15 Tips To Help Gen Z Achieve Success In The Freelance Economy

I don’t know about you, but I find that members of Generation Z get a pretty bad rap. Many of the people from previous generations (particularly baby boomers) portray Gen Zers as being spoiled, entitled and lazy with a lack of basic skills. 

In reality, most young people are highly motivated and eager to show the world how much they can do those who are not typically become that way with proper encouragement and support! 

As a member of Generation X myself (born in 1969), I have been very fortunate to work with many members of this generation, both as an employer and employee. 

The experience has given me a unique perspective on what they need to achieve success, particularly as they move into the workforce and start their futures independent from family life at home.

Unlocking the Power of Generation Z: Expert Tips for Effective
1. Understand the unique characteristics and preferences of Generation Z when navigating the freelance economy.
2. Embrace technology and digital platforms to connect with clients and showcase your skills.
3. Develop a strong personal brand and online presence to stand out in a competitive freelance market.
4. Continuously upgrade your skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends to stay relevant and in-demand.
5. Cultivate a strong work ethic, discipline, and time management skills to succeed as a freelancer.
6. Network and collaborate with other freelancers and professionals in your field to expand your opportunities.
7. Set clear goals and create a roadmap for your freelance career to stay focused and motivated.
8. Provide excellent customer service and deliver high-quality work to build a strong reputation and secure repeat clients.
9. Seek feedback and learn from both successes and failures to continuously improve your freelance business.
10. Maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout and sustain long-term success.
11. Stay adaptable and embrace change as the freelance economy evolves and new opportunities emerge.
12. Develop effective communication and negotiation skills to establish clear expectations with clients.
13. Create a financial plan and manage your finances wisely to ensure stability and growth in your freelance career.
14. Stay informed about legal and contractual aspects of freelancing to protect your rights and interests.
15. Seek mentorship and guidance from experienced freelancers or industry professionals to accelerate your learning and growth.

1. Be Fearless

To succeed in a freelance economy, you have to be fearless.

That means being bold and daring in your career choices and the chances you take. It means having the courage to pursue what makes your heart sing, whatever it might be (and no matter how weird it is). 

It also means being willing not only to say “yes” but also “no” when necessary especially when it comes to relationships of all kinds: friendships, business partnerships, and romantic relationships. 

And finally and this is probably the hardest part for many Gen Zers it means standing up for yourself even when you feel like nobody else will stand up with you.

Building a successful freelance business requires understanding the driving force behind the industry. Discover how Generation Z is driving a freelance economy and learn valuable insights to navigate the changing landscape.

2. Be True To Your Creative Instincts

Two, don’t be afraid to be different. As a generation, we are naturally drawn to the new and exciting. This makes it easy for us to get distracted by shiny things that grab our attention and make us forget why we started on this journey in the first place: our creative instincts. 

Don’t fall into the trap of following the trends that everyone else is doing just because they do them too be yourself! 

It’s okay if your business model looks different from others in your industry, but you have to have confidence in yourself if you want others around you to see value in what you’re doing too.

If there’s something about your work (or even just one aspect) that doesn’t feel right or isn’t working, don’t stop there go all out! 

Find ways to fix it or improve upon it until it does fit with everything else about how you operate as a company or individual freelancer/micro-business owner (MBO). 

You might find that once this happens, people start noticing what makes their experience unique among other options available instead of looking at price tags alone when making purchasing decisions…

Are you considering hiring Generation Z freelancers for your business? Explore 13 reasons Generation Z is perfect for your freelance business and tap into the unique skills and perspectives this generation brings to the table.

3. Be A Risk Taker

It’s easy to think that the only way to succeed as a freelancer is by being a risk-taker, but it’s not just about taking risks; it’s also about being willing to fail. You have to be willing to fail because sometimes failure is what makes us better at what we do. 

Failure teaches us how not to do things, which can help us figure out how we should proceed next time around. 

Risk-taking doesn’t have to mean risking your own money; risk-taking can be as simple as trying something new in your business or art form or traveling somewhere new for inspiration and ideas for projects later on down the road (or even just for fun).

I encourage Gen Zers who are hoping that freelancing will lead them closer to achieving their goals and dreams whether those dreams involve making more money or moving up in their careers to take risks with their work! 

4. Be Nimble

The freelance economy is changing rapidly, and if you want to succeed as a freelancer in the Gen Z era, it’s important to be nimble.

This means being flexible enough to change direction when necessary. It means being able to pivot quickly if a project or client doesn’t work out for you. And it means being willing and able to learn new skills as technology evolves and other industries shift around you.

5. Be Curious

Curiosity is the key to learning, innovation, and success. It’s also the key to happiness, self-growth, discovery, and improving your life. Curiosity is a good trait to have in many aspects of life because it helps you learn more about yourself.

