Tips For Freelancers Who Work From Home

I’ll be honest: When I started freelancing from my phone, I had no idea what I was doing. I thought that it would be just like working on a computer, only less so. But the truth is that freelancing from my phone creates its challenges and its rewards. Here are some tips for turning your phone into the ultimate freelance tool:

1. Establish a dedicated workspace that is separate from your living area to create a productive environment.
2. Set a schedule and stick to it to maintain structure and ensure a healthy work-life balance.
3. Take regular breaks and incorporate physical activity or relaxation techniques to stay refreshed and avoid burnout.
4. Utilize technology and tools that enhance your productivity, such as project management software or time-tracking apps.
5. Stay connected with other freelancers through online communities and networking platforms to combat isolation and gain support.
6. Communicate effectively with clients to manage expectations and maintain clear lines of communication.
7. Continuously update and improve your skills through online courses, webinars, or industry-related resources.
8. Prioritize self-care by getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and taking time for hobbies or activities you enjoy.
9. Stay organized by keeping track of deadlines, tasks, and finances to ensure smooth workflow and timely payments.
10. Adapt and be flexible in your approach, as freelancing often requires adjusting to different projects and client needs.

You Need A Separate Desk

A separate desk is a must for freelancers who work from their phones. It’s the only way to ensure that you stay focused and organized, and can keep yourself productive in the process.

There are lots of reasons why having a separate workspace is important, but here are five:

Separate spaces let you use different tools for different tasks in addition to helping you stay focused on what’s important now. 

For example, if most of your calls come through Skype or Google Hangouts, then a headset may be useful for those calls but not others; similarly, having an extra monitor (or two) lets you toggle between Gmail or Slack on one screen while working with Excel documents on another screen and it also helps prevent eye strain by keeping your eyes focused on just one visual element at once!

Being able to separate work-related tasks from personal ones ensures that when an emergency arises during working hours (like needing dinner before dinner time), there won’t be any obstacles getting in the way of getting back into work mode as soon as possible afterward.*

Building an impressive portfolio is crucial for freelancers. Learn how to make a portfolio that gets you the job by following our step-by-step guide on portfolio creation. Showcase your skills and stand out from the competition.

Invest In A Separate Keyboard For Your Phone

If you’re a freelancer and work from your phone, some tips can make your life easier. The first one is to invest in a separate keyboard for your phone. I know what you’re thinking: “Keyboards for phones? That sounds like something from a science fiction movie!” 

But it turns out that typing on a computer keyboard is faster than typing on most phones and the smaller size of most phone keyboards makes it harder to type accurately and with proper finger placement. A good stand-alone keyboard will help increase productivity by making it easier to type quickly and accurately while also lowering the risk of injury (from painful carpal tunnel syndrome).

A popular option is Bluetooth keyboards like this one, which lets you connect wirelessly via Bluetooth without needing an internet connection or any special apps installed on your device. The price tag is also pretty reasonable compared with other options out there!

Get High-Quality Headphones

When you work from home, it’s important to have a good pair of headphones. Headphones are great for blocking out distractions, listening to music while you work, taking calls, and recording podcasts.

When choosing a set of headphones, make sure they’re comfortable and of high quality. You may want to test them out at a store before making your decision on which ones to buy (if this is possible). You can also read reviews online from other people who have bought them to see what they thought about them after using them for a long time!

Freelancing can be challenging, but there are moments when it becomes effortless. Discover how to navigate the ups and downs of freelancing in our article on when freelancing isn’t hard at all. Find inspiration and motivation to thrive in your freelance career.

Invest In A Good Laptop Stand

A good laptop stand is an investment, but it will be worth it if you work from your laptop a lot. The biggest factor to look for is stability you want your stand to be sturdy and stable, not shaky or flimsy. You also need one that keeps your laptop cool and allows plenty of airflow through the back of your computer so that it doesn’t overheat.

You’ll want a stand with a height adjustment mechanism as well; this way, you can easily adjust the height of both the computer and the monitor so they’re at eye level when you are sitting in front of them. This makes working much easier on those long days when you’re spending hours hunched over whatever project needs finishing off today!

Use The Right Software

Now that you’ve got your phone set up, it’s time to talk about the software you should use. There are a few programs out there that can help you with just about everything when it comes to staying focused and motivated while working remotely.

Here are some of the best:

Focus@will is an app that plays music specifically designed for helping people focus better. It’s available on most platforms, including Android and iOS as well as desktop computers. 

The interface is simple, giving you access to a variety of different playlists that are geared toward different activities such as reading or writing or keeping focused during meetings at work (more on this later). If there’s something specific you need more help focusing on during your day then this is probably the best place to start looking!

RescueTime tracks how much time you spend on various websites/applications throughout each week so that once again it gives us insight into what could be affecting our productivity levels so we can address those issues accordingly

Make Sure Your Internet Connection Is Fast

When you work from a phone, you need to make sure your internet connection is fast. And by “fast” we mean it has to be lightning quick. This is because when you’re working from a phone, you can’t afford to wait for your computer or other devices (like an external hard drive) to catch up with what you want them to do. You also can’t afford for them not to work at all!

