In this article, we’ll look at tips to get more freelance client emails. As a freelancer, it’s important to be constantly building your network and nurturing potential clients.
Why? Because you need new work to keep working! So even when your schedule is chock full of projects, it’s still important to do the legwork and make sure that clients are waiting on deck when you finish. Here are some tactics for getting more freelance client emails:
Takeaways |
– Learn a systematic approach to acquiring freelance client emails. |
– Discover strategies to streamline the process using a push-button system. |
– Understand the potential benefits of efficient client email collection. |
– Explore ways to optimize client outreach for improved conversion. |
– Implement practical techniques for building a targeted client list. |
1. Make Sure Your Profile And Website Have Your Domain Name
Put your domain name on your online profile, Put your domain name on your website, and Use an email address that matches your domain name, like
Also, make sure that your website is live before you send out client emails. I’ve been burned by this one before. I registered a domain and set up a great landing page with my work samples, but the rest of my website was still under construction. I sent out some emails to clients, and when they went back to check my work samples it was just a 404 error page!
Building a successful freelance email marketing business requires careful planning and strategy. If you’re looking to dive into this field, make sure to check out our comprehensive guide on how to build a freelance email marketing business for valuable insights and tips.
2. Create An Irresistible Title
The most important part of the opt-in page is the text above the fold, which includes your title and a short lead-in. This is what will convince people to sign up for your email list. It’s important to come up with a compelling offer that gets people wanting to read more.
The best titles are direct, descriptive, and benefit-driven. Be sure it’s clear how you can help solve one of their biggest pain points! For your title, use an attention-grabbing headline that clearly explains exactly what they’ll get when they sign up (such as “Get More Clients With My Free Email Course”).
3. Offer Them A No-Obligation Solution
You’ve sent the call to action, and now it’s time to step back. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. Your potential clients have responded because you offered them something they wanted. Now offer them something else they want a solution if you will.
While this section is called “offer them a no-obligation solution,” you don’t have to use those words in your email, but I want you to get into that mindset. You see, offering a free consultation or quote isn’t a solution at all; it’s an invitation for more information gathering on their part.
They haven’t committed themselves yet they’re merely learning what their options are and all of this information gathering is coming at a cost to their time. You need to offer something that solves a problem for your client without asking for anything in return (other than their contact info) and without requiring any more of their precious time. There are many ways you can do this:
Getting started with emailing a list of people you’ve never met might seem challenging, but it’s a valuable skill for any freelancer. Our guide on how to get started emailing a list of people you’ve never met walks you through the process and offers practical advice to make the most of your outreach efforts.
4. Provide Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Reply
In your email, always include a detailed summary of the deliverable. (Example: For $100, I will create and send you an email that you can use to reach out to prospects about your freelance business.)4) Provide step-by-step instructions on how to reply.
This strategy is designed for people who are interested in working with you, so make it very easy for them to get the ball rolling. Include a checklist of information they need to provide to receive their personalized and optimized message from you.5) Use bullet points whenever possible and incorporate “you” words into the sentences wherever possible.
The more personal the message is, the easier it will be for them to visualize themselves using your service, which increases conversion rates and sales.6) Also use “because.” According to science, when we hear this word, we’re less likely to question or challenge our beliefs or assumptions even if they’re incorrect!
5. Write A Captivating Introduction That Grabs Their Attention
A great introduction is a key to success. The first sentence of your email should be a hook that makes the reader want to keep reading. It should be a little bit mysterious and make the reader wonder why you are contacting them. It should be a little bit funny and make the reader laugh.
Your goal is to capture their attention and get them to read your entire email. Here are some examples of good introductions: I have an idea for creating content for your website that no one has ever done before!
I saw your website, and was impressed by how well-designed it was! We’re doing something similar at my company, but we’ve never tried it in this particular industry. My mom recommended me for this position! She said you were very attractive, so I thought it would be worth giving it a try.
6. Use Bullet Points For Easy Scanning
I’m sure your email has a lot of great information, and a lot of people are going to read the whole thing. However, some prospects might be short on time, or they might just want to see the main ideas behind your offer before diving in.
That’s where bullet points come in. They make it easy for readers to scan your email and find the most important information quickly. Bullet points also add white space to your emails, which makes them easier to read and less overwhelming for prospects who get a ton of emails each day. Here are some key guidelines for using bullet points:
Keep them short, 3-7 items maximum; otherwise you risk overwhelming readers even more than you would with paragraphs.
