AI Vs Freelance Writer: The Future Of Content

I’m a writer. You’re a writer. We’re all writers here (or at least we all want to be!). So you can imagine how it feels to know that there’s a new kid on the block who wants to come in and eat our lunch: artificial intelligence (AI). 

AI is being used more and more frequently by companies wanting to save money on their content creation budgets, with some even claiming that AI will replace human writers entirely. There are three ways I can see AI affecting the future of writing, and none of them are good for freelance writers.

Then I would have come up with those sections myself! But because this is just an exercise, I’m going to give you the outlines for each section so that you can focus on writing the intros:

Is AI Replacing Professional Content Writers?
Key Takeaways
AI is not likely to completely replace freelance writers in the near future.
Freelance writers bring creativity, personality, and unique perspectives to their work that AI cannot replicate.
AI can be a helpful tool for freelance writers to enhance their work and increase efficiency.
Freelance writers can focus on their unique strengths to stay relevant in the age of AI.
When deciding between agencies, freelancers, and AI for content creation, consider your specific needs and budget.

AI Vs Freelance Writer: The Future Of Content

AI is not a viable replacement for human writers. AI is used for automation, not writing. It helps you find more content, but it won’t write it for you. 

The technology may be there and it may even be better than humans at performing repetitive tasks but there are still many things that only humans can do well: like understand what someone needs, express empathy, and communicate ideas effectively through language.

If you’re interested in freelancing as a web developer, check out our step-by-step guide to learn how to get started and succeed in this exciting field.

1. Is AI The New Standard?

AI is not a new concept. In fact, it’s actually a combination of several technologies that have been around since the 1950s. The main difference between AI and other similar technologies is that it’s all about data how you collect, organize and use it to predict outcomes in real-time.

Without getting too technical here, AI has the potential to change how we do business in every industry imaginable (and some industries you’ve never even heard of). While this may seem like cause for alarm, there are many benefits:

2. Why Automation Will Never Take Over

The rise of automation has led many to believe that AI is moving toward a future where it will take over the world. However, as we’ve discussed, this isn’t necessarily the case. In fact, AI is only good for certain tasks. 

For example, if you want to write 1,000 articles about how chocolate is good for you because it’s a food group and an ingredient in Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (which can help your kids grow big and strong), there are much better options than hiring a freelancer or an AI bot to do so.

But what if you’re writing something like this? It’s likely they’ll be able to do better than any human writer could hope to accomplish:

Chocolate: The Secret Ingredient In Your Diet That Will Help Your Child Grow Big And Strong Chocolate has been shown by researchers at McGill University in Canada that eating chocolate helps children grow big and strong! They have even gone so far as to say that chocolate should be added to school lunches because of its superfood qualities!

3. Work Culture Changes

As AI becomes more prevalent in the workplace, the way we work will change. The way I work, for instance, is already very different from what it was just a few years ago. My writing process has changed dramatically due to AI-powered tools like Grammarly and Hemingway Editor. 

This means that when I submit content for publication now, I don’t have to wait days or weeks for my editor to review it I can just send him or her an email with a link to my final draft and get feedback right away.

My use of these tools has also changed the way I think about my own mental health while doing freelance writing work: no longer do I spend hours on end staring at a blank screen hoping inspiration will strike; instead, 

I know that if productivity eludes me one day, there are tools at hand (like those mentioned above) that will help me get back into gear quickly without feeling frustrated or stressed out over missed deadlines or missed opportunities!

As AI adoption continues apace among businesses large and small around the world over the coming years/decades ahead this trend toward increased comfort level w/ digital technology should continue as well

Are you a web developer looking to improve your freelancing tactics? Our article on how web developers can improve their freelancing tactics provides valuable tips and advice to help you succeed as a freelancer.

4. Content Marketing Has Changed The Value Of Writers

Content marketing has changed the value of writers. It’s not just about writing content anymore. Now, it’s about creating great stories and engaging your audience with them. Successful writers are those who can think outside of the box and create something that makes people stop scrolling through their Facebook feed or click on an advertisement because they want to read more of what you have written.

This is where AI can come into play: AI will help writers create better content by suggesting ideas, generating ideas based on keywords or topics suggested by clients, and even coming up with new ways to tell old stories in a fresh way (which humans aren’t always good at).

