Things To Include In Press Releases To Get Maximum Impact

You’ve worked hard on your press release. You’ve spent countless hours crafting the perfect angle, and you’re ready to share it with the world. But before you send your release off into the ether, take a moment to review these tips on how to write a good one you’ll be glad you did!

How To Write Perfect Press Releases With Steven Lewis
1. Craft attention-grabbing headlines.
2. Start with a compelling opening paragraph.
3. Include key details and relevant statistics.
4. Incorporate quotes from credible sources.
5. Highlight the value and benefits of your news.
6. Provide contact information for media inquiries.
7. Optimize for search engines with relevant keywords.
8. Keep the press release concise and focused.
9. Use multimedia elements like images and videos.
10. Follow the appropriate press release format and style.

Make Sure Your Angle Is Newsworthy

What’s the difference between a press release and an advertisement? It’s simple: in a press release, you’re trying to get media outlets to cover something not buy something. If they do not cover what you are writing about, then it’s wasted effort. 

To be successful with this step, make sure your angle is newsworthy. That means that you need to be aware of what’s happening in the news at any given time (or about to happen) and address it by addressing a problem or opportunity that people care about or might want help solving/realizing their potential for. For example.

Crafting press releases that capture attention and spread like wildfire in the digital realm requires a mix of strategy and creativity. Learn the art of creating press releases that go viral to make a lasting impact.

Always Answer The 5 Ws And How

One of the most important things you can do to ensure that your press release is successful is to answer the five Ws and H. What is the story about? What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? How did it happen?

When writing your press release, remember that you’re not just putting together information for someone else you are also creating a document that will inform future decisions on what type of information should be included in future releases. 

If you don’t include this kind of detail or don’t do so in a clear way, then readers might have trouble understanding why they should care about what you’re saying.

Use Concise, Direct Sentences And Paragraphs

Use concise, direct sentences and paragraphs. Using short sentences and paragraphs will keep the reader’s attention and make the information easy to digest.

Use bullet points to highlight important points and subheadings to break up large sections of text. If a point can be made in one sentence or paragraph, then it should be made there instead of using a bulleted list or subheading for it later on.

Make sure that all words are spelled correctly and punctuation is used correctly throughout your entire piece (yes, this includes commas). 

This will catch readers’ attention from the get-go; if they see that you care about your work enough to proofread it properly, they’ll know that they can trust what you’re telling them; plus, having typos will distract people from reading further into your press release!

Startup ventures often struggle to make their mark in the competitive landscape, and effective press releases can be a game-changer. Discover essential tips for writing press releases for startups to maximize your outreach and recognition.

Keep Your Pitch To 3-4 Paragraphs (Ideally 2-3)

Include a hook and summary in the first paragraph. The hook should be something catchy and compelling that will draw readers in and get them interested in what you’re saying. Then, sum up the rest of your message in one or two sentences, so there’s no confusion about what you’re trying to say.

List key benefits for the reader. What are some things about your product/service that make it attractive? This is where you can include any research or data from surveys or studies that show how much people love something about what you offer.

End with a call-to-action (CTA). At this point, you want readers to take action whether it’s downloading an app or visiting an online store so tell them what they need to do next so they can complete their purchase/sign up, etc., then repeat this information at the bottom of every page where it appears throughout the press release too!

Include quotes from partners and customers using language they’d use themselves when describing how awesome working with them has been.”

Don’t Forget The Boilerplate

The boilerplate is the introduction section of a press release. It’s where you identify yourself and your company by name and title, explain why you’re issuing the press release, and provide contact information for any follow-up questions. 

Boilerplate can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be the important thing is not to get too wordy or complicated boilerplate should be short and sweet so that journalists can easily skim through it without losing interest in what they’re reading.

Because boilerplate is so critical to communicating basic information about your business, it needs to be consistent across all of your press releases. 

This means using the same phrasing (and spelling) every time you issue a new release so that reporters can easily compare past releases with current ones; otherwise, each reporter will have their idea of what goes into this section when writing their story about your company!

Keep Your Submission Timely

You should also keep in mind that your press release should be timely. That is, it should be relevant to the current news cycle. 

If you submit your press release too early, it will become outdated by the time it’s published and could even get overlooked entirely. On the other hand, if you send out a press release too late even just one day later your story may already have been picked up by another outlet and lost its novelty value.

