The Secret To Writing A Book 6x Faster Than You Think

I used to think that writing a book was a long and arduous process. I would read about others who would spend years writing their books, and I’d wonder how they could be so patient. 

But after publishing three books myself and completing two more in the last year I’ve learned something: you can write a book fast if you know how. I’ve developed an approach that allows me to write at least 1,000 words per hour (sometimes even more) when I’m working on the first draft of my novels.

How To Write Your Book Faster – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Discover methods to boost book writing speed.
2. Implement strategies for efficient time usage.
3. Learn to streamline the writing and editing process.
4. Harness tools and techniques to enhance productivity.
5. Unlock secrets to maintain quality while writing faster.

Write The Book You’ve Always Wanted To Read

By “write the book you’ve always wanted to read,” I mean write the book you would like to buy, read, and recommend.

If you’re aiming to turn your passion for writing into a profitable endeavor, our guide on writing a book that gets you paid provides essential insights to help you achieve your goal.

That’s It. That’s All There Is To It: Write The Book You Want To Read

I know this sounds obvious and easy. But trust me it’s not as easy as it sounds! The best way I can describe my experience is that writing a book isn’t an act of creativity; it’s an act of discovery, where you dig deep into your soul and figure out what kind of story needs telling most urgently right now in our world today. 

Writing a good novel requires more than just inspiration; it requires hard work at finding those hidden gems within yourself that need exposure when put on paper for others’ eyes (or ears).

Never Start Your Book With A Prologue

Prologues are a bad idea. They don’t help readers understand the story and they’re often boring, unnecessary, and not read by many people.

One of the biggest problems with prologues is that writers feel obligated to tell the audience everything they need to know before jumping into their story but this isn’t necessary. It’s usually better to start with your main character in action rather than giving them an extensive back-story as prologue content!

If you find yourself struggling with where to begin your book or novel writing process, consider cutting out any unnecessary scenes and starting from Chapter 1 instead of from somewhere else in the middle of your manuscript.

Discover the techniques that can transform your book writing speed from days to hours. Dive into the strategies outlined in how I knocked down book writing from 48 hours to 3 and revolutionize your writing process.

Never Have Anything In Your Outline That Could Be Deleted

If you have ever tried to write a book, then you know that it’s not easy and it takes time. I think most people would agree with this statement: “I wish I could write a book faster.”

If you’re like most writers, your impulse is probably to spend more time working on the outline than actually writing the book. 

This makes sense because outlining involves thinking about what needs to be said and writing down those thoughts in an organized fashion. 

But there’s a problem with this approach it makes your outline into something rigid and inflexible, which means if anything changes while outlining (and they will), then the changes will need major revisions when they happen later on during actual writing.

The solution? When you’re outlining, don’t worry about making any decisions that can’t be changed later if necessary. Let me repeat myself: Never have anything in your outline that could be deleted without affecting its usefulness as a guide for writing the rest of your book!

Write The First Draft In One Sitting Even If It Takes Several Days

What if I told you that you can write a book in a day? You might think this is too good to be true, and maybe even impossible. 

But it’s not. Many people have done just that: James Altucher wrote his book Choose Yourself! 

In 18 hours while on a cross-country flight; Richard Branson penned his autobiography Losing My Virginity in 28 days; JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone while on public transit during her commute between London and Manchester. The list goes on!

If this sounds like something that could be right up your alley, let me offer some advice: don’t do it unless you’re comfortable without editing or revising anything at all during this process (unless of course an editor asks for revisions before publishing). 

Most people don’t want their first draft published as-is; if they did then every author would write their books super fast and then send them off for publishing without revising at all! But we don’t live in such an ideal world…or do we?

Embark on your writing journey with confidence by learning from the experiences shared in 16 writing tips I learned in my first 6 months of book writing. These insights can be invaluable as you navigate the world of authorship.

Get A Second Opinion On Your Book Before You Publish

You’re almost done. You’ve written your book, edited it, and proofread it. The only thing left to do is publish the book and get people to read it. But wait… before you send it off into the world, there’s one more thing you should do: get a second opinion on your writing.

Why? Because if you find that someone else agrees with all of your edits and proofreading, then their feedback will give you confidence in what you’ve done so far. 