Bullet points should be formatted consistently with bolded text (like this), italicized text (like this), or regular capitalization (Like This). Choose one format and stick to it throughout the list.
Freelance email marketing can be the secret to unlocking more referrals and sales for your business. Learn more about this powerful approach by reading our article on freelance email marketing: is it right for you? and discover how it can elevate your marketing efforts.
7. Use Images, Video, And Graphics To Tell Your Story
The first thing to know is why you should use images, video, and graphics to tell your story. The answer is: because people like them! Even as a small child, I could not stand reading long text-only chapters about things that weren’t particularly interesting.
It was so boring! So instead of doing that to you, I choose to use images, video, and graphics whenever it makes sense to more effectively communicate my message. Beyond just why you should use images, video, and graphics to tell your story, let’s look at how. I think the best way is by using them sparingly and making sure they’re relevant in some way.
For example, if I’m talking about how the company Google uses a special algorithm for ranking their search results then an image of a programmer’s screen with code on it might make sense. Another time when using this technique can be effective is when you are discussing something that has multiple parts or components.
Like if someone tells me they have a really good lasagna recipe but then doesn’t give me any examples or proof of what they’ve made then it feels like all talk. But if they showed me their delicious creations (with some clever captions) then I would trust their advice much more! And one last tip: try not to overuse the same image/video/graphic because this will dilute its impact on the reader’s attention span over time
8. Organize Your Messaging In A Hierarchy Of Importance
It’s a best practice to organize your messaging in terms of importance. That way, if the reader doesn’t make it past your headline, they still get most of the value out of your message.
Use an inverted pyramid for an organization: Your headline should be at the top, followed by a subhead with more detail, followed by a copy that supports your headline and subhead. Always keep the most important information at the top of the page, and put any less-important supporting content below it.
9. Make Your Cats (Call To Actions) Easy To Find And Clear What They Should Do
Creating a clear call to action on your landing page is the best way to make sure that people know what they’ve come to do. It’s also one of the easiest ways you can increase your conversion rate since it’s just giving your customer an obvious button or link that says this is what I should click next.
It sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how few landing pages get these right. Your call to action should be immediately visible. Don’t hide it behind a bunch of text or graphics don’t even hide it in the footer where people have to scroll down to find it! If you don’t have enough space for it in the above-the-fold area (the upper part of the page that doesn’t require scrolling).
Try putting it at the top anyway and then repeating it lower down below any text or images so people can find it easily regardless of where they start reading. Make sure your CTA is visually appealing, with a shape and color scheme that will draw people’s eyes and make them want to click on it.
And when you write out what they’re supposed to do, use active language! You’ll want something along the lines of “download now” or “get started today” rather than something passive like “click here” or something vague like “go.”
Building rapport with clients is essential for freelance success, especially in email marketing. In our post on freelance email marketing: how I build rapport with my clients, you’ll find practical tips and strategies to create meaningful connections that drive results.
10. Build Rapport By Sharing A Story About Yourself, Your Brand, Or Business
Share a story. To build trust and rapport, start your email with a personal story that is relevant to the service you are offering and/or relevant to the person you’re emailing. Depending on your industry, it can be helpful to share a bit about yourself as a business or brand.
You’re not just some faceless corporation, but rather real people with personality and quirks! Showing off these traits will help humanize you in the eyes of your potential client…and make them more likely to want to work with you!
You can also use this paragraph to show an understanding of their struggles. They don’t need someone who’s going to gloss over problems or pretend they don’t exist. They need someone who will empathize and help solve their problem instead.
11. Tell Them What Value You Will Provide For Them Specifically
Value is what you’re going to do for them, not what you have to offer. How are you going to help them reach their goals? What problems do they have that you can solve?
- How will you make their life easier?
- How will you make them more successful?
- How will you save them time?
- How will you save them money? Basically, how are they BETTER OFF with YOU than they would be without YOU (this is why it’s important to understand your audience)?
12. Tell Them Why You Want To Work Together With Them Specifically
But it’s not just about the school. Now we need to talk about the students. Why do you want to work with them in particular? It might be that they’re fabulous, or it might be that they struggle a bit and you love to help kids like that. Or maybe you connected when you were there last week and this is something you feel strongly about doing.