To find out how fast your internet connection is before starting any work on it: ask anyone who uses the same WiFi network as yours or go straight into the settings of your router and check out its upload and download speeds. 

If they aren’t fast enough, try switching routers or upgrading their firmware to boost their performance (this might involve resetting some things). 

Then test them again until they’re good enough for what’s required by this particular project/client/etcetera because if something goes wrong while working remotely and needs fixing right away then there won’t be time spent waiting around while trying different things before finding something that works properly.”

Learn To Code

This is a skill that will be useful in the future, even if you don’t want to be a programmer or web developer. The ability to understand how things work at a fundamental level is an incredibly valuable skill that can help you solve problems in all areas of life, not just technology. 

Coding also helps you think logically: by breaking down complex processes into smaller chunks, you’ll be able to see your way through problems more easily than someone who doesn’t have those skills. There are plenty of free online resources available and it’s never too late (or too early) to start learning!

Balancing a full-time job and freelance writing can be overwhelming. Gain valuable insights on managing both roles effectively in our post on maintaining a full-time job and freelance writing. Maximize productivity and avoid burnout.

Record Your Ideas

A lot of freelancers rely on memory to keep track of their ideas and notes, but we all know that our memories are not infallible.

Voice Recorder Apps

For those who prefer to use a voice recorder app, there are plenty to choose from. Some popular options include Voice Record Pro (Android), Simple Voice Recorder (iPhone), or AirServer Audio Recorder (all platforms).

What You Can Do With An App* There are plenty of different things you can do with an app such as this one:

You can edit the recording if it’s too long or short before saving it. For example, if you recorded yourself talking for 30 minutes straight without taking breaks and then edited out some parts so that it was just 10 minutes long instead you would have a much easier time capturing the information on your phone for later listening/reviewing purposes! 

If this is something that interests you then I recommend trying out some free trials first so that way no money will be lost if they aren’t something useful enough where people want them anymore when finished with their finished product(s) after completing whatever task(s) needed to be completed for them being able?

Make Sure Your Phone Fits Right

There are a few things to consider when choosing your next phone. First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure it fits well in your hand. 

The last thing you want is an ergonomic disaster that’s too big or too small for your grip, or one that has a screen so large that it crowds out all other important features (like buttons). You’ll also want to make sure it fits comfortably in your pocket without feeling bulky or getting caught on things like chair backs and door frames.

Finally, you should think about how easy the phone is going to be for you to use on a day-to-day basis ideally without any major hiccups because of its build quality or size constraints pushing against another feature (like battery life).

Avoid Multitasking

We’ve all heard the warning about multitasking, but it’s true: when you try to do more than one thing at a time, your brain gets overwhelmed. You start losing focus and forgetting things, which makes you less productive and efficient in every task you do. 

If you’re working from home, this can be especially bad because it means that taking care of tasks like running errands or getting groceries becomes much harder when there’s always something else on your mind!

To avoid multitasking altogether:

Make sure that whatever project or job you have is clear. If there’s any ambiguity or confusion about what needs to get done next, then it’s probably best not to start until those questions are answered.

Don’t take on too many different projects at once especially if they’re similar to different blog posts). 

Focus on getting one project finished before moving on to another one; after all, if one client wants an article tomorrow while another wants an essay next week and yet another wants something else as soon as possible that doesn’t leave much free time to work on all three pieces simultaneously!

Maternity leave doesn’t mean you have to put your freelance writing career on hold. Discover strategies and tips for freelancing while on maternity leave in our comprehensive guide on freelance writing during maternity leave. Continue pursuing your passion and earning income during this important time.

Weed Out The Unnecessary Apps

Once you’ve narrowed down the apps you need to keep, it’s time to weed out the rest.

Don’t use apps that are not useful. You should be able to tell if an app is useful or not by looking at it, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that every app is useful for everyone. 

For example, I don’t use [this specific app because I don’t have time to learn computer programming and I’m not interested in learning it; 

However, other people may find this type of software extremely helpful since they’re already familiar with coding languages and have wanted a way to create their applications without having to go through hours of tutorials or buy expensive software licenses just so they can write one program on their computer only once in their lifetime.

Don’t Use Your Phone To Wake Up, Turn Off Notifications At Night

There are a few ways you can avoid the temptation to use your phone as a nightlight. One is not using it at all. If you’ve got the willpower, this will be easiest for you. But if you don’t, here are some other options:

Use an alarm clock instead of your phone’s alarm. Alarm clocks can sound like a ringing horn or chirping birds or whatever else sounds pleasant and non-threatening in the morning hours and they don’t have screens that light up every time they go off!

Turn off notifications on your phone overnight so that it doesn’t wake up with every message, email, and social media notification that comes through when you’re trying to get some sleep (and turn them back on in the morning).

Use an app like Night Shift for iOS devices or Twilight for Android devices which automatically tints the screen of your device blue at night so that it won’t interrupt your rest with bright colors shining into your eyes.

