Freelancing: The Future Of Work

Over the last decade, the number of freelancers has skyrocketed by over 40%. If you think about it, this makes sense. The gig economy is on the rise and people are more connected than ever before. 

Plus, with remote work being more common now than ever before, freelancing is easier than ever! Fast Company reported that 50% of millennials will be freelancing in 2020. 

More and more people are turning to freelancing as a way to earn money while they travel or pursue their passions and interests. With technology making it easy to work remotely from anywhere in the world, the future looks bright for freelancers!

The Future of Part-Time Work is Freelancing – YouTube
1. Freelancing offers a promising future in the world of work, with its flexibility and independence.
2. The freelancing industry is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and changing work dynamics.
3. Embracing freelancing as a career choice opens up opportunities across various industries.
4. In-demand skills for freelancers include digital marketing, web development, content creation, data analysis, and project management.
5. To thrive in the future of freelancing, staying updated, continuous learning, networking, and embracing technology are crucial.

Freelancing Is On The Rise Across Western Countries

Freelancing is on the rise across western countries. In the US, UK and Canada, freelancers make up 35% of workers. 

And that number is growing fast: a survey by Upwork (the world’s largest freelancer website) found that 70% of businesses surveyed expect to increase their use of freelancers over the next three years.

Freelancing has also become a viable career option for millions more people who want to work from home or remotely due to its flexibility in terms of hours and location and because it enables them to pursue other interests alongside their main job such as raising children or starting up another business venture.

Understanding the difference between a freelance writer and a copywriter is crucial for aspiring professionals in the industry. Check out our in-depth guide on What Is the Difference Between a Freelance Writer and a Copywriter? to gain insights into the nuances of these two roles.

There Is A Good Chance That You Or Someone You Know Has Freelanced In The Last Year

You or someone you know has probably freelanced in the last year. In fact, there’s a good chance that more people are freelancing than ever before. 

It’s not just for millennials and techies freelancing is an option for many people with all sorts of skills and experience levels, from writers to graphic designers to accountants.

Freelancers have plenty of reasons why they choose this lifestyle: flexibility, freedom, self-determination, location independence (to name just a few). 

They also often cite financial benefits like earning more money per hour than they would working part-time at a traditional job; being able to choose whom they work with; or having the opportunity to control their own schedule entirely.

A Recent Study Found That There Are More Freelancers Now Than At Any Other Time Since 2005

According to a recent study conducted by the Freelancers Union, there are now more freelancers than at any other time since 2005. 

The survey was based on interviews with more than 5,000 people and found that 53 million Americans are currently freelancing. That’s an increase of 3 million participants since last year!

The report also found that 86 percent of its respondents say they prefer working as a freelancer rather than in a traditional job. The benefits of this arrangement include flexibility and freedom from office politics, as well as earning money doing what you love (or hate).

Half Of All Freelancers Say They Made The Switch In The Past Three Years

It’s not just a fad. Freelancing is on the rise, and it’s growing faster than any other job sector. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, independent contractors now make up 35% of all workers in America (up from 30% in 2014), and this number could climb to 50% by 2020. 

That means that if you’re looking for work or trying to find ways to earn extra income while working full time, freelancing may be the perfect option for you.

Freelancers are highly educated professionals who have chosen not to work full-time at one company; instead, they prefer flexible schedules where they can set their hours based on their needs and interests. 

If you’re already in this position but would like more freedom over your day-to-day schedule, then becoming a freelancer could help give you back some control over when and how often you work each week!

Crafting a compelling freelance proposal is essential for winning clients and projects. Take a look at our comprehensive tips on how to write a freelance proposal to enhance your chances of success and impress potential clients.

This Trend Is Predicted To Continue If Not Accelerate

Freelancing is the way of the future.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, freelancing refers to a professional who works for themselves rather than an employer. It’s predicted that by 2020, there will be more freelancers than full-time employees in America and this trend is expected to continue if not accelerate.

Why? Because it’s an attractive option for people who want more flexibility or want to work on their terms, not someone else’s. Freelancing also allows you to make money and acquire new skills at your own pace.

Why Are People Leaving Their Secure Office Jobs For Freelance Work?

There are several key reasons why people are leaving their secure office jobs for freelance work. 

The most obvious is flexibility, which is one of the biggest concerns of today’s workforce. Many people want to be able to take time off when they need it and work from home, or even move their office if they get a better deal somewhere else.

Many freelancers started as employees at big companies but felt like they were being stifled by the rigid structure that came with working in an office environment. 

They were told what projects they had to work on and when which meant that any ideas or suggestions they had had to wait until after hours or on weekends when no one was around to hear them if anyone even cared about what you said anyway! 

Freelancers have more freedom because there aren’t any managers breathing down their necks every day telling them what needs to be done next on their project list (which might not even include anything fun). 

They can explore innovative ways of doing things without having someone tell them why it won’t work; instead, people will just try it out themselves!

Freelancers Often Work More Than 40 Hours Per Week

Freelancers often work more than 40 hours per week. Many manage to find a balance where they can also have a life outside of their career, but many don’t. This can be seen as an example of the flexibility that freelancing offers. 

The fact that you’re able to work when and where you want means that it’s possible to squeeze in extra hours when needed or take time off when necessary (and some freelancers do).

However, it’s important not to let yourself get too caught up in this flexible lifestyle especially if the results are working more than full-time employees or even full-time workers! 

If you realize that your workload has increased significantly since becoming a freelancer, then it may be worth reevaluating whether this freedom is worth it for you