Where To Start Digital Marketing? (My Thoughts)

In this day and age, businesses can’t afford to ignore digital marketing. It’s essential to have a strong online presence if you want to get noticed by customers who are looking for your products or services on the internet. 

But just like with any other business decision, there are many things to think about when it comes to choosing an effective digital marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of developing an effective digital marketing strategy from start to finish so that you can start maximizing your ROI today!

New to Digital Marketing: 10 Essential Tips for a Strong Start
1. Digital marketing requires a well-defined starting point.
2. Understanding target audience and goals is crucial.
3. Utilize online courses and resources to learn and grow.
4. Experiment with different digital marketing channels.
5. Building a solid support network can enhance success.

Have A Business Plan

A business plan is a document that outlines your goals, strategies, and tactics for a particular business. It’s also a vital tool to help you keep track of your progress and stay on target with marketing efforts.

Business plans can be as formal or informal as you want them to be; however, certain elements are important for any business plan:

Executive summary-This should include a description of the company, its history, and how it will achieve success in the future. It should also explain why an investor would want to invest in this company over another similar one.

Company description-This should include information about who owns or runs the company, what products they sell (if applicable), where they operate from (if outside their home country), as well as any other pertinent details such as whether they have experience selling similar products/services before this venture began (or if it’s been started solely by new entrepreneurs).

Starting a digital marketing business can be challenging, but with the right guidance, it can lead to success. Check out our comprehensive guide on where to start digital marketing business to get valuable insights and tips on building your own digital marketing venture.

Have A Budget

First, you’ll want to set a budget. Setting a budget is an essential part of any marketing plan, and it’s something that helps you focus on what’s most important. Having a budget will help you stay on track with your goals and make sure the money you spend is well spent.

Some of the things that go into a marketing budget include:

  • Marketing activities (such as ads, email campaigns, etc)
  • Content creation (blog posts)
  • Technology costs incurred by running your business

Know Your Audience

Next, you need to know your audience. Defining your target audience is one of the most important steps in digital marketing. You will want to know:

Demographics-gender and age breakdowns, household income levels, education level, etc.,

Psychographics-values and interests (what they like),

Behaviors-how they interact with their environment (social media usage),

Values-what matters most to them (religion/politics),

and Attitudes-how they feel about certain things (nature vs technology).

Learning digital marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. Discover our handpicked resources on where to learn digital marketing for free and explore various online platforms that offer free courses and tutorials to help you kickstart your digital marketing journey without breaking the bank.

Set Goals And Objectives

You need to set goals and objectives because they are the cornerstone of all successful digital marketing campaigns. You can’t just launch a campaign without knowing where you want it to go, so make sure your goals give you a clear path toward success. 

To achieve these goals, however, you will have to have KPIs (key performance indicators) in place that tells you how well your campaign is doing at meeting its objectives; this will also help with any subsequent testing/optimization work when necessary.

You should also think about:

Conversion Rates-Simply put this is the percentage of people who visit your website who do something measurable on it (e.g., sign up for a newsletter). Don’t forget about the conversion rates from other channels such as social media or email newsletters too!

Retention Rates-This will help show how many customers come back after their first purchase so that they can buy again later down the line (and hopefully tell others about it!)

Do You Have The Necessary In-House Resources?

If you have the necessary in-house resources, then you can proceed with the next step. If not, then consider outsourcing the work.

If you are outsourcing digital marketing services, here are some things to consider:

  • Are they specialized?
  • Do they understand your industry?
  • Will they be able to deliver timely results?

Do It Yourself Or Outsource?

When it comes to digital marketing, there are two main options: do it yourself or outsource. If you have the time and resources available to you, then doing the work yourself may be a good option. However, if your time is limited or your goals are more complex than those of a typical business owner (such as an enterprise-level company), then outsourcing may be better for you.

Outsourcing will generally save you both money and time in the long run because companies that specialize in digital marketing tend to be more efficient with their processes than people who don’t do this daily. 

They also have access to tools like Google Analytics that are not available otherwise. Finally, they’re likely more accurate when reporting back results since they have professionals in their field doing the work instead of someone whose sole experience is creating content online for fun (as was once me).

Digital marketing is a versatile field with applications in various industries. Dive into our article exploring where digital marketing is used in 10 places to understand the diverse opportunities and domains where digital marketing strategies play a crucial role in driving success.

Research Your Competitors’ Activities Online

We’ve already talked about how important it is to do your research before you start a digital marketing campaign. You need to know who your target audience is, what they want from your product or service, and where they spend their time online. 

Once you’ve done that, the next step is to look at what your competitors are doing. This process is called competitor analysis or competitive intelligence (CI).

As with all aspects of digital marketing, this can be done in several ways: using social media monitoring tools like Google Alerts; creating an editorial calendar for monitoring industry trends through publications like Adweek; keeping tabs on industry awards like Cannes Lions; checking out forums such as Quora and Reddit where people discuss topics related to yours…the list goes on!

