If you’re a writer who would like to make extra money on the side by selling magazine articles, I have some good news for you: there are plenty of editors out there looking for writers who can bring their fresh perspectives to the table.
The bad news? Selling your first article isn’t easy. But if you follow these steps and learn how to write like a journalist, this could be one of the easiest ways for any writer to make money writing!
Takeaways |
1. Explore the world of travel writing for a rewarding career. |
2. Master the art of freelance magazine writing. |
3. Craft compelling stories with expert tips. |
4. Find the best magazine markets to showcase your work. |
5. Establish your value and secure better writing opportunities. |
Approach The Topic From A Unique Angle
As you begin to explore the topic of your article, don’t fall into the trap of writing what everyone else is writing about. The purpose of a magazine article is to provide an interesting and entertaining story that will engage readers.
If you write what your competitors are writing, you won’t be able to stand out from them. Instead, consider taking a unique angle on the subject. Perhaps your story could include:
- A different setting or location for the action
- An unusual point-of-view
- Interesting characters with different personalities and perspectives who interact with each other in unexpected ways
You can also consider taking some risks when it comes to structure, style, and content:
Are you passionate about travel and writing? Explore the world of travel writing and learn how to transform your experiences into captivating stories. Discover valuable insights in our guide on Magazine Writing: For a Career in Travel Writing and unlock the potential of your wanderlust-infused words.
Learn To Write Like A Journalist
There’s a reason why the most successful writers in the world are journalists. It’s not just because they know how to string together words on a page though that certainly helps. It’s because they also know how to tell a story in as few words as possible so that you can get through it quickly without being bored or confused by all the details.
You want your reader to be able to sit down, read your article, and then walk away feeling like they learned something new about their chosen topic. You don’t want them stopping every few sentences thinking: “Why did they write this?” or “What does this have anything to do with my life?”
To make sure your article doesn’t fall into these traps, try making sure it follows these rules:
Be concise don’t ramble! Keep each paragraph short (5-6 sentences) and have no more than 2 paragraphs per section (if necessary).
Be clear if there’s any ambiguity at all in what you’re saying then readers won’t understand what point you’re making or why it’s important enough for them to continue reading further down the page; if people get lost halfway through then chances are high that they’ll give up altogether rather than reaching the end where answers may finally reveal themselves!
This means using active verbs instead of passive ones (“is” vs “were”) when describing events happening around us today; active voices are easier
Research The Topic Thoroughly And Then Some More
Research is the key to success when it comes to writing a magazine article. It will make or break your piece, so take the time to do it right! When you have finished researching your topic, take a breath and then do some more research. You need as much information about your topic as possible before you can begin writing.
Ready to embrace the freedom of freelance writing? Dive into the world of magazine writing and learn how to break into the industry as a freelance writer. Our comprehensive guide on How to Break into Freelance Magazine Writing will equip you with the tools and tips to turn your words into a lucrative career.
Establish Your Credentials
To get a magazine article published, you first need to establish your credentials. You have to show the editor why you are the best person for the job. You need to prove that you are an expert in your field and that you have experience writing for magazines.
Start by creating a portfolio of your work so that editors can see what kind of content they would be getting if they worked with you. This includes any written samples or interviews (print or video) where people talk about how great your content is.
Also include any press coverage from other sources (newspaper articles, TV appearances). Finally, include links to online profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter where readers can learn more about who their favorite writer is!
Write A Killer Query Letter To Pitch Your Story Idea To Editors
It’s time to write a killer query letter. A query is a letter sent by writers (or agents) to editors in an attempt to sell their story ideas. It includes everything you need to know about the article, including who will be writing it, what the magazine being pitched is, and why you’re qualified to write about this topic.
It should include:
- What the article will be about
- Why it’s important for readers of that magazine or publication
- How long your piece will be (and why that length makes sense for this particular story)
In addition, make sure you include:
Your credentials as a writer and how many years of experience you have covered this topic/industry/etcetera, A catchy title for your idea (this is important!), Any examples of work that demonstrate why editors should consider publishing your idea
Know Your Rights As A Writer And Protect Them
As a writer, you want to be paid for your work. You also want your content to be used fairly and accurately, which will help build trust with readers.
