You’ve probably heard about author’s block, the phenomenon that occurs when an author can’t seem to write anything.
The reason for this is typically that the writer doesn’t know what they want to write about. It sounds simple, but it’s important that you know why you want to write a book before jumping in too deep. I’ve been there!
Takeaways |
Understanding your motivation is essential before starting a writing journey. |
Clarifying your purpose for writing a book can guide your decisions and efforts. |
Knowing why you want to write a book helps you stay focused and committed. |
Your motivation could stem from personal growth, sharing expertise, or leaving a legacy. |
Reflect on your intentions to ensure your writing aligns with your goals. |
Because You Have Something To Say
It’s a question that every author has to ask themselves: “Why do I want to write a book?” For some people, the answer is simple.
They have something they want to say a message that needs to be heard by the world or an experience they want to share with others. Others may have a story they’d like to tell, or a lesson they think could help others.
Sometimes it’s not so easy though you might feel like you need your book for yourself more than anything else. Maybe you’re in pain and writing will give you relief from it? Maybe there’s something inside of you that wants out but doesn’t know how else it can get out?
Whatever the reason may be for wanting to write your first book, here are some things worth considering before starting:
Do this because YOU have something important inside you; do this because YOU have a message for someone who needs it; do this because YOU know there are people who would benefit from knowing about YOUR life.*
Writing a novel is an exhilarating yet daunting journey. If you’re ready to embark on this adventure, be sure to explore our guide on writing a novel to find the inspiration and guidance you need.
Because You Have A Story To Tell
There are lots of reasons why people want to write a book.
Because you have a story to tell. Whether it’s your own life story or a story you’ve heard from someone else, there are many reasons why people want to write their memoirs and chronicles of the events that have affected them in some way over time.
For example, my grandfather had a large collection of war stories that he would share with me when we were together. He served in WWII as an officer on a ship during the invasion of Okinawa.
So I always found those stories fascinating because I never knew what kind of things he had seen until after his death when I saw his journals and photos from that time period.
Because you like sharing information or ideas with other people through writing! This is probably one of the most common reasons why people decide they want to write books.
Because they enjoy sharing what they know (or think) with others who may not know already know these things as well! It can be great practice for public speaking skills too if done right 🙂
Because You Are Hoping That The Book Will Help People
Why do you want to write a book? It’s the question we all have to ask ourselves when we make any kind of big decision, and it’s important to answer honestly.
If your answer is “because I want money,” then maybe writing a book isn’t for you. There are other ways to make money besides writing books!
If your answer is “I want fame and glory,” then that’s fine too but remember that there are many different kinds of fame and glory out there (some good ones, some bad ones), so think about which kind appeals most before going down this path.
Storytelling transcends mediums, even through video games. Discover the art of narrative in gaming with insights from our article about learning storytelling through video games and how it can enhance your writing skills.
Because You Wish To Inspire Others With Your Story
You want to inspire others with your story.
You know what? I’m on board with this one. Because when you think about it, there are many ways in which being an author can help inspire other people:
You could share your story and give hope to those who have struggled with similar circumstances as you, or who have felt discouraged by their current situation
You could teach others how they can achieve something that was once seemingly impossible for them like writing a book!
You could be a role model for other writers and show them that anything is possible if they believe in themselves, even if they don’t quite know where their path will lead them yet!
Because You Need The Money. (Don’t Do It For The Money.)
Don’t write a book to make money. You’ll probably end up spending more on the book than you’ll make off of it, especially in the beginning.
Don’t write a book to get famous. Books don’t make people famous; they’re only one piece of what makes someone famous and successful and if you do become famous because of your book, it will be for other reasons (not just because you wrote one).
Don’t write a book for glory or prestige (or any other reason that isn’t about actually creating something).
This is another reason why I say writing is not for everyone: Writing requires so much sacrifice from us that we need to want to do this thing before we can be successful at it not only in terms of our time but also in terms of our energy and emotional health.
You have to love writing enough that it doesn’t feel like work; otherwise, doing anything else would probably be easier and less painful than sitting down every day at 2 p.m., staring at a blank screen.
Thinking about what kind of messes your characters are going through right now…and then remembering that none of this matters unless someone reads what comes out on January 1st, 2020!
Because You Don’t Want Anyone Else To Get Rich From Your Words
The final reason to write a book is because you don’t want anyone else to get rich from your words. You want to be the only one who can profit from your work, but you know it’s not that easy.
In fact, it’s downright hard if you aren’t working with an experienced publishing professional or coach. That’s because there are lots of ways for others to try and sneak into the picture and claim ownership over what belongs solely to you:
They might steal your book idea and pass it off as their own (this is called “idea theft”)
They might take something from your books like text or photos and sell it on their website (this is called “content theft”)
It all starts with having access, so make sure that the person helping you publish knows how important security is when working with intellectual property!
Every writer has their toolkit, and the right software can be invaluable. Uncover the essential software tools for writers in our comprehensive list at 11 important software tools for writing novels to streamline your writing process.
