Can You Make Money Freelancing While Traveling

Whether you’re a designer, photographer, or writer, there are lots of ways to make money freelancing while traveling. In this article, we’ll go over how to get started with the most common types of freelance jobs for travelers, including information on what skills you’ll need and where to look for work. 

We’ll also go over some tips and tricks (and warning signs) that may help you find your next gig or two.

How I Make Money While Traveling as a Freelance Copywriter
1. Freelancing can be a viable way to make money while traveling.
2. Building a strong portfolio is essential for attracting clients and securing freelance gigs.
3. Remote work and freelancing offer flexibility and the ability to work from anywhere with an internet connection.
4. Balancing work and travel requires careful planning and effective time management.
5. Diversifying income streams, such as through blogging or teaching, can enhance financial stability while traveling.

1. Get Your Finances In Order Before You Hit The Road

Before you go, make sure your finances are in order. You’ll need to have enough money for your next trip, as well as all the items on your visa checklist (so be sure you have this handy). 

If you get an assignment while away from home, remember that it can take a while for payment to arrive and if it doesn’t, it could be because of something as simple as an incorrect address or bank account number.

To avoid any surprises when they arise during travel and while freelancing abroad:

Get into the habit of keeping track of invoices and payments in one place (like Google Sheets). This way, if something goes wrong with a client or client payment method (like PayPal), there will be no question about who owes what to whom.

Use credit cards whenever possible since these offer better protection for purchases than debit cards do; however try not to spend more than what’s available on them so that there isn’t any wasted money due to insufficient funds later down the road.

Having a well-crafted portfolio is essential for landing freelancing gigs. Learn how to make a portfolio that gets you the job and showcases your skills and expertise. Check out our guide on how to make a portfolio that gets you the job to impress potential clients and boost your freelancing career.

2. Find Clients Before You Travel

Once you’ve decided to take the plunge and travel while freelancing, there are a few things you can do before leaving that will help ensure your success.

Find clients before you travel. When people think of freelancing, they often imagine working from beaches or cafes in exotic locales and this kind of work indeed has its perks (like location independence). 

However, if your goal is to make money while traveling as fast as possible, it’s best not to wait until after you’ve arrived at your destination before beginning the search for clients. 

Instead, start looking for work before you go that way, when it comes time for one or both parties in the relationship (you or your client) to meet up again after some time apart has passed since their last interaction together via phone/Skype calls or email exchange (or even a meeting face-to-face). 

Everything will already be set up so that business can continue seamlessly without any new introductions having been necessary first!

Don’t be afraid when asking friends/family who know someone who might need services like yours because all those connections add up quickly once everyone starts talking about what kind of jobs they’re doing nowadays! 

I need help finding more leads then try using social media networks where others might post information about potential openings if they had one themselves.”

3. Start A Blog Or Online Business

Another option for making money on the road is to start your own online business. This is especially helpful if you don’t have a specific skill set or you want to do something that won’t require as much training.

Hustling online is about creating something valuable and marketing it effectively from there, it’s up to you to figure out how to make money from it.

If you haven’t heard of this before, don’t worry! There are plenty of resources available on the internet (including this one) which will tell you everything you need to know about setting up an online business: how much time and effort it takes.

What specific skills are required for someone else (like me) who has never done anything like this before but wants nothing more than enjoying every moment while traveling around Europe with no responsibilities whatsoever…to get started right now!

Freelancing isn’t just a side gig; it can be a full-fledged career if approached strategically. Discover why freelancing isn’t a side gig and what you need to know if it’s your primary source of income. Dive into our insightful article on why freelancing isn’t a side gig to gain valuable insights and take your freelancing journey to the next level.

4. Explore Your Options For Digital Nomad Hubs

One of the most important things to consider before deciding on a remote job is where you want to work. The best places for digital nomads tend to be technologically advanced cities, that offer a high quality of life, and have an active community of other digital nomads.

Europe: Berlin, Barcelona, and Paris top many lists of great cities for freelancers.

Asia and Australia: Bangkok and Sydney are two popular destinations among digital nomads who want culture while they work remotely.

South America: Quito (Ecuador), Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Medellin (Colombia) are all great places for freelancers who love Latin American culture but don’t mind working from home or in coffee shops instead of co-working spaces.