Be curious about everything! You never know what might come in handy one day!

Freelancing has become a popular choice for Generation Z, but there are surprising aspects to this trend. Delve into 17 surprising things you’ll learn about Generation Z and freelancing to gain a deeper understanding of this demographic and how they shape the freelance landscape.

6. Be Open-Minded

Be open-minded to new ideas

Gen Z is known for being extremely creative and innovative, so it’s no surprise that many of them are already freelancers or entrepreneurs. However, there are still many who haven’t considered freelance work as an option yet. 

If you want to succeed in the freelance economy, you need an open mind when it comes to new possibilities and opportunities.

 To get ahead of your competition, you need to be able to think on your feet and make decisions quickly while still keeping your head in the game at all times! 

The best way I have found that helps me stay focused on my goals is by practicing meditation every day before work begins each morning (or night). 

This will help clear away any clutter inside your brain which could otherwise prevent creativity from flowing freely through it during those crucial moments where inspiration strikes unexpectedly during later hours after midnight…

7. Be Authentic And Honest, And Always Be Yourself

If you want to build trust with your clients, you must be honest. This means being honest about what you can do and what your skills are, as well as how long it will take to complete a project.

You also need to be authentic in how you communicate. Don’t try to impress people with words or phrases that sound impressive but don’t mean much in context that’s just going to come across as insincere. 

And while it’s okay if there are moments where it feels easier not to say anything at all (e.g., “I don’t know”), make sure that these moments don’t become the norm for your communication style; o

Otherwise, over time this will erode trust between the two of you because it becomes clear that something is wrong but no one knows exactly what (and therefore cannot fix it).

Finally, always be yourself! There’s nothing worse than being around someone who doesn’t seem like themselves; 

Conversely, when we meet people who are comfortable showing their true selves without worrying about what others think about them.

We recognize them immediately as someone worth our time and attention because they’re real human beings like ourselves (and not just another faceless name on LinkedIn).

8. Be A Problem Solver

One of the most important characteristics of successful freelancers is their ability to solve problems and think outside of the box. 

This can be difficult for Gen Z because they were raised on technology and have been conditioned to believe that “if there’s an app for it, then someone else has already done it and I don’t have to.” 

The truth is, there probably isn’t an app for everything and sometimes finding solutions means going beyond what you know or are comfortable with. 

To be successful in today’s freelance economy, you will need to become adept at identifying problems (both small and large) in your workplace or industry; breaking down those problems into smaller parts; coming up with solutions for those parts; 

Implementing those solutions; evaluating whether the implementation was successful; identifying new ways that could improve upon previous failures; etc.

Interested in writing as a freelancer in the renewable energy industry? Our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance writer in the renewable energy industry provides step-by-step insights and tips to establish yourself as a skilled writer in this thriving sector.

9. Find And Follow Mentors

A mentor is a person who has already been there and done that they are an experienced resource who can help guide you through the process of finding success in the freelance economy.

Mentors can help you avoid making the same mistakes they did, as well as prevent you from making the same mistakes that may come up on your own.

10. Make Mistakes, But Learn From Them!

The only way to become a truly great freelancer is by learning from your mistakes. Don’t be afraid to make them; they are going to happen anyway. Embrace them and try not to repeat them! 

Gen Z needs to learn how important it is that they admit when they make a mistake, otherwise they will keep repeating it over and over again until they finally give up on the project altogether or quit freelancing forever (which would be quite unfortunate).

This isn’t just about individual projects either; this applies across the board when you notice someone else making a mistake in their work, see if there’s anything you can do with what you learned from your own experience as well as theirs before jumping into things headfirst yourself.

11. Build Your Team, You Are Not Alone

Being a freelancer means you’re your boss and that comes with a lot of responsibility. If you try to take on too much, you’ll quickly find yourself in over your head. 

To be successful as an independent worker, you need to build a strong team around yourself who can help share the workload so that it doesn’t overwhelm you.

Here are some tips on how best to build this team:

Find the right people for each task: As obvious as this sounds, it’s easy for many freelancers just starting not know exactly what type of person would be best suited for certain tasks or projects. 

You want someone who brings skills and experience with them but also has good instincts about knowing how much work is needed for each job without being asked directly (and vice versa).

Delegate: part of hiring good people is trusting them enough that they can handle their assignments without needing constant oversight from above; 

Otherwise, why bring them on board? Hiring great employees will not only boost morale among those working under them but also free up time spent worrying about deadlines or other issues within their projects.

So they can focus more energy elsewhere while still getting results faster than before because they don’t have anyone else holding them back either!”

