How To Acquire Marketing Data For A Locked Down Price

You’ve found yourself in a pickle. You have some data but you need more, and there are others willing to sell it to you but they want an arm, a leg, and maybe even one of your kidneys in return. We understand that this kind of situation can be frustrating (and painful). 

So we’re going to walk you through how to acquire marketing data without paying the high prices that these data brokers usually ask for. Of course, acquiring any marketing data is going to require a little work on your end. 

But we promise that by the time you finish this post, you’ll be well-equipped with the skills necessary to obtain as much as humanly possible.

How To Do Market Research! (5 FAST & EASY Strategies
Key Takeaways
1. Acquiring marketing data at a lower cost is attainable.
2. Strategies to negotiate favorable data acquisition deals.
3. Leveraging data partnerships for cost-effective insights.
4. Importance of exploring alternative data sources.
5. Implementing efficient data management and analysis.

Don’t Pay A Premium For Data Brokers

Data brokers are middlemen who charge a premium for data. They do not supply any of the original data, but they are necessary to operate in a world where information is locked down and inaccessible. 

Data brokers fill this gap by gathering and combining available data sets into one comprehensive set, and selling that final product at a premium price point.

Data brokers make money by solving problems for companies they help them find out what’s going on in their industry so they can be more competitive or stay ahead of the competition, which translates into increased revenue for those companies. 

Because these solutions are time-sensitive, there’s no room for mistakes when acquiring marketing data from sources like LinkedIn or Twitter you need accurate information now! 

That’s why you shouldn’t pay too much for your next batch of marketing info: it’s easy enough to get it yourself using free tools like GatherContent so that your marketing team has access 24/7 without paying an arm and leg (or any appendages).

Building a robust marketing strategy requires reliable data. Explore our list of 10 Top Tools for Data Collection and Analysis to ensure your decisions are data-driven.

Know The Methods They Use To Sell Their Data

As a marketer, it’s important to know how data brokers get their information. Data brokers are not always transparent about the methods they use to buy and sell data, but there are some general patterns that you can observe:

Data brokers often buy information from data aggregators, who in turn buy information from individual users.

Data aggregators often buy information directly from companies that collect it themselves; this is called “first party” data collection. 

For example, if you sign up for a loyalty program at your local hardware store and provide them with your name and phone number in exchange for a discount on certain products.

The hardware store will sell this info to a marketing company that sells it as part of its database of consumer records (called “second party” because it comes directly from consumers).

In addition to these types of purchases, there are many others like them – we’re simplifying here just so we can keep things clear!

Pay Attention To What Webpages Display

The first step in acquiring marketing data for a locked-down price is to pay attention to what webpages display.

A great way to do this is by using tools like the Chrome extension Page Monitor, which will record all of the information on a webpage, including text and images. 

You must use this tool as you browse through different pages because it will help you see what information is missing from each page. 

For example: if someone is selling an ebook that talks about how they learned how to make money online, they probably won’t have a screenshot of their actual bank account on their homepage or sales page.

Because this would be considered “spammy” and unprofessional if someone was trying to sell something else like an ebook about making money through affiliate marketing (or any other kind). 

This can also help narrow down what kind of content needs more work so that it doesn’t look spammy in terms of having too many stock photos mixed with other images with text overlaid on top of them..

Are you looking to elevate your marketing research efforts? Learn how to Make Millions with Marketing Research and turn insights into substantial gains.

Ask The Right Questions To Determine Who May Have Found Your Data And How

Ask the right questions. When you’re considering purchasing a marketing data set, make sure to ask who found your data and how. 

If a company claims that they discovered your information in their database, this could indicate that it was released from an organization like Equifax or Experian without any sort of consent.

Buyer beware! It’s also important to note that even if you pay for data on the black market, there’s no guarantee that the seller hasn’t tampered with it or provided inaccurate information to increase its value.