5. Work At A Coworking Space Abroad To Network With Other Digital Nomads And Locals

Coworking spaces are a great way to network with other freelancers and locals. There are often cafés and restaurants nearby, so it’s easy to grab lunch or dinner in between working sessions. Coworking spaces are also usually located in central areas, which makes them easy to get around without needing a car (and therefore spending extra money on gas).

If you need more privacy than a coworking space can offer, consider renting an apartment or house with other digital nomads who are traveling in the same area as you. This is especially helpful if there’s someone else at home during the day who can watch the kids while you work!

6. Keep Up With The Local Tech Scene While You’re On The Road.

You can keep up with the local tech scene when you’re on the road by:

Finding local tech events and meetups. There are a lot of ways to do this, but my favorite is hanging out in cities’ Facebook groups (like one for “Baltimore Freelancers” or something). In these groups, people post about upcoming events that might be worth your time.

Following local technology bloggers and influencers on Twitter. If there’s someone out there who has an opinion about what’s going on locally in the world of tech, chances are good that at least one other person will follow them too and you’ll probably want to find out what they’re saying!

In some cases, keeping up with your community can make it easier for you to land jobs when you get back home again! Some clients love knowing that they’re dealing with freelancers who know their industry and its players/policies/etc., rather than anyone else they could find on Elance or Fiverr.

The rise of freelancing is reshaping the job market and opening up new opportunities for various professionals. Explore how freelancing is changing the kinds of people that get hired and the evolving landscape of work. Discover more in our comprehensive post on how freelancing is changing the kinds of people that get hired and stay ahead of the curve in the freelancing world.

7. Don’t Be Afraid To Try Something New!

I’d like to share a secret with you. This one is really important, and it will help you get started on your journey as a freelancer.

The secret? Don’t be afraid to try something new!

Yes, I know that sounds painfully obvious. But trust me when I say that many of us are so scared of failure that we don’t even give ourselves the chance to succeed. 

The worst thing that can happen if you try something new is not succeeding at it right away; but in fact, this will often lead you closer to what works for you. And then one day soon after maybe sooner than later you’ll find yourself getting more clients than ever before!

8. Access To Clients

To find clients, you’ll need to do some research. Figure out your target market and where they’re congregating online. Find out what tools they are using, who their influencers are, and what kinds of businesses they run this will help you understand how you can offer value to them.

Once you’ve identified the right kind of client for your business (or potential business), it’s time to get in touch with them. Look at their website or social media account and send an introductory email explaining why you think your skills would benefit their company or project. 

Be honest about what kind of work experience and expertise you have in this field, but also make sure that the amount is realistic enough for someone like yourself who doesn’t have any formal training yet! You don’t want anyone getting burned out from working too hard before even starting anything new!

If there’s any way possible within contract terms (especially if it involves payment), try asking if there’s any chance at all that they could hire someone else remotely while traveling instead? If people aren’t willing then just keep looking there’ll always be more places worth trying out down the road when necessary!

9. A Stable Internet Connection

Before you can make money freelancing while traveling, you need a stable Internet connection. There are two things to think about when choosing an Internet provider: what kind of Internet plan you want and how fast the connection is.

Choose Your Plan Wisely

The first thing to consider when choosing an Internet plan is how much data you need each month. 

[You’ll use this information later in this section.] If your travel plans include going abroad or moving around a lot, it may be worth paying extra for unlimited data so that there aren’t any surprise charges on your bill at the end of the month. If not, then go with whatever works best for your country and budget.

Maternity leave doesn’t mean you have to put your freelancing career on hold. There are ways you can continue freelancing while enjoying time with your newborn. Learn valuable tips and strategies in our guide on freelancing while on maternity leave to maintain your income, professional growth, and work-life balance during this special phase of life.

10. Flexibility

A freelancer’s schedule is flexible. It can be whatever you want it to be. You don’t have to sit in an office all day, with a certain number of hours allotted for lunch, and then back again for more work. 

You can work from anywhere that has an internet connection (you may not even need that). You can take breaks whenever you feel like it or when the weather is nice outside or if it isn’t, go outside anyway! 