Navigating the world of small business press releases can be an enlightening journey, filled with lessons and insights. Explore the 7 things I learned after writing 1000 press releases for small businesses, and gain valuable knowledge for your own endeavors.

Write As You Speak

If a PR person tells you that writing as you speak is the key to effective press releases, they’re right. It’s one of the most important tips I can give you.

Use the same tone and language you would use in person: If someone wants to know more about what you’re doing or what your company does, they may be reading your press release out of curiosity or because they need it for reference later on. 

They want to know what’s going on in an easy-to-understand way so they can make informed decisions about whether they should care at all.

Use contractions: People speak with contractions things like “I’m,” “can’t,” and “don’t.” You should write them too! 

Contractions sound less formal than their non-contracted counterparts and help keep things conversational without sounding too casual (which could come across as unprofessional). For example, instead of writing “We have done” write “We’ve done.” It adds emphasis but still reads smoothly enough not to be distracting from your message or content.

Use Active Voice

The second thing to keep in mind is that your press release should be written in an active voice. Active voice is more direct and engaging than passive voice, which can make it harder to read. It’s also easier to tell who is doing what, which makes your message clearer for readers. 

In other words, if you want people to get the most out of your press release, write in active voice instead of passive voice!

Stick To One Topic Per Press Release

This will help you focus on getting your message across, and it can also help you avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information. 

If multiple things are happening at once, then consider breaking down each event into its own individual story and releasing a press release for each one of them but be careful not to confuse readers by releasing multiple press releases that cover the same topic but don’t add anything new or important.

Use subheadings, bullet points, and headlines to break up the text and highlight key points.

You can use subheadings (the title above each paragraph) as an opportunity to summarize important information contained in that paragraph; they’re also an easy way for people scanning through their emails or social media feeds to navigate quickly through long pieces of text without losing track of what they’re reading about halfway down the page (or screen).

Bullet points are another great way for writers who aren’t used to writing in this style format yet they allow them not only to focus on getting their message across clearly but also minimize potential errors made while typing out long sentences full of commas! 

Headlines should always be short so as not to divert attention away from other more important parts such as subheadings etcetera.

In the realm of content marketing, press releases often stand out as powerful tools for brand visibility and engagement. Discover the reasons why press release writing should be a vital part of your content marketing strategy and make your message heard.

Be Specific With Metrics And Statistics

Be specific with metrics and statistics. Data is the foundation of any press release, so be sure to give your data as much context as possible. 

If you’re quoting a statistic from an outside source, provide links to that source so the reader can investigate further. If the data comes from your company, make sure it doesn’t just say “we tripled sales over last year” if you’re basing this on estimates or projections. 

And don’t quote percentages of revenue growth without providing actual numbers; otherwise, I’d have no idea how big or small this increase in sales was!

Provide sources for all claims made in the release (including quotes), especially if they’re opinionated ones that could potentially be controversial or misleading (like “this product tastes better than any other”). 

Your brand will look more credible overall when readers see where the information came from instead of having to guess what may or may not be true based solely on their own opinions about whether something tastes good enough for them personally and there’s nothing wrong with being transparent about what facts are verified by whom!

Always Include Credible Sources When Backing Up Claims

Don’t forget to cite your sources. If you’re writing about a scientific study, for example, it’s important to provide the appropriate information so that readers can track down the source of data. 

When citing sources in PR releases and other content marketing pieces, be sure to include a link back to that source so readers can easily access it (and so they know where they came from).

Including credible sources is just one way you can convince journalists and media outlets that your claims are true.

Avoid Jargon And Technical Terms When Possible

When you write a press release, use simple language and avoid jargon. Jargon is the technical terminology that is unique to specific industries, such as banking or medicine. Technical terms can be confusing for non-experts to understand and might limit your audience’s understanding of what your business does.

Your objective is to write in such a way that people outside of your industry will understand what you mean and be interested in learning more about it. When writing your press releases, avoid using technical terms or acronyms if possible (for example “CMO” instead of chief marketing officer). 

This will help ensure that a wider audience will read them and learn about your business.

Be As Transparent As Possible, While Staying On Topic.

