Why Freelancing Is The Perfect Career For Me

For many years, I had a career in marketing that would have been considered successful by my peers. But while they were relishing the status quo of their corporate lives, I was busy daydreaming about what life would be like if I could work independently and travel the world while doing it. 

While others might find this “free-spirited” lifestyle too precarious, it turns out that freelancing is a better fit for me than the typical 9-to-5 job ever was. And here’s why:

Why I Started Freelancing | Hidden Freelance Benefits
Freelancing offers flexibility and autonomy.
It allows for pursuing passion and interests.
Freelancers have the potential for higher earnings.
The freelance career can provide a better work-life balance.
It offers the opportunity to work on diverse projects.
Freelancing allows for self-growth and continuous learning.
Independence and control over one’s career path.
Freelancing provides the ability to choose clients and projects.
The freelance economy is on the rise, creating more opportunities.
Freelancing can be a fulfilling and rewarding career choice.

I Am My Boss

Being a freelancer is the perfect career for someone who wants to be their boss, set their hours, and decide what projects they want to work on.

You have all the freedom of being an entrepreneur but none of the risk! You can decide what you want to work on when you want it done and at whatever price point makes sense for your business.

Freelancing is not just limited to full-time freelancers; even those with a stable job can benefit from it. Check out our article on 6 Reasons to Be a Freelancer in Addition to Having a Full-Time Job to discover the advantages of embracing freelancing alongside your current career.

Flexible Work Hours

You can work when you want to, and that’s pretty much the best thing ever. No more having to get up at 5 AM to get ready for the commute, no more spending all day stuck in traffic. You can do your work at any time of the day that is most convenient for you!

You don’t have a boss or a manager hovering over your shoulder all day checking up on what you’re doing or making sure that everything is being completed according to their standards (which will always be unreasonable).

It’s also great because you’re not required to go into an office five days per week from 9-5:30 pm. That means no longer having to worry about finding someone who will cover your shift when an emergency comes up (and there’s always an emergency).

Variety Of Work Assignments

As a freelancer, you get to work on various types of projects. You can even choose the type of assignment based on your preferences and set goals for yourself. For example, if you want to make more money, then it would be better to commit yourself to larger and more complex projects. On the other hand, if you prefer variety in your career path and would like to do something different every once in a while then smaller tasks should be sufficient.

You also have the freedom to decide what kind of clients you will work with or which industries interest you most. This gives an added advantage because now there are no restrictions on where or who I can work with.

Diversified Income Streams

This is one of the most attractive aspects of freelance work. You have the freedom to choose what you want and when you want to work on it. No deadlines and no managers are breathing down your neck about how long it’s taking you to complete your assignments.

This also means that if there are certain projects which pay a lot more than others, but require more time and effort on your part, then you can always go for those projects first instead of spending all day working on something boring just for the sake of money!

Are you a member of Generation Z looking to thrive in the freelance economy? We’ve got you covered. Dive into our comprehensive tips for Gen Z to achieve success in the freelance economy by checking out 15 Tips to Help Gen Z Achieve Success in the Freelance Economy.

I Have No Deadlines And No Managers Are Breathing Not Burdened With Office Politics 

You may be thinking, “Working for yourself doesn’t sound like it would be any less stressful! You’re so busy that you have to work on weekends and at night,” but freelancing is different. When you work for yourself, you can set your schedule. If you don’t want to work on the weekend or during particular hours of the day, then don’t do it! 

This freedom allows me to spend time with my family whenever I want and since we all know how valuable family time is, I wouldn’t trade this flexibility for anything in the world. 

As a freelancer, I also don’t have to answer to anyone if I decide not to work overtime or if I’d rather take a break from work than put in extra hours (and trust me: sometimes taking breaks from writing is necessary).

I Can Expand My Knowledge Set

As a freelancer, you have the opportunity to learn new skills and expand your knowledge set. This is especially beneficial if you’re just starting freelancing as it will help you become more marketable and valuable to potential clients.

You can learn new software programs that will make your job easier, or improve the quality of your work. You can also learn new languages that enable you to work with international clients who speak different languages than English.

