The Reasons You Should Become A Freelancer

Freelancing is one of the most underrated professions in today’s society. Many people think that working for yourself means being poor, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! In reality. 

There are many benefits to becoming a freelancer, such as having more freedom to choose what you do and when you work (as well as whom) while still making just as much money if not more than an equivalent full-time job would provide. 

But don’t take our word for it- let us show you why becoming a freelance worker might just be right up your alley!

Reasons You NEED to Become a Freelancer in 2023!
1. Increased flexibility and control over your work schedule and projects.
2. Opportunity to pursue your passion and work on projects that align with your interests.
3. Potential for higher income and the ability to set your own rates.
4. Independence and the ability to be your own boss.
5. Chance to build a diverse portfolio and gain valuable experience across different industries.
6. Ability to work remotely and have a location-independent career.
7. Opportunity for personal growth and professional development through continuous learning.
8. Networking and building relationships with clients and fellow freelancers.
9. Flexibility to choose the projects and clients that resonate with you.
10. Embracing a dynamic and ever-evolving work environment.

1. You’re In Control Of Your Destinies And Can Also Decide How You’re Going To Run Your Business- And It’s Growing

You’re in control of your destinies, and you can also decide how you’re going to run your business- and it’s growing.

You are the one who decides what kind of freelancer you want to be. You can take on any job that interests you or allows for some flexibility with your schedule, but if there’s something more serious like a full-time position at another company or an entrepreneurial venture that piques your interest, then go for it!

The best part is that once you climb up the ladder and become a successful freelancer, no one will stop asking for work from a person like yourself who has achieved success while working remotely. Whether it’s through referrals or word-of-mouth marketing campaigns promoting their services as “the best”, people will know about them!

The rise of freelancers has revolutionized the way we work and is reshaping industries. Discover how freelancers are transforming the professional landscape in our comprehensive guide on The Rise of the Freelancers and the Work They’re Changing.

2. There’s More Freedom To Experiment With Different Jobs

You can try out a new career without having to quit your current job. You can also experiment with different types of work, like freelancing full-time or doing some freelance work on nights and weekends. Since freelancers have more flexibility than employees, they’re better able to find their perfect niche or role in life and make the most of it!

3. Find A Job That Requires You To Use Your Specific Skillset(S)

Is there a skill that you’re pretty darn good at? If so, there’s a good chance that others may be looking for help in that area.

For example, if you are an expert at Photoshop and know how to use it better than anyone else out there, then maybe you should consider marketing yourself as such. If someone is willing to pay for your services, then by all means charge for them!

If you are not sure about what kind of skill set (s) you want to focus on yet, don’t worry! There are also plenty of jobs where people will pay for the expertise without necessarily needing specific expertise. For example: “I need someone who knows how to write well.”

4. Freelance Work Is Easy To Find On Specialized Platforms

Many freelance marketplaces help connect freelancers with clients who need their services. Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr are just a few of these platforms. You can also check out websites like Craigslist or social media groups like LinkedIn if you’re looking for something specific.

The best part? These platforms allow you to filter jobs by your location, so you’ll only see the opportunities that are available near you! This makes it much easier for freelancers who want to work from home and/or anywhere else in the world as well!

Remote work has seen a significant shift with the rise of freelancing. Learn about the impact freelancing is making on remote work and how it is changing the face of the modern workplace in our insightful article, How Freelancing Is Changing the Face of Remote Work.

5. You Keep More Of The Money You Make

The biggest perk of being a freelancer is getting to keep 100% of the money you earn. You can decide how much you want to make and spend, which means no more working for peanuts just because your boss says so.

In most cases, companies or clients will be willing to pay more for quality services than they would for someone who’s not as talented or experienced as you are. 

If that’s true of your skillset, then starting on your own may be worth considering especially if it means that you’ll get paid based on what people think of your work instead of having to wait around until there’s an opening in their budget that fits what they’ll pay for it (and even then hoping that enough other projects were finished first).

6. An Open Schedule Means Everything Gets Done When It Needs To Be Done

In a perfect world, you would always have time to get everything done. But as we know, that’s not the case. You might have an important project due at work or a family obligation on the calendar. 

As a freelancer, your schedule is flexible enough that you can accommodate either of these things without needing to worry about having enough time left over for yourself or your loved ones. And if there’s something more important than work in life which there is you can make it happen!

  • A client wants you to complete their project in four hours? Done!
  • Your child has an extra-curricular activity and needs transportation? No problem!
  • Your significant other wants some quality time together? Let’s do lunch! With all of these advantages at your disposal as a freelancer, there are hardly any reasons why anyone should ever complain about losing themselves in their work again!

7. If You’ve Got Children, Then You Can Have A Lot More Flexibility In Your Day 

With all of the different hours that freelancers work, it’s hard to know what time is best for family life. But I’m willing to bet that working from home or taking time off when needed is going to be a lot easier than commuting an hour each way every day, especially if you’re going to be working late anyway! 

This means that if there are things like sports practices or early morning commitments (like my son’s school camp), then there’s no need for your partner to miss out on them just because they want regular hours with their family.

In addition, freelancing also gives parents more freedom in terms of helping out with childcare duties whether it’s watching them after school or picking them up from activities—and helps them maintain hobbies such as gardening and cooking without having their attention divided by traditional 9-5 office jobs.

Are you curious about the future of work? Look no further! Our article, Freelancing: The Future of Work, explores the evolving nature of employment and how freelancing is shaping the way we approach careers and income generation.

8. Freelancers Can Go On Vacation Without Having To Worry About Client Needs 

One of the greatest benefits of becoming a freelancer is that you don’t need to worry about your clients when it comes to taking vacation time. You can go on vacation whenever you want, for however long and as often as you’d like.

