Top 10 Reasons To Write For Magazines

Magazines are a fun and easy way to make money. They’re also a great way to gain exposure and build your brand as an entrepreneur or freelancer. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are 25 reasons why you should start writing for magazines:

INCREDIBLE Method for Q 5 Magazine Article – YouTube
1. Diverse Writing Opportunities
2. Reach a Wide Audience
3. Showcase Your Expertise
4. Networking and Connections
5. Enhance Your Writing Skills
6. Generate Additional Income
7. Explore Various Topics
8. Gain Recognition and Awards
9. Develop a Professional Portfolio
10. Influence and Inspire Readers

Learn What Editors Are Looking For

Editors are looking for articles that have a hook, are well-researched and backed up with facts and figures, are concise and to the point, and keep their readers in mind. They want articles that will get people reading them, wanting more from the author.

If you know these things about editors’ needs then you will be able to write an article that meets all of those requirements.

Getting your work published is the ultimate goal for every aspiring writer. Our comprehensive guide on Magazine Writing: How to Get Published provides invaluable tips and strategies to increase your chances of success in the competitive world of magazine writing.

Be Published In A Magazine That You Love

If you are a regular reader of the magazine, it will be easier for you to write for it because you are already familiar with the content. You will know what kinds of articles they publish and how they fit in with the rest of their content. 

The more work you have read from them before, the easier it will be to write something acceptable within their style guidelines.

This also applies if the magazine has been around for a long time and has set its style guidelines over those years if you’re used to reading these magazines and writing articles in this style then writing an article for them should feel natural.

Get Paid To Do What You Love

It’s a dream come true. If you’ve ever wanted to make money by writing, this is your best chance.

There are more ways to get paid than you think: freelance articles and columns, blog posts, copywriting jobs, ghostwriting projects, and book contracts are just some of them.

Getting paid to write is not just something that happens in the movies; it happens every day and if you want it badly enough then all you have to do is ask!

Dreaming of a career as a magazine writer? Look no further! Our step-by-step guide on How to Start a Career Writing for Magazines offers valuable insights and actionable advice to kickstart your journey in the exciting world of magazine journalism.

Get Clips

A lot of people don’t know that clipping services are available for magazines, which means that you can get copies of your work back and keep them in a binder or on your computer. This is great for two reasons:

It’s good to have clips on hand because they’re a nice-to-have when applying for jobs as many people like seeing examples of your writing before they give you the job. Clips also show off what kind of topics you cover, so if an editor is looking to hire someone who writes about certain subjects, they’ll notice those clips first!

Having clips allows editors or potential clients to see how much experience you have (as opposed to having no experience). Clips are important not only because they demonstrate that you have strong writing skills but also because they let others know how well-versed in various topics such as finance or travel planning/tours etcetera)

Gain Credibility As A Writer

You can build your credibility as a writer by writing for magazines, blogs, and newspapers. You may have to start out writing free articles for these outlets, but once you get used to the rhythm of writing for them, it will become easier to land paid assignments with them.

You can also use your magazine pieces as samples when applying for other jobs in the field. This can help demonstrate that you’ve acquired knowledge about the subject matter and can write at a professional level.

Want to take your magazine writing to the next level? Check out our collection of 15 Tips for Better Magazine Writing that covers everything from honing your storytelling skills to crafting captivating headlines for your articles.

Become A Featured Contributor

If you’re looking to get your name out there to the public while also building your brand, becoming a featured contributor in a magazine or blog is the way to go. It will help raise the level of exposure for both you and your business. 

The more places that feature your work, the more people will take notice and start following you on social media. And if it’s been a while since someone has updated their website with fresh content then maybe it’s time for them too!

There are many ways for potential writers like yourself to become published in magazines such as Huffington Post Canada (just search “guest post” on Google), Business Insider UK (you can submit here), and Yahoo News US (submit here).

Showcase Your Writing Ability To Potential Clients

Writing for magazines is a great way to show off your writing ability to potential clients, who are likely looking at writing samples when hiring writers. 

By showing them clips of your published work in various magazines and newspapers, you’ll be able to demonstrate that you can write for their audience. Plus, by getting published in multiple markets at once, you develop credibility as a writer and gain invaluable clips that help prove your abilities and growth as a writer over time.

