores)? 

Do any of these products have features that yours doesn’t have, or vice versa? Are there any things that make your product stand out from the rest of them on the market right now or not so much?

Who Makes The Product?

You want to know what company makes the product you’re reviewing. This can be valuable information because it will help you determine if the product is worth your money or not.

If you are familiar with the brand, that’s a good sign. If not, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be good it just means that there’s more research required on your part before buying anything from them (if there even is such a thing).

If an unknown brand comes across as shady and sketchy, don’t buy from them! That being said…

Who Is The Product For?

This is the first question you need to answer. Who is this product for? What is the target audience? Why do you think this product is for them?

Answer these questions and you’ll have a good idea of how to write your review. If there are no other options that are similar or different from the one you’re reviewing, it might be easier to approach from another angle: what makes this product different from other products? 

Are there any features that make it unique or stand out in some way? These points could help shape your review into something more substantial than “this thing works like all other things I’ve tried before it! Yay!”

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Can You Get A Sample?

If you’re not sure if a product is right for you or your audience, try it out first. If a company will send you a sample of their product, great! You can write about that experience and see what happens.

If they won’t send you a free sample, ask friends and family if they have any extras lying around. Or maybe someone in your network has used the product before asking them questions about their experience with it.

If You Can’t Get A Sample, How Can You Experience The Product In Some Way?

If you’re working with a new product, it may be difficult to get your hands on one to test out. But there are lots of ways to get an idea of how the product works and what it can do!

If you’re interested in reading reviews, check out the company’s website or social media accounts and see if they have any customer reviews posted. If they don’t have any, go ahead and post your own! 

You might even be able to reach out directly to the manufacturer or distributor of that product through email or phone calls (if you have their contact information).

If videos are more your thing, check out YouTube; there’ll probably be plenty of people who already made videos about this particular type of product before you started thinking about writing yours let them inspire your creation!

And if all else fails…you can always just look at pictures! The best blogs will always include high-quality photos so that readers can understand what exactly they’re looking at before purchasing anything from those vendors themselves. 

Just remember: photos aren’t everything; make sure these pictures accurately represent what’s being offered before making any financial decisions based solely on them alone without first checking other sources like other reviewers’ opinions hand.”

What Makes This Product Different Than Others Like It?

The key to a great product review is explaining why you’re writing about this particular product. What makes it different than others like it? How is it better than the alternatives? 

Or, if there are no alternatives, how is your product different from the products that were made before it? The more detailed the answer to these questions, the better.

You may have noticed that most reviews on Amazon or other online retail sites start with an explanation of what makes their product unique. 

This can be anything from “This was my favorite shampoo of 2017” or “A pack of 8 nail clippers for just $5!” depending on what sort of item you’re reviewing.

You should also touch upon any claims made by the manufacturer about their product’s superiority over similar ones you don’t need to believe everything they say.

But briefly addressing these points will help readers understand why yours is worth trying out instead (or why theirs isn’t).

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What Are Your First Thoughts On The Product?

Let’s say you’ve been asked to write a product review on a product that you’ve never used before. What do you do? 

Start by listing out your first impressions of the product. What were your initial thoughts about it? Write them down in bullet points so they’re easier to read and edit later on if necessary.

Next, explore what about the design of the item makes it stand out in its category or niche what does its packaging say about how much care went into producing this particular item? 

Look at how much detail there is on the exterior of the packaging material itself; what are some possible reasons for this extra attention being given to aesthetic quality regardless of whether or not someone sees it when making an online purchase?

Finally, consider pricing: why might specific types of consumers choose one type over another (or not choose at all)? Is there any correlation between price range and quality levels within a certain category (for example luxury versus midrange)?

Why Do You Think People Should Want This Product?

If you’ve never used the product, how can you write a review about it? What can you say to help other people decide whether they want to buy it or not?

Several things will help sell your argument:

You can talk about why this is a good product. Why do you think that people should want this particular product over all of the others out there? Is there anything special about it that makes it better than similar products on the market (if so, what)? 

Are there reasons why people should trust your opinion when buying this product (for example, if you’re an experienced user who has tried many similar products and has found one which works well for you)?*

You also need to explain why anyone would want this product at all.* Everyone knows what products are made for but do they *need* them? If so, what’s wrong with their current system (if anything)? 

Sometimes we don’t realize something’s missing until someone shows us a better way of doing things.

How Was It Made Or Created?

The next important question you should be asking yourself is how was this product created. This includes who made it, where it was made, and how long did it take to make. It also includes what inspired the creation of the product. 

Once you know all of those details, you can start looking at the name. What does that name mean to you?

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What Questions Do You Have About The Product That Could Help You Learn More/Review It Better?

Now that you’ve read about the product and know what it is, you should have questions about it. These are the kinds of things that can help you learn more about the product, and also help make your review more interesting.

