As a content writer, you need to be able to write naturally and without sounding like someone who is trying too hard. You will have to think about your customers’ needs and wants before you start working on the actual copy. In this article, we will discuss some ways in which you can become a more natural content writer.
Takeaways |
1. Embrace your unique voice and writing style. |
2. Practice regularly to improve your writing skills. |
3. Read extensively to expand your knowledge and ideas. |
4. Connect with your audience by being authentic. |
5. Incorporate storytelling to make your content engaging. |
Write What You Know
When it comes to writing content, there’s nothing worse than having a writer who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. As a natural content writer, you need to be able to write on topics that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. If you don’t know anything about a topic, how can you expect to write something engaging and useful for your audience?
When choosing topics for your blog or website, think about what interests you most the more passionate you are about the topic, the better it will come across in your writing. You’ll also want to consider whether or not there is enough information out there already that covers this area.
For example, if I wanted my website’s focus on health issues then I would probably choose another topic since there are already thousands upon thousands of blogs and websites out there covering this field alone! However, if we were talking about fashion-related topics then maybe my chances wouldn’t look so bad after all.
Writing content that resonates with your audience is crucial for success in the digital world. Explore our comprehensive guide on becoming an SEO writer on the side to enhance your writing skills and boost your online presence.
Write Naturally
One of the easiest ways to see if your writing is too unnatural is by reading out loud what you’ve written. If it sounds good in your head, but sounds weird when you say it out loud, then there’s a good chance that what you’re writing is unnatural.
A lot of people use passive verbs and long sentences because they think it makes them sound smarter or more professional. The truth is that this type of writing style ends up making things less clear and more difficult to understand for both readers and search engines! Instead, try using shorter sentences with active verbs (in other words: don’t write like a robot).
Make Your Copy “Smart”
When you are writing your copy, make sure that you are using words that are easy to understand. Avoid jargon and use the vocabulary of your audience instead. The best way to do this is by researching the content on their site and finding out what kind of language they typically use. Then write with that in mind!
Another simple way to make your copy “smart” is by using words that are familiar or specific to your topic area; for example, if you’re talking about a type of car engine, use words like “carburetor,” not something generic like “engine.” In addition to being smarter than an average person (not just me),
This will also help keep readers engaged with what you’re saying because they’ll have an easier time understanding it all; less time spent rereading means more time learning new things!
The last thing I want to mention is how important proper grammar usage can be when writing content intended for other people – especially if they’re not native English speakers themselves! It’s easy for mistakes like these here: `’s vs ‘s`
Don’t fall for common SEO writing myths that can harm your content’s performance. Learn about the 15 ridiculous SEO writing rules you should never follow and discover the right strategies to optimize your content effectively.
Avoid Jargon
There are a few things that make a writer stand out. One of them is their use of jargon. Jargon is a language used by specific groups of people, often to make themselves sound more intelligent, important, or cool than they are.
It’s not hard to spot jargon in writing it’s when you hear words like “motivate,” “incentivize,” “sustainability” and synergy. Jargon can be found everywhere from corporate websites and academic papers to social media posts and even casual conversations between friends. If you want your content to be more natural, avoid using jargon wherever possible!
Delete Empty Phrases And Words
Delete any phrase that is not necessary. Don’t use “I” or “me” in your writing to describe what you are doing, because it’s not necessarily important to the reader.
Instead, use action verbs like “design” “build,” or “create.” When you use these kinds of words, readers can clearly understand what they’re reading about without having to guess its meaning.
If you find yourself using the same word more than once, consider replacing it with another one just for variety’s sake! Variety makes things interesting and prevents boredom from setting in for readers so be sure not only do I want my content but also I want more content
Write As If You Are Having A Conversation With Your Customers
Your customers need to feel like they are talking to someone who is on their level. They don’t want to feel like your writing is so formal that it feels like an email from a robot spammer. Write like you are having a conversation with the customer, and not just flat-out telling them what you have decided should be said in the article or blog post.
This can be achieved by using a conversational tone throughout your writing, which makes it easier for readers to understand what you are trying to convey through your content.
Your readers will benefit from this style of writing since they will be able to easily connect with the information being presented while still getting all of the facts they need without feeling overwhelmed by too much detail or technical jargon.