Not only do freelancers have more flexibility with their vacations than employees do, but they also have greater flexibility with scheduling in general. Instead of having to work at a specific time every day. 

Freelancers can create their schedules and make them as flexible as possible which means that if something is going on at home or at school that needs attention (like an appointment), they can work around it without losing income or having to ask their supervisor for special permission. This kind of freedom is priceless!

9. It Does Require Discipline And Organization But Ultimately There Is Less Stress About Getting Fired  

Again, you are free from the stress of having to be monitored or watched. Also, no one is going to look into your personal affairs and care if something goes wrong in your private life. As long as you do what you’re supposed to do at work then nobody is going to notice or care if something goes wrong with your diet or fitness routine. 

No one will ask questions about it and everyone else will just assume that since you were able to get a job done then there must not have been any problems at home either.

It does require discipline and organization but ultimately there is less stress about getting fired for not doing well at work because as long as one does what they’re supposed to do then nobody will notice or care if something goes wrong in their personal affairs

Looking for ways to navigate the challenges faced by millennials in today’s economy? Discover how freelancing can provide opportunities for millennials to avoid becoming the ‘screwed’ generation in our insightful article, How Millennials Can Use Freelancing to Avoid Becoming the Screwed Generation.

10. No Traffic 

Traffic is a big problem in cities.  Traffic is also a big problem in big cities. And this is where you come in: there are few things more stressful than sitting in traffic on the way to work, or home from work, or anywhere at all. 

But if you live somewhere with little traffic like a rural area or even better yet, if you’re one of those freelancers who can work remotely you don’t have to worry about that anymore! You’ll be able to get where you need to go without having your nerves frayed by angry drivers and honking horns.

11. Control 

Now that you’ve seen the reasons it’s a good idea to be a freelancer, let’s talk about some of the benefits. Being a freelancer means you have absolute control over your schedule and finances.

You can set up your own office wherever you want it to be in your home, in an office building, or even as far away as you want (if you’re going to travel). You can also set your hours and make sure they fit with any other commitments or plans you might have.

You’ll also have complete control over the work itself: what projects are available for choosing; how much time each project will take; how much money will be made on each one; what kind of clients work best for your business model…and so on.

If there is anything else we haven’t covered here today, just let us know! We’d love nothing more than to answer any questions that come up while considering this career change!

Many millennials are embracing the freelance lifestyle, but is it impacting their ability to buy homes? Find out more about the relationship between freelancing and homeownership in our thought-provoking piece, Freelancing Is Keeping Millennials from Buying Homes.


I think you have a good idea of why freelancing is such a rewarding career choice. Sure, it might seem daunting, but you can do it! 

By following the tips outlined above for how to get started in the industry and preparing for what will be thrown at you along the way (such as having business cards on hand or developing your brand), you can start turning your passions into profits sooner than later.

Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint it might take a while before everything starts falling into place and your time management skills are perfected. 

All businesses go through growing pains, so don’t let yourself get discouraged when things aren’t going perfectly as planned they rarely do! And remember that there’s always someone out there willing to help if only you ask them nicely enough (or offer them coffee).

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful for further exploration:

15 Popular Reasons to Become a Freelancer or Entrepreneur: Discover a comprehensive list of popular reasons why individuals choose to become freelancers or entrepreneurs, providing insights and inspiration for those considering a freelance career.

Benefits of Freelancing: Explore the various benefits of freelancing, including flexible schedules, independence, and the potential for higher income. This article highlights the advantages of freelancing and how it can positively impact your professional life.

Becoming a Freelancer is a Great Choice—Here’s Why: Dive into the reasons why becoming a freelancer can be a great career choice. This resource discusses the freedom, control, and growth opportunities that come with freelancing, providing valuable insights for individuals interested in pursuing this path.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Freelancer?

A freelancer is a person who works for himself. The term comes from the idea of “free” as in freedom and “lance” as in lance-a-writer, a person who writes for a living.

How Much Can I Make As A Freelancer?

The amount you can make depends on what you’re selling and how much time you’re willing to put into it. Some people make hundreds of dollars per month; others make millions of dollars per year. The exact number depends on your skill set, your marketability, and how hard you work at it.

How Do I Get Started As A Freelancer?

There are many different ways to start freelancing: You can start with small projects like writing blog posts or freelance work for other companies. If you’re looking to get into voice acting, there are websites like Voice123 that offer opportunities for voice actors to find jobs with various companies looking for voices for their products or services.

What’s The Difference Between A Freelancer And An Employee?

The main difference between a freelancer and an employee is that employees are paid for their time, while freelancers are paid for their work. As a freelancer, you’ll have more control over your schedule and workload than an employee would.

How Do I Become A Freelancer?

You just have to start! Here’s a list of some of the most common ways to start your career as a freelancer:

Find something you’re good at and offer it up as a service. If you’re handy with computers, set up as a web designer. If you’re great at baking cakes, make cakes for people. If you’re good at writing, write blog posts for other people’s websites (or start your site). The possibilities are endless!

Start small. Don’t set out to be the next big thing right away; take baby steps toward making your business successful by starting with clients who are happy with simple things like social media posts or writing newsletters or even cleaning up after parties they’ve thrown themselves! That way, when things get bigger, so will your client base and income!

Get some clients on board before you even start doing work for them this could mean offering up services that aren’t technically part of what they hired you to do (for example, if they hired you to clean their house but then realized

What Kind Of Jobs Are Available For Freelancers?

There are many types of jobs available for freelance workers: writers, designers, programmers, graphic designers, and web developers… just to name a few!

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