5. The Future Is A Combination Of Both Humans And AI

There is no doubt that AI will continue to grow in popularity, and it’s possible that it will eventually replace human writers. However, it’s important to note that AI is not a replacement for humans; rather, it should be used as a tool for creating better content.

At this stage of the game, there are many tasks where AI is unable to match or outperform humans. To give you an example: imagine your website needs an article written on how to use hashtags on Instagram (spoiler alert they can be used as links). 

The topic can easily be researched by someone who knows what they’re talking about and has seen many examples of hashtags used properly and improperly. 

In contrast, if you asked Google Assistant how many people have liked photos with hashtags in them (another good question!), then she would have no clue what she was talking about! As such, we can see how AI cannot produce content as well as humans can at least not yet!

However, even though there are areas where computers cannot beat our mighty brains just yet when it comes down to producing quality writing material…there are also plenty of opportunities where we could take advantage of having some help from our robot friends! 

6. Who Are Some Freelance Writers To Follow?

Here’s a list of some of the best freelance writers. You can follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and Medium:

  • [Kathy Caple]( – Kathy is one of my favorite freelance writers. She has written for many publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, and Entrepreneurial Women among others. Check out her articles, tips, and advice below:

Thinking about launching a freelance graphic design business? Our article on 15 things you should do when launching a freelance graphic design business provides valuable insights and tips to help you get started.

7. How Can You Become A Better Freelance Writer?

Becoming a better freelance writer can and should be accomplished by learning to write well. You’ll also need to learn how to research well, create good content, write fast, and become adept at writing for different platforms. 

If you’re working in an industry where there are established rules or guidelines (such as law), expanding your knowledge of those will be important too. You might even want to learn how to write for different audiences or purposes.

for example, if you’re writing for corporate clients who want their materials written in a certain way so it’s easier for them and their employees to read them!

8. What Other Skills Do You Need To Be A Successful Freelancer?

It’s not just about writing. In order to be a successful freelance writer, you’ll need to work on your communication skills. This includes writing emails and making phone calls, as well as having the ability to articulate your ideas in person. You’ll also need analytical skills so that you can create relevant content for the industry or topic that you’re working on at any given time.

Time management is another key skill for freelancers because it’s their responsibility to manage their own time and make sure that they are meeting deadlines without sacrificing the quality of work or taking too long on one project over another. 

Being able to work independently is important because as a freelancer there will be no one telling you what tasks or projects need priority or attention first; however, being part of a team while still maintaining independence is also necessary in some cases where clients may request multiple projects from different writers at once (and thus require teamwork). 

Finally, working under pressure is important because there will often be tight deadlines associated with many jobs which means that much of one’s success depends upon being able to meet those deadlines despite any obstacles along the way.”

GPT-3’s ability to write content has significant implications for freelance writers. Learn more about the debate between AI and freelance writers by checking out our article on what it means for writer’s jobs.

9. Where Can You Find Freelance Writing Jobs?

To find freelance writing jobs, you can look through freelance job boards and content mills. You can also post your own ad on social media sites like Facebook to find the right projects.

10. How Do You Use Artificial Intelligence For Writing?

If you’ve ever used the auto-correct feature on your phone or other devices, then you’re already familiar with artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence has been used for a long time to help us with our writing. AI can help us with the mundane tasks of writing, such as grammar and spelling. It also has more creative uses such as choosing the right words or even helping writers come up with ideas for their next story or article.

11. How Much Do Freelance Writers Make?

There are pros and cons to being a freelance writer. For example, you have the freedom to work from home and set your own hours, but there’s also no guarantee that you will be able to make a living. 

According to the Freelance Writer Survey conducted by Upwork in 2018, the average annual income of a full-time freelance writer is about $40k, which is not bad for someone with no education or experience who wants to start their career as an independent professional.

A significant percentage of writers earn more than $90k per year some even exceed $100k! But this figure varies greatly depending on where you live:

  • In Europe (excluding Germany), the average salary for freelance writers was about $30k per year (or about €26k).
  • In North America, it was roughly $36k per year ($35k USD).
  • In Asia Pacific (excluding Japan), it was around $23k per year ($22k USD).

12. How Does Automation Impact SEO?

You can actually use automation to improve SEO.

