The ghostwriting agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of your relationship with the ghostwriter. The idea behind drafting this type of contract is to protect both parties from any misunderstandings during working together.
To ensure that everything goes smoothly from start to finish, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you can expect from your hired ghostwriter and vice versa.
This way, you’ll be able to achieve the best possible result and avoid potential disputes when it comes time to publish your work or pay for their services.
Takeaways |
Hiring a ghostwriter without an agreement can lead to issues and misunderstandings. |
A ghostwriting agreement is essential to define project scope, deliverables, and payment terms. |
Clear ownership and copyright clauses should be included in the agreement to protect your work. |
Confidentiality provisions help maintain the privacy of sensitive information shared during collaboration. |
Addressing revisions, deadlines, and communication in the agreement ensures a smooth ghostwriting process. |
Having a well-drafted agreement helps build trust and professionalism between the author and the ghostwriter. |
Professional legal assistance can be sought to create a comprehensive and enforceable ghostwriting agreement. |
Ghostwriting agreements are crucial for both freelance writers and authors engaging ghostwriters for their projects. |
A well-structured agreement sets expectations and fosters a positive working relationship throughout the writing process. |
Authors should carefully review and negotiate the terms of the ghostwriting agreement before signing to protect their interests. |
Have A Face-To-Face Meeting With The Ghostwriter
To ensure that the ghostwriter and client are on the same page, they must have a face-to-face meeting.
This can be done by phone or in person (if both parties live in the same city). The way you conduct this meeting will vary based on your style and preference, but there are some general guidelines you should follow:
Expert ghostwriting tips can take your writing to the next level. Learn how to enhance your ghostwriting skills and produce exceptional content in our comprehensive guide on ghostwriting better than anyone else.
Prepare For The Meeting Beforehand
The first thing you’ll want to do is research any topics related to your book and write down notes so that you’ll have something interesting to talk about during your call.
You might also want to create some bullet points that list questions or concerns that come up often when hiring a ghostwriter. These will help guide your conversation with them later on!
Conduct Your Call Properly
Be sure not too much time passes between speaking with them over the phone and meeting up with them face-to-face so as not
Have The Ghostwriter Review Sample Publications To See If Their Writing Style Is In Line With What You Want
If you’re interested in hiring a ghostwriter, it’s important to be sure that the writer you choose has experience with your subject matter and can write in a style that is similar to your own.
You should ask them to send you samples of their work so that you can get an idea of how well they understand your topic area and how they express themselves.
If possible, ask them to send examples of their writing on topics similar to what you want but not too similar.
Because if the ghostwriter has experience with things like law or medicine and not marketing or communications it will be difficult for them to write authentically when writing about those areas.
If you’re considering a career in ghostwriting, check out our top 11 tips for freelance ghostwriters to boost your success and overcome common challenges. Get started on your journey as a professional ghostwriter today.
Find Out About Any Deadlines Or Time Constraints
You should ask the ghostwriter how much time they need to write the book. This will give you a better idea of how many weeks or months it will take before they can complete your project.
Also, if there are any other books that they are working on at the same time, or another deadline looming over their head, this information should be disclosed so that you can make an informed decision about hiring them.
Are There Any Other Personal Preferences?
In addition to the other points mentioned above, ask your ghostwriter if they have any personal preferences regarding the topic. For example, are they comfortable with the subject matter? Is their experience in this area sufficient for writing about it in a book or blog post?
Are they comfortable with the tone of your book? Are there any aspects of your topic that you should avoid writing about or explaining more thoroughly (for example, if it’s an instructional guide)?
And finally, ask him or her how long he or she thinks it would take him or her to complete his work. This will help you plan and make sure you’re on track with your schedule.
Secure A Non-Disclosure Agreement before Providing The Ghostwriter With Information
A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a contract that protects the confidentiality of information shared between two parties. It can be used to prevent your ghostwriter from sharing any details about you or your business with anyone else.
