Do References Go On A Resume Or Cover Letter? (Career Advice)

I’m sure you’ve heard of them if you’re applying for jobs, but what are references and why do employers ask for them?

References are people who can vouch for your work ethic and skills. They’re also a way for employers to find out more about you without having to make phone calls or send emails. 

You generally need three good references from people who know you well preferably former supervisors or professors but it depends on the job. For instance, some companies want five or six references.

How Do You Write A CV For A Job?

A CV is a more formal and detailed version of your resume. It should be tailored to the job you are applying for so that it highlights any relevant experience and qualifications. 

A CV should not exceed two pages in length unless the position requires it or there are extenuating circumstances.

If you have any accomplishments or skills that the company values, don’t forget to include them in your CV! 

If a company asks for additional information like this (which they often do), they will make it clear by requesting something along these lines: “Please provide an updated copy of your resume with references attached.”

If you’re writing an application letter, you’ll want to include references as part of that document because employers usually want to see them before deciding whether or not they’re interested in hiring someone new on board at their business.”

Should You Include References on Your Resume? – YouTube
Including references on a resume is optional.
If you decide to include references, list them at the end of your resume on a separate page.
References should be professional contacts who can attest to your qualifications and work experience.
Do not include references in your cover letter.
Provide three professional references to potential employers.

What Does A Cover Letter Include?

Introduction. A cover letter should begin with an introduction and a greeting. For example, “Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,” or “To whom it may concern:”

Statement of purpose. In this section, you’ll explain why you’re writing the letter and what your intentions are by applying for the job in question. You should also tell them why they should hire you instead of someone else who has applied for the job as well!

Why I’m applying for this position? What do I have to offer? How would I fit in here? 

These questions will help guide you through answering these questions in your cover letter so that they can be tailored to each specific job opportunity that comes up! 

Also, make sure not to use these same phrases too often because then they won’t seem genuine anymore.”

Not all jobs require a cover letter, but taking the time to write one can set you apart from other candidates. Learn more about when to include a cover letter in our article on whether all jobs require a cover letter.

How Do I Start A Cover Letter?

Start with an introduction. This is your chance to make a great first impression, so it’s essential to get off on the right foot.

State the position you are applying for and introduce yourself (your name, where you’re from, etc.)

Mention why you’re interested in this specific job, and why it’s right for you

Discuss what makes you a good fit for the company in question explain how your skills align with their goals as well as their culture

Do I Put My Cover Letter In The Body Of An Email Or Attach It?

Do you attach it or put it in the body of the email?

A cover letter is an attachment, not part of the body of an email. 

The reason for this is simple: if you send a cover letter as an attachment, then it cannot be separated from your resume; and if someone wants to delete just one element (your cover letter), they can do so without erasing both. 

Instead, they would have to delete two separate files and may accidentally delete both files by mistake.

Should I Include Salary Requirements In My Cover Letter?

In some cases, it’s acceptable to include salary requirements in your cover letter. 

If you’re applying for a job that has a wide salary range and you don’t know what the range is, talking about your salary expectations can give employers an idea of where you fall within their budget. 

For example, if your application to be a social media manager says that the company offers $40k-50k per year with benefits and bonuses 

But they have never hired someone who made less than $45k before (and they don’t expect this position to change that), then it makes sense for them to know that so they can better plan their budget for hiring new employees.

However and this is very important if your application doesn’t contain this information already and you are applying for a position with fixed pay rates (like entry-level positions)

Then do not mention anything about salary expectations or needs during interviews or in emails/job applications!

Do cover letters matter? The answer is yes, they can greatly impact your chances of getting hired. Check out our article on why cover letters matter to learn more about their importance in the job application process.

What Do I Put On An Application When It Says References Available Upon Request?

When someone asks for your references, it’s a good idea to put them on a separate sheet of paper. Don’t include them in the body of your resume, cover letter, or email.

Why should I do this?

There are two main reasons: (1) you don’t want to give away who your references will be and (2) there are some jobs where it’s not appropriate to list references at all.

Do Letters Of Recommendation Have To Be Signed?

When a reference letter is written by the employer, it should be signed by the company.

When a reference letter is written by an employee, it should be signed by that employee.

When a reference letter is written by a former employer, it should be signed from that person’s name and position at their company. 

For example: “Signed, Bob Smith, CEO of ABC Company” or “Signed Jane Doe, Human Resources Manager for XYZ Inc.”

If you have any questions about this article or if you need more information about resumes, cover letters, and job search strategies in general please feel free to contact us today!

What Is A Good Font For A Resume And Cover Letter?

What is the best font for a resume?

Arial, Helvetica and Verdana are three of the most common fonts used in resumes. These fonts are easy to read and look good on paper. What’s great about them is that they have a very clean look that looks professional. 

They also don’t take up much room on the page, so employers won’t have to scroll down too far if they want to see your work experience or education history.

What is the best font for a cover letter?