You may even want to branch out into completely different areas of business for example if you are a writer but decide that writing isn’t for you anymore, maybe now would be an excellent time for learning how graphic design works so that when people come looking for someone who does both graphic design AND writing (or any other combination), then they’ll know where to find YOU!

I Can Expand My Clientele Base At My Own Pace

When you’re freelancing, you don’t have to worry about your client base getting too big. You can take on as many clients as you feel comfortable with and be selective about who you will work with.

Additionally, since most of your work is remote, it doesn’t matter where they are based or whether they are in different time zones (or even different countries). This means that I can easily expand my clientele base at my own pace without worrying about adding too much stress to the system.

I find that being able to control my workload so easily makes me more organized and efficient than if I were working for someone else where I would need their approval before hiring another employee or taking on any new projects.

I Can Increase My Rates Whenever I Want To

You can raise your rates whenever you want to. You don’t have to wait until the end of the year or when you’re making your annual evaluation, or when someone is threatening to leave because they need more money. You can do it right now if you want!

I’ve been freelancing for over two years and I’ve raised my rates several times already because I was able to make concrete decisions about how much work was coming in and how much work would be available in the future (or at least a good idea). 

When I first started freelancing full-time, my rate was $15/hour; then after six months it went up to $20/hour; then another six months later it went up again…you get the picture. Now I’m at $35/hour. It feels really good knowing that as long as clients keep hiring me, this is my rate going forward for as long as I want it (aside from any industry-wide raises).

While freelancing offers numerous opportunities, financial challenges can arise if you’re not careful. Stay informed and avoid common pitfalls by reading our insightful article on 10 Reasons Why People End Up Losing Money Freelancing to safeguard your freelance career.

Freelancing Is Portable As Long As I Have A Laptop, Cellphone, And Internet Connection

As a freelancer, you don’t have to worry about office politics or company culture. You can work from anywhere as long as you have a laptop, cellphone, and internet connection.

Here are some of my favorite places to work:

Home – Working from home is great for when you want to be around your family or pets (if you’re lucky enough to have both). It’s also nice because it gives me peace of mind that I won’t miss any important calls since I’m always nearby my phone. 

The only downside is that sometimes I’ll get distracted by Netflix after too long at the computer so it’s best if I set aside time every morning/afternoon specifically designated for working alone on projects while everyone else is occupied elsewhere in the house doing chores or watching TV shows together… whatever floats their boat!

Coffee Shop – This can be either an independent coffee shop (to avoid all those hipsters asking questions about how much money they could earn by becoming part-time baristas) or one located inside a bookstore where there are tons of books available.

If needed inspiration strikes while working diligently away on something creative like writing blog posts with catchy titles like “Why Freelancing Is Perfect For Me” 😉 hahaha, kidding kidding kidding yeah this happened before but Ummm back then when…

If you’re looking for a few career options to get started with, here are some of the most popular freelance jobs.

Freelance writer – This is one of the best freelancing jobs for beginners because it’s easy to learn, and there are always new topics to write about. You can choose from a wide range of topics including business and finance; lifestyle; travel; technology; games; music and entertainment; health and exercise; crafts and hobbies.

Freelance translator – Translators translate content in different languages so that they make sense together when they’re read by someone else who doesn’t understand them both (which is most people).

Web designer – Web design involves creating websites that look good on different devices like computers, tablets, or smartphones. Some web designers also create logos as well as print materials such as brochures or posters.

Work From Anywhere

Being able to work from anywhere is an incredible freedom that many people don’t realize they have because they’re stuck in a traditional job. When you’re a freelancer, your location does not limit where you can work.

As long as there is internet access, there are countless options for you to choose from when it comes to setting up shop. You could even work outside if that’s what floats your boat!

If working in an office isn’t your thing, freelancing will give you the flexibility and freedom to create your Schedule while still earning money doing what makes sense for YOU and YOUR business. 

No more waking up early on weekends just so everyone else can get some time off during the week (or not even having weekends off at all), no longer having someone tell you when and where to go you are free!