For an NDA to be enforceable, it must include:
- A statement that the parties will keep all information confidential;
- An acknowledgment that anything disclosed under the agreement is considered confidential and proprietary;
- The exact nature of what is being kept private; and
- How long the confidentiality will remain in effect?
Curious about what ghostwriting entails and how it can benefit you? Our in-depth exploration of ghostwriting and its advantages will provide you with valuable insights into this creative profession.
Make Sure You Understand The Scope Of The Ghostwriting Project
The scope of the project: Does it have a defined purpose? If so, what is it? Is there a timeframe for completion? Are you working on multiple projects at once, or just this one? How much time will each take, and how can you keep track of where you are in each project’s development?
The format of the manuscript: This often has to do with the genre; for example, if your book is nonfiction and you plan on having it published as an ebook or hardcover print edition by a traditional publisher (instead of self-published).
Then whoever writes your manuscript needs to be familiar with those formats’ requirements.
That said, most ghostwriters specialize in writing in certain genres such as biography or fiction. Pay attention here you don’t want someone who specializes in historical romance writing your science fiction novel!
Budget considerations: Make sure you discuss all financial matters upfront before signing anything. You may find yourself agreeing upon a flat fee per word rate with no additional charges for revisions or vice versa (with added costs).
Let The Ghostwriter Know How Much Creative Freedom They Will Be Given
You should know how much creative freedom the hired ghostwriter will have. The more control you want over the content, the less likely it is that a ghostwriter will be interested in working with you. You may also need to pay more for that level of control and service.
As a general rule, let your hired ghostwriter know that they should not change keywords or phrases that are important for SEO purposes if at all possible; otherwise, these changes could harm your website rankings and traffic numbers in Google search results.
Ask The Ghostwriter If He Or She Has Published Books Or Articles Before
When hiring a ghostwriter, it’s important to ask if he or she has published books or articles before. If so, ask for the list of works and see if they are in the same genre as your project.
Also important is the market where these published works have been published. For example, if you’re writing a book on how to make money buying and selling real estate properties.
Then you want to hire a ghostwriter who has been featured in publications that target investors looking at this industry (such as Forbes).
Before you delve into the world of ghostwriting, make sure you’re aware of the essential factors. Discover the 12 crucial things our seasoned ghostwriter wishes they had known before starting their journey. Read about these insights to excel in your ghostwriting career.
Discuss Possible Payment Plans And Terms With An Upfront Deposit And Progress Payments
If you decide to work with a ghostwriter, you should discuss payment terms before signing any agreement. How much will you pay upfront? What is the payment schedule? How much will you pay for revisions? What are the final deliverables and how much are they worth?
Here are some questions to ask:
- How much will I pay upfront?
- When will I be billed for each stage of the project (e.g., first draft, edits)?
- Will any money be held in escrow until final approval of the manuscript is given by both sides (seller and buyer)?
If there are parts that need to be rewritten after approval from both parties, then what’s going to happen as far as paying more money goes? Should this be discussed upfront so there aren’t any surprises at the end of everything?
Where Do You Want To Publish Your Work?
If you’re looking to self-publish, you’ll need to choose an online platform. There are several options:
- Amazon
- Barnes and Noble
- Smashwords
- Lulu
- Kobo
In this case, publishing on Amazon is the best choice because it’s the largest retailer in the world by far.
However, some authors have had success getting their books into major bookstores like Barnes & Noble and Books A Million through Ingram Content Group’s Lightning Source imprint.
If those aren’t available near you (or if they reject your manuscript), consider consulting our list of independent bookstores that accept self-published works.
Who Will Own The Rights To Your Work?
- Can you tell us more about your project?
As you know, ghostwriting agreements are contracts that determine the ownership and use of intellectual property created by a writer during their work. Because they’re so important, it’s important to understand exactly what rights are being transferred to whom.
This is especially true when you’re hiring a ghostwriter because they will probably have more creative control than if you were hiring an editor or proofreader who would simply be editing your existing work or correcting mistakes in your writing.