If they point out mistakes or awkward sentences that make sense to them but not to you (and vice versa), then this is an opportunity for growth as well; instead of looking at these things as errors, think about them as opportunities for improvement in future books!

When You’re Writing Your First Draft, Try Not To Use Any Adverbs

Adverbs are words that modify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. The most common ones are “very,” “really,” and “exceptionally.” These words usually slow down your writing and they can also detract from whatever emotion or action you were trying to convey in a sentence. For example:

Slowly she walked down the hall (instead of slowly she walked).

He hurriedly ran into the house (instead of he ran into the house).

She smiled happily at him (instead of she smiled happily).

Kill All Clichés And Never Use Any Metaphors Or Similes

The first thing you want to do is kill all clichés and never use any metaphors or similes. This is because clichés are bad and make the reader feel like they’ve read something before, while metaphors and similes are just confusing and make people pause awkwardly mid-sentence. Clichés are words or phrases that have been overused so much that their meaning has almost completely lost its original effect on readers; examples include “drowning in paperwork” or “a picture is worth a thousand words.” 

Metaphors are when you take two completely unrelated things, like a dog and a person, put them together in some way, then call them one thing (like “That dog is acting like a person”). Similes are similar to metaphors but usually end with something along the lines of as rather than using an ampersand (&).

Use synonyms instead of clichés: For example, if you wanted to write about how stressed out we all get by schoolwork during finals week at college without using cliché terms such as “exams” or “finals week,” try saying something like “the pressure from my education deadlines” instead!

If you find yourself wanting >to describe someone’s eyes as being beautiful blue orbs within their sockets without using words like orbs or sockets then try saying things such as “their eyes were sparkling pools” instead 🙂

Struggling to kickstart your book project? Uncover effective ways to ignite your creativity and idea generation in our resource on how to jump-start your book idea, offering guidance for overcoming writer’s block.

Never Write Down To Your Audience

The first thing that you need to realize is that every writer has an audience in mind. That’s why we write the books we do we want readers who share our interests and values, who will appreciate what we have to say.

But when it comes down to it, writing for your audience is a losing game. Why? Because those people don’t exist yet! When you write the book you want to read, not only are you creating something that no one else can provide but also making it easier for other people who feel the same way about reading as you do.

So how do we get started?

Starting your journey as a writer can be daunting, but our tips for getting started with book writing can provide the guidance you need to take those initial steps with confidence.


In summary, there are three keys to writing a book in half the time:

Find your flow state and keep it going. Writing in blocks is much easier than trying to write for hours at a time without any breaks. It may seem like you’re wasting time with these breaks, but taking breaks actually, helps you be more productive by giving yourself some time away from the screen so that you can come back feeling refreshed and re-energized when needed.

Get into a routine! If possible, try to work at the same time each day so that it becomes second nature (like brushing your teeth). This will help you stay focused on what matters most – writing!

Further Reading

Write a Book Faster: Discover techniques and strategies to increase your writing speed and productivity, helping you complete your book more efficiently.

10 Best Tips to Write a Book Fast: Explore a list of the top tips from an experienced author on how to write a book quickly without sacrificing quality.

How to Write a Book: Dive into this comprehensive guide that covers the entire process of writing a book, offering valuable insights from planning to publishing.

And here’s the “FAQs” section with questions and answers:


How can I improve my writing speed?

Increasing your writing speed involves practicing efficient writing techniques, setting clear goals, and minimizing distractions.

Is it possible to write a book quickly without compromising quality?

Yes, it’s possible. By following proven writing strategies, setting a consistent writing schedule, and staying focused, you can write a book faster while maintaining its quality.

What are some effective ways to overcome writer’s block?

Writer’s block can be overcome by taking short breaks, changing your writing environment, practicing freewriting, and outlining your ideas before you start writing.

How do I stay motivated throughout the writing process?

Staying motivated requires setting meaningful goals, rewarding yourself for achieving milestones, and reminding yourself of the purpose behind your book.

What tools can help me streamline the writing process?

Various writing software and tools, such as word processors, outlining apps, and distraction-free writing environments, can help you streamline your writing process and enhance your productivity.