Use Do Not Disturb modes on iPhones and Androids which allow users to silence notifications from specific apps (or all apps) between certain hours each night and also restrict incoming calls from certain individuals who always seem wrongfully convinced they have something urgent to tell us at 2 am.

Take Breaks, Set Limits On How Often You Check Email and Social Media

When you’re working in an open-concept office, it can be difficult to separate yourself from your co-workers. If you need a little space to focus on your work and get things done, our first tip is to set some boundaries. 

If possible, close your door or put up a “do not disturb” sign outside of it. If this isn’t an option (because remember: there’s no privacy or quiet when working from home), try setting up a physical barrier between yourself and others with something like cardboard boxes or pillows so that people can easily see that they should come back later without disturbing you.

Next up: take breaks! It’s easy for us freelancers who work from a phone with other distractions around us (like social media sites) to stay glued to our screens for hours on end without realizing how much time has passed. 

To avoid burnout and exhaustion, try setting a timer for 15 minutes every hour during which you’ll check emails only once before turning off notifications for 30 minutes so that responding doesn’t feel like such an urgent task after all!

Be Careful When Using Your Phone, But Use It Wisely

While phones are an incredibly useful tool for freelancers who work from home, it’s important to remember that using them isn’t without drawbacks. The constant temptation to check in with social media and email can lead to burnout and mistakes in your work.

To stay productive, try these tips:

Don’t use your phone as an alarm clock; set an actual alarm clock near your bed so you’ll have time to wake up without looking at the bright screen of your phone first thing in the morning.

Keep notifications turned off on the phone while you’re sleeping or when trying to relax during downtime (like reading a book). This will help ensure that you aren’t interrupted by alerts or notifications when trying to rest or relax, which can make it harder for you to fall asleep later on.

Take breaks from using technology every once in a while this includes both mental breaks where we step away from screens and physical ones where we take our fingers off of keyboards!

Before taking the leap into full-time freelancing, it’s essential to consider various aspects to ensure a smooth transition. Check out our list of 13 things to consider before quitting your day job to be well-prepared for this career change.


At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is how much work you put in and how efficiently you can manage your time. You are not less professional just because you work from your phone. But, it’s important to be mindful of distractions and stay on top of your responsibilities if you want to succeed as a freelancer.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for more tips and insights on working from home as a freelancer:

Work from Home Tips for Freelancers: Discover practical advice and strategies for maximizing productivity and maintaining work-life balance while working remotely.

Productivity Tips for Working from Home: Learn effective techniques and tools to boost your productivity and stay focused when working from home.

Work from Home Tips for Freelancers: Explore a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of remote work, including time management, workspace setup, and self-care tips.


Here are some frequently asked questions about working from home as a freelancer:

How can I create a productive work environment at home?

To create a productive work environment at home, designate a dedicated workspace, eliminate distractions, establish a routine, and ensure you have the necessary equipment and resources.

What are some effective time management strategies for freelancers working from home?

Some effective time management strategies for freelancers include setting clear goals and deadlines, prioritizing tasks, using time-tracking tools, and practicing effective scheduling and time blocking techniques.

How can I maintain work-life balance while working from home?

Maintaining work-life balance as a freelancer requires setting boundaries between work and personal life, establishing a schedule, taking regular breaks, and engaging in activities outside of work to recharge and relax.

What are some tips for staying motivated and focused when working from home?

To stay motivated and focused, create a daily routine, set realistic goals, break tasks into manageable chunks, eliminate distractions, and find ways to stay accountable, such as using productivity apps or working with an accountability partner.

How can I overcome feelings of isolation and stay connected as a freelancer working from home?

To overcome feelings of isolation, maintain regular communication with clients and colleagues through virtual meetings and networking events. Join online communities or freelancer groups to connect with like-minded professionals and participate in virtual co-working sessions.

Here are some of the most common questions we get from freelancers who work from their phones. If you have any other questions, please let us know!

Why Do I Need A Headset?

You need a headset so that you can hear your calls clearly and focus on the call rather than having to worry about what’s going on around you. It’ll also help prevent distractions from other people in your office or home.

What Kind Of Headset Should I Get?

There are several different types of headsets, but we recommend getting one with noise canceling features. This will help keep your callers from hearing background noise or any sounds around you (like dogs barking or children screaming). 

You’ll also want to make sure that the headset has a mute button so that you can turn off your microphone when needed (like if someone else comes into your office or if there’s an emergency).

How Do I Know Where To Find My Clients?

It’s easy to get started as a freelancer, but where do you find your first clients? The answer is everywhere! You can start by asking friends and family for referrals. 

You should also post on social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) about what you do and how you can help others like them. You’ll be surprised at how many people will respond with interest in your services.

How Much Should I Charge?

This is the most common question that new freelancers have and it’s one we’ve all asked ourselves before! There’s no easy answer here that will work for everyone, but generally speaking, the more experience and expertise you have in a field (or fields), the more money you can make by charging higher rates. 

If you’re just starting though, don’t be afraid to charge less than what other freelancers are charging in your area of expertise: just because someone else has been doing this longer than you doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily be better at it than you are!

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