12. Build Your Network Know Who To Ask For Help When You Need It!

You’re likely familiar with the idea of networking, but you may not understand how to use it to your advantage. Building a network can help you learn from others and make mutually beneficial connections. 

It’s also an important part of building your freelance business because as a freelancer, you’ll rarely have all the answers yourself!

So how do you build up your network? Here are some tips:

Find mentors who are willing to help you out (and vice versa).

Attend events where people from different industries come together these might be meetups or conferences related to your field. 

This way, if someone knows something about what it takes for success in that field, they can share their knowledge with other attendees as well as with yourself! 

You may find that many others like yourself want advice on how best to approach networking effectively – so don’t be afraid of other people who seem shy at first! They probably just need time before opening up completely too 🙂

Try reaching out directly via phone calls or emails.

This way they won’t feel rushed while answering questions 😉 And remember: always keep things positive – no one likes being told off (even if they deserve it sometimes) so try using positive language when talking about something negative instead!

Translating is a valuable skill in the freelance world. Unlock the secrets to success with our guide on 15 secrets to becoming a successful freelance translator, where you’ll find practical advice and strategies to excel in the field of translation.

13. Open Your Eyes And Ears To The World Around You There Is Inspiration Everywhere!

  • Look at the world around you – There is inspiration everywhere!
  • Look at the people around you – learn from others and share what you know.
  • Look at the things around you – Take photos of objects that inspire you, like art and architecture, or write down quotes that resonate with you daily.

14. Take Time To Relax, Recharge, And Have Fun!

The final step is to take time to relax, recharge, and have fun. If you’ve been following the 15 Tips To Help Gen Z Achieve Success In The Freelance Economy tips listed above, then you’re well on your way to achieving your goals. 

However, it can be easy to get sucked into all the hustle and bustle of working for yourself so much that you forget about taking care of yourself first.

If you are feeling burnt out or stressed out from working too much or stressing over things that don’t matter (e.g., deadlines), then you must make time for yourself! 

You need breaks from work so that your mind can rest and reboot itself to give 100% effort when working again!

As a rule of thumb: take one full day off every week where the only thing on your agenda is relaxing with friends/family members or doing something fun like playing video games or watching movies/TV shows!

15. Don’t Give Up And Believe In Yourself Because Sometimes That’s All It Takes To Succeed!

It can be tough out there but don’t give up. It may take some time to get where you want to go, but keep your eyes on the prize and believe in yourself. You are not alone!

A great way to stay motivated and inspired is by surrounding yourself with people who believe in you as well. 

I am a firm believer that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with or talk to too often so I recommend finding ways to build positive relationships with mentors, friends, family members, or even co-workers who will help keep your spirits high.


Above all, it’s important to remember that these are just a few tips and ideas for how to get started as an entrepreneur. 

You don’t have to do everything at once or any one thing perfectly! Everyone has their approach, and the best way you can figure out what works for you is by trying things out. 

Start with something that seems fun or interesting, like hanging out with your friends or watching YouTube videos, and see where it leads you! You never know when inspiration might strike!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on related topics:

7 Essential Tips to Recruit People from Generation Z: Discover valuable insights and strategies to effectively recruit and engage Generation Z in the workforce.

5 Ways Generation Z Will Impact the Future of Work: Learn about the unique characteristics and perspectives of Generation Z that will shape the future of work and business.

Remote Gig Economy: Gen Z Freelancer: Explore the opportunities and challenges of the remote gig economy for Generation Z freelancers and gain practical advice for thriving in this flexible work environment.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to the topic:

Q: How can I effectively recruit and engage Generation Z in my organization?

A: To effectively recruit and engage Generation Z, consider implementing strategies such as creating a strong employer brand, offering flexible work arrangements, providing opportunities for growth and development, and leveraging technology for communication and collaboration.

Q: What are some key characteristics of Generation Z that will impact the future of work?

A: Generation Z is known for being tech-savvy, entrepreneurial, diverse, socially conscious, and seeking purposeful work. These characteristics will influence workplace dynamics, expectations, and the adoption of new technologies.

Q: How can Generation Z adapt to the remote gig economy?

A: Generation Z can adapt to the remote gig economy by developing in-demand skills, building a strong online presence, networking through digital platforms, staying adaptable and open to new opportunities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Q: What are the advantages of freelancing for Generation Z?

A: Freelancing offers Generation Z the flexibility to work on their own terms, gain diverse experiences, develop valuable skills, and potentially earn a higher income. It also allows for a better work-life balance and the opportunity to pursue their passions.

Q: What are some challenges Generation Z freelancers may face in the gig economy?

A: Some challenges Generation Z freelancers may face in the gig economy include competition for jobs, inconsistent income, difficulty building a reputation, managing multiple clients, and maintaining self-discipline and motivation while working independently.