Know your rights as a writer
You must understand how publishing contracts work so that you can avoid being taken advantage of. For example, the publisher may contractually agree to pay you $1 per word while they sell the article online for $3 per word which means they’re getting all of your hard work for free! There are some things you’ll need to protect yourself:
- Good knowledge of copyright law
- The ability to use basic math (counting words is simple)
Looking to elevate your magazine writing skills? Delve into 15 expert tips to enhance your storytelling prowess and captivate readers. Check out our guide on 15 Tips for Better Magazine Writing and uncover the secrets to crafting engaging and unforgettable articles.
Get Your Facts Straight. Double And Triple Check Them
The most important thing you can do is to make sure that the facts in your article are accurate. You don’t want to get sued or have people thinking that you’re a liar.
To fact check, start by looking at the official website of a public organization. If it’s mostly reliable, then it’s probably worth quoting from and citing as well!
Next, look up facts on Google Scholar or Wikipedia and see if they match up with what was written in your source material but be careful: these aren’t always as reliable as they seem because people can edit them at any time without any accountability!
To avoid getting mixed up in all this confusion (and possibly legal trouble), try using resources like Encyclopedia Britannica instead they’ve been doing this for hundreds of years so there’s no way they would make mistakes about something so basic as how many continents there are on Earth!
Never Write For Free For Exposure Or For Portfolio Pieces
You are a professional writer, not a hobbyist.
Your work is valuable, and you should be compensated for it. There is no such thing as “exposure” or “portfolio pieces” in the world of writing;
Those who say they want to get published on your work just so they can put it in their portfolio are not your friends, and their intentions are never good. They want something from you that you should never give away: access to your skills and knowledge at no cost.
This means that if someone wants to publish an article by you even if they offer payment you need only respond with one question: “How much?”
Make Sure You Get Paid What You Deserve And On Time
Make sure you get paid what you deserve. If you’re going to be writing a magazine article, the first thing that should matter to you is how much money it will make for you. The second thing that should matter is who pays it and when.
The best way to make sure both of these things happen is to ask for an upfront payment on the back end of your project before anything else happens. This will give them an incentive not only to pay upfront but also to keep their word about getting back with a check soon after completion of work (and hopefully by the agreed-upon deadline).
Make sure your payments come on time and in full: This one should be obvious but unfortunately isn’t always followed through on by clients who have no problem taking advantage of writers’ desperation while they wait months just hoping they’ll see some form of compensation at some point down the line if ever!
So, if possible ask for an advance before starting work or at least try negotiating payment terms so there are no surprises down the road when one party fails miserably at keeping up his/her end of the bargain which brings me right back.
Around again because I’m still waiting on my last paycheck from my last gig as well as three other freelance gigs currently outstanding which means.
Seeking the perfect platform to showcase your writing? Discover the art of finding the best magazine markets for your articles. Our guide on How to Find the Best Magazine Markets will help you navigate the diverse landscape of publications and set you on the path to success.
Fees For Freelance Articles Greatly Vary Based On Word Length
The more words you write, the more money you can charge. It’s as simple as that.
However, word count varies by publication some publications pay less per word than others, and some accept fewer words per article than others. In other words: the length of an article (and thus its price) varies depending on where it’s published.
The good news is that this means you have plenty of opportunities to make money writing magazine articles! You just need to know how much each publication pays for a given piece so that you can negotiate your fee accordingly to maximize your profits.
Don’t Expect Your Editor To Edit You
Editors have a lot of work to do, and they are not paid to edit. They are not paid to proofread your article for grammar or spelling mistakes (unless it’s a school assignment). So if you write something like: “I’m gonna go and get some food from the store” instead of “I’m going,” don’t expect them to fix it for you even if they could if they wanted!
