Have you ever clicked on a video and found yourself watching it on autoplay? Or maybe you’ve scrolled through your newsfeed and watched a video without even realizing it. It’s easy to see why: videos are engaging, fun, and full of information.
But if you’re writing an explainer or product description script for a piece of content marketing, let me ask you this: have you ever thought about how that same level of engagement might translate into your blog post?
If not, it’s time to start thinking about it because stats show that videos can boost conversion rates by up to 80%.
Takeaway |
Craft a compelling and engaging storyline |
Understand your target audience |
Incorporate persuasive calls-to-action |
Use visuals to enhance the message |
Keep the script concise and focused |
Practice and refine your delivery |
Test and iterate for better results |
Aim to evoke emotions and connect with viewers |
Address pain points and offer solutions |
End with a strong and memorable closing |
Create A Template
Creating a template is a great way to kickstart the process. It’s the fastest and easiest way to get started, and it can help you create a consistent look and feel across all your videos, as well as a consistent flow from start to finish.
If you want to do it right, three main areas need attention when writing a video script: message/message strategy (all about your audience), tone (how do you want people to feel about your company and brand?).
And flow (the order in which things should be communicated). We call these “the 3 T’s” because they are so important for creating successful video content.
Writing compelling video scripts is essential for social media marketing success. Discover the art of crafting engaging scripts in a fun and easy way with our guide on how to write video scripts for social media marketing. Engage your audience like never before!
Nail Down Your Purpose
Nail down your purpose. What is the purpose of this video? Why are you creating it? What is its objective?
Not only should you answer these questions at the beginning of your writing process, but also throughout it. As we mentioned before, every word in a script matters and can either make or break conversions.
If a customer isn’t engaged with what they’re reading then they won’t be engaged with your product or service either.
That’s why it’s important to keep on track as you write you need to ensure that each line serves a purpose within the flow of your script and supports its overall message.
Address The Audience
When writing your script, it’s important to address the audience in a way that makes them feel like you know them and are speaking directly to them. Here are some tips for doing so:
- Use “you” as much as possible
- Avoid second person (“you”) unless necessary (like when talking about a specific product, service, or solution)
- Use “we” instead of “I” whenever possible. This helps you avoid sounding like a megalomaniacal dictator with no respect for anyone else’s point of view or opinion
Write A Compelling Introduction
The introduction is the first part of your video script, and it’s the most important. The purpose of an introduction is to grab your audience’s attention and make them want to watch what you have to offer.
It’s also critical that a compelling introduction sparks their curiosity and makes them want to keep watching. Your job as a writer is to get people interested in what you have to say right off the bat don’t bore them with mundane facts or details about yourself or your company!
This can be hard for new writers who aren’t used to writing scripts for videos, but don’t worry; we’ll show you how with some examples below.
A boring opening isn’t just bad because it doesn’t interest anyone; there are some real consequences as well: According to one study from Ad Age, 32% of viewers clicked away from videos that started with boring intros (1).
That means if someone doesn’t immediately feel motivated by your opening line, they’re going somewhere else instead and that could mean lost sales or leads for your business!
Crafting a video script that stands out from the competition requires careful planning and creativity. Our article on Video Script Writing Tips That’ll Make You Stand Out from the Rest offers expert advice to help you make an impact with your video content.
Create A Slideshow Of Big Ideas
One of the best ways to share your big ideas is with a slideshow. Think about it: How many times have you seen an article headline, read the first couple of paragraphs, and thought, “This sounds interesting but I don’t have time to read all this now?”
If this happens to you (and it happens often!), then a slideshow is the perfect solution. Slideshows make it easy for people to understand what they need to know to get started on their journey toward understanding your big idea.
They also leave room at the end of each slide where they can write down notes or ask questions that will help them better understand how they might apply these concepts to their life.
Keep It Short And To The Point
Video scripts should be written in a conversational style, with plenty of white space, but still, be concise. You don’t want your video to feel like an infomercial, nor do you want it to feel like a novel.
The key is to strike a balance between being conversational and professional while still using language that is easy for your target audience to understand.
Use a tone that is friendly, but not too familiar (i.e., you wouldn’t say “Hey guys”). You also want your tone to be confident without being arrogant or boring!
Don’t Be Afraid To Be Funny With It
Don’t be afraid to be funny with it. It’s all about finding that perfect balance of wit and insight, so as not to offend your audience but also keep them engaged. You want them laughing at your script, but not at the expense of their intelligence or good taste.
You can be humorous without being cheesy by using your words carefully, choosing specific phrases that have clear connotations and will evoke a smile in those who hear them, while remaining appropriate for the type of video you’re creating and the tone you want to set.
The trick is finding just the right amount of humor too much and your audience may feel overwhelmed;
Too little and they won’t see why they should care about what you’re saying or care enough about what they’re watching long enough for it to convert into something meaningful (like email signup).
If you’re having trouble figuring out how much humor works best for what kind of video script, consider these examples:
To ensure your video script is on point, use our comprehensive video script writing tips checklist. From crafting a captivating storyline to refining the dialogues, this checklist covers all the essential elements to create a winning video.
