Writing a video script can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is knowing your audience, what you’re trying to accomplish, and how to make all that come together in an effective way.
This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step so that you’ll have a better understanding of how to write a video script.
Takeaways |
1. Learn how to structure a compelling video script effectively. |
2. Understand the importance of engaging storytelling techniques. |
3. Craft a powerful call-to-action to drive desired audience actions. |
4. Tailor your video script to resonate with your target audience. |
5. Use visuals and interactive elements to maintain audience engagement. |
Know Your Audience
Before you write your script, you need to know who is going to be watching it. That’s because what works for one person might not work for another.
Let’s talk about some of the critical elements that make a video script compelling and engaging:
Know their problems. If possible, try to find out exactly what the problem(s) they are facing/are before writing your script so you can address them directly in the video itself.
It can also be helpful to identify whether there are multiple problems (or pain points) that need resolving by answering these questions: What does their customer think?
When do they feel this way? How often do they feel this way? Where does this feeling come from? Why does it happen? How long has it been happening for? What else happens when this happens?
By understanding these questions, you’ll have more insight into how people experience a problem and what kinds of solutions would help them and thus better understand how effective your video could be at addressing those problems.
Are you struggling to structure your video script effectively? Learn how to write a compelling video script with examples and improve your storytelling game. Check out our detailed guide on how to write a video script with examples to create engaging and impactful videos.
Figure Out What You’re Trying To Accomplish
Once you’ve made a list of all the things that are important to you, the next step is to figure out what your audience needs and wants.
This means doing some research on who your target audience is and what they’re looking for in a video script.
If you’re creating an explainer video for new clients, then it’s likely that they want to learn more about your service or product if not just stay informed about what’s going on in the industry.
You’ll also want to look at similar videos from other companies that have already been produced so you can see how they’ve handled these topics and keep this information in mind as you write yours.
The goal here is to know exactly what kind of information people will be expecting from this video (and where) so that when writing starts later, there won’t be any surprises or awkward transitions between sections when viewing it yourself or with others later on down the line!
Some other factors worth considering include whether or not there are any legal restrictions on what kind of content can be shared publicly (e.g., trademarked materials).
How much time/money resources are allotted for this project may limit certain aspects such as budgeting equipment rental costs/space rentals etcetera…
There are also many different types of formats available at various costs depending upon which one best suits our needs?”
Make A Video Script Outline
You want to make sure that you are creating a video that is clear, easy to understand and delivers your message effectively. In order for this to happen, you will need a well-written script.
A good way of starting the writing process is by making an outline or storyboard of your whole video. This guide will show you how to do just that!
Don’t let your video scripts fall flat! Discover valuable techniques to write video scripts that captivate your audience and drive conversions. Explore our guide on how to write video scripts that will boost conversions and take your marketing efforts to the next level.
Don’t Make A 30-Second Video If You Need 60 Seconds
“The only thing that should matter is the story you want to tell, and how long it takes,” says Cole.
If you need 90 seconds to make your point, then use 90 seconds. If you need a minute and a half, go for it. Don’t be afraid of going over time because if it’s important enough to say, then it’s worth saying in detail!
It’s not just about what goes into each script (length). It’s also about how many scripts there are.*
You might have read in some places that 30-second videos perform better than 60-second videos. There are others who say that longer videos perform better than shorter ones. According to Cole: “This isn’t actually true.”
The key takeaway here is that more isn’t always better when it comes to video length; quality matters more than quantity!
Keep It Simple And Short
- Keep it simple. Be clear, and don’t use fancy words that you only read in novels.
- Keep it short. Make sure the script is under two minutes long, otherwise viewers won’t bother to watch the whole thing.
- Keep it interesting. Use interesting language and try to make your video stand out from the rest by making it unique or surprising people with something humorous or unexpected (but not offensive).
- Keep it relevant to your audience’s interests/needs/goals etc., otherwise, they won’t care about what you’re saying anyway!
It doesn’t matter how perfectly crafted your message is if they don’t relate to what you’re trying to say at all–so make sure before writing anything down that there’s an audience out there who would want this kind of information right now!
If not then maybe try a different subject matter later when more people may be interested…the truth is sometimes hard but no one wants boring content either so make sure if possible each person will feel like their time was well spent watching these videos since they’ll need some kind of reward after going through such effort watching them all day every day.
While working away at their jobs as well as taking care of other responsibilities like cooking meals for themselves or taking care of children too young yet old enough (read: teenagers) who need extra guidance now more than ever before.
Because our country could go under soon due sometimes circumstances beyond anyone’s control including yours own personal choices which means those decisions we made earlier today might end up being wrong after tomorrow morning so let me tell you one thing:
If we don’t fix these problems soon then nothing else matters anymore because everyone dies eventually anyways whether sooner today instead later tomorrow night which means none of us really know when exactly.
This world will end but since we have many years left before dying ourselves lets hope together until then anyway so long story short please keep reading below text here onscreen now scrolling down slowly.”
Want to create video content that sells like hotcakes? Unlock the secrets of crafting persuasive video scripts that convert viewers into customers. Dive into our ultimate guide on video scripts that sell and become a master video creator.
