A Look Into The World Of Real Estate Copywriting

We’re all familiar with the real estate industry. From buying our first home to selling it again, we’ve all gone through the process of buying and selling property. 

But what most people don’t realize is that while they’re out looking at houses or apartment buildings, there’s another person behind the scenes helping them buy or sell their home an agent. 

As real estate agents ourselves, we know that even though we provide excellent service and professional guidance when it comes to purchasing a home or land, our clients often want more information about how we operate as businesses and why things are done in a certain way within this industry. 

So today we’re going to be sharing some tips on writing great copy for your website which will help you connect better with your audience and increase sales!

Real Estate Copywriting & How to Choose a Niche w Phil Balliet
1. Gain insights into the intricacies of real estate copywriting.
2. Understand the role of effective copy in the real estate industry.
3. Explore tips and strategies for crafting compelling property descriptions.
4. Learn about the importance of audience targeting and engagement.
5. Discover how to leverage storytelling for impactful real estate content.

1. Talk To Your Client’s Target Audience

The first step in creating great real estate writing is to get to know your client’s target audience. The more you understand the target buyer, the better you’ll be able to speak their language and connect with them on an emotional level.

Discover how to enhance your real estate writing with the right tools and techniques. Learn more in our article about The Best Tools I Use to Write About Real Estate.

Here Are Some Things You Should Consider

Who is the target buyer? What age group do they fall into? Do they have any children or pets? What are their cultural backgrounds, values, and beliefs? How much money do they make and what type of home can they afford?

How does this person communicate? How do they express themselves through writing (if at all)? 

Do they prefer email over text messages or vice versa? Is there a particular style of real estate copywriting that works well for this audience such as conversational or formal and why might that be important for reaching them effectively through marketing materials such as flyers or websites?

Once we’ve identified who our ideal clients are, it’s time for us as writers and marketers at first glance may think about how best we can reach these people through traditional means such as advertising campaigns in print newspapers/magazines; 

However if we want truly reach out across various platforms including social media channels like Twitter & Facebook then maybe using hashtags could help us find exactly what kind of content people want more of – so try searching around using keywords related to topics like “real estate”, etc.

Right here online where everyone posts comments on blogs daily post up articles related specifically to certain subject matters often leading back again into other areas where viewers interact with one another by engaging each other. 

While reading different perspectives on different topics regarding similar subjects matter which leads me back again to why I started this whole thing off by saying: You never know unless someone asks!

2. Make Your Copy Easy To Read, And Skimmable

Use short sentences and paragraphs

Use bullet points and numbered lists

Use subheadings

Use bold and italic formatting to make important information stand out.

Keep a conversational tone, but don’t use slang or poor grammar, as that can distract from your message. As with email writing, there’s a fine line between informal and unprofessional find it!

When writing copy for real estate ads, you can help readers understand what you’re saying by using simple language. 

You should avoid long words (unless they are necessary), long sentences (try breaking them up), or passive verbs (the verb “to be” is a great place to start). Instead of using the word “due,” which can sound vague when paired with numbers (e.g., “due today”) try saying something like “by 5 p.m.”

Want to gain a competitive edge in real estate writing? Uncover your unfair advantage with insights from our post on Real Estate Writing: Your Unfair Advantage Against Competition.

3. Keep It Positive

When you’re writing for a real estate client, it’s important to keep things positive. A happy property description will help the buyer feel good about making an offer on your client’s home and can even be a deciding factor in whether they do or don’t make an offer.

You should also never use negative language when describing any aspect of your client’s listing. Even if there is something that needs improvement, such as faulty wiring or water damage from a leaky roof, you should always focus on what works well in the house instead of what doesn’t work so well (unless it’s been professionally repaired). 

This will make your copy more appealing to buyers who are looking at listing because they don’t want to deal with repairs themselves.

4. Use The Right Tone Of Voice

When writing for the real estate industry, it’s important to use a tone that is both friendly and helpful. Keep in mind:

Who are you writing for? Are you writing for a more general audience or one that is more specific?