You also need to talk about why they should work with you. This could be because of all the great experience, certifications, and training, or it could be simply because of how much energy and fun you bring to your classes, or both.
13. Offer Proof Of Your Credibility
Numbers: These can be used to show scope, scale, or growth.
Facts: These can be used to state a proven truth that’s not easily refuted.
Testimonials: These are quotes from past customers who love you and your work.
Case Studies: These are in-depth looks at how a solution helped someone solve their problem(s).
Using proof can help put your prospects’ minds at ease if done right. It gives them the confidence that you have what it takes to serve them well (expertise) and have done so for others in the past (credibility).
14. Tell Them Why You Are Different Than The Competition
Now that you’ve shown the client how your product is going to solve their problem, tell them why THEY should choose YOU to do the job. This is where you sell yourself. Make it concise and to the point, but also use an authentic voice.
If you’re a freelance copywriter, and you specialize in writing email copy for SaaS companies, then let that be known. If you’re a freelance graphic designer and know how to create logos for gyms, then lean into it.
- What’s your strength?
- What can you do to help this client succeed?
- How will choose you to make their life easier?
As a freelance marketer, achieving results through email marketing is key. Our article on email marketing tips for the freelance marketer that sees results offers valuable insights and techniques to enhance your email campaigns and maximize your impact.
Final Thoughts
Now you’ve got a high-level overview of the whole system. Here are some of the steps we covered. Make sure you have your funnel set up. (This is where you collect emails.). Write a series of emails that guide people through your funnel and teach them something cool about freelancing.
Do some manual outreach to people who might be interested in signing up for your funnel. Pay for Facebook or Google ads to send paid traffic to your funnel. Remember, this process is not one-size-fits-all. It’s a jumping-off point for ideas that can fit into any business — as long as you never stop testing and tweaking!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that can provide valuable insights into working with freelance clients and improving your freelance career:
5 Ways to Get Freelance Clients When You’re Just Getting Started: Learn practical strategies for acquiring freelance clients even if you’re new to the field.
5 Rules: How to Write an Email to a Freelance Client: Discover key guidelines for crafting effective emails when communicating with freelance clients.
How to Work with Clients on Rock Freelance Edition: Explore insights on effectively collaborating with clients on Rock Freelance Edition for seamless project management.
People Also Ask
What Is A Freelance Writer?
A freelance writer is someone who writes for a living. You are not writing on behalf of a single publication, and you aren’t on staff at any one publication. However, you write for many different publications or have your blog or website where you sell products such as ebooks. Freelance writers also work in other fields, like marketing and public relations.
How Do Freelance Writers Get Clients?
Freelance writers can get clients by networking and building relationships with other professionals online; having an online portfolio with samples of their work; applying to job listings posted online; participating in social media groups and forums that are relevant to what they want to write about; and more.
Once freelancers have clients, they can continue to build relationships with those people to expand their client base even further! If it’s possible for them – freelancers should try networking at conferences/events as well because this will help them connect face-to-face with potential clients too.
How Do You Attract Clients?
If freelancers want to attract new clients then they need to position themselves better than everyone else competing in the marketplace (i.e., be yourself). They should also ensure that their portfolio contains something that’ll stand out from all others out there so people will notice them when looking through lists of freelancers available on sites like Upwork or Fiverr etcetera.
This way if potential customers see these special qualities then it’ll make them more likely to hire someone than otherwise would’ve been without seeing anything special about them firsthand because without being able to differentiate themselves from others there isn’t much reason why someone would want hire another person just like anyone else aside from price alone.
As well which might not always be competitive enough either depending upon how much competition exists within that market too though too especially depending upon how many competitors there might also still be too but anyway still although this really shouldn’t matter anyway because again just be yourself.
How Do You Get Freelance Clients With No Experience?
You don’t need the experience to leap into freelancing you just need confidence! You know what kind of work you can do better than anyone else, so instead of doubting yourself and ending up stuck at square one, create a plan for executing your ideas and then go after it!
How Do I Get Freelance Clients As A Beginner?
Try reaching out to local businesses or even small business owners from different parts of the country whom you have connections with or who might have vague needs that match well with what you can offer. If you have time, it’s also worth trying cold pitches on larger companies too the worst they can say is “no thanks.”
The key is making sure the company has real needs before sending any proposals over their way because they won’t want anything less than perfect content marketing services if they’re going through all this effort finding new writers/designers etc.

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!