I’m an author, and writing has always been my passion. Sometimes I have to write about topics that are difficult for me, but every time I sit down at my desk and open up a blank page in front of me, I feel like everything will be okay.
When you write a book or create something from scratch, it takes time and patience two things that are often in short supply when we’re operating under tight deadlines. But if there’s one thing I know for sure about writing books: if you want something bad enough, it will happen!
Takeaways |
1. The importance of disciplined writing routines. |
2. Overcoming self-doubt during the writing process. |
3. Techniques for crafting engaging and relatable characters. |
4. Balancing plot intricacies for a cohesive narrative. |
5. The value of constructive feedback and revisions. |
6. Navigating the publishing and marketing landscape. |
7. The personal growth achieved through the writing journey. |
1. Make Sure You Have Something To Write About
If you are going to write a book, the most important thing is to know what you want to write about. You have to have an idea of what your book will do for people and why they need it.
If you don’t know why someone would buy your book, then no publisher will want to publish it either. You also need a plan on how you are going to market and distribute your book once it is published.
So before even thinking about writing a book, make sure that there is actually something worth writing about!
Building a successful freelance writing career requires determination and expertise. Discover how I quit my day job and made over $100k in 1 year by writing press releases to learn strategies for achieving financial independence through writing.
2. Make A Plan Before You Start Writing
Another thing I learned is that planning is important. If you don’t know what you want to say or how you want to structure your book, then everything will fall apart once the writing begins.
So before you even start writing, write an outline of what needs to be included in the book and how it should be organized. This can be done quickly and easily in about an hour or two by jotting down ideas as they come into your head.
Then when it comes time for writing each chapter, just refer back to this rough outline whenever necessary so that it doesn’t feel like work!
3. Commit To A Schedule
You’re going to want to write every day, but the world can get in the way of that commitment. That’s okay! Remember, you are your boss and no one will care if you miss a day or two. But, if you can commit to writing every day even if it’s only for an hour or two that will help you keep momentum with your book.
I recommend starting small: maybe just 30 minutes every morning before work (or 60 minutes on Sundays when no one else needs me). That doesn’t seem like much time at first glance, but it adds up over time! And if later in life I need some extra motivation?
My wife has promised she’ll buy me a fancy new watch for each book I complete (she’s already got her eye on this DapperWatch!)
Learning from experienced writers can provide valuable insights into the art of crafting effective press releases. Gain valuable knowledge from lessons shared by an experienced press release writer to enhance your own writing skills.
4. Don’t Tell People What You’re Working On Until It’s A Complete
- Don’t tell people what you’re working on until it’s complete.
- You will get more done if you don’t tell people what you’re working on.
Your first draft of your book will be horrible. As with any creative endeavor, the only way to make it better is to keep writing and rewriting and rewriting again until it’s good enough for someone else to read.
If everyone around you knows exactly what part of your book is going through this process, they’ll be tempted to offer feedback at each stage, which means that their opinions may distract from yours while they’re still forming (or worse, become set in stone in their minds).
They also might have ideas that skew too far away from where your story should go or they might have problems with certain aspects of yourself or other people in your life that distracts them from focusing properly on the project at hand (I’m looking at myself here).
5. Surround Yourself With People Who Support What You Do
It’s important to have people in your life who can share your ideas and help shape them into something better, but it’s also important to have people you can bounce ideas off from and get honest feedback from.
While writing my book, I met some great people who were all going through the same process as me and they became an indispensable part of my writing journey (and not just because they were always down for coffee).
Crafting press releases that capture attention and promote your small business requires finesse. Discover techniques for creating impactful releases with our guide on how to write a press release for your small business to boost your brand’s visibility.
6. Write In A Space Where You Feel Comfortable, But Not Too Comfortable
When writing a book, it’s important to find a place where you can concentrate and focus. You need to find somewhere quiet and free from distractions. It should be somewhere that feels like home so that when you’re there, nothing else matters apart from getting down on paper what’s in your mind and heart.
This is also why it’s important not to spend too much time there! I’ve found that if I spend too much time sitting at my desk working on my computer or reading books about writing or doing everything else except actually writing (which is going to lead to procrastination), then
I start feeling lethargic because ultimately this isn’t what makes me happy anymore it never did anyway! But spending some time away from the office does wonder for helping me get back into the zone when it comes time again later on during another session of work later on during another session at home…
7. It Won’t Be Easy, But That Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Worth Doing
It won’t be easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. Writing a book is a huge undertaking and requires a lot of time, effort, and patience. It took me months to write my book and I still have some minor edits to make before sending them out for publication.
It can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to start or what your topic should be about. But once you do settle on an idea for your book, be prepared for an intensive learning process as well as the challenge of getting everything down on paper or into word documents or whatever format suits you best.
8. Create A Daily Word Count Goal For Yourself
A word count goal is essential to make sure you’re hitting your daily word count. You can set a goal based on the number of words in your typical chapter, or choose another method that’s most comfortable for you.
I prefer to set my daily word counts by the hour, so I know exactly how much I need to write each day to finish the book on schedule and it’s easy to keep track of because all my writing is done digitally.
Once you’ve determined how many words you want to write per day, stick with it! Set an alarm if necessary and give yourself rewards for reaching that goal every day (I treat myself like royalty when I hit my daily tally). And don’t let yourself get discouraged if you miss one; just start over fresh tomorrow and keep going!
Writing a book is a journey that requires dedication and efficiency. Learn how to accelerate your progress with the tips shared in The secret to writing a book 6x faster than you think, and achieve your authorial aspirations sooner.