Want to create content that ranks high in search engines? Check out our expert tips on writing an SEO-friendly article in under 48 hours to ensure your content gets the attention it deserves.
Create An Outline To Write More Efficiently
When you outline your content, you can ensure that the information is structured in a way that makes sense and flows well. This will keep your readers engaged. A well-written piece of content has a beginning, middle, and end. As with any story (or outline), there should be some sort of conflict or tension that prompts the main character to act (your reader).
A good place to start with outlining your content is with an introduction paragraph that introduces the problem or question at hand to your audience. Then follow up with two-three paragraphs explaining more about why this is important for them to know about and how it affects their lives/businesses/etcetera.
Lastly, wrap up by providing some recommendations on how they can go about solving this problem or overcoming this challenge this should be based on research from earlier paragraphs in addition to what you’ve learned from talking with customers while they’re experiencing issues related to those topics!
Write In Short Paragraphs
Short paragraphs are easier to read and skim.
They help you write more, stay focused, and write more efficiently.
Shorter paragraphs are also easier to write naturally; longer ones force you into unnatural writing patterns that don’t always sound right. Short paragraphs make it easy for readers’ eyes to move quickly from one line to the next, which helps them understand what they’re reading faster than if there were fewer lines per paragraph or lots of space between lines (or both).
Use Bulleted Lists When Possible
Bullet points are a very easy way to convey ideas. They’re simple, and they help your readers get the gist of what you’re saying without having to read too much. This is very helpful in writing for the web, where people are constantly on the move and have limited attention spans.
Bullets also make it easy for readers to skim over your article or blog post if they don’t have time for more than a quick scan: all the important information is condensed into bullet points, so if someone just wants a few key takeaways from your piece they can quickly find them without having to invest too many minutes in reading through everything you’ve written.
Bulleted lists are also great at communicating complex topics because they break down complicated concepts into bite-sized pieces that readers can digest easily you won’t overwhelm them with too much information at once!
Another benefit of using bullets? They’re easier than paragraphs when it comes time to share your work with others (whether via social media or email).
You don’t need an entire paragraph explaining what each bullet point means; instead just link back directly to those individual points so anyone who doesn’t want/need all that context can easily skip right over them (and no one will judge).
Master the art of writing like an SEO wizard to drive organic traffic to your website. Our ultimate guide to writing like an SEO wizard offers valuable insights and techniques to improve your content’s search engine ranking.
Find Synonyms For Common Phrases And Words
Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. For instance, “write” and “compose” are synonyms. They can be used interchangeably in most contexts. This is useful if you’re trying to avoid overused phrases and words in your writing.
If you want to find synonyms for common phrases and words, several online tools can help you do just that, including Thesauruses (such as Dictionary) or apps like Wordnet Flashcards (iPhone), which allow users to browse through a variety of different dictionaries on the fly.
Take Care Of Seo While Writing Your Content, Not After It’s Done
You can also help your article rank by using the keyword in your title. If you have a long or difficult-to-pronounce name for a product or service, try to use keywords that are easier to say in the title, like “How To Get [product]” instead of “How To Use [product].”
Remember to incorporate keywords throughout your writing and make sure they appear in appropriate places. For example, if you’re writing an article about how to tie a bow tie and include information on different types of bows (bow ties) then use those terms when describing them as well as other related words like silk/materials.
When listing all the ways someone might wear their bow-tie (informational content), including all relevant keywords: “[Product] is commonly worn with suit jackets but many people prefer wearing them with button-down shirts.”
Spend More Time On Researching Keywords Than Writing Your Content
You might be tempted to write your content first, then find the right keywords to match. While this method can work well for some people (and you should try it), I recommend spending more time researching keywords than writing your content.
Instead of writing your article and then looking for the right words to use, start by finding all possible relevant keywords that could be used in your piece of content. Then write around those keywords so that they fit in naturally with your content!
How do you find these keywords? Use keyword tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or SEMrush’s Free Keyword Tool.
These tools will show you how many people search for a given keyword each month (and where they would rank if they were included in an ad). For example, if I type “how to become” into the free Google AdWords tool and set my location as the United Kingdom:
You can see that there are almost 2 million searches per month from UK-based users on google alone!