Build A Portfolio Of Writing Samples

A portfolio of writing samples is an important tool for any writer to have. A portfolio gives you the chance to highlight your best work, show off your range and style, and prove that you’re capable of meeting deadlines and working with editors. It’s also a great way to get feedback on your writing before submitting it for jobs.

But creating a good one isn’t easy; many things can go wrong when putting together a portfolio. 

One problem is trying too hard: it’s important not to include things like little notes from editors or comments from friends who’ve read drafts these aren’t representative of your true skills as a writer! Instead, focus on quality over quantity when it comes time for choosing what goes into this vital document (and don’t worry if it seems impossible at first).

Expand Your Online Presence And Grow Your Blog

If you write for magazines, you can use the content on your blog. If you write for magazines and they’re published online, they’ll often include links back to any of your social media accounts or websites (or even personal email addresses) that are mentioned in the article. 

This is great! It means that you don’t have to spend time creating new posts on Facebook and Twitter every time you publish something; instead, they can just link directly to the magazine article where it was originally published.

If someone wants more information about what you’ve written about in a particular magazine article (and let’s face it they will), then they can easily find out where else on the internet it lives by visiting either your website or social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. 

And if someone does want more information about what’s written about in an article? They’ll probably want it delivered right away and again: no problem! Just send them an email newsletter containing all those links from each month’s issue at once!

In the digital age, online publishing has reshaped the media landscape. Discover the lessons magazine writers can glean from online publishers in our thought-provoking article: What Magazine Writers Can Learn from People Who Publish It Online.

Get Published In Multiple Markets At Once

You can submit to a magazine and then submit to the same magazine online. Some magazines have an “online” section that is separate from their print edition but still considered part of that publication. This is a great way to get published by multiple outlets at once! 

You can also submit your work directly in an online format if you prefer this way, you won’t have to wait for something like snail mail during your busy schedule!

Sometimes you can submit to the same magazine online and in print (and vice versa). Many publications allow simultaneous submissions, meaning that if they like your piece enough for one section of their publication, they’ll run it there.

But if they feel differently about another section of their business (or want more time with it), they’ll hold onto it until the next issue comes out before deciding whether or not this content makes sense for both audiences.

Another tip: most print magazines will let writers send them work via email or through an online submission form instead of through postal mail; so even though there might be other reasons why someone would want to write on paper rather than digitally (like maybe because they don’t have access or money), this doesn’t mean those folks are locked out from getting published!

Writing for magazines can be financially rewarding. Learn how to turn your words into income with our guide on How to Make Money Writing a Magazine Article, where we share practical tips to monetize your magazine writing skills effectively.


Writing for magazines is a great way to build your writing skills and get your work in front of new readers. It’s also a great way to showcase yourself as an expert in your field if that’s something that interests you. We hope this list has given you some ideas about how writing for magazines can help make your career better!

Further Reading

9 Reasons Why Magazine Writing May Be Perfect for You: Discover the compelling reasons why magazine writing could be an ideal fit for your writing aspirations.

How to Write Articles for Magazines: Learn valuable tips and techniques on crafting articles specifically tailored for magazine publications.

10 Reasons Why Magazines Have a Great Future: Explore the factors that contribute to the enduring relevance and promising future of magazines in the media landscape.


What are the essential skills for successful magazine writing?

Successful magazine writing requires a combination of strong storytelling, concise writing, research skills, and the ability to cater to the target audience’s interests.

How can I find suitable magazines to submit my articles?

You can use online resources, such as writer’s market directories and websites of magazine publications, to identify suitable magazines that align with your writing style and expertise.

Is it necessary to have previous writing experience before submitting to magazines?

While prior writing experience can be beneficial, it’s not always a prerequisite. Many magazines welcome fresh voices and perspectives, making it possible for aspiring writers to get published.

How can I pitch my article ideas to magazines effectively?

Craft a compelling pitch that showcases the unique angle of your article, highlights its relevance to the magazine’s readership, and demonstrates your understanding of the publication’s tone and style.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing for magazines?

Common mistakes include neglecting to adhere to the magazine’s guidelines, submitting poorly edited work, and failing to conduct proper research on the publication’s target audience. Avoiding these errors can significantly improve your chances of acceptance.