Real estate is a popular topic for writers. There are lots of moving parts, plenty of room for drama and conflict, and a lot of money at stake. But I think there’s a whole other side to real estate that doesn’t get talked about very often one that people need more help with than they’re getting.
That’s why I decided to write this post: to tell you what kind of content would do well in the smaller corners of the real estate world. If you want to start writing about these topics (and who wouldn’t?), here are seven ideas:
Takeaways |
1. Seasonal Trends: Consider writing about real estate during peak buying and selling seasons to attract relevant readers. |
2. Local Market Insights: Focus on local market trends and events that can influence real estate decisions in your target area. |
3. Current Affairs: Address current real estate developments, regulations, or economic factors that impact the industry. |
4. Specialized Topics: Explore niches within real estate, such as luxury properties, first-time buyers, investment opportunities, and home improvement. |
5. User Engagement: Monitor your audience’s engagement patterns to determine when they are most active and receptive to real estate content. |
Write About The Other Side Of Real Estate
You can also write about the other side of real estate.
How to buy a home: This is something that’s not talked about enough, but it’s important for people who are thinking about buying property.
How to sell a home: There are many people out there who have bought a house and want to get rid of it, so they need some help selling their property.
How to rent out a house: For those who cannot afford their own homes, renting is an alternative. Renting can be profitable if done correctly, but there are some things you need to know before starting this process.
How to find homes for rent or sale: These days, there are several websites where you can browse houses available for sale or lease in different locations around the country or world! It’s easier than ever before thanks
Building a successful career as a real estate writer requires the right tools and resources. Discover some of the top tools in the industry in our article about The Best Tools I Use to Write About Real Estate.
Write About Finding A Great Place When You Don’t Have A Lot Of Money
Take a look at the following scenario: You’ve just moved to a new city, and you need to find an apartment that’s affordable but also in an area that has plenty of amenities. You have a tight budget, so you’re looking for something with great value. How can you make this happen?
The answer is by finding out what makes neighborhoods great places for renters and then making sure your rental property gets its fair share of those factors. It’s as simple as knowing what people want from their living spaces and being able to make sure it’s included if you’re going to rent it out!
Write About Selling Your Home Without A Realtor
It’s no secret that the real estate market is hot right now. With so many different options for sellers to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which avenue is most beneficial for your situation.
Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available online that can help you decide whether or not you should hire a realtor when selling your home.
If you’re thinking of selling without an agent, here are some things to consider:
You save on commission fees (which run an average of 6% in most areas). The amount may seem insignificant at first glance, but if you sell for 1 million dollars and have 10% commission fees deducted from that price, then forgot about $100k lost just because of commissions! That’s a lot of money!
And remember you still get paid nothing if someone else offers more than what you set your price at the beginning (your only option is to accept their offer). So effectively there’s no difference between paying 10% upfront versus paying 10% after all expenses have been paid for by both parties involved (i.e., buyer & seller).
If you’re aspiring to be a successful real estate writer, it’s crucial to learn from those who have already achieved success. Learn about the 15 Things Successful Real Estate Writers Do to elevate your writing game.
Write About Buying A Fixer-Upper
If you’re looking to buy a home and want something more affordable than newly built homes, consider purchasing a fixer-upper. Fixer-uppers are usually cheaper because they require more work.
You can have fun fixing it up and if you do it right, the re-sale value will be much higher than if you had bought a brand new property with no history of previous owners (and thus no character).
Write About Financing Your Project
When you’re ready to start looking for your perfect project, it can be helpful to know what you can afford before you start. There are many different financing options available for buyers of real estate. If the project is a home that you plan on living in, chances are good that you will need some kind of financing.
Many people get their first mortgages when they buy their first homes, but this isn’t always the case. There is nothing wrong with getting a mortgage after moving into a new house as long as there are no concerns about whether or not the mortgage payments will fit within your budget and cause problems down the road.
The important thing is that everyone involved understands how much money they have coming in each month and what expenses they have every month so they can figure out if buying real estate is something they want to do right now or later on down the road
Write About Remortgaging Your Property
Remortgaging can be a great way to get a lower rate on your mortgage, but it’s not the right choice for everyone. Before deciding, you need to think about how much money is currently in your bank account and what kind of interest rates are available in the market.
If you have enough money in savings and think that rates are likely to go down in the future, remortgaging may be a good idea. But if you don’t have enough cash, or if interest rates are falling and won’t likely go up soon (or ever), then it might be better for you to wait until prices rise again before buying another home or making any major changes like this one
Becoming a professional in the realm of real estate writing demands more than just writing skills. Explore our valuable tips in the guide on How to Be a Pro Real Estate Writer: Tips to carve your path to excellence.
Write About Buying And Selling From Out Of State Or Country
If you’re buying a home from out of state or country, it’s important to have an agent who knows the area. They will also be able to help you find the best schools for your children.