Some questions to ask:

What are the features of this product? (This is especially helpful if there are multiple products from a brand that look similar.)

How much does this cost? If it varies by retailer, what’s the cheapest place to buy it? And how much does shipping cost?

Where can I find this in stock near me? Is there a local store or an online shop where I could purchase this with ease? (If not available locally, see if they offer free shipping or expedited shipping options.)

How Does This Product Fit In With Other Products The Company Sells/Makes?

The first thing you should look at is how a product fits in with other products the company sells/makes. Let’s say you’re reviewing a pair of scissors. Are they a replacement for an existing pair? 

Or are they just one more option to help people cut things? In either case, how do they stack up against other similar products on the market?

If your review is going to be comparing this new type of scissors (for example) to others already made by the same manufacturer, then it would be helpful to know if there are any differences between them. 

If this new model has something special about it that makes it stand out from its competitors and worth purchasing instead better quality blades or handles; a built-in safety lock feature; longer lifespan than normal.

Then you’ll want to highlight those things as well as any other benefits that come with using these particular scissors over their competition.

Features Of This Product


Size: The product is the perfect size to fit in your hand. It’s not too big, and it’s not too small. The size makes it easy to use and carry around with you wherever you go.

Color: The color of this product is blue, which is a great color for many people because it matches their style or personality. Some people like black products, but these are dark blues that look sleek and professional without being too dull or boring!

Texture: This product feels very smooth in your hands when you hold it, it almost has a velvety feel! 

The texture gives off a sense of luxury while still being practical enough for everyday use by anyone who wants quality at an affordable price point (i mean who doesn’t love saving money?)


Durability: This product was designed with durability in mind it won’t break easily when dropped onto hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt from up high heights.

Such as buildings or mountainside ledges where other less sturdy products simply don’t survive such harsh environments due to luckier construction materials used during manufacture process…

Cost Of This Product

If you’re going to review a product, your readers will want to know how much it costs. They’ll also want to know if the cost is worth it and whether there are similar products that are cheaper or better.

You can compare the price of this product with other similar items by looking at the average price of similar products on Amazon and in other stores. 

You may also want to compare the cost of this product with other versions from the same company (or even from different companies) when possible.

Here’s an example: “This sewing machine costs $200, but you can find other sewing machines for around $50-100, so I think it’s expensive compared to its competitors.”

Pros &Amp; Cons. (Use Both!)

Pros and cons are a great way to structure your review. They allow you to talk about both sides of the story, which is always useful. Plus, they’re easy to write as well! To help you get started, here are some tips:

Be specific. Don’t just say that something is good or bad talk about why it’s good or bad! 

For example, instead of saying “I love this shampoo because it makes my hair feel soft” say “I love this shampoo because it contains natural avocado oil which helps restore moisture and shine while also strengthening fragile strands”

Use quotes from both yourself and others. Not only will this make your review more interesting for readers but it will also show them that other people agree with what you’re saying (or not). 

If there are any positive reviews out there that support your opinion then definitely include them in your post!

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If you’re looking for a way to get started, try writing about something you love or are passionate about. You could also try researching a product that you’ve never used before and then reviewing it from an outsider’s perspective.

Or use the tips above as inspiration when writing your blog posts. Keep in mind that there are many different approaches to writing reviews and not all of them need to be formal!

Further Reading

How to Start a Blog: A comprehensive guide on the essential steps to launch and run a successful blog, from choosing the right platform to creating compelling content.

9 Simple Ways to Write Product Descriptions That Sell: Learn effective techniques to craft product descriptions that entice customers and boost sales for your online store.

How to Write a Blog Post: Get valuable insights into the art of writing engaging and share-worthy blog posts, along with tips to capture readers’ attention.


How do I choose the best blogging platform for my needs?

Selecting the right blogging platform depends on various factors such as your technical expertise, budget, and specific blogging goals. Consider popular options like WordPress, Blogger, or Medium, and assess their features and suitability for your content strategy.

What elements should I include in a compelling product description?

An effective product description should highlight the product’s unique selling points, address customer pain points, and provide clear and concise information. It should also create a sense of urgency and encourage readers to take action.

How can I write engaging blog posts that resonate with my audience?

To create compelling blog posts, focus on topics relevant to your target audience, use a conversational tone, and include visuals to enhance readability. Additionally, leverage storytelling and incorporate actionable takeaways to keep readers coming back for more.

How frequently should I publish new blog posts?

Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Determine a realistic publishing schedule that aligns with your resources and commit to it. Whether it’s once a week or multiple times a month, regular updates can help build a loyal readership.

How can I promote my blog and increase its visibility?

Promote your blog through various channels, such as social media, email newsletters, and collaborating with influencers or other bloggers. Additionally, optimize your blog posts for SEO to improve organic traffic and reach a wider audience.