Google’s PageRank metric the algorithm that determines a website’s search engine ranking position isn’t as mysterious as some people think.
While it’s true that there are many factors involved, the truth is much simpler: if you know what you’re doing and keep at it, you can significantly boost your PageRank over time.
This was certainly the case for me. While I have over 20 years of experience in online marketing, my job at Crazy Egg requires me to produce content on other people’s sites before posting it here on our blog.
As a result, building up the popularity of my own site has been slow-going compared to what it used to be when I worked every day on growing my own blog and brand.
However, I didn’t let this stop me! I simply wrote better content and got more links using techniques that I’ll outline below.
Takeaways |
Strategies and techniques to improve PageRank |
Results achieved: 350% increase in PageRank |
Six-month timeframe for improvement |
Insights into effective SEO practices |
Practical steps for boosting online presence |
Importance of consistent effort and optimization |
1. I Made Everything On Neil Patel As Easy To Read As Possible
One of the most important parts of SEO is making sure that your content is easy to read and understand.
That’s why I made sure everything on Neil Patel was as easy to read and scan as possible. Here are some tips that you should use in your blog posts, too:
Use short paragraphs. Long paragraphs can be just as confusing as long sentences, so keep them short by breaking up each paragraph into two or more shorter ones.
This will also help you make sure your content doesn’t go on forever which has become kind of a thing in the modern world.
Use bullet points if possible (or numbered lists). These are great for helping people quickly understand what they’re reading, especially if they want to skip ahead or skim through it quickly instead of reading every word carefully like a bookworm would do!
Make headings and subheadings stand out with bold text instead of italics so readers don’t get confused about where one section ends and another begins, which can happen pretty easily when everything looks similar on screen sometimes 😉
Discover actionable strategies to improve your website’s PageRank and SEO performance in just 6 months. Learn how I increased my PageRank by 350% and gain valuable insights into boosting your online presence.
2. I Wrote Longer Content
I found that longer content is more likely to be read, shared, and linked to. It’s also more likely to be indexed by search engines. This means you’ll have a better chance of showing up on Google for your target keywords.
A blog post of about 1,000 words is ideal for most blogs as it gives enough information to satisfy readers without being too long or boring them into closing the tab (I know from experience).
You could also try splitting blog posts into multiple parts if you find yourself struggling with word count.
3. I Created Content To Beat The Competition
So, let’s say your online store is selling a product that you know nothing about. You’ll have to rely on the information provided by the manufacturer or other third-party sources.
If you don’t know what customers are looking for and why, it will be impossible for you to provide them with relevant content that can help them make a buying decision.
And if there are no unique products on the market (which is highly unlikely), then you need to create something new and unique yourself.
To do this, first of all, consider how your product differs from similar ones: what makes it special? What features does it have? How does it stand out from its competitors?
Building quality backlinks is a crucial aspect of SEO success. Dive into our Definitive Guide to Building Backlinks to explore effective strategies for enhancing your website’s authority and search engine rankings.
4. I Improved My Top Pages
- Improve the top pages on your site.
- Do this by adding more content, improving the content, and adding more links.
- Make sure your top pages are still relevant to your audience.
- Make sure they’re still relevant to your business as well.
5. I Built More Backlinks
I found that the best way to get backlinks is by building relationships with people.
I’m not saying you should go out and spam everyone on the internet with your content and website, but rather that you need to continually have conversations with your peers, customers, vendors, and other people in your industry.
You should also share their content on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram as well as link to them from relevant articles on your own site.
Doing this will help build a relationship with them which could lead them to link back to you at some point in the future.
5. I Built More Backlinks
I found that the best way to get backlinks is by building relationships with people.
I’m not saying you should go out and spam everyone on the internet with your content and website, but rather that you need to continually have conversations with your peers, customers, vendors and other people in your industry.
You should also share their content on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram as well as a link to them from relevant articles on your site.
Doing this will help build a relationship with them which could lead them to link back to you at some point in the future.
Embark on your SEO journey with our Complete Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization. Gain insights into essential SEO tips and techniques that will help your website climb the search engine ranks.
5. I Built More Backlinks
I found that the best way to get backlinks is by building relationships with people.
I’m not saying you should go out and spam everyone on the internet with your content and website, but rather that you need to continually have conversations with your peers, customers, vendors and other people in your industry.
You should also share their content on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram as well as a link to them from relevant articles on your site.