Content Marketing Audit

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience to drive profitable customer action.

Content strategy is the foundation of all digital marketing campaigns. It’s your blueprint for how you want your brand to be perceived by customers and prospects. A great content strategy must address both your business goals as well as how you will create meaningful content that resonates with your target audience.

The audit phase is going to help you:

Determine what types of content you currently offer (or don’t offer), who those audiences are, where they’re consuming that content, how often they’re consuming it, what’s working/not working with their current offerings and why!

Website Audit (Website Structure, Usability, Errors)

  • Check the website structure.
  • Check the website’s usability.
  • Fix errors on your site and resolve broken links.

Make sure your site is mobile optimized, as most people will access it on their phones or tablets in 2020 (and beyond). 

This means that you need to check how well a user can navigate through a page with their thumb or fingers, whether they can use different types of browsers, etc., 

So that they can get what they need quickly when on the go rather than having to wait for pages to load or scroll down too far before seeing anything important about you and your business/services/products/etc which could cause them to move on to another competitor’s website instead because “you’re too slow.”

Make sure all images are working properly if not, either change them out with ones that do work or remove them completely until later when you have time!

Ensure videos don’t open up blank before playing; also make sure there aren’t any audio glitches if played on the mute mode by accident 🙂 The same goes for sound effects such as music clips: these should all be working fine as well!

Finding clients for your digital marketing services is essential for growing your business. Learn effective strategies from our guide on where to get digital marketing clients in 14 places to expand your client base and enhance your reputation in the digital marketing industry.

Social Media Audit

Now that you know the basics of digital marketing, it’s time to take a look at your social media accounts. You’ll want to check for un-followers and inactive users first. This will help identify any areas where you may be lacking in your strategy or followers aren’t engaging with their content enough for it to be worthwhile.

Email Marketing Audit (Prospects, Sales Conversion Statistics)

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience, but only if you’re doing it right. To ensure that your emails are being read, opened, and clicked through, here’s a checklist you can use to audit your email marketing process:

Check your email marketing software and analytics. You should be able to see how many people are opening each email as well as which links they’re clicking on. 

By checking these statistics regularly, you’ll be able to adjust accordingly so that more people open up and click through on the links contained within each email.

Check your strategy behind sending out regular newsletters or updates from time to time instead of flooding inboxes with too much information all at once (and risk getting marked as spam).

Review what kind of content is being offered within this updates-think about whether they’re useful enough for recipients who may not have been interested in hearing more about what kind of products/services this company offers before signing up for their newsletter list in exchange for special discounts 

Exclusive offers might entice them into making purchases now rather than the later line when promo codes expire etc.

Reporting (Reporting Tools And Data Analysis Tools)

Reporting and data analysis are some of the most important aspects of digital marketing.

You can’t know what’s working if you don’t measure it and track your progress.

This is where reporting tools come into play, allowing you to keep an eye on things as they happen and ensuring that everything is running smoothly.

Embracing online learning can be the key to mastering digital marketing skills. Explore our recommended platforms in our article on where you can learn digital marketing online and find the perfect course to improve your expertise and advance your digital marketing career.


So, you want to start digital marketing. You’ve been hearing all about it from your friends and colleagues but you don’t know where to start. Well, that’s what this post is for! We are going to go through some of the most important aspects of getting started in digital marketing so that your first steps will be easier than ever before

Further Reading

Start a Digital Marketing Career: Learn the essential steps and skills required to kickstart a successful career in digital marketing.

Where to Start Digital Marketing: Find valuable insights and guidance on how and where to begin your digital marketing journey.

7 Ways to Become the Best Digital Marketer: Discover seven effective strategies to become a top-notch digital marketer in the industry.


How can I start a digital marketing career?

Starting a digital marketing career requires gaining a strong understanding of digital marketing concepts and techniques. You can begin by taking online courses, reading industry blogs, and getting hands-on experience through internships or personal projects.

What are some essential skills for digital marketing?

Digital marketing involves a wide range of skills, including SEO, content marketing, social media management, analytics, and email marketing. Being proficient in these areas will help you excel in your digital marketing career.

Where can I find resources to learn digital marketing?

There are numerous online platforms, such as educational websites, YouTube channels, and industry blogs, that offer valuable resources to learn digital marketing for free or at a nominal cost.

How do I become the best digital marketer?

To become the best digital marketer, you should focus on continuous learning, staying updated with the latest industry trends, networking with professionals, and constantly experimenting with new strategies to achieve optimal results.

What career opportunities are available in digital marketing?

Digital marketing offers a diverse range of career opportunities, including roles in SEO, content marketing, social media management, PPC advertising, email marketing, and digital analytics. You can choose a specialization that aligns with your interests and skills.