Write In An Easily Spoken Manner
The best way to write a script is to make it sound like you’re talking to your audience, not writing down their names on the top of the page. This means using simple words, short sentences, and simple structure.
Choose the simplest word that conveys what you want to say instead of longer alternatives (e.g., use “fast” instead of “rapidly”). Write in short sentences that are easier for people’s brains to digest than long ones (e.g., “I love products like X.” vs., “I love products such as X.”)
And keep sentences as simple as possible the longer they are, the harder they are for people’s brains to process quickly and accurately (e.g., “It’s been my experience that…” vs “It’s my experience that…).
Keep It Conversational
Use the word “you.” This is the most important tip I can give you. The word “you” is a powerful dynamic word because it makes the script sound more conversational and personal.
When writing, ask yourself: would I use this sentence in my conversation? If not, then don’t use it in your video script either.
Use second person language instead of the third person when you talk about your audience. “You” is an excellent tool because it makes your script feel more intimate and real by using second-person language (the pronouns “you,” “your,” etc.).
Using the third person when talking about your audience creates a disconnect between what’s being said on screen vs how we’re hearing the message delivered and this can be jarring for viewers who are trying to connect with what they’re seeing on screen!
Use first-person plural pronouns like “we” or “us” instead of “I” or “me.” The reason why we do want to avoid using a first-person singular pronoun.
Like “I/me”/”he/she”/”she/he”/”her/his”/”him/her”…etc) is because these words make us seem less confident than if we were speaking as an authority figure who knows exactly what needs to happen next!”
Be Sure To Close Strong
Once you’ve laid out the main message and answered your audience’s questions, it’s time to wrap up. Make sure your video script includes a strong call-to-action (CTA) so that viewers know exactly what they should do after watching the video.
The CTA should be simple and direct, with no ambiguity or confusion about what action it is asking people to take. You might have noticed that many of the videos we chose for the examples above end with “Send us an email” or “Subscribe now!”
A clear statement like this at the end of your video will help ensure that people can easily follow through on whatever action it is you want them to take.
Video blogging is a powerful way to connect with your audience and build a loyal following. Learn how to write a compelling video script that keeps viewers coming back for more in our guide on how to write the perfect video script for video blogging. Let your creativity shine!
Start With The Main Message Then Work Your Way Backwards
Start With The Main Message
The first thing you need to do is figure out what you want to say. You don’t have to write an entire script, but you should have a general idea of your main point or call-to-action (CTA). Once you know what your CTA will be, write down all the points that support it.
These points are known as “content blocks” and can range from bullet points to paragraphs. Write these down in order of importance so that it comes across as natural when spoken aloud by someone else.
For example, My name is Joe Smith and I’m going to talk about why video marketing can help you grow your business faster than any other marketing method on the planet. My first content block would be something like this:
Video has been proven time and time again as one of the most effective ways for brands to reach consumers at scale and make an impact on their buying decisions.
While also helping them retain customers more effectively than other channels such as email newsletters or social media posts ever could!
Work Your Way Backwards
Next up is figuring out how long each section needs to be so that they flow well together while keeping the audience engaged throughout each clip (without boring them).
You’ll want all these pieces put together before moving on because they’ll start sounding choppy if not structured properly from start through the finish without any breaks between each one.”
New to script writing? Fear not! Our 10-step guide for beginners will walk you through the basics of creating an exciting video script. From concept to completion, you’ll gain the confidence to write scripts that captivate and inspire your audience.
That’s it, we hope that these tips will help you create compelling video scripts that keep your audience engaged and make sure your message is delivered. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, don’t forget that there are plenty of others out there willing to help.
Just use the tools at hands such as Google Docs or Quora and ask questions about what people want from video content today! Happy writing!
Further Reading
How to Write a Video Script – HubSpot: HubSpot provides a comprehensive guide on writing effective video scripts, covering everything from structure to storytelling techniques.
How to Write a Script for Video – TechSmith: TechSmith’s blog offers valuable insights into crafting engaging video scripts, with tips on incorporating visuals and maintaining audience interest.
Video Script Templates to Simplify Your Process – Jasper: Jasper provides ready-to-use video script templates that streamline the scriptwriting process and help you create compelling videos efficiently.
How can I make my video script more engaging?
Engage your audience by crafting a compelling storyline, using relatable language, and incorporating visuals that support the message.
What is the ideal length for a video script?
The ideal length varies based on the content and platform, but generally, keeping it concise and to the point works best.
How do I write a call-to-action in my video script?
Ensure your call-to-action is clear and specific, prompting viewers to take the desired action, such as visiting a website or subscribing to a channel.
Should I memorize the script or use a teleprompter?
It depends on your comfort level and the nature of the content. Some prefer memorization, while others find teleprompters helpful for maintaining flow.
How can I hook viewers from the start of the video?
Start with an attention-grabbing opening that addresses the viewer’s pain points or promises valuable insights right from the beginning.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.