I started my first blog when I was angry. I had a great marketing job with a company that sold video games, but it wasn’t the right fit for me. I craved a creative outlet and somewhere to vent about all of the irritating stuff that was happening in my life, at work and outside of it.
So one night after work, as I sat on my couch eating mozzarella sticks and binge-watching Parks & Rec on Netflix (ah, the good old days), I decided I’d start a blog about all the things that annoyed me: customer service reps who don’t help you;
Dating apps where nobody matches with anybody; people who can’t do their jobs. My goal for this blog was to write about what irritated me and vent about it in an online diary that would distract me from real life. This is how my blogging journey began …
Key Takeaways |
Transitioning from a steady job to starting a business blog requires careful planning and consideration. |
Evaluating personal and financial readiness before making the leap is crucial for a smoother transition. |
Learning from the experiences and insights of others who have taken similar paths can provide valuable guidance. |
Understanding the challenges and benefits of entrepreneurship can help you navigate the journey more effectively. |
Building a support network, seeking relevant resources, and continuously improving your skills are essential for success. |
1. I Was An Angry
One of the biggest reasons I was unhappy in my job was because I was an angry person.
I was angry at myself for not getting as much done as I wanted to.
I was angry at others because they weren’t doing their jobs to the same level of excellence that I felt like they should be performing at.
I was angry at the world because sometimes things would happen that weren’t fair and weren’t right, even if it didn’t affect me directly (and even if it did).
I was angry at my team members for not working hard enough, or for acting like children instead of adults when things got tough and didn’t go their way (which often led them to quit).
And then there were times when someone would get promoted over someone else who deserved it more than them just because they knew the boss better! What’s up with that?
If you’re wondering what content marketing is and how it can benefit your small business, dive into our comprehensive guide on Why Every Small Business Needs to Take Part. Learn how this strategy can help you grow and connect with your audience effectively.
2. I Started To Write About My Anger
In the past, I have always been very careful not to write about my anger. I was afraid that if people knew how much anger and resentment I was feeling they would think less of me, or worse: judge me.
But I realized that by not being honest and writing about my true feelings, all of my emotions were trapped inside of me like a volcano ready for eruption. And when it did erupt it wasn’t pretty!
I started to write about my anger at work because the constant state of stress made it impossible for me to do any real work anymore.
Instead of being energized by my job (which used to be one of my favorite things in life), every day felt like being trapped in an elevator full of screaming babies who just wanted someone else’s attention instead of theirs.
The more frustrated I became with this situation, the more angry tweets were released from their cage on Twitter into cyberspace until eventually became an avalanche threatening everything around us!
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3. My Blog Went Viral
My blog started to go viral when I wrote about my frustration with my job.
I was sick and tired of the “work-life balance” at marketing agencies, so I started blogging about how unhappy I was. My boss didn’t care much for these posts, but they were getting a ton of traction online.
They were getting so much traffic that they crashed my website multiple times! Every time this happened, our agency had to pay more money to fix it because no one else could figure out what was wrong (it turned out there wasn’t anything wrong with our code).
Eventually, we had enough and decided it would be best if we parted ways professionally – although we’re still friends today!
4. I Asked Myself: “Can I Make Money From This?”
I was very scared to quit my job. I had no idea how much money I could make from blogging, or even if there would be any money to be made at all.
I asked myself: “How much will it cost me to live? How many articles do I need to create in order to earn that amount?”
The answer was $1,200 per month.
I didn’t know if that was possible but it seemed like a good number based on my research so far. It gave me something tangible and measurable with which to work toward achieving my goal of quitting my job within six months.
5. I Took A Huge Risk And Quit My Job With Nothing To Fall Back On
As I prepared to quit my job, I was scared. The thought of leaving the stability of a corporate job and starting a business was terrifying. But when you know that something is right, you have to follow your gut and take the chance.
It helped that I had a lot of support from family and friends who were happy for me and believed in me even though they didn’t always understand what I was doing.
And it also helped that everyone else around me was supportive too I didn’t want to be working at a dead-end job for the rest of my life!