Passionate about renewable energy and writing? Combine your interests by becoming a freelance writer in the renewable energy industry. Our article on How to Become a Freelance Writer in the Renewable Energy Industry provides valuable guidance and resources to get started in this exciting field.

Management Of The Time

A lot of people think that when they are freelancing, they have to work as much time as possible. But not all of us have the same ability to manage our time and do many things at once.

You should know that if you want to be successful in your freelance career, then you need to manage your time properly. You will fail if you don’t manage your time properly because this is one of the most important things when working as a freelancer.

You need to set priorities for every task so that it will be easier for you to finish them successfully without any problem or delay in any step during the process of completing those tasks/projects which are assigned by clients/employers (or) customers/clients


You can work from anywhere. This is a big deal for me because I hate driving in traffic and I don’t enjoy dressing up (you know what I’m talking about).

I also like that freelancing allows me to wear whatever I want to work, which saves me time and energy on my commute. And since there are no bosses or office politics to worry about, I don’t have to stress over anything except getting the job done.

Freelancing gives me flexibility with my schedule so that I can spend more time with friends and family members who matter most in my life the people who make me excited about waking up every morning!

I love how freelance writing gives you complete control over your income: You get paid only when the client pays you no fixed paychecks or scheduled paychecks! If a client doesn’t pay their bills on time, it’s not your problem they’re responsible for paying their freelancer as promised.

No Traffics

The second thing you should know about freelancing is that there are a lot of benefits to it. Taking on an hourly job means that you have to deal with office politics and dress codes, which may make you feel uncomfortable at times. Freelancing allows for freedom in many different aspects of your life: no rush hours, no fixed office and working hours, and o fixed salary or holiday schedules.

Generation Z is shaping the freelance economy in unique ways. Discover the impact of this generation and the opportunities it presents by exploring our article on Generation Z Is Driving a Freelance Economy. Gain insights into the future of freelancing and how it aligns with the aspirations of Gen Z.


Being a freelance writer has allowed me to live the life I love. Whether it is working from home or traveling around the world, I can make it happen. When I have time off, my husband and children help me with the work and we all spend quality time together. 

My dream is to one day build a small cabin in the woods where we can work together as a family unit while experiencing nature on our terms this would be an ideal situation for me because through freelancing we will be able to keep our expenses low by living out of town, saving money on gas and commuting costs!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you may find helpful for further exploration:

Benefits of Freelancing by Rock Content: Discover the advantages and perks of freelancing, including flexibility, autonomy, and the potential for higher earnings.

Becoming a Freelancer Is a Great Choice—Here’s Why by Ironhack: Explore the reasons why freelancing can be a fantastic career choice, including the ability to pursue your passion, work on diverse projects, and enjoy a better work-life balance.

Top Reasons People Choose Freelance by FlexJobs: Dive into the top motivations behind individuals opting for freelance work, such as the desire for more flexibility, control over their career, and the opportunity to work remotely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Freelancing?

Freelancing is working for yourself, and you get to choose your hours. You might have a day job, but you can also be a freelancer on the side.

How Do I Get Started?

You can start by finding clients online, or in person through networking events and referrals from friends who are already freelancing. You can also look at sites like Upwork where you can post your services and search for potential clients who need help with their projects.

How Do I Become A Freelancer?

You don’t need any special skills or training to become a freelancer just some basic computer knowledge, access to the internet, and an email address. Many employers also expect you to have some business experience: accounting, sales, or marketing management. 

If you do not have those skills yet but think you might want to take them on as part of your freelance career, it may be wise to get some training first so that when you start working as a freelancer, you have the right tools at hand right away.

Do I Need An Office Space?

No! Many people choose to work remotely because they can save money on rent by working from home or another location with low overhead costs like their local library or coffee shop instead of having to

What Is The Difference Between Freelancing And A Full-Time Job?

Freelancing is a great option if you want to work for yourself and can manage your schedule. Freelancers are in charge of their success, so they need to be self-motivated and organized to succeed.

What About Health Insurance?

You’ll need to get your health insurance policy if you don’t already have one; this will typically cost around $200 per month depending on where you live and what kind of plan you choose.

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