It depends on whether you are sending an email or printing out your letter before sending it through snail mail (snail mail as in old-fashioned mail via postal service). 

If emailing your cover letter, Times New Roman will be fine because most people use this font when typing up emails anyway. 

However, if printing out your cover letter then Courier New would be best because Courier New was designed specifically for typewriters back in the day.

Therefore makes reading easier than other fonts like Times New Roman which were designed later on for computers with different operating systems like Windows compared with Mac OS X which had its own unique set of rules regarding spacing between letters/words etcetera.

Writing a cover letter can be a daunting task, but it’s an important part of the job application process. Check out our expert advice on how to write a cover letter to learn tips and tricks for crafting a compelling letter that showcases your skills and experience.

How Does A Cover Letter Look Like?

A cover letter is a one-page document sent with your resume when applying for jobs. 

It is an opportunity to tell the hiring manager a bit more about yourself, and why you would be an asset to their company. 

The cover letter can sometimes be even more important than your resume!

A good rule of thumb is that if it’s not needed on the job listing itself, don’t use it in your application materials. 

For example: if there isn’t any specific instruction about bringing references or samples (and most jobs will not require this), don’t include them as part of your submission package.

You should also remember that a cover letter does not replace a resume; instead, it supports what’s already included in that written piece by giving additional insight into why you’re perfect for this particular role and organization.

What Information Goes On A Reference Sheet For A Job Application?

The information that goes on a reference sheet for a job application includes the name of the reference, title, company name and address, phone number, and email address. You can also include how to contact the reference.

Do You Put Your References In The Body Of Your Resume Or As An Attachment?

You should always put your references in the body of your resume or cover letter. If you’re submitting a separate document for references, make sure it’s labeled “references” and not “resume”.

A reference is someone who can vouch for you. This person will say good things about you and help you get an interview if their opinion matters to the hiring manager.

Are cover letters necessary when submitting a resume? The answer may vary depending on the job, but including a cover letter can help you stand out as a candidate. Learn more about whether resumes require a cover letter in our article on the importance of cover letters in job applications.

How Many References Should You Have On Your Reference List?

Also, don’t put too many references on your list. Two or three is enough to show that you have people who are willing to speak highly of you in the professional world.

If you’re unsure of whether or not it’s time to add another reference, consider whether or not someone will be able to vouch for your work ethic, professionalism, and integrity in a way that sets them apart from other potential employees. If so, go ahead and include their name on the list!

Don’t make the mistake of including a reference who will not be able to speak highly of you because they haven’t had a chance yet. 

Employers want someone who can help them learn about specific skillsets or qualities needed for this position, not just anyone who happens to know about those things!

Should You Put References On Resumes?

References are not necessary on your resume. However, it’s quite common for employers to ask for them when you apply for an advertised position. 

A lot of employers will ask for references in their job postings, so if you have a choice between applying with and without references, you might as well include them at least this way you have the option to submit your reference list if asked.

Referencing is one of the best ways to prove that what’s written on your resume is true and accurate. 

It can also help show potential employers that you’re a good fit for the position because these people already know about your skills and character from previous interactions with them.

A well-written cover letter can make a big difference in your job application. Learn more about how an effective cover letter can impact your chances of getting hired in our article on the importance of cover letters.

Are References Necessary On A Resume?

Yes, references are necessary on a resume. If you don’t have references and employers ask for them, it can be difficult to explain why you weren’t able to provide them.

A reference is someone who can attest to your skills and abilities; it could be a past or current employer, or a professor or supervisor. 

References are often sought by companies when they’re considering hiring you because they want proof that you’re capable of doing the job and not just in theory!


References should be included on your resume or cover letter. They are an important part of your job search, and they can help you get interviews or even a job offer. 

References can show prospective employers that you have the right character traits to succeed in their company and make them want to hire you!

Further Reading How to Include References on a Resume: This article provides tips on how to include references on a resume, including who to ask and how to format the information.

Indeed: Should You Include References on a Resume?: This article explains the pros and cons of including references on a resume and provides advice on how to handle reference requests during the job application process.

Great Sample Resume: Should I Include References in My Cover Letter?: This article discusses whether references should be included in a cover letter and provides tips on how to handle reference requests during the job application process.


What are references on a resume?

References on a resume are people who can attest to your qualifications and work experience. They are typically former employers, colleagues, or supervisors who can provide a positive recommendation to potential employers.

Should I include references on my resume?

It is not necessary to include references on your resume. It is better to provide references upon request, usually after an interview or at the end of the hiring process.

How should I format references on my resume?

If you decide to include references on your resume, list them at the end of your resume on a separate page. Include their name, job title, company, phone number, and email address.

Should I include references in my cover letter?

No, you should not include references in your cover letter. A cover letter is an introduction to your application and should focus on your qualifications and interest in the position.

How many references should I provide to potential employers?

Typically, you should provide three professional references. Make sure to ask for their permission to use them as references and to inform them about the jobs you are applying for.