The Good, Bad, And Ugly Of Book Writing: Tips To Help You Share Your Story

Writing a book is an exciting journey, but it’s also challenging and hard work. You have to juggle deadlines and do research, while also staying focused on the story you’re trying to tell. 

It’s pretty much guaranteed that at some point during this process, you’ll hit a rough patch but that doesn’t mean you should give up! The tips in this guide will help you complete your book (and make sure it’s ready for publication).

so you want to be a reader? part one: finding the right books
Key Takeaways
Embrace both positive and negative aspects of book writing.
Learn from the challenges and mistakes in the writing process.
Understand the importance of constructive criticism from readers.
Use feedback to refine your storytelling and writing skills.
Recognize that book writing is a journey with ups and downs.
Share your unique story with the world, regardless of obstacles.
Develop resilience in the face of both positive and negative reviews.
Find motivation in the passion and dedication to your craft.
Celebrate the successes and improvements in your writing journey.
Continuously strive to improve and connect with your readers.

1. Get An Agent

The first step to getting your book published is finding an agent. It’s important to understand that an agent can’t get you a book deal; they act as intermediaries between authors and publishers. But if you want to be published, you need an agent.

The best way to find one is by asking around (friends who have been published) or doing some research online about writers in your genre with agents that seem like a good fit for your work. 

If there’s no one where you live or in your field of expertise, then it may make sense for you to build relationships with agents at literary agencies that represent writers from other genres they may be able to help connect with editors who would like the type of story or writing style that appeals specifically to them!

Crafting an impactful press release requires precision and strategy. Learn how to master the art of press release writing with tips from our guide on writing a press release that saves you time and money. Your message deserves the spotlight it needs.

2. Look For An Editor

If you want your book to be the best it can be, hire a professional editor. An editor will help you to improve your writing, make sure that it is clear and concise, and that everything in it follows a logical pattern. 

Most importantly, they will make sure that what you have written is grammatically correct. This can be quite challenging for new authors who are used to speaking their native language or dialect but not necessarily writing it down or following its rules.

In addition, many editors know how to detect inconsistencies in timelines or character development as well as minor plot holes which may distract readers from enjoying the story itself.

All in all, having an expert edit your work will save both time and money when it comes to self-publishing because these mistakes could cost up front and sometimes even lead publishers away from your manuscript if too many errors are present!

Capturing attention in a crowded media landscape can be a challenge. Our article on 17 tips for putting together a press release provides valuable insights into creating press releases that stand out. Elevate your communication game with these expert strategies.

3. Cite The Sources Of Your Inspiration

Cite the sources of your inspiration. This is especially important if you’re writing about someone else’s words or ideas (such as a poem or song lyric), but it applies to any other source, too. Be sure to cite the original author and work in your reference list and never use copyrighted material without permission, even if it’s only one word!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you don’t know how to do something, just ask someone! Many people are more than willing to offer advice on their craft and will be more than happy to lend a hand if they can feel like they’ve helped someone become better at something they love doing themselves.

4. Work Hard

I can’t stress this point enough. There is no way to get a book finished without working hard. If you want to be a successful writer, then you have to work at it and not give up when things get difficult or tedious.

Don’t Be Lazy

Don’t procrastinate.

Don’t wait until the last minute if you know there is something important coming up in your life (like an assignment or a deadline).

Accept that your manuscript will need lots of editing and rewriting before it’s ready for publication and don’t stop writing until then!

5. Give Yourself Enough Time To Write A Great Book

I have seen many writers rush into writing their first book, only to be disappointed with the result. Writing is like any other skill, it takes practice and patience.

If you are not willing or able to give yourself enough time, then perhaps it would be better if you just focused on your blog or articles instead of writing an entire book. 

It’s important that you set realistic deadlines for yourself and don’t feel pressured by others around you who may tell you that they need something written by a certain date! This can lead us into bad habits such as skipping steps in our writing process because we want things finished faster than usual…and ultimately produce poor results (such as subpar books).

Crafting a press release that spreads like wildfire is an art that requires careful planning. Dive into our guide on creating press releases that go viral to uncover techniques that can make your story resonate across the digital landscape. Ignite the potential of your press releases.

6. Take Care With Structure

It’s important to ensure that you structure your book in a way that works for you and your audience.

If it helps, think of your structure as a house. The walls are the chapters, rooms are sections and furniture is subheadings for easy navigation. Before you write any words on the page, consider these questions:

What kind of home do I want to build? Is it small or large? Modern or traditional? Iron roof or wooden shingles?

Where will my home be a located-in town or on the outskirts with lots of space for gardening and pets?

Who will live there children who need their bedrooms but also like having friends over on weekends; young professionals who want quick access to downtown without all the hassle of being right there?

Older couples looking for retirement homes they can both enjoy equally while still maintaining individual privacy; empty-nesters who don’t mind living alone as long as they have good neighbors nearby should they ever need them…the list goes on!

7. Don’t Give Up

You will get discouraged. You will want to give up, because it is hard work, and sometimes things don’t go the way you hoped they would.

