If you want to write a book but can’t seem to find the time, we get it. Life gets in the way and everything seems more important than writing a book. But we think you should reconsider. We know that when you write a book, it changes your life forever.
You’re not just publishing something, but creating something that will help others change their lives too. And believe us when we say that creating this type of product is worth making the time for! So here are some ways to overcome your fear of writing right now:
Takeaways |
1. Break down the writing process into smaller, manageable steps. |
2. Set achievable goals and celebrate each milestone. |
3. Embrace imperfection and allow yourself to write freely. |
4. Practice mindfulness to alleviate writing anxiety. |
5. Reframe negative thoughts and focus on the joy of storytelling. |
Get A Little Crazy
What would you do if you knew no one was watching? What would you be doing right now, if not sitting in front of your computer trying to write this book?
- Do something new.
There’s a reason why so many people are scared to write their first book—they’ve never done it before! If there’s anything life has taught me, it’s that we should all get out there and try new things as often as possible. Every time we try something new, we learn more about ourselves and our abilities than ever before. So go ahead! Start writing!
Discover valuable insights from experienced writers and learn from their journey. Read about What I Learned from Writing a Book to gain inspiration and knowledge that can propel your own writing endeavors.
Be Kind To Yourself
We all have our challenges and struggles, but we don’t need to add even more pressure by beating ourselves up over something that is not within our control.
Our brains are wired to protect us from pain, so if you start criticizing yourself for not having written your book yet, your brain will give you a lot of reasons why it would be better if you didn’t write the book at all.
That is not helpful! So when those thoughts arise in your mind or on paper (they often come out as negative self-talk), just say: “That’s just my brain playing tricks on me again; thank goodness I know better than that!” Trust me I know how hard it can be sometimes but trust yourself too!
An outline is a way to structure your writing. It helps you organize your ideas and stay on topic. This can be especially helpful if you have a lot of ideas, but don’t know what order they should go in or how they all fit together. An outline can also help you focus on what it is that you want to say and make sure that everything comes across as clearly as possible.
An outline also keeps things from getting too long-winded or rambly, which could make it hard for readers who may not be familiar with everything discussed in the book (or who might just not have the patience).
Embarking on your first book-writing journey? Learn from others’ experiences and avoid common pitfalls. Check out 15 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Writing My First Book for valuable tips and advice to set yourself up for success.
Write It Out Of Order
When you’re writing your book, try writing the conclusion first. I know it seems counterintuitive, but hear me out: if you finish the introduction and then write the rest of your book in order, it’s easy to get distracted by all those exciting plot points that are waiting for you at the end.
You’ll find yourself saying “I’ll just finish this section” or “I need to add some more details about this character” instead of focusing on what’s going on now which is exactly where readers want them to be!
By starting with the end in mind, however, you can work backward from there until your book gets rolling. Now that you know where everything is going and how it all connects (which may not have been apparent before), getting started should be a breeze!
Read MFA Application Essays/Memoirs
All writers have their unique processes, so you can learn a lot from how other writers approach the craft. If you’re looking for inspiration, reading the writing of others who share your voice or genre will help point you in new directions. You’ll also gain insight into how they navigate the writing life and publishing process (and maybe even get some tips!).
One way to get unstuck is by writing about your goals and how you plan on achieving them. This can help you focus on the present moment and make sense of your thoughts and feelings.
Journaling is also a great way to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper so that they don’t stay stuck in there where they can cause stress or anxiety.
The act of writing is an important part of achieving any goal, so giving yourself some time to journal every day could be beneficial for anyone who wants to write a book or any other type of creative work!
Do A Little Freeform Writing
Do a little bit of freeform writing. This is where you just write whatever comes to mind, and don’t worry too much about grammar or structure. You can do this by hand in a notebook or on your computer with an open document just make sure it isn’t saved anywhere!
The point of this exercise is not to come up with something that could be published; it’s simply to get words out onto paper (or into the ether). It will help you get into the habit of writing regularly, which should make it easier for you when it comes time to sit down and focus on bigger projects like books.
Writing a book can be a challenging journey, but perseverance is key. Dive into the insights shared in How to Write a Book Part 3: Don’t Give Up to find motivation and strategies to keep moving forward.
One Paragraph A Day Is An Accomplishment. Tack It To Your Bulletin Board
One paragraph a day is an accomplishment. Tack it to your bulletin board, put a sticky note on your desk, or just tell yourself about it when you wake up in the morning.
Even if you just write one sentence each day, that’s still something! Just try and get one paragraph done (or even half of one) before bed each night and soon that progress will turn into momentum, which can be hard for you procrastinators to resist.
Immerse Yourself In Writing Communities-And Not Just Online!
One of the best ways to overcome your fear of writing a book is by immersing yourself in writing communities. You must find a community that matches your particular needs, so I’ll give you some ideas on how to do that.
Finding a Writing Group: There are many different types of writing groups out there, so you must find one that works for your personality and schedule.
Some people are more comfortable going to an in-person meeting at some point during the week, while others would rather meet on Skype or another form of video chat every once in a while. You may even want to try different kinds until you find something that works for you!
Finding A Writing Class: If you’re interested in learning about certain aspects of literature or writing rules/techniques/etc., then taking classes may be just what the doctor ordered (except not really because doctors don’t prescribe books).
The best part is that this can all happen from home! Just make sure they offer online registration if possible; otherwise, they might require an actual physical location which could get expensive fast depending on where they’re located (and what kind).
Facing fear and uncertainty in your book-writing journey? Explore actionable steps to overcome these obstacles in the article Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Writing a Book Right Now. Gain confidence and start crafting your masterpiece.
Write In Public, Like At A Coffee Shop Or The Library
Writing in public is another great way to get over your fear of writing. It’s always good to work out a few places you can go and write, such as a coffee shop or library. You don’t need any fancy equipment or setup just a notebook, pen or pencil, and your laptop (if you want).
You may feel silly that people are looking at what you’re doing while they sip their cappuccinos and read the news on their iPods, but as long as they aren’t making comments about how terrible your handwriting looks (or worse), it’s all good!
And if someone does ask what you’re working on? Just tell them it’s for a book (if it isn’t) because then they’ll either be impressed by your ambition or give advice based on ignorance and either way it’ll get the juices flowing!
You should also know that some writers prefer writing at home because they can turn off distractions like phones and TVs; others prefer writing at work because…well…they have an office there already (#goals).
Find Your Time Of Day. And If That Changes, Find Your New Time Of Day
Writing times differ for everyone. Some morning people can’t function without writing first thing in the morning, and there are also night owls who may find that they’re more creative when they write after dinner and before bedtime.
When you’re starting with your book project, try experimenting with different times of day to see what works best for you and if at all possible, give yourself enough time to adjust your schedule so that it fits into your life!
Remember That Writing Is A Skill That Improves With Practice
This may seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that writing is a skill that improves with practice. You will get better at it with time, even if you don’t know where to start or what tips and tricks work best for you.
There are plenty of ways to practice your writing skills:
Read books (fiction and non-fiction). Listen to podcasts. Take classes and workshops if you have the resources available in your community. These activities will expose you to different styles of writing, which can help inform how you write for yourself in future projects.
Read your work out loud and then edit it! This can be an arduous process at first because there’s lots of repetition involved (you read a sentence out loud, ask yourself if it works well enough on its own before moving forward), but take breaks as needed—it’ll make the difference between “this sounds awkward” and “this sounds natural.”
Mastering the art of writing press releases involves learning from both successes and mistakes. Dive into the insights of What I Wish I Had Known Before Writing My First Press Release to enhance your press release writing skills and make a bigger impact.
And now, we invite you to let your inner writer out of the closet. It’s time to start writing that book! Maybe this post gave you some helpful tips on how to get started on your journey toward being an author.
If so, great! If not or if it just got you even more excited about getting started then we’ve done our job here at BloggingTricksTutorials.com by sharing some insight into what it takes to write a book (and how much fun it can be) with everyone who reads these words today
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you overcome your fear of writing:
Brian Tracy – Overcome Your Fear of Writing a Book Short Description: Learn practical techniques from Brian Tracy to conquer your fear of writing and unleash your creative potential.
Medium – How to Overcome the Fear of Writing Short Description: Explore insightful tips and personal experiences shared on Medium to overcome the fear that might be holding you back from writing.
Become a Writer Today – Conquering the Fear of Writing Short Description: Discover strategies and mindset shifts on Become a Writer Today that will empower you to overcome the fear of writing and pursue your writing goals.
How can I overcome the fear of writing a book?
Fear of writing a book can be overcome by breaking the process into smaller, manageable steps, setting achievable goals, and focusing on the joy of storytelling.
What techniques can help me overcome my fear of writing?
Techniques such as setting a consistent writing routine, practicing mindfulness, and reframing negative thoughts can be effective in overcoming the fear of writing.
Are there any practical exercises to help me overcome this fear?
Yes, you can try freewriting, journaling, or setting a timer for short writing sessions to gradually build confidence and diminish the fear of writing.
How do experienced writers deal with the fear of writing?
Experienced writers often acknowledge their fears and insecurities but choose to focus on the satisfaction of completing their work and sharing their stories with the world.
Can reading about others’ experiences help me overcome fear?
Absolutely, reading about how other writers have overcome their fear of writing can provide valuable insights, motivation, and a sense of camaraderie on your writing journey.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.