Mastering the Art of the Upwork Cover Letter for Web Developers

I’ve been a web developer for over ten years. In that time, I’ve written hundreds of cover letters for jobs on Upwork and other freelance sites. 

These days, it’s not uncommon for me to apply for three or four different jobs each day. I’ve learned a lot about how to craft effective cover letters in this time and I’m here today to share my wisdom with you!

How to Write A Winning Upwork Cover Letter
Effective cover letters are crucial for success on Upwork.
Mastering the art of writing Upwork cover letters can significantly increase your chances of getting hired.
Personalize your cover letter for each job proposal to showcase your understanding of the client’s needs.
Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements to stand out from the competition.
Keep your cover letter concise, focused, and well-structured to maintain the reader’s attention.
Use clear and professional language to convey your enthusiasm and professionalism.
Proofread your cover letter to ensure it is error-free and polished.
Following up after submitting a cover letter can demonstrate your commitment and eagerness.
Continuously improve and refine your cover letter writing skills to increase your success rate.

What Is Upwork?

Upwork is a global freelancing website where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate online.

It’s a marketplace that provides the tools and services you need to find work, manage your finances, track time spent on projects and build your professional profile. 

Upwork connects thousands of employers from every industry with top-rated talent from around the world. The site has more than 10 million registered freelancers, 1 million jobs posted at any given time – all looking for people like you!

Looking to enhance your web and mobile software development skills? Our comprehensive guide on book, web & mobile software development provides valuable insights and examples. Take a deep dive into the world of software development by exploring our cover letter examples.

How Do You Write A Cover Letter?

The cover letter is a way to introduce yourself to the hiring manager and summarize why you would be a good fit for their company. It should be concise, clear, and to-the-point.

In this section, we’ll talk about how to write an effective cover letter that will make you stand out from other applicants. 

First of all, remember that the cover letter is a way for you to explain why you are applying for this job and what makes you valuable as an employee.

We recommend keeping your letter short no more than one page! Make sure it’s tailored specifically for each job listing; if it isn’t relevant enough or doesn’t mention anything specific about what position or project they’re hiring for then it might not even get read.

Who Are You Addressing The Cover Letter To?

The first thing you’ll want to do is use the name of the hiring manager in your cover letter. If there is no specific person, use a generic salutation like, “Dear Hiring Manager,” or if you can’t find out who that might be then simply use the company’s name.

The last thing you want to do is start your cover letter with an introduction that says something like, “I am writing this letter in regards…” You don’t know why they’re hiring or what their needs are and by starting off with something like that you’re basically saying: “You should hire me because…”

Crafting a compelling cover letter is essential for web developers. Want to create a winning Upwork cover letter that stands out? Our guide offers valuable tips and techniques to help you succeed. Discover the secrets to writing an effective cover letter by checking out our article on creating a winning Upwork cover letter.

Introduce Yourself – State The Position And Your Interest

Your cover letter is your first impression. It’s a chance to show off your knowledge, experience, and communication skills while also explaining why you are the best person for the job. 

It’s important that this document be engaging and well-written. In fact, if you don’t have a strong cover letter then it could cost you dearly in terms of getting hired by Upwork.

In this section we’ll go over how to write an effective Upwork cover letter so that you can get more interviews and land those jobs faster!

How To Sell Yourself – What Makes You Unique?

Your cover letter is the first chance you have to sell yourself as an employee, so make sure it’s as strong as possible.

The best way to do this is by focusing on what you can do for the company. Mention how your skills and experience will benefit them, the results you’ve achieved at previous jobs and why they should choose you over other candidates.

Keep in mind that no two cover letters should be identical: they need to be tailored specifically to each job listing and employer. 

Make sure that everything in your letter relates back to how well-suited you are for that particular position and don’t forget about spelling and grammar!

Mention Relevant Technical Skills

Mention the relevant technical skills you possess. If you’re applying for a job as a JavaScript developer, it is important to include any skills that are specific to this field (for example, proficiency with Node.js). 

Likewise, if you are applying for a job as a frontend developer, it is important to mention CSS and HTML expertise in your letter.

If relevant projects or side projects are listed on your profile, they can be mentioned here as well (for example: “I was able to use my Python knowledge by contributing code to [link]”). This will show the recruiter that not only do you have these skills but also that you practice them regularly!

What Experience Do You Have?

Now that you know what to say and how to say it, let’s talk about where to put your information.

Your experience should be relevant to the position you are applying for. If you’re applying for a job as a web developer and have no experience, don’t state that you’ve been coding websites since high school or college. Instead, talk about any relevant skills you have (e.g., HTML/CSS). 

In other words: if a person reading your cover letter can’t understand why exactly your experience would help them in their job description, then they won’t want to hire you! You may also want to consider including links or attachments with examples of work done by yourself if possible (website code).

Writing an effective Upwork cover letter is crucial to impress potential clients as a web developer. Looking for tips to improve your cover letter? Our article provides valuable insights and strategies to help you make a strong impression. Explore our guide on writing an effective Upwork cover letter and boost your chances of success.

What Are Some Of Your Greatest Achievements?

When you’re answering this question, it’s important to list specific achievements that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. Don’t just say things like:

  • “I’m a hard worker”
  • “I’m a team player”

If you do this, the hiring manager will wonder what exactly makes you such an awesome employee. In fact, they’ll probably end up thinking that you don’t really know yourself well enough to provide concrete examples of your talents. Instead, try saying something like:

  • I was part of a company that won an award for excellence in customer service and I was recognized individually as one of the best customer service reps on our team.