9. Don’t Expect To Get All Your Ideas In One Sitting
As you move through the process of writing your book, it’s important to remember that ideas are going to come in waves.
You may think you don’t have enough material for a whole book, but if you keep working on it and writing down ideas as they come, then eventually all those pieces will start fitting together into something bigger than what you initially imagined. Don’t get discouraged if there are some dry spells in between “a-ha!” moments; just keep at it (and maybe take more walks).
If your mind isn’t quite ready to write yet, jump into another project that helps free up some mental space so that when the time is right again you’ll know it!
10. Research As Much As Possible Before Writing
If you do any kind of research before writing, it will help you in many ways. First, it’ll give you ideas on what direction your book should go. For example, if I was writing a book about how to be successful at something (which I am not), I might start by looking up other books on the topic and reading their summaries or reviews.
This would give me some ideas as to what topics are covered in those books and what type of information they provide their readers with.
Secondly, doing research is a good way for me to understand my topic better and make sure that my book is thorough enough that when someone reads it they won’t get lost or confused easily because there’s too much information packed into one place at once which can lead them feeling overwhelmed instead of informed!
Finally thirdly and perhaps most importantly doing research means finding new resources like websites about your subject matter so that when someone does read your work later down line then maybe someday far away from now…they’ll still be able to find all these great info again via Google Search Results page(s).
11. Revise And Rewrite As Many Times
- Rewrite until you are happy with the content.
Don’t expect to get everything right the first time, or even the second or third time. You might have to rewrite entire chapters because they don’t flow well or don’t cover the topic in enough depth. This is normal and expected! You can’t write a book without making mistakes, so embrace them and learn from them as you go along.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it:
If there are things about writing that confuse you, don’t be afraid to ask someone else for advice on how best to solve your problem (or explain yourself).
If there are concepts from science or math that aren’t clear in your mind yet, talk through them with someone who knows more than you do so they can better explain what’s going on at a deeper level than just giving a high-level overview of what’s going on behind the scenes before diving into actual example code later down in this chapter where we’ll discuss writing unit tests.
Using Jasmine instead of Mocha since it requires less overhead work upfront but does require more work later down during debugging sessions when trying out different inputs against script files which may cause unexpected behavior due to their lack
12. Don’t Worry If The First Draft Isn’t Perfect
The first draft isn’t the final version of your work. It’s just a rough draft a way to get all of your ideas out on paper and start working out the kinks.
You’ll have plenty of time, later on, to revise, rewrite and polish your story into the masterpiece it deserves to be! Don’t worry if you can’t get everything right in one go; there’s no shame in taking two steps back before taking one step forward again.
Embarking on your first book-writing endeavor can be both exciting and daunting. Discover insights from experienced authors in 15 things I wish I’d known before writing my first book to navigate the challenges of the writing process more effectively.
13. Take Breaks When Needed, But Don’t Let Yourself Procrastinate Too Much
I’m not going to tell you how often or for how long you should take breaks. (You are probably more aware of what works for you than I am.) But I do want to emphasize that taking breaks is good, so don’t feel guilty about it!
During my writing process, I would set aside a few hours every day where I could focus exclusively on writing.
Then, after finishing up my scheduled writing time, I would get up and go outside for a while. Sometimes this involved walking around the neighborhood; other times it was just looking through the window at my cats lounging around on our couch (they were very patient).
When my brain felt like it needed a break from thinking about words or sentences, this was an excellent way for me to recharge.
Some days these walks might have been longer than others sometimes depending on how much time had passed since my last break but even short 10-minute jaunts out into the fresh air helped me clear my head and prepare myself for another stint at work later down the line in the evening or morning hours when necessary
Writing a book is a long process. It took me years to write my first one and it took me much longer than I anticipated. But the journey was worth it as I got to learn so much about myself and my passions over time. If you have ever dreamed of writing your book, I encourage you to start today!
In Conclusion
Writing a book is not for everyone but if it’s something that interests you then go for it! Just remember that the process takes time so be patient with yourself and others involved in helping out with this project. Remember also that writing can be very rewarding but it will take some patience from both parties involved (author/editor).
And lastly, make sure you have fun doing what makes sense for your life now because there will always be time later on down the road when things may change! Good luck with all future endeavors 🙂
Further Reading
Explore more insights and advice on writing and publishing books from these valuable resources:
Publish a Book: Lessons and Insights Short Description: Gain valuable lessons and insights into the process of publishing a book, helping you navigate the challenges of the author’s journey.
Becoming an Author: Lessons Learned About Writing a Book Short Description: Dive into the experiences and lessons learned by an author, offering practical tips and insights for those aspiring to write their own book.
What I Learned From Writing a Book Short Description: Discover key takeaways and reflections from an author’s book-writing journey, providing valuable insights for aspiring writers.
Have questions about the writing and publishing process? Check out these common queries and their answers:
How do I start the process of writing a book?
Starting your book-writing journey involves brainstorming ideas, outlining your content, and setting a writing schedule that works for you.
What are some effective strategies for overcoming writer’s block?
Writer’s block can be tackled by taking breaks, changing your writing environment, or freewriting to generate new ideas and break through creative barriers.
How can I find a suitable publisher for my book?
Research and identify publishers that specialize in your book’s genre or topic. Craft a compelling book proposal that highlights your work’s unique qualities to attract potential publishers.
What are some essential editing tips to improve my book’s quality?
Editing is crucial. Read your work aloud, focus on grammar and spelling, ensure consistency in tone and style, and consider seeking feedback from beta readers or professionals.
How do I market and promote my book effectively?
Create a marketing plan that includes social media promotion, book readings, collaborations with influencers, and leveraging online platforms to reach your target audience.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.