And because you’re not tied down by anything but yourself and some computer files, your client’s schedule won’t dictate yours either; they’ll probably appreciate working with someone who understands how to work around their requirements instead of trying to fit into pre-determined time constraints.

And if family comes first? No problem! It’s easy for freelancers because we don’t have set hours or schedules; so long as there’s some overlap between our clients’ needs and our own lives, nothing stands in the way.

11. Consistency

Being consistent is key. Whether it’s with your work hours, your location, the quality of your work, or anything else consistency is essential.

Consistency requires you to establish a routine that works for you and stick with it. You also need to commit to doing things as scheduled at all times (even when life gets in the way). 

Consistent routines will help keep things organized and make sure nothing falls through the cracks which can lead to missed opportunities or getting behind on projects by clients if they pay per project rather than per hour.

Consistency means sticking with what works best for you while still being open enough to change course when necessary (if something isn’t working). 

It also means not getting stuck in one method that may have worked well at one point but no longer do so now because circumstances have changed drastically over time (e.g., going backpacking across Europe instead of staying put in NYC after graduating college).

Freelancing is not a sprint but a marathon, and it requires perseverance and resilience to succeed in the long run. Gain insights into the challenges and rewards of freelancing and discover strategies to stay motivated on your freelancing journey. Dive into our article on why freelancing isn’t a sprint but a marathon and learn how to build a sustainable and fulfilling freelancing career.


In short, you can make money freelancing while traveling. I’ve done it myself and have seen others do it as well. It does take some planning and preparation, but for those who are willing to put in the work, freelancing while traveling can be a highly rewarding experience. This is especially true if you want to become a digital nomad without having to quit your job or start a business

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that provide valuable insights on making money while traveling:

How to Make Money While Traveling: Discover various strategies and opportunities to earn an income while exploring the world.

How to Make Money While Traveling the World: Learn practical tips and real-life experiences from seasoned travelers on how to sustain your travels financially.

Ways to Make Money While Traveling: Explore different methods and creative ways to fund your travel adventures while embracing unique opportunities along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Make Money Freelancing While Traveling?

Yes! You can earn money from your skills, whether you’re working from a beach or a hotel room.

How Much Money Can I Make?

Depending on your skills and the types of projects you work on, anywhere from $100 to $1,000+ per week is possible. It all depends on how much time you put in and what kind of projects you pick.

How Do I Get Started?

First, consider what kind of freelance work you want to do. Are you a writer? A coder? A designer? A photographer? Then it’s time to start looking for clients! That’s where Upwork comes in they’re one of the biggest freelancer platforms out there, and they have tons of opportunities available right now (including some great ones for writers). 

Once you have found some work that interests you and/or pays well enough for what it is (remember: this isn’t about getting rich quick), then all that’s left is filling out an application form and waiting for your client to accept or reject it! If they accept it then boom: You’ve got yourself a gig.

How Do I Get Started Freelancing?

First, you’ll need to choose a niche. If you’re traveling and have limited time, it might be best to start with something that doesn’t require much research or time investment, like proofreading. 

Once you’ve gotten some experience under your belt, though, you can branch out into other areas of writing or editing just make sure that whatever you choose is something you’re interested in! You’ll be working on these projects for a long time (if not forever), so they must be something you feel passionate about.

What Kind Of Work Should I Expect?

Freelancing isn’t glamorous; while most people think of freelancers as sitting at home in their pajamas all day drinking coffee and surfing the web, most freelance projects involve a lot of research and writing by hand (or with dictation software). 

It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours depending on what type of project it is. Some clients might send back revisions every few days while others will only request one revision before publishing the final product. Some clients might ask for an entire

What Is The Most Important Thing To Do Before You Start Freelancing?

You will want to make sure that your social media presence is in order. You can use [product name] to make sure all of your profiles are up to date and that they reflect the kind of work that you do best.

How Do I Get Clients?

There are so many ways to find clients, but one of the best places to start is with your network. People who know what you do and like it will be more inclined to hire you, so it’s important to build relationships with people in your industry who are likely to be hiring soon.

How Much Money Can I Make?

This depends on how much time and effort you put into finding clients and how much money those clients are willing to pay for your services.

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