How Much Do You Charge?

How much you charge is a very important part of your Upwork cover letter. The client will determine whether or not they want to work with you based on your rate and experience. 

To be honest with you, it’s impossible for me to tell you exactly how much to charge for a specific job because every job is different.

However, if I were in your position, I would use my Upwork cover letter as an opportunity to gauge the market rates for web developers in your area (or country).

If possible, talk directly with potential clients and ask them what they think a good hourly rate would be for someone like yourself in other words, someone who has experience working remotely and has done projects similar to theirs before.

As a web developer, it’s important to stand out among the competition on Upwork. Wondering how to make your cover letter shine? Our article shares valuable advice and techniques to help you differentiate yourself. Discover how to leave a lasting impression with your Upwork cover letter by reading our guide on standing out as a web developer.

Why Would You Be A Good Fit For This Job?

It’s important that you understand what makes you a good fit for the job. If you do, then it will be easier to convince hiring managers that they should hire you. To help with this, we’ve listed some of the most common reasons why applicants are successful on Upwork:

  • You’re a great communicator
  • You have experience in this field
  • You have the skills they need
  • You have been successful in this field

Why Should They Hire You Now?

As the hiring manager, I know that I’m going to be inundated with applications for this position. The good news is that you’ve done everything right so far! Now it’s time to convince me why they should hire you now.

If your cover letter focused on the company culture and why you’re a good fit for their team, then this part of your cover letter should focus on why they should hire you over the hundreds or thousands of other developers applying online. What makes your skills and experience unique?

Even if there is no specific job description provided by them or posted publicly online (which there usually isn’t), try to show what sets yourself apart from all other applicants as well as provide any information about yourself that might help convince them even further that they need YOU on their team!

How Can They Contact You If They Have Questions?

Email address: You can copy and paste that into the email field, or you can create a new account. If you’re a freelancer, there’s no reason not to have an email address associated with your Upwork profile.

Phone number: You don’t need to enter this if you don’t want to—though it will be helpful for employers who want to reach out via phone call.

Skype ID: This is another way for employers to contact you directly if they have questions about your skills or qualifications during their evaluation process of applicants. It also shows that you’re willing and able to communicate via instant messaging software, which is important for any freelance work arrangement (or remote work environment).

Take This Advice When Writing Your Next Upwork Cover Letter!

You must mention the position and your interest in it.

The first sentence is a good place to state what makes you unique, relevant technical skills, and any experience that would be helpful.

If there are specific skills they’re looking for, include them here as well. For example: “I have 5 years of self-taught experience with JavaScript frameworks such as Vue and React, which allows me to quickly learn and implement new technologies into existing projects”

It’s also essential to mention any achievements or awards that show off your strengths—like being featured on Upwork!

Are you a web developer searching for comprehensive examples of Upwork cover letters? Look no further! Our guide provides a curated collection of cover letter samples specifically tailored to web developers. Explore our extensive selection of Upwork cover letter samples by visiting our article on web developer cover letter examples.


Now that you’ve read our tips, we hope you feel more confident in your own Upwork cover letter-writing abilities. 

Remember that this is just the beginning the job is yours to win or lose, but in order to help up your chances of success, it’s important not just to have a great resume and be ready for an interview, but also have a thoughtful and well-written cover letter that sells yourself as the best fit for this particular position. We wish all good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources and articles that can provide further insights and tips on writing successful cover letters for Upwork:

Upwork Cover Letter Tips: Learn valuable tips and best practices for writing effective cover letters on Upwork. Discover how to grab the attention of clients and increase your chances of getting hired.

The Art of Writing Successful Cover Letters For Upwork Freelancers: This Skillshare class delves into the art of crafting compelling cover letters specifically for Upwork freelancers. Gain insights and techniques to create cover letters that stand out and resonate with clients.

Mastering Upwork: How to Write an Upwork Cover Letter that Gets You Hired: Morgan Overholt shares her expertise on writing Upwork cover letters that attract clients and land jobs. Discover practical tips and strategies to optimize your cover letter and improve your chances of success.

Feel free to explore these resources to enhance your cover letter writing skills and improve your Upwork freelancing career.


Q: How long should a cover letter be?

A: While there is no strict word count limit, it is generally recommended to keep your cover letter concise and focused. Aim for a length of around 200-300 words to effectively convey your skills and qualifications.

Q: Should I customize my cover letter for each job proposal?

A: Yes, customizing your cover letter for each job proposal is highly recommended. Tailoring your cover letter to address the specific requirements and preferences mentioned in the job posting can significantly increase your chances of getting hired.

Q: What should I include in my cover letter for Upwork?

A: In your Upwork cover letter, it’s important to introduce yourself, highlight relevant skills and experience, showcase your understanding of the job requirements, and express enthusiasm for the project. Additionally, you can mention specific examples of past work or client success stories to further demonstrate your capabilities.

Q: How can I make my cover letter stand out?

A: To make your cover letter stand out, focus on personalization, clarity, and showcasing your unique value proposition. Tailor your letter to the specific job, use clear and concise language, and highlight your key strengths and achievements that are relevant to the project.

Q: Is it necessary to follow up after submitting a cover letter?

A: Following up after submitting a cover letter can demonstrate your professionalism and eagerness. If you haven’t heard back within a reasonable timeframe, it’s generally acceptable to send a polite follow-up message expressing your continued interest in the project.

Feel free to explore these frequently asked questions to gain more insights and guidance on writing effective cover letters for Upwork.