Congratulations! You’ve decided to look for a job as a web developer. This is a good choice and will definitely pay off, just like your last job did. However, there is more competition than ever before on the market.
Therefore, there are many ways that you can set yourself apart from other candidates in order to get hired more quickly and successfully than ever before.
In this article we will go over some of those techniques so you can stand out above the rest of applicants!
Takeaways |
Improve your chances of success on Upwork as a web developer |
Craft persuasive and customized cover letters for web development gigs |
Showcase your skills, experience, and expertise effectively |
Stand out from the competition and win high-paying projects |
Learn from comprehensive cover letter samples and expert guidance |
Maximize your opportunities and thrive as a freelance web developer on Upwork |
1. A Cover Letter is a Must
The first thing you need to know about cover letters is that they are a must. The cover letter serves as your introduction and, like any good first impression, it sets the tone for how your potential employer perceives you.
A well-written cover letter will help you stand out from other applicants who submit their applications without one.
Without a cover letter, there’s no way for your potential employer to know that you have the skills and experience necessary for the job opening; however, with a well-written one in place, they’ll get an idea of what makes you unique in comparison to other applicants which could very well lead them to call or message with follow up questions regarding your candidacy.
Are you ready to take your web and mobile software development skills to the next level? Our comprehensive guide on book web & mobile software development provides valuable insights and cover letter examples to help you land high-paying projects on Upwork.
2. Do Your Research
Perhaps the most important thing to do is to research your hiring manager. You should know who they are, what they’ve done in the past, and where they’re going.
If you can’t find out any information about them on the internet, ask a friend or family member if they have any connections at that company who might be able to get you some intel on who this person might be.
Once you’ve identified your hiring manager and feel confident about their qualifications you should look at their website or social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn). You can learn so much from examining all of these sources together:
- What type of work does this company do?
- What kind of culture do they have?
- Are there any trends evident in how other employees describe their workplace experience (or lack thereof)?
3. Know Your Audience
Knowing the company’s mission and values is a crucial way to show you’re a great fit for the job. You can find this information on their website or social profiles, in publications they’ve written, through interviews and podcasts with employees, and more.
If possible and if it’s not too stalkerish find out the hiring manager’s name through LinkedIn or other sources and address your cover letter directly to him or her. And make sure to mention what interests you about working at this particular company!
The more you know about what they’re looking for in an ideal candidate, the better equipped you’ll be when it comes time to write up your skills section (see below).
Are you passionate about writing and looking to showcase your skills as a freelancer? Discover the secrets to crafting compelling cover letters for book writing projects with our expert tips and examples. Dive into the world of book writing Upwork cover letters and stand out from the competition.
4. Know What They Are Looking For
The next step is to know what the client wants. After you have a rough idea of how much you’re going to make on this project, it’s time to research.
Researching is crucial because your bid will depend on what they are looking for and also how much they are willing to pay.
The first thing I do when I am researching a client is look up their website, read through their blog and social media pages (LinkedIn, Twitter) and see if there are any recent posts or announcements that might give me an idea of what they want or need done.
If there isn’t anything specific posted in these areas then I’ll do some quick searches online using keywords related specifically to this project such as “web development”.
The goal here is not just getting more info about them but also seeing whether there are any other developers who have worked with them before so that we can learn from their experience too!
5. Tailor-Made Cover Letter Template to Get you Announced
To make sure that your cover letter gets read, use this template and customize it to the job description.
Use the keywords provided by Upwork in your cover letter. Use your own words, not just cut and paste from the job description!
Be personal, personable and people-friendly!
6. Respect Their Time
As a freelancer, you are likely to be very busy. You have your own projects, and you may even have clients who expect your attention all day, every day.
But when applying for a job at another company, it’s important not to forget that the person on the other end of the application just wants to hire someone good for their business not someone who is going to make them spend hours reading through applications from people they never want to work with again.
Make sure your cover letter is short and sweet! Don’t waste anyone’s time by putting in unnecessary details or making it too long: keep it simple and easy-to-read (and easy-to-digest).
7. Use Keywords And Match The Skills They Look For!
The last thing you want to do is send the recruiter a cover letter that doesn’t match the job description. To make sure you don’t do this, make sure that you use keywords in your cover letter and portfolio.
A good rule of thumb is to use five key words from the job description in your cover letter, and then use those same five keywords again in your portfolio (and resume). This will help show recruiters who are looking for specific skills that you have them!
8. Make It Personal, Personable, People-Friendly!
Use a friendly tone in your cover letter. The best way to do this is by using the first person when writing about yourself and what you are looking for.
This will make it seem like you are talking directly to the employer, making them feel that they know and can relate to you on a personal level.
Use a friendly greeting at the beginning of your cover letter: “Dear Name,” or “Dear Sir/Madam.”
Use a friendly closing at the end of your cover letter: “Sincerely,” or “Yours truly.”
Include a personal touch somewhere in between these two sections—maybe mention something about why you chose their company over other companies or how excited you are about working with them specifically!