Because It Will Be Good For Your Business
You’ve got to be able to answer this question: “Why do I want to write a book?” Because it will be good for your business.
If you’re in the marketing world, writing a book is one of the most powerful ways to grow your brand as an expert or thought-leader.
And when it comes time to promote that book, you’ll have a whole new set of people who are interested in what you have to say and what products and services are available from your company.
Writing a book can also benefit any business owner who wants an efficient way to capture their knowledge.
So that others can learn from it without having them there physically present every time someone wants advice on how they can get started with whatever thing they’re thinking about doing (whether it’s starting their own business or growing their existing one).
Because It Will Boost Your Credibility
Writing a book will help you become an authority in your field.
As someone who has written numerous books and worked with hundreds of authors, I can attest to the fact that becoming an author increases your credibility and attracts more clients, customers, and opportunities for speaking engagements.
Whether you’re writing about business or personal development, people want to hire experts who have something valuable to say.
When you’ve written a book that shows off your expertise on a particular topic (and yes, even if it’s just a short ebook), potential clients will perceive you as being more knowledgeable than non-authors in the same space no matter what industry they’re in!
Because You’re Sick Of Writing For Free On Your Blog And Giving Away All Of Your Best Content For Free
You’re putting in a lot of work for free, but you don’t get any credit or money for your efforts. It’s time to change that. You’ve got an amazing idea for a book, and if you write it, people will be able to see your genius.
Writing books is also a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. When someone searches online for help with something related to your area of expertise, they’ll find that book you wrote on Amazon and think: “Hey!
This person knows what they’re talking about! I’d better buy some of their products or services now before they run out!”
Aspiring novelists, take note! We’ve curated the top tips you need to kick-start your writing journey. Dive into our article on 10 tips for aspiring novel writers and equip yourself with the knowledge to make your writing dreams come true.
Because Having A Book Is A Milestone Worth Reaching In Life. (A Lot Of People Died Before They Got To Write Their Books.)
Writing a book is an accomplishment that can bring you pride. It’s something to be proud of.
You have to set goals when it comes to your writing, and one of those goals should be finishing your book. But what if you don’t know where to start? What if this idea of starting a new book scares you? Here are some tips:
Have a plan in place before you begin writing your first draft (or even beginning the outlining process).
Just like any other business, having a plan will help keep things organized and on track. You might even find that having a specific date for completion helps keep motivation high as well!
Because Everyone Has A Book In Them, Whether They Know It Or Not. You’ve Got One Too! So Write It Down!
Everyone has a book in them. You may not know it yet, but you do. And the best way to find out is to write it down.
Write about your life experiences, write about your passions and interests, or just write about what you think and feel on any given day whatever comes to mind! Whatever it is that’s on your mind when you start writing will most likely be what the book turns out to be about eventually.
So get started! Write down those thoughts right now before they slip away forever!
For other reasons, I haven’t thought of yet (add them in the comments).
I’ve also heard from quite a few people who want to write their book because they believe that it will help them become an author or published author.
I don’t have any data on this, but it seems like the more books you write and publish, the more likely it is that someone will notice you and want to work with you.
I’ve also heard from writers who want more clients or readers and in both cases, writing a book can be an easy way to get them.
If your target audience is made up of people who are looking for exactly what your book has to offer (whether they know it or not), then putting out a book that has all the info they need could make it easier for them find and connect with you.
Writing a book is a personal endeavor that requires introspection. Delve into the significance of understanding your motivations with our piece on knowing why you want to write a book, as it will shape your journey and purpose as an author.
If you’re still not convinced, let me make it clear: Writing a book is a great way to express yourself. The process is rewarding and rewarding work makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
I hope we’ve helped you make the decision to write your first book! If there’s anything else we can do for you (or if you just want some encouragement), please let us know in the comments below or on Twitter @Scribendi_com
Further Reading
Why Write a Book?: Discover the profound reasons behind embarking on the journey of writing a book.
The Importance of Writing Your First Book: Explore the significance of writing your debut book and how it can impact your personal and professional growth.
10 Good Reasons to Write a Book: Uncover a comprehensive list of compelling motivations to put your thoughts and stories into writing.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with the semantic of the TITLE:
Why Write a Book?
Q: What are the benefits of writing a book?
A: Writing a book can boost your credibility, share your expertise, and leave a lasting impact on readers.
Q: How can writing a book enhance personal growth?
A: Writing a book encourages introspection, self-discovery, and the refinement of your communication skills.
Q: Is writing a book a time-consuming endeavor?
A: Yes, writing a book requires dedicated time and effort, but the rewards in terms of personal satisfaction and potential recognition can be substantial.
Q: Can writing a book open up new opportunities?
A: Absolutely, a well-written book can lead to speaking engagements, consultancy opportunities, and an expanded network.
Q: What if I’m not a professional writer? Should I still write a book?
A: Yes, anyone with a story, knowledge, or passion to share can write a book. It’s about conveying your unique perspective.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.