Find The Balance Between The Value Of Information
As a video writer, you need to find the balance between the value of information and the length of your script. If you give too much information, you will lose your audience’s attention. This can cause them to stop watching before they have learned everything they came for.
However, if you don’t provide enough information in each sentence, your viewers won’t be able to follow along with what is happening onscreen and might feel as though there isn’t much value in watching it at all.
The key is finding that sweet spot where each sentence gives just enough value while also keeping things moving forward at a good pace.
Add Links To The Full Version For People Who Want To Learn More
Don’t Include Links To The Full Version If It’s Not Necessary
If you want people to watch your video, but don’t want them to leave the page after viewing it, then it would be best not to link them away from your site.
This will keep them engaged with your content and increase their likelihood of reading or viewing more of what you have available on that page.
Do Include Links If They’re Relevant And Helpful For Viewers
If there are any additional resources or information related to this topic that might be useful for viewers who want more depth on specific topics discussed in your video (or even just general information).
Then linking those resources can be a great way of providing value while still keeping people engaged with your content! Just make sure they don’t distract too much from the main point of what is being said in order not lose their attention span 🙂
Use A Conversational Tone In Your Scripts
When writing video scripts, it’s important to remember that you’re trying to help your viewers understand what to do and how to do it. Write in a conversational tone that makes reading your script easy and enjoyable.
You should be clear, concise and easy-to-read in order for viewers to absorb the information quickly.
A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn’t naturally say it in conversation with someone else…don’t write it!
Don’t use jargon (words or phrases used by specific groups within an industry) unless you’re sure everyone knows what they mean. Also avoid long sentences that start with “it” (i.e., “It’s important…”)
Since this usually indicates unclear thinking on the part of the writer; instead, break up these sentences into shorter ones so they’re easier for readers to follow along with while watching videos online or reading text documents on their phones/tablets/computers etcetera).
Words Matter… So Choose Them Well
Words matter. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, but it’s important that you choose your words carefully. You don’t want to be seen as a person who doesn’t know how to use language properly and that can happen if you’re not careful about what words you use.
Here are some tips for choosing strong, memorable language:
Use active voice: “The rain poured down” vs “The rain fell from the sky.” The first one has more of an impact because we’re told what happened and how it did so (in this case, water falling).
The second sentence leaves us with more questions about why this happened or who was responsible for causing it (was there another force at work?).
Avoid jargon and insider language: Don’t use “think tank” when referring to yourself; instead say “we” or “us.” The same goes for other types of business jargon like “we’ll look into this”; try something like “let’s investigate this issue further.”
Jargon makes your writing sound robotic and unnatural and no one wants their writing experience ruined by those kinds of things!
Whether you’re a newbie or an aspiring pro in scriptwriting, our comprehensive guide has got you covered. Learn everything you need to know about scriptwriting, from the basics to advanced techniques. Explore the ultimate guide to script writing and start your journey towards becoming a skilled screenwriter.
Avoid Jargon And “Insider” Language In Your Video Scripts
Jargon is the use of technical words or expressions that are not easily understood by those outside of an industry or profession.
For example, a medical professional would be unlikely to use the word “blood pressure” when prescribing medication; instead, he or she might write “take one tablet daily for three weeks.”
Although this instruction makes sense to medical professionals, many people without medical training would find it difficult to understand.
Similarly, insider language is another way for you to get confused with your audience if you’re not careful! Insiders can include anyone who works in the same industry as you do particularly if they know more about what they do than most people would ever want them to know!
Use The Active Voice In Your Video Scripts
The active voice is more direct, clear and powerful than passive voice. It’s easier to understand because it’s without unnecessary words.
In a sentence in the active voice, you see:
- A subject performing an action (who did what)
- A direct object receiving the action (which thing was done)
Here’s an example of a sentence in the active voice: “I found my keys.”
In this case, “I” is the subject who performed the action (“found”), while “my keys” are receiving that very same action.
Make Good Use Of Transitional Words And Phrases In Your Video Scripts
Transitional words and phrases are a great way to help your readers understand the connection between ideas. You can also use them to help organize your thoughts as you write.
For instance, instead of writing “I am going to talk about how I wrote this script,” try using a transitional word or phrase like “in other words” or “for example.”
This will make it easier for someone reading your script to know what you mean when you say something like “however,” because they know that whatever comes next is an exception or contradiction to what came before it.
Transitional words and phrases are especially useful in video scripts, because they provide clarity and ease when communicating with people who aren’t familiar with the content of each section.
Instead of simply stating that there are four sections in your video (which may not be clear from context), you can use transitional phrases such as “Next” or “in conclusion.”
A Good Video Script Template Makes Writing Easier
Another way to ensure you have a great video script is to use one of the many excellent video script templates available online. The more complex your video content, the more important it is that you use a solid template.
Here are some reasons why they’re worth your while:
A good template makes writing easier by organizing your thoughts and keeping everything consistent. A well-crafted script will help you stay on point and avoid rambling off topic, which can be hard to do when you’re in front of the camera or microphone.