When buying real estate in another country, it’s important to do your research and make sure that there are no hidden fees or taxes that may affect you down the line. When selling real estate in another country, make sure that all of your paperwork is up-to-date because different countries have different rules when it comes to selling land.
Write About Rent Avoidance Strategies
If you’re looking to build wealth quickly and without working, rental income is a great way to do it.
Rental property is a good investment. The cost of most rental properties will pay for themselves within three years and that’s just the start!
After those first three years, your rent will be covering at least half of your mortgage payment every month (and often more). This means that you can accelerate paying off that mortgage faster than if you were using all of your income for personal expenses only.
Write About Finding Roommates To Save On Rent
You can also write about shared housing and co-living, which are growing trends that have been gaining popularity in the past few years. These include:
Rental properties. You can write about how to find tenants for your rental property, or even get into the business of managing properties yourself as an agent, broker, or another real estate professional.
Shared housing. This includes roommates sharing a place to save on rent costs (and possibly create new friendships) as well as other types of home-sharing like co-housing and cohousing communities. Many people chose to live in these types of communities because they offer a sense of community while still giving each resident plenty of privacy.
Co-working spaces/coworking spaces work similarly to coworking except that they focus more on collaboration between coworkers rather than friends who happen to share an office space like they would at a traditional coworking space in which all members often know each other personally before joining the company’s team!
Crafting compelling content for the real estate industry requires insight and expertise. Check out our insights on Real Estate Copywriting Tips I Wish I’d Know to enhance your writing strategies and effectiveness.
Write About Preparing To Move In Together With Your Significant Other
Moving in with your significant other is an important decision to make. For many, it’s the first step towards marriage and starting a family. Before you take that leap, however, you should carefully consider all of the pros and cons (and there are many!) of living with someone else.
You’ll want to think about how much money it will save you so that both of you can afford rent or mortgage payments on your places separately if things don’t work out or if one person has trouble making ends meet.
You’ll also want to think about how much time it will take away from your own space and privacy if things do work out for the long haul! And don’t forget about all those emotional implications some people thrive in close quarters while others find them claustrophobic! It’s no small task deciding whether cohabitation is right for each relationship.
Write About Downsizing After The Kids Are Grown Up And Gone
Downsize after the kids have moved out and your home is empty. This can be a very exciting milestone in a family’s life, as it signals an opportunity for new adventures.
You may decide to travel more often or start a new hobby. Maybe you’ll finally get around to learning how to play the piano! But whatever you choose, don’t forget that downsizing is also important, especially if you’re moving into an apartment or even buying a new home.
Here Are Some Ideas On How To Downsize After The Kids Have Grown Up And Left
Downsize your possessions by giving away items that were once useful but aren’t anymore (or never were). For example, if your kids are grown up now and gone from home until they come back for holidays and perhaps even then you probably won’t need as many toys lying around anymore!
Give them away at garage sales or donate them to charity organizations like Goodwill or Salvation Army where someone else can find a use for them instead of letting them collect dust on shelves inside closets all year long while nothing happens but time passes by until they end up getting tossed out altogether eventually because nobody wants them anymore either.
Achieving success as a real estate content writer involves a strategic approach. Learn how to excel in the field with our comprehensive guide on How to Succeed at Real Estate Content Writing, encompassing tips and strategies for creating impactful content.
If you are interested in writing about real estate, there are many ways for you to add value to your content.
If you want to make money from your blog, you must find a niche and focus on providing value for readers. If this sounds like something that would interest you, then keep reading!
Further Reading
Explore these resources for more insights into real estate writing:
Guidelines for Writing About Real Estate: Discover expert tips and guidelines for crafting compelling content focused on real estate topics.
50 Ideas for Real Estate Blog Topics: Find inspiration with this comprehensive list of 50 engaging topics to write about on your real estate blog.
Understanding Real Estate: Delve into the fundamentals of real estate with Investopedia’s comprehensive guide to key terms and concepts.
What are the key guidelines for writing about real estate?
Writing about real estate requires careful consideration of guidelines such as understanding property market trends, highlighting unique features, and providing accurate information.
How can I generate ideas for my real estate blog?
Generating ideas for your real estate blog can be done by exploring various aspects of the industry, such as property types, investment strategies, market insights, and home improvement tips.
What is the definition of real estate?
Real estate refers to land and any physical property or improvements situated on that land, including buildings, houses, and natural resources.
How do I effectively engage readers with my real estate content?
Engaging readers with real estate content involves using storytelling techniques, providing valuable insights, addressing common questions, and incorporating visually appealing elements like images and infographics.
Where can I learn more about real estate terminology?
For a comprehensive understanding of real estate terminology, you can refer to educational platforms, industry websites, and resources like Investopedia’s guide to understanding real estate terms and concepts.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.