Doing this will help build a relationship with them which could lead them to link back to you at some point in the future.
6. My Writing Skills Got Better Over Time
Let’s be honest: Writing is hard. It’s a skill that you can improve with practice, but it takes time and effort to get good at. You’ve probably seen those articles that tell you how to write like the experts with their fancy vocabulary and grammatical mastery.
But those tips only work if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to become a great writer yourself and I’m sure you know how much both of those things is necessary!
I got better at writing over time by doing two things: reading more about writing techniques, and writing more frequently. Here are some books I recommend reading if you want to improve your writing skills:
- On Writing Well by William Zinsser
- On Writing by Stephen King
7. I Started Doing SEO For Other Websites And Blogs
Why I Started Doing It
I started doing SEO for other websites and blogs because I wanted to help people. I had spent so much time learning how to do it myself that I wanted to share my knowledge with others. Not only that, but you’ll also learn a lot from helping other people.
You can see what they are struggling with and then figure out ways to make their lives easier by making some changes on their site or blog.
How To Do It
There are many ways you can start helping others with SEO, but one of the easiest is by offering free advice through forums or social media groups.
Also remember that you don’t have to get involved in paid work at this point because if someone wants your services they will contact you directly! If they do ask for free advice though, don’t worry about charging them anything as this will only build up your reputation more over time!
Don’t fall for common misconceptions! Explore our article on 14 SEO Myths That Are Still Being Spun Around to uncover the truth behind these myths and ensure you’re making informed decisions for your SEO strategy.
Building Links, Improving Content And Authoring Skills Are Powerful Ways To Increase Your Pagerank Metrics
Links to other websites are one of the most powerful ways you can increase your PageRank metrics. Most people don’t realize this and think that Google is only looking at their own site and what they have done.
But if you link out, Google also sees this as valuable content on another website that may be relevant to a user searching for something specific.
Not only does linking out help with your PageRank, it also helps boost traffic from other sites because the anchor text links contain keywords that are relevant to an SEO strategy for SEO purposes or PPC advertising campaigns (e.g., [best gaming laptops]).
This will improve both organic search engine rankings and paid ads positions in the Google AdWords advertising platform!
Improving Content Quality
One way to increase your page rank is by improving content quality so that it can rank higher in search engines like Google™ or Bing™.
Improving content quality means writing longer articles with more information than what appears on typical blog posts; adding infographics, videos and images; making sure there aren’t any broken links, etc…
If someone finds out about one of my blogs through social media then clicks over onto it then reads some good stuff before clicking back again then I know they care about me because otherwise why would they bother?
Is it possible to achieve a high search engine ranking without backlinks? Learn how to rank for a keyword with zero backlinks in less than 7 months by leveraging content, optimization, and other SEO tactics for rapid success.
I hope this post was helpful for anyone looking to increase their PageRank. I know it’s not something people talk about much, but it can be really helpful when trying to figure out what SEO tactics are working and which ones aren’t (and why).
If you have any questions about my experience with this process, feel free to ask!
Further Reading
Explore more resources to deepen your understanding of PageRank and SEO:
PageRank Algorithm Explained Short Description: Understand the inner workings of the PageRank algorithm and its significance in modern search engine ranking.
Demystifying PageRank: What Marketers Should Know Short Description: Delve into the essentials of PageRank, its historical context, and how it impacts the world of digital marketing.
Gaming the PageRank Algorithm: An Analysis Short Description: Explore the concept of “Google bombing” and its impact on manipulating the PageRank algorithm.
Learn more about PageRank with these frequently asked questions:
What is the PageRank algorithm?
The PageRank algorithm is a mathematical algorithm developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Google. It evaluates the importance of web pages based on the quantity and quality of links pointing to them.
How does PageRank influence search engine ranking?
PageRank plays a crucial role in determining a web page’s position in search engine results. Pages with higher PageRank are considered more authoritative and tend to rank higher in search results.
Can PageRank be manipulated?
While the original PageRank algorithm was susceptible to manipulation, search engines have evolved to counter such tactics. Modern algorithms consider a variety of factors beyond just link quantity.
What is “Google bombing”?
“Google bombing” is a tactic where individuals manipulate search engine results by creating a large number of links with specific anchor text to influence the ranking of a particular web page.
Is PageRank the only factor in SEO?
No, PageRank is just one of many factors that influence SEO. Modern search engine algorithms consider a wide range of criteria, including content quality, user experience, site structure, and more.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.