It also helps keep things clear and consistent so that viewers understand what they’re seeing/hearing without asking questions or making assumptions about any ambiguous parts of what’s being communicated.*
Are you new to video script writing and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Fear not! Our beginner’s guide is here to lead you through the process step by step. Delve into the beginner’s guide to video script writing and kick-start your video creation journey with confidence.
Use Quotes In Your Video Scripts To Add Credibility
Quotes are a great way to add credibility to your scripts, because they help the audience connect with someone whose opinion is important. Quotes can be used to introduce a new topic or idea and add depth to your script.
If you are writing about something that has been covered before, use quotes from other people who have already written about that subject.
This way, your video will be considered more credible by the viewer. If you are covering an unfamiliar topic or idea (e.g., “How to make peanut butter cookies”), then include quotes from experts in their field (i.e., chefs) who know how best to make them.
Also consider using quotes from people who are not famous but understand what makes for good content.
Start With A Bang — But Keep It Real
Start with a bang. But keep it real.
The first thing you need to do when writing a video script is grab the attention of your audience and draw them in, and there’s nothing better for doing this than starting with a bang:
An exciting moment from the plot or something unexpected that happens to set up everything else that follows (think Memento’s opening scene).
But don’t let your story get too far off track by adding in any unnecessary elements just for the sake of being shocking.
Even though this might seem like common sense advice, there are plenty of aspiring writers who will try anything to make sure they stand out from the crowd and this often leads them astray.
It’s fine if your story doesn’t start with a huge plot twist or action sequence (especially since not every script has room for that), but keep in mind that people want something relatable as well;
Otherwise, they won’t be invested enough in what happens next so that they’ll continue watching until the end (or even finish!).
Tell A Story; Don’t Just Provide Facts And Figures
Tell a story. Instead of just providing facts and figures, tell a story. Use examples, metaphors and analogies to illustrate your point.
Use anecdotes to show how customers have benefited from your product or service, or what the benefits are for prospects who choose your product or service over the competition’s.
Use stories about people who have used your product or service successfully in the past and then ask yourself if that story should be told through video as well?
Find testimonials. Find testimonials from actual customers who have used your product or service successfully in the past—and then ask yourself if those testimonials should be told through video as well.
Everyone Loves To Plant Seeds Of Curiosity… So Plant One
The best way to get people interested in your video is to plant the seeds of curiosity. When you’re creating your script, ask yourself:
- How can I make this video interesting?
- What questions do people have about what I’m talking about?
- What’s the most important thing they need to know now?
- How can I plant that seed of interest in their minds?
Planting the seed is especially important if you want them to take action based on what they see.
For example, if you want them to sign up for your newsletter, you should explicitly ask them at some point in the video whether or not they’re interested and give them an option like “Yes! Sign me up!”
The more clear and direct you are with asking for their email address or something else that requires a response from them and giving them an easy way to take action the better chance that they’ll actually do it after watching your video (and before closing the tab).
Write Like You Talk But Write It Down First
The first step is to write your script out longhand. You can’t just type it, or use a word processor, and worry about spelling, grammar and formatting later on — because if you do that, you’ll end up with a big mess of half-written scripts that are hard to read when they’re finished.
Instead of worrying about how long it will take to write — either because you’re typing up a rough draft or adding notes in the margins of another piece of paper — simply write at whatever speed feels natural for you.
It’s safe to say that most people have a love-hate relationship with video scripting. On one hand, it can be incredibly frustrating and time-consuming. On the other hand, it’s an essential part of creating good videos.
If you’re going through this struggle too, remember that the only way out is through — so keep at it! If anything, we hope that these tips help you find some peace in your writing process so that you can focus on creating quality content for your viewers or customers.
Further Reading
How to Write a Video Script: A Comprehensive Guide by HubSpot: HubSpot provides a comprehensive guide on crafting compelling video scripts, covering all the essential elements to engage your audience effectively.
Mastering the Art of Video Script Writing by Synthesia: Synthesia offers insights and tips to help you master the art of video script writing, enabling you to create professional and impactful videos.
How to Write a Video Script: The Ultimate Guide by Motif Motion: Motif Motion’s ultimate guide equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to write exceptional video scripts that resonate with your viewers.
What are the key elements of a well-crafted video script?
A well-crafted video script typically includes a clear message, engaging storytelling, a compelling call-to-action, and a strong understanding of the target audience.
How do I maintain audience engagement throughout the video?
To keep the audience engaged, consider using visuals, varying the pacing, adding interactive elements, and addressing pain points or emotions that resonate with the viewers.
Should I memorize the script or use a teleprompter?
It depends on your comfort level and the nature of the video. Memorizing the script can make the delivery more natural, while a teleprompter can ensure precise delivery for longer scripts.
How long should a video script be for different platforms?
The ideal video script length varies based on the platform and content type. Generally, shorter scripts work better for social media, while longer scripts are suitable for in-depth explanations or tutorials.
How can I measure the success of a video script?
Track metrics such as view count, watch time, click-through rate, and conversions to assess the success of your video script in achieving its intended goals.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.