For example, let’s say you’re writing an article on “best [insert product]” and need a list of all the best products in that category. You could automate this process by using one of the many tools available, such as Product Hunter or Product Hunt API. Once you have your list, go through it manually and remove any duplicates or products that don’t fit into your article. 

In another example, let’s say you write a blog post about how to get better at [insert activity]. To optimize for keywords related to this topic, use a keyword suggestion tool like and put those keywords into the title, subheadings, and body text of your post.

Keep in mind: If you’re using automation incorrectly or ignoring Google’s guidelines for content quality (like producing low-quality content), then it could hurt your SEO efforts instead of helping them!

13. Should You Buy A Content Service Or Hire A Writer?

You may be wondering whether you should buy a content service or hire a writer.

There are many reasons why you might want to go the freelance route:

  • You have a limited budget but want high-quality work. You can hire someone who has the experience, but your rate is going to be higher than what you’d pay for an agency that offers low-cost services.
  • You’re looking for more control over the project and don’t want to work with someone who’s constantly trying to sell you on their own ideas. A freelancer will probably have less experience, but they’ll be more willing to follow your wishes as long as they feel like it fits within their skill set.

The debate between AI and freelance writers continues to be a topic of discussion. Check out our article on the AI vs. freelance writer debate to learn more about the perspectives surrounding this issue.

14. Which Industries Use AI-Based Content Mapping?

While AI-based content mapping is still in its infancy, it can be used to create content for almost any industry or website. You may find that you prefer working with a freelance writer over an AI platform, but this technology is only going to improve as time goes on. 

You should learn about both so that you can make an informed choice when it comes time to choose your writing partner.

The future of content creation looks bright and full of possibilities!

15. How Can You Tell If Your Content Is Written By An AI Program?

Let’s start by defining what AI is. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that perform tasks traditionally requiring human intelligence. 

It involves a lot of advanced programming, which means it can be hard to tell if a piece of content was written by an AI program or not but there are some telltale signs.

First, look at the text: does it sound like something you would say? Does it fit your brand voice and style? Next, check for grammatical errors and incorrect punctuation usage: these both signal that someone’s been messing with your writing!


Nowadays, freelancers have a lot of opportunities to get work done as well as to outperform AI systems. For example, we can use machine learning (ML) to create new content faster and with more precision than humans can do alone. We want you all to look at your work with fresh eyes and see how ML will be used in the future. When you consider what kind of content can be created by current technology, don’t forget that there are many ways humans might also find value in ML-generated articles as an alternative source for inspiration.

Further reading

Freelance Writing is Safe from AI (For Now): Learn about the current state of AI in the freelance writing industry and why freelance writers don’t need to fear being replaced by AI just yet.

Agencies vs. Freelancers vs. AI for Content Creation: This article examines the pros and cons of using agencies, freelancers, and AI for content creation and helps readers determine which option is best for their specific needs.

The Future of Content Creation and the Rise of Freelance Writers: This article explores the role of AI in content creation and why freelance writers are still an important part of the industry.


What is the future of content creation?

The future of content creation is likely to involve a combination of AI and human writers. While AI can help with tasks such as generating ideas and even writing content, it cannot replace the creativity and unique perspectives that human writers bring to the table.

Will AI replace freelance writers?

While AI has the potential to perform certain tasks that freelance writers currently do, such as generating ideas and writing basic content, it is unlikely to replace human writers entirely. Freelance writers bring creativity, personality, and unique perspectives to their work that AI simply cannot replicate.

How can freelance writers stay relevant in the age of AI?

Freelance writers can stay relevant by focusing on their unique strengths, such as their creativity, originality, and unique perspectives. Additionally, they can learn how to work alongside AI tools to enhance their work and increase their efficiency.

What are the benefits of working with a freelance writer?

Working with a freelance writer can provide numerous benefits, including access to their unique perspectives, creativity, and writing skills. Freelance writers can also offer a more personalized and flexible approach to content creation than larger agencies or AI tools.

How do agencies, freelancers, and AI compare for content creation?

Agencies, freelancers, and AI all have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to content creation. Agencies can offer a more comprehensive approach but may be more expensive, while freelancers can offer a more personalized approach but may have limited availability. AI tools can be efficient but lack the creativity and personality of human writers. It’s important to consider your specific needs when deciding which option is best for you.