Focus On One Topic Per Article Or Post
The most important thing to remember when writing is to focus on one topic. This means that you should write about a specific topic, instead of writing about multiple topics within the same article or blog post.
For example, if you are writing an article about how to become a more natural content writer, focus on just one thing in that article writing and publishing articles that are more natural and free-flowing. Don’t try to include everything there is to know about being an effective content writer in this one piece!
Instead Of Writing Just One Long Post, Break The Topic Into Several Posts And Link To Them In The Original Article
Instead of writing just one long post, break the topic into several posts and link to them in the original article. This will allow you to break up your content and make it easier for readers to share on social media platforms. At the same time, you can link back to other posts that are related to the topic at hand.
A blog is an excellent way not only for individuals but also for organizations as well as businesses to use blogs as a way to build credibility by providing valuable information about their services or products through blogging.
Blogging helps companies connect with customers by providing them with useful information; however, this does not mean that all companies have time for creating content now and then so many people prefer outsourcing this task instead which leads us back to where we started: looking for professional writers who help companies grow sales naturally through blogs!
Don’t Think About Selling When You Write Copy For Your Website Or Blog Posts
The purpose of the copy is to inform and educate. You know this but you may tend to get distracted by the fact that you want to make sales.
It’s easy to fall into this trap because there are so many things in the world that can tempt us away from our main purpose money, fame, and recognition but knowing what your goal is will help keep you focused on writing natural blog posts rather than sales pitches.
If we don’t remember what our goal is when writing content for websites or blogs then we might end up writing something like: “Buy now! This product will solve all your problems! Buy now! This service will save your life! Buy now! This book will make you rich overnight!!!”
Curious about how to learn SEO writing and improve your skills? Explore our inspiring journey on how I learned SEO writing & how you can too, and discover the key steps to becoming a successful and natural content writer in the digital landscape.
Get Rid Of All Marketing Words From Your Vocabulary
First and foremost, you need to get rid of all marketing words from your vocabulary. Marketing words are not natural. They sound phony, they don’t come across as conversational and people don’t want to buy from phony marketers. Instead, you should talk more about your customers, not your company or brand.
Avoid Using Passive Voice
Using passive voice is the easiest way to bore your readers. It makes your writing much longer and wordier than it should be, which can make it difficult for readers to pay attention and retain the information they need.
Passive voice is also more ambiguous, meaning that your sentences will lack a clear subject. For example: Active: “I ate a sandwich.” Passive: “A sandwich was eaten by me.” With passive sentences like this one, who did what?
As we’ve already discussed in this guide, active voice is direct and concise it gets right to the point without any unnecessary filler words or phrases.
This makes active sentences easier for readers to understand (and remember), so they’re likely to have an overall better experience with your content because they aren’t struggling just trying to figure out what’s going on!
The more natural and conversational your copy sounds, the better. Taking time to get to know your audience will help you write more effectively and make it easier to create content that you can use on your site or blog posts.
The best way to do this is by interacting with people who have similar interests, which can be done through social media channels like Facebook groups or forums related to what you want to write about.
Further Reading
How to Become a Content Writer: Learn the step-by-step process to kickstart your journey as a content writer and build a successful career in the field of writing.
Content Writing: The Ultimate Guide: Discover the secrets of effective content writing and master the art of creating engaging and persuasive content that captivates your audience.
How to Become a Content Writer: A Comprehensive Guide: Uncover the essential tips and tricks to become a content writer and excel in the world of digital content creation.
What are the key skills required to become a content writer?
To become a successful content writer, you need strong writing skills, creativity, research abilities, and the capacity to adapt writing styles for different audiences.
How can I improve my content writing skills?
You can enhance your content writing skills by practicing regularly, reading extensively, seeking feedback, and staying updated with the latest trends in writing and digital marketing.
Is SEO knowledge essential for content writers?
Yes, having a basic understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for content writers as it helps optimize their content for better visibility and ranking on search engines.
How do I find content writing opportunities?
To find content writing opportunities, you can explore freelance platforms, job boards, content writing agencies, or directly approach businesses that may require writing services.
What is the importance of storytelling in content writing?
Storytelling in content writing helps to engage readers on a deeper level, evoke emotions, and make the content more memorable, leading to increased audience retention and brand loyalty.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.