Also, just because an editor reads over your article doesn’t mean he or she will make sure it’s perfect before publishing it in the magazine.
Most editors have no obligation other than getting the issue out on time; there isn’t enough time in the world for all of us together as one big group trying very hard together as one big group at work every day during our busy lives so that we can write good things that people want to be read.
While making sure those things don’t include any mistakes like misspelled words or sentences that don’t make sense (or even worse, ones where someone using past tense is talking about something happening now). Sorry if this sounds harsh but this is just how things work sometimes.”
Learn How To Work Well With Your Editor So They’ll Keep Assigning You More Work
One of the best ways to get more work from your editor is to learn how to work well with your editor. This means that you should be professional and willing to help out, even when it’s not directly related to the article you’re writing.
If an editor is willing to give you more assignments, they’ll want a good relationship with you. They want someone who they know they can count on, who won’t miss deadlines and will produce high-quality articles every time.
Here are some tips for getting the most out of your editors:
Ask questions about what kind of content they need (this will help them trust that you’re going above and beyond just doing what they ask). * Offer ideas for future stories (a good way to cultivate relationships). * Offer suggestions on improving existing pieces (this shows initiative, which makes people feel valued).
Don’t Let The Editing Process Drag On Forever
There are two main things you can do in this situation. The first is to politely push back on the editor’s suggestions, and the second is to ask for more money or a shorter deadline.
Let’s start with pushing back. If an editor makes a suggestion that doesn’t make sense to you, or that you feel would cheapen your work (for example, if they want you to change something so that it sounds too similar to something else), speak up!
Your voice matters here you’re not just some dumb writer who does whatever their editor says; you’re someone who knows how important it is for them to be happy with their work and feel proud of what they’ve produced!
So let ’em know exactly why their edits don’t work for you: “I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable changing this sentence because ” or “I realize this sounds very similar to another article in our magazine but I prefer writing about X instead.” Or do both at once: “Sorry about rejecting your edit there it was totally fine as written! But I’d like to talk more about X because…”
Aspiring for a rewarding career in magazine writing? Learn how to establish your value and secure better opportunities in the industry. Unearth the strategies in our guide on Proofs That You Deserve a Better Magazine Writing Job and pave the way for a fulfilling writing journey.
Writing for a magazine is a great way to make money as a writer. It’s also a great way to build your portfolio and establish yourself as an expert on a topic. The best thing about writing articles for magazines?
You don’t have to wait until you’re published before getting paid! On top of that, there are plenty of places where you can find work: from trade journals like Bloomberg Businessweek or Forbes where experienced writers get paid handsomely for their knowledge (and sometimes even by the word!), to small local publications willing
Further Reading
How to Get Paid to Write Articles: Discover the secrets of earning money through article writing and turn your passion for words into a lucrative career.
How to Write and Sell Articles for Magazines: Learn valuable insights from Nichola Meyer on crafting compelling articles and selling them to magazines.
Earn Money with Writing Articles: Explore the potential of travel writing and find out how to generate income while sharing your adventures through words.
What are the primary steps to get paid for writing articles?
To get paid for writing articles, start by identifying your niche, building a strong portfolio, and pitching your work to relevant publications or clients.
How can I improve my chances of getting articles published in magazines?
To increase your chances of getting published, research target magazines, tailor your submissions to fit their style, and create compelling story ideas that cater to their audience.
What are some effective ways to monetize travel writing?
Aside from magazine submissions, explore other avenues such as creating travel guides, collaborating with tourism boards, or partnering with travel-related businesses.
How can I find freelance opportunities to write articles?
Look for freelance platforms, job boards, or content agencies that offer writing gigs. Networking with other writers and building connections in the industry can also lead to potential opportunities.
Is it necessary to have formal writing qualifications to sell articles?
While formal qualifications can be beneficial, they are not mandatory. Writing skill, creativity, and a strong understanding of your chosen topic can often be enough to attract buyers for your articles.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.