The internet offers boundless opportunities for business growth. Discover how to harness its potential in our article on Using the Internet to Grow Your Business. Learn valuable strategies to expand your online presence and reach your target audience effectively.
6. My Confidence Grew
As a business blogger, you’re going to be working on your own for the most part. But don’t let that scare you off! I was able to grow my business by myself, and I had a lot of time to think and reflect.
If anything, this made me feel more confident in my abilities as an entrepreneur and writer.
When you’re working alone or with just one other person (like me), it can be easy to get stuck in your bubble. That means not being honest with yourself about things like:
What are your weaknesses? How could they affect your business? What can you do right now so those weaknesses won’t hinder growth?
I spent months identifying my weaknesses (including how often I procrastinate), then created an action plan for fixing them one step at a time until they were all gone! This helped me grow into someone even better than before when it came down to running my own company
7. I Saw That My Blog Had The Potential To Be A Business
It’s not enough to want to make money, you need to identify a way of making money. For me, it was blogging. I knew blogging was the right platform for me because of all of these reasons:
It let me leverage my existing expertise as an entrepreneur, marketer, and writer. Thus it would save me time from having to learn something new.
I could work alone and from anywhere in the world with an internet connection (this is important).
I didn’t have any competition when starting because there weren’t many people doing what I wanted to do at the time: help other business owners build their online presence by writing content for them on their blogs/websites/social media channels;
This meant there wasn’t any competition or established players already doing what needed to be done so no one else would notice until after we were already established ourselves!
8. I Knew Blogging Was The Right Platform
As an introvert, blogging helped me to find my voice. I had always wanted to be a writer and knew that writing would be the best way for me to share my thoughts and ideas with the world.
Blogging also helped me find my niche the topic or area of expertise that resonates most with my audience. For example, I have a passion for personal finance, so I blog about money management tips and tricks.
Blogging also helped me find my audience the people who are interested in your niche or topic of expertise. It’s good practice to ask yourself: Who am I trying to reach? What do they care about? How can my message help them? Why should they listen?
9. I Found A Coach In Craig Ballantyne’s
Next, I started doing some research on my own, and I found a coach in Craig Ballantyne. Here’s what you need to know about him:
- He’s the author of the best-selling book “The Perfect Day Formula”.
- He is a personal trainer, entrepreneur, and coach who teaches people how to get fit and healthy.
- He has helped thousands of people lose weight, get fit and build muscle by following his system for success.
I read through several reviews of his program before signing up for it myself and was blown away by all the positive feedback he received from customers who had used his program successfully.
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10. I Took An Honest Look At Myself And Uncovered My Weaknesses
You might be thinking, “How can taking an honest look at myself be an asset? Isn’t it just something that will make me feel worse about myself?”
In actuality, taking a hard look at yourself is one of the most important things you can do for your business’s success. The more honest you are with yourself about your weaknesses and strengths, the better equipped you will be for overcoming obstacles in life and business.
For example: if someone tells me they want to start their own company but then doesn’t take any steps toward achieving that goal (such as creating content).
Then I know that person doesn’t have what it takes to run their own business.
On the other hand, if someone starts blogging consistently after following my advice in step #6 above (“start blogging”), then I know this person has potential because they’re actively working towards their goal of starting a blog.
11. I’m An Introvert
I’m an introvert. This one is self-explanatory, but it’s important to note because many people don’t realize that being introverted doesn’t mean you’re a hermit who hates people and everything else in the world.
It simply means that you need time to recharge after being around others for a long period and it’s okay if you prefer doing things on your own (or with your partner!).
I am a writer at heart. I love writing, whether it be poetry or articles. The thought process behind writing gives me great pleasure; I enjoy crafting sentences into something beautiful and meaningful without ever having to worry about them being perfect on the first try!
My mind races constantly when given an open space where my thoughts can run free; this often makes me feel like there are too many thoughts all at once.
Which causes stress/anxiety because none of them seem important enough until they’re out there floating away forever…in short: my mind needs structure if we want our lives together not just surviving but thriving together!
12. Your Expertise Is Your Content
Your online business is a reflection of yourself, and your content needs to be authentic for people to trust you and follow through with what you’re selling.