What kind of content do they want? Do they want facts and figures, or are they looking for something lighter and more conversational?

What type of brand are you trying to build with your copywriting? Is it something lighthearted and fun (like an all-ages amusement park), or is it formal, professional (like a law firm)?

The right voice can make all the difference in how readers perceive your copy. So if you’re not sure what kind of voice would work best for your business, try these tips:

5. Don’t Try To Sell The Property Or Neighbourhood On Your Own

Your job as a real estate agent is to represent your client’s interests in the best way possible. You are there to present their property in the best light possible, and this means not over-selling it or trying to convince buyers that they should buy it. If you do any of those things, you may end up alienating potential clients and losing them as clients altogether!

Crafting captivating content about real estate doesn’t have to be challenging. Dive into The Complete Guide to Writing Blogs About Real Estate to master the art of engaging real estate blogging.

6. Ditch The Adjectives Or At Least Use Them With Caution

Adjectives are words that describe or modify the subject of a sentence. For example, the following sentence uses adjectives to describe a car: 

My car is old and rusty.” In this case, we have two adjectives: old and rusty. I know that sounds silly because it’s obvious but there are many times when using adjectives can be misleading or confusing for readers (especially when they’re used incorrectly).

Adjectives also tend to be unnecessary in most cases. For example: “The red hot dog is still on sale at the store!” Sounds like a pretty exciting deal right? Well, guess what…it’s not all that exciting because we already know what kind of food item it is! But if you wrote something like this.

The price of my favorite brand of hot dogs has dropped drastically over the last few months! 

You would get more attention from your readers because now they would want to know why such drastic changes have occurred for such a small item as well as what brands may be affected by these changes in prices town-which might lead them through your website where there are other products also available for purchase at discounted rates.”

7. Avoid Jargon And Overcomplicated Language

Instead, use simple language that is easy to understand. Use clear and simple language to describe complex ideas.

Use short sentences with active verbs rather than passive verbs or long convoluted sentences that make your copy sound like you are talking down to the reader

Use simple words instead of fancy ones where the possible-the goal is to communicate clearly with the reader not show off how many big words you know!

8. Explain The Process In Simple Terms, From Start To Finish

You don’t want to scare away potential buyers by talking about how much of a hassle it is to sell a house. However, you do want to explain the process in simple terms so they know what will be expected of them and what they can expect from you.

So, instead of saying “We need to get this house sold before our deadline or else we won’t be able to pay for our mortgage anymore,” use this example:

(Seller) “I have a big deadline coming up that I need to meet. I hope you can help me out with that but if not then that’s fine too! It may take us longer than usual but maybe we can still find someone who wants our home as much as we do! 

Either way, it doesn’t matter because every day together has been amazing and no matter what happens next I know we’ll always have each other It’s just not fair how life works sometimes.”

Achieving success in real estate content creation requires the right strategies. Learn the key steps in our guide on How to Succeed at Real Estate Content Writing to thrive in this competitive field.

9. Avoid Empty Promises

We’ve all read the real estate ads in which a seller promises you that your dream house will be yours for 50% off the asking price. If you can’t afford it at full price, how are you going to afford it when they reduce their asking price?

The same goes for rental properties as well. You don’t have to promise prospective tenants any kind of deal or discount on their rent. Let’s face it: nobody is going to pay more than market value for anything these days, so don’t make empty promises about being able to offer them something better than what other landlords in your area are offering.

It’s much better if you focus on being honest and upfront about everything including who pays for repairs and maintenance costs, what type of tenant screening process you use (if any), etc., and let clients know that if they’re looking for something different from what most other landlords provide, then this might not be the right place for them after all.

10. Highlight The Benefits Of Working With You As An Agent

When you write about yourself, it’s important to highlight the benefits of working with you as an agent. What will you do for them that other agents won’t do? How will you save your clients time and money? What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?

For example, one of my clients was selling a business property in New York City that needed renovation work. By sharing my expertise on what contractors I use, how much they charge, and why they are good at what they do (and also showing off photos of their projects), I got a chance to showcase myself and prove that I know my stuff.