When it comes to landing web development gigs on Upwork, a winning cover letter is crucial. Learn how to create a captivating first impression with our guide on creating a winning Upwork cover letter. Unlock the secrets to effectively showcasing your skills and securing your dream projects.
9. Prove You Deserve This Job (Portfolio)
Your portfolio is another way to prove that you are the right person for this job. The portfolio is basically a collection of all your past projects, along with descriptions about what you did and how you did it.
The more impressive your past projects are, the better chance you have of getting hired by someone on Upwork.
You will also want to include an extensive list of all your skills in your resume. This way, potential clients can see which skills they need on their project and figure out if you’re the right fit for their project.
The last thing that we need to discuss here is how to create a great portfolio so that employers will want to hire you over other freelancers who might be cheaper or have more experience than yourself!
10. Show Off Your Communication Skills (English At Least)
Show that you can communicate in English. If you are a non-native English speaker, show that you are learning the language and have a good grasp of it. Use examples from your previous work experience to demonstrate this point.
You should also be able to write clear emails and messages (without using slang or other colloquial expressions) when communicating with potential clients or employers via Upwork messaging system.
While writing cover letters for jobs on Upwork, please use proper grammar and spelling as well as correct punctuation marks so that the hiring manager will not miss out on reading your message since they are too busy looking at typos!
11. Be Honest, Be Reliable, Be Persistent!
The last thing you want to do is come across as dishonest, unreliable or incapable. If a client agrees to work with you, then they trust that you will do what you promise.
Your work should be of high quality and delivered on time. Lastly, when dealing with problems: solve them!
Even though your skills are the most important aspect for getting hired on Upwork, being honest about yourself and your abilities will go a long way toward convincing clients that you’re reliable and trustworthy.
12. Forget About The Money (For Now)
Don’t mention money in the cover letter. If you have a job offer and want to negotiate, wait until your interview or negotiation. Don’t mention money in your initial email as it can be seen as disrespectful to the client.
However, if you get a response from the client and they don’t mention money, then feel free to ask them if they are interested in hiring you and what their budget is!
If you don’t get any response at all (which happens quite often), try again later with another email or phone call. Or move on to other opportunities that fit your skillset better than this one did anyway!
Looking to boost your chances of success as a web developer on Upwork? Our guide on tips for writing an effective Upwork cover letter provides actionable strategies and examples to help you craft persuasive cover letters that get noticed by clients. Elevate your freelancing career today!
13. Ask For Feedback If You Don’t Get Hired!
If you don’t get hired, don’t worry! It’s not your fault. You can always ask for feedback to understand where the hiring manager is coming from.
- Ask the interviewer if they could give you any feedback on why they didn’t hire you. If they are willing to talk about it, this will be a great learning experience.
- Ask other candidates who were interviewed for the position what their experiences were like and what aspects of their interviews were challenging—this will help you prepare for future interviews!
- Ask peers in your industry about how they landed their first jobs, as well as advice about how to improve your interviewing skills and strategies for getting hired at other companies (and yes—they are willing to share this information).
- Reach out to friends and family members who have worked in similar industries or jobs before; maybe even ask them if there’s anyone at their current company that can mentor/help guide through this process?
Want to stand out from the crowd as a web developer on Upwork? Discover how to make a lasting impression with our guide on standing out with your Upwork cover letter. Explore proven techniques and best practices to showcase your expertise and land lucrative web development projects.
If you have any questions about the cover letters, feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We’re always happy to help!
Further Reading
Upwork’s Cover Letter Tips: Explore Upwork’s official resource page that provides valuable tips and advice on writing effective cover letters to win projects on the platform.
Web Developer Cover Letter Examples: Discover a collection of web developer cover letter examples that can inspire and guide you in crafting your own compelling cover letters for web development gigs.
Mastering Upwork Cover Letters: Learn the art of writing powerful cover letters on Upwork with insights and strategies shared by experienced freelancers. Improve your chances of landing high-quality projects.
And here’s the FAQs section:
How long should a web developer cover letter be?
The length of a web developer cover letter can vary, but it’s generally recommended to keep it concise and focused, ideally within one to two paragraphs.
What should I include in my web developer cover letter?
In your web developer cover letter, it’s important to highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements. You can also mention specific projects you’ve worked on and showcase your expertise in web development technologies.
How can I make my web developer cover letter stand out?
To make your web developer cover letter stand out, customize it for each job application, showcase your unique skills and accomplishments, and demonstrate your passion for web development. Additionally, consider including links to your portfolio or previous work.
Should I mention my technical skills in my web developer cover letter?
Yes, it’s highly recommended to mention your technical skills in your web developer cover letter. Clients often look for specific technical proficiencies, so showcasing your skills in programming languages, frameworks, and other relevant tools can make a positive impression.
How can I demonstrate my experience in my web developer cover letter?
To demonstrate your experience in your web developer cover letter, you can mention specific projects you’ve worked on, describe your responsibilities and contributions, and highlight any notable achievements or successful outcomes you’ve achieved in previous roles.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.