The most basic question is: Who owns the rights to the work? Will it be owned by both parties jointly (i.e., co-ownership), or solely by one party (i.e., sole ownership)? In either case, how will each party use the work?
If there are multiple writers involved in creating material for one project, for example, two authors collaborating on a book manuscript then each author must agree beforehand as to who will own any resulting copyrighted works that result from their collaboration;
Otherwise, disputes may arise later on down the road when both authors want to access or control these same copyrighted materials which might include everything from song titles and lyrics up to entire songs themselves if they were written collaboratively with other musicians involved too!
What Happens In The Event Of A Dispute?
Disputes do occur, and you need a way to resolve them if they arise. You should expect that your ghostwriter will adhere to the contract’s terms and conditions.
However, it is possible that he or she may not deliver satisfactory work. It is also possible that you will not be satisfied with the final result of your book once it has been published.
There are several steps you can take in case of disputes:
Firstly, both parties should communicate openly about any issues as soon as they arise. If you feel there is something wrong with the work or service provided by your ghostwriter, then speak up!
We don’t want people feeling uncomfortable asking for help when needed so let us know how we can help improve things for everyone involved!
Secondly, reach out directly through email at or call us at (888) 809-3370 anytime day or night Monday through Friday 9 AM-9 PM ET; Saturday 9 AM-4 PM ET; Sunday 11AM-7PM ET.
Ghostwriters often face challenges in their collaborations with authors. Our collection of 10 horror stories involving ghostwriters and authors highlights the importance of clear agreements. Explore these cautionary tales to protect yourself when engaging in ghostwriting projects.
What Is The Process For Editing And Revising Content?
You should also be able to see a process for editing and revising content.
After the initial draft is completed, you must have a clear plan of how the ghostwriter will go about making edits and revisions. How much time will be allotted for this process?
Will your ghostwriter provide references to previous work that he or she has edited/revised? If so, what does this look like?
Can The Ghostwriter Provide References?
Before you sign a contract with a ghostwriter, ask to see references of past clients they have worked with. This will help you determine whether or not the writer is reliable and trustworthy.
You may also want to ask for their preferred editing process and payment method. Some ghostwriters prefer to get paid after the project is completed, while others prefer getting paid as they go along.
A ghostwriting contract is a necessary part of the process, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. If you follow these steps and ask the right questions, you can ensure that your ghostwriter gets paid fairly and stays on schedule.
Besides, who knows? If this is your first time hiring a ghostwriter for one of your books, he or she might even turn out to be a great collaborator for future projects!
Further Reading
Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Illegal?: Explore the legal aspects of hiring a ghostwriter and understand the potential implications.
Why Hire a Ghostwriter?: Learn about the benefits and advantages of hiring a ghostwriter for your writing projects.
Ghost Writer Agreement: Find a comprehensive ghostwriter agreement template to ensure clear terms and conditions for your ghostwriting collaborations.
What are the advantages of hiring a ghostwriter?
Hiring a ghostwriter allows you to leverage their writing expertise, save time, and ensure high-quality content without the hassle of writing it yourself.
Is it legal to hire a ghostwriter?
Yes, hiring a ghostwriter is legal as long as the terms of the agreement are clear and ethical, and the ghostwriter’s contributions are acknowledged appropriately.
How can I protect my rights when hiring a ghostwriter?
To protect your rights as an author, it’s crucial to have a well-drafted ghostwriter agreement that outlines ownership, confidentiality, and other essential aspects of the collaboration.
What services does a ghostwriter typically provide?
A ghostwriter can provide a range of services, including writing original content, editing existing material, and ensuring a consistent tone and style throughout the project.
How much does it cost to hire a ghostwriter?
The cost of hiring a ghostwriter varies depending on factors such as the scope of the project, the writer’s experience, and the complexity of the content. It’s essential to discuss the pricing and payment terms upfront.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.