This is a press release, so there are a few rules to follow. You must be honest and upfront while still staying on topic. Avoid hyperbole and don’t use jargon unless it’s necessary for the reader to understand what you’re saying or if the audience is already familiar with it. 

One way to do this is by using headlines (H1-H4 tags) along with subheadings within paragraphs to make sure everything has context and consistency in its flow. 

Don’t make claims that can’t be proven; don’t try making excuses for why things went wrong; don’t use passive voice or buzzwords; don’t make assumptions about your readers’ level of knowledge just give them what they need!

Take Advantage Of Social Media To Reach A Wider Audience

Social media is a great way to promote your press release and engage with your audience. You can also use social media to gather feedback from readers, drive traffic back to your website, or build your brand.

Use Facebook and Twitter as platforms for the promotion. Posting the link on Facebook and Twitter allows you to reach a wider audience while also building up awareness of any new products or services you have available.

Get involved in other communities via forums and groups on LinkedIn, Reddit, etc., where people are discussing similar topics related to yours (this is especially helpful if you’re trying to get some exposure). This will help spread your name around these communities and once again make sure everyone knows who you are!

Keep It Professional But Friendly, Like You’re Speaking Directly To The Reader

Your press release should be clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid jargon and technical terms that may confuse your readers. For example, if you’re an insurance company, don’t use the word “claims” in your press release when you are referring to “claimants”. 

It’s also important to keep it professional yet friendly as if you were speaking directly to the reader.

How do you write as you speak? Well, first of all, don’t write like a robot or textbook! Use active voice instead of passive voice so it flows better and keeps your reader’s attention higher up on their “interest meter”. 

Also, avoid using too many long sentences; break them down into smaller ones with direct sentences and paragraphs so they’re easy for readers who skim read (which most do).

Also, remember that people tend not to care much about what they don’t know or understand so try making sure everything is concrete and specific with metrics/statistics rather than just saying how things went well without any tangible evidence backing up that claim.”

Small businesses need effective communication strategies to get noticed by their target audience. Uncover the steps to write a compelling press release tailored specifically for your small business, and make a big impact in your industry.

Proofread Several Times Before Sending Out Your Press Release For Review

Proofread your press release at least three times.

Spellcheckers, grammar checkers, and readability analyzers all have their uses, but they’re not designed to catch everything you need them to. 

A style checker can help you avoid some common errors in punctuation and capitalization; a content checker will flag any phrases that look like they were lifted from another source without attribution; a plagiarism checker will tell you if someone else has written something similar before.

And of course, a translation tool is useful for finding out if your news release has been translated into another language by a machine or by human beings who are not native speakers of English (or whatever language your company speaks).


Press releases are a great way to get your business in front of new audiences and build up credibility. But they can be intimidating to write, which is why we’ve provided some tips here on what you should include in your press release to make sure that it has maximum impact.

Further Reading

Crafting a Compelling Press Release: A Comprehensive Guide Short Description: Learn the ins and outs of creating a compelling press release with this comprehensive guide, covering essential elements, best practices, and effective templates.

Mastering the Art of Writing Press Releases Short Description: Dive into the art of writing impactful press releases through this insightful guide, offering tips, techniques, and real-world examples to help you craft compelling narratives.

Writing Press Releases that Get Noticed Short Description: Make your press releases stand out with this guide that delves into the strategies and tactics needed to write releases that capture attention and resonate with your audience.


How do I create an attention-grabbing press release?

Crafting an attention-grabbing press release involves focusing on a captivating headline, concise and engaging content, and incorporating relevant quotes and statistics to support your story.

What elements should I include in a press release for maximum impact?

To achieve maximum impact, ensure your press release includes a compelling headline, a concise and informative opening paragraph, key details, quotes from relevant sources, and your contact information for media inquiries.

How can press releases contribute to my content marketing strategy?

Press releases can bolster your content marketing efforts by generating brand visibility, building authority in your industry, and creating opportunities for media coverage and backlinks.

Are there any specific guidelines for writing press releases for startups?

Writing press releases for startups requires highlighting unique value propositions, showcasing innovative solutions, and providing a clear understanding of how your startup addresses market needs.

How can I measure the success of my press release?

Tracking metrics like media coverage, website traffic, social media engagement, and lead generation can help you assess the success of your press release in terms of reach and impact.