If you don’t have any expertise or skills, it’s okay! Just keep working hard at learning until you do have some things to offer that are unique to only YOU.
You might be thinking: “But what if I’m not good at anything?” The truth is that we all have talents and abilities; we just haven’t cultivated them yet because we’ve been busy doing other things instead of focusing on our strengths.
Whether it’s cooking or singing or sewing or whatever else if it makes your heart beat faster because the sheer thought of doing something makes everything else fade away into oblivion (or just feels satisfying), then that’s probably something worth pursuing!
Increasing sales doesn’t always require extreme effort. Learn how to enhance your sales without breaking a sweat in our article on Generating More Sales Without Really Trying. Discover simple yet effective strategies to boost your business’s revenue with ease.
13. Write In A Conversational Tone
In this post, I’m going to show you my process for writing blog posts that get shared and read by thousands of people. Writing is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned.
Getting started isn’t always easy but the first step is learning how to write in a way that feels natural to you, not in a way that you think people want to hear.
I recommend starting with what feels natural: writing as if you’re talking with someone over coffee or lunch (or taking them on an adventure).
This will make writing more enjoyable because it allows you to use your voice something that’s likely already very familiar and comfortable.
You’ll also find it easier when communicating complex ideas because your authentic voice will simplify things and make them easier for readers who are unfamiliar with the subject matter on hand.
14. Be Yourself, Be Funny
You’re a unique person. You have your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Be yourself! If someone doesn’t like what you have to say or the way that you say it… they aren’t worth your time anyway.
It’s important not to get sucked in by the idea of becoming an overnight success when starting a new business blog.
It takes time for things to build up, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results from all of the work that goes into starting a successful blog (and remember: even big blogs are still just small businesses).
Achieving success requires consistency and commitment over a long period; it does not happen overnight or by luck alone.
The more consistent and committed we become with our business blogs, the more opportunities we’ll be able to take advantage of along with the greater potential for growth and expansion into other areas such as affiliate marketing programs or other types of monetization opportunities down the road.”
I hope this series of posts has been helpful to you in some way. I’ve learned a lot since I was a frustrated blogger and a stressed-out worker bee.
If you’re serious about succeeding with your blog, then I encourage you to check out Craig Ballantine’s Earn1K course. It’s helped me tremendously and is the reason why I’m able to make money online now
Further Reading
Here are some additional articles that provide insights and personal experiences related to quitting a job to start your own business:
4 Months Ago I Quit My Job to Start My Own Business Short Description: Discover the journey of an individual who took the leap to start their own business and the lessons they learned along the way.
How I Quit My Job and Started My Online Business Short Description: Learn from a firsthand account of someone’s decision to leave their job and launch an online business, including the challenges and successes they encountered.
Should I Quit My Job to Start My Own Business? 9 Questions You Need to Ask Short Description: Get valuable advice on the critical questions to consider before making the decision to leave your job and embark on an entrepreneurial journey.
Here are some frequently asked questions about quitting a job to start a business:
How do I know if it’s the right time to quit my job and start a business?
Knowing the right time to quit your job and start a business depends on various factors such as financial stability, market research, and preparedness. Assess your business plan and personal circumstances to make an informed decision.
What are some common challenges faced when transitioning from a job to a business?
Transitioning from a job to a business can bring challenges like financial uncertainty, lack of a steady paycheck, and the need to wear multiple hats as a business owner. Planning and adaptability are key to navigating these challenges.
What steps can I take to ensure a smooth transition into entrepreneurship?
To ensure a smooth transition, create a well-thought-out business plan, build a financial cushion, network within your industry, and continuously educate yourself about entrepreneurship.
How can I financially prepare for quitting my job and starting a business?
Financial preparation involves saving a sufficient amount of money to cover your living expenses during the initial stages of your business, as well as setting up a budget and exploring funding options.
What are some resources for learning more about entrepreneurship and business management?
There are numerous resources available, including online courses, books, podcasts, and workshops, that offer insights into entrepreneurship, business management, marketing, and more. Utilize these resources to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.