Find Free Ways To Acquire Information About Connected Users

There are many ways to acquire marketing data without paying for it. The first thing you should do is search social media, where you can find information about people who have posted their own identities, interests and preferences on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

You can also search public records at county courthouses and vital statistics offices; here you will find information about birthdates, addresses, family members, and more.

You can also use the internet to gather information about people just look for what they’ve posted online by searching Google or Bing.

The deep web is like a secret underground library filled with knowledge from around the world that no one else has ever seen before if you know how to access it! It contains all sorts of useful data that could help solve your problems today (and maybe even tomorrow).

There are also ways of acquiring marketing data without paying through less conventional methods such as searching social media sites like Reddit where users may share sensitive details related to their lives without necessarily realizing how valuable this information is…

Experience is a great teacher in marketing research. Discover The 11 Lessons Every Marketing Researcher Should Learn to accelerate your expertise in this field.

Read Between The Lines In Public Records

Public records are available for free and you can use them to find out who owns a website or phone number. You may also be able to find out who owns a social media account, if it hasn’t been created under an alias.

If you buy a domain name from GoDaddy or another registrar, your ownership information will show up in the public record for that domain. It will look something like this:

This is great! But there are better options available if you know how to read between the lines of your public record search results!

Effective market research starts with using the right keywords. Uncover The Best Keywords to Use for Market Research to enhance the precision of your data acquisition process.

Use Google Alerts And Other Automatic Alerts To Stay Informed

If you’re looking for information on a specific person, company, or product, Google Alerts can help. Google Alerts is a feature that allows you to receive alerts whenever new content appears online that matches your search terms.

So instead of manually searching for new information about your target market, why not let Google do it for you? This can be especially useful if you’re looking to track down negative feedback about a company or individual (but not everyone).

For example: Let’s say that we were interested in learning more about how our competitor was doing their marketing and sales efforts. We would simply create an alert using the following search query: “______” + competitor name + “marketing.” 

This will allow us all relevant results related specifically to our competitor’s marketing activities across all channels – including social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

The Best Way To Acquire Marketing Data Is Not To Pay For It

The best way to acquire marketing data is not to pay for it. That’s right! You can use free methods like scraping and scraping tools, as well as automated alerts generated by Google Alerts and other services. 

These methods are much faster than manually searching through websites and social media accounts, which may not have the information you’re looking for in the first place.

They also represent an inexpensive alternative to paid services that require monthly or annual subscriptions and there’s no risk of being locked into a contract if you decide these methods aren’t working out for you!

Understanding the fundamentals is key to success in marketing research. Delve into our guide on Marketing Research: What It Is, Why It’s Important, How to Do It to lay a solid foundation for your endeavors.


With the right strategies, you can find any data you need at a price that won’t break your bank. Don’t be fooled by data brokers and their high-priced listings your data is out there, and it’s possible to get it for free. 

We hope this article has helped teach you how to do just that! If you still have questions or aren’t sure where to start, feel free to reach out.

Further Reading

Explore these additional resources to deepen your understanding of marketing research:

SurveyMonkey’s Comprehensive Guide to the Marketing Research Process: A detailed guide outlining the step-by-step process of conducting effective marketing research.

HubSpot’s Guide to Conducting Market Research Along the Buyer’s Journey: Learn how to align your market research efforts with each stage of the buyer’s journey for maximum impact.

SmartBug Media’s 5-Step Marketing Research Process: Discover a streamlined approach to executing successful marketing research in just five key steps.


What are the essential steps in the marketing research process?

The marketing research process typically involves steps such as problem definition, research design, data collection, data analysis, and report generation.

How can I ensure my market research aligns with the buyer’s journey?

Tailoring your market research to the buyer’s journey involves understanding customer needs at each stage, from awareness to purchase, to create targeted and relevant insights.

What role does data analysis play in marketing research?

Data analysis in marketing research involves interpreting collected data to extract meaningful insights, trends, and patterns that inform strategic decision-making.

How can a streamlined 5-step approach benefit my marketing research efforts?

A 5-step marketing research process helps simplify the complex research journey, making it more manageable and efficient while still delivering valuable results.