11. Don’t Force Keywords Into Your Copy For Seo Purposes

For example:

If your keyword is “sell my house fast”, then your reader should be able to see that in your copy.

If the article is about selling a house, use phrases like these:

Sell My House Fast Or I Might Need To Get A Job To Pay For It…

The last thing you want is for people to be reading through a bunch of nonsense just because they were looking for something specific. You should always make sure that the important words are there and easy to find with a good flow as well.

12. Be Transparent About What You’re Doing And Why You’re Doing It That Way

Transparency is not only a good way to build trust with clients, but it can also help you market yourself more effectively.

In real estate copywriting, transparency means being honest about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it that way. Why did you choose these words over others? 

Why did you decide to leave out certain things or include other details? How do your fees compare with those of other writers? Are there any extra costs involved in working with me, such as marketing expenses or travel costs?

Transparency is one of the most important qualities in any industry and especially when it comes to making money online!

13. Focus On Outcomes And Results Not Processes And Procedures

If you’re writing about a service that your business offers, focus on the outcomes you can achieve for your customers. Don’t just tell them what you do; instead, tell them how it will benefit them. 

If you’re selling a product, explain what they can do with it and why they need it in their lives.

Don’t get caught up in explaining every little detail of your process or procedure to people who may not care. Instead, think about the point that is most important to them and make sure to highlight that in the copy.

14. Keep It Real No One Likes A Pushy Salesperson!

Be honest about what you can and cannot deliver

Be honest about the challenges of the real estate market

Be honest about the challenges of your client’s transaction

Be honest about any problems with the property itself, or its location

Ready to monetize your skills in the real estate industry? Find out how in our article on Real Estate Writing: Exactly How to Make Money in the Real Estate Industry, where we explore effective ways to generate income through writing.

15. Make Sure Your Copy Is Brand-Aligned, Consistent, And Appropriate For Your Market

Consistency and brand alignment are key to getting your message across. When you’re writing copy, it’s important to make sure that your audience knows exactly what they are reading.

You also want to make sure that the content you create is appropriate for your market. If you write an article about how great real estate is in Chicago, but then write another blog post on why it’s a terrible place to live, you risk confusing readers and losing credibility with them. 

The same goes for being consistent across all channels: if someone sees one ad for a property and then reads about it again in a magazine or sees it online, they should see the same information presented in the same way every time they see something from that source.

It’s also important to have a solid brand style guide in place so that anyone who works on marketing materials can understand how things should look and feel and know how much flexibility there is when deviating from the norm (if any).


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make your real estate copywriting better. By following some of these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating compelling content that will help sell homes faster than ever before!

Further Reading

Jasper AI’s Guide to Real Estate Copywriting: Explore expert insights and strategies to enhance your real estate copywriting skills.

Mastering Real Estate Copywriting: A Comprehensive Guide: Dive into this comprehensive guide to gain a deep understanding of effective real estate copywriting techniques.

The Close’s Resource on Real Estate Copywriting: Discover tips and tricks for writing compelling real estate content that resonates with your audience.

And here’s the FAQs section based on the semantic of the TITLE:


What is Real Estate Copywriting?

Real estate copywriting involves crafting persuasive and engaging written content to market properties, attract buyers, and generate leads in the real estate industry.

How can I improve my real estate copywriting skills?

To enhance your real estate copywriting skills, you can practice writing compelling property descriptions, study successful real estate ads, and learn about the psychology of buyer motivations.

What are some key elements of effective real estate copywriting?

Effective real estate copywriting includes attention-grabbing headlines, vivid property descriptions, clear and concise language, a focus on benefits, and a call-to-action that prompts readers to take the desired action.

How do I target a specific audience with my real estate copy?

To target a specific audience, conduct market research to understand the preferences, needs, and pain points of your target demographic. Tailor your copy to address their unique concerns and desires.

What role does storytelling play in real estate copywriting?

Storytelling can humanize properties and create emotional connections with potential buyers. Incorporating stories about the property’s history, neighborhood, or previous occupants can make your copy more engaging and relatable.