You need patience when writing a book because the process takes longer than you expect—or want it to.

You can’t give up on your dream of becoming an author just because life has thrown a few curveballs in your direction (like getting laid off or having twins). You have to stay positive even when everything seems hopeless, or else failure will become a reality!

You need persistence when working on your manuscript; otherwise, it won’t be finished before summer vacation rolls around next year!

Navigating the intricate landscape of press release writing can be challenging, but knowing the dos and don’ts can simplify the journey. Explore our insights on dos and don’ts for writing press releases to ensure your messaging hits the mark every time. Success starts with a clear roadmap.

8. Get To Know Your Audience And Your Niche Market

The next thing you need to do is get to know your audience and niche market.

You should know who will be reading your book and what they want from it. You also need to know what other books are out there that relate to yours, who they were written by, and how well they did in terms of sales. This will help you decide if this is a viable career path for you or not, as well as tell you what direction your book should take regarding content and style.

9. Research Before You Write

You must do as much research as possible before writing your book. A wide range of sources can help you gather information about your topic, and will also give you ideas for new topics to write about.

You should look for sources that are credible and reliable, current, relevant, easy to understand, and written in a language that is easy to read.

10. Don’t Give Up Hope, Even If The Book Takes A Long Time To Write

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating: don’t give up on your dream of writing a book. This is especially true when you are just starting out and still trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t in terms of how to write books that people want to read. 

If anything was going to make me want to quit writing my first two manuscripts were not good! it would’ve been those two books I wrote years ago (and burned). But here I am today because I didn’t quit my vision of becoming an author.

I know what it’s like when things aren’t going well or things feel like they’re dragging on forever that’s why I’m giving this tip about not giving up hope at all costs!

11. Show The World, Not Just Your Family And Friends What You’ve Written

I’m sure you’ve seen books that are about to be published but haven’t been released yet. You can go on Amazon or Goodreads and see what books are coming out soon, then follow the author on social media so that you’ll know when their book is ready for purchase.

When I was writing my first book, I wanted to share it with people who were interested in what I had written. However, there were a few people who didn’t want me to share my work until it was finished or published. 

They thought that if someone read what I wrote before it was finished they would be disappointed by the quality of my writing. 

If they read something by an author they don’t know well (like me), they could be mean and give bad feedback which would discourage me from continuing writing altogether! That fear kept me from sharing anything until after revision #1 had been done! So don’t let this happen to you!!

Transforming your passion for writing press releases into a lucrative endeavor requires determination and strategic insights. Discover the inspiring journey of how one writer achieved financial success with our article on quitting a day job and making over $100K in 1 year by writing press releases. Explore the steps that can turn your writing dreams into reality.

12. Use Illustrations Or Photos That Make Sense With The Story Or Theme Of Your Writing

Illustrations, photos, and cartoons can help you tell your story. For example, if you’re writing about being part of a team at work, using a photo of an office might help readers understand what the setting is like and how people are interacting with one another. 

Or if you’re writing about how to use financial tools to save for retirement, including illustrations or photos of different types of investments and retirement accounts could be useful in helping readers understand which ones would be best for them.

If you don’t have access to these kinds of resources on hand but still want to include them in your book (and it’s something that makes sense within the scope of your book), consider creating them yourself using software like Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign so that they match up with other elements on the page such as typeface or color palette.


So there you have it the good, the bad, and the ugly! You’ve made it to the end of my post, so let me wrap up by saying that writing a book is not easy. It takes time and dedication, but if you’re passionate about sharing your story with others then there’s nothing else you can do but keep going.

If you need any more motivation or advice on how to get started with this journey then feel free to reach out on social media or send me an email at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!

Further Reading

How to Write a Novel: A Step-by-Step Guide: Explore a comprehensive guide that breaks down the novel writing process into manageable steps.

Handling Book Reviews: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Learn valuable insights on navigating the world of book reviews, from positive feedback to challenging critiques.

Book Reviews: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Discover the dynamics of book reviews, including their positive impact, challenges, and different perspectives.


How can I start writing a novel?

Starting a novel requires a combination of inspiration and discipline. Begin by brainstorming ideas and outlining your plot. Check out this step-by-step guide for detailed assistance.

How should I handle different types of book reviews?

Book reviews can vary widely in tone and content. It’s essential to approach both positive and negative reviews with professionalism and an open mindset. Read this article for tips on managing various types of reviews.

What should I expect from book reviews?

Book reviews can provide valuable feedback, but they can also be subjective. Understanding that reviews reflect readers’ perspectives is crucial. Explore insights on the dynamics of book reviews here.

How do I handle negative book reviews?

Negative book reviews are a natural part of the writing journey. It’s important not to take them personally and to use constructive criticism to improve your work. Find guidance on navigating negative reviews in this resource.

Can book reviews impact my writing career?

Book reviews can play a significant role in shaping your writing career. Positive reviews can boost your confidence, while negative ones can offer areas for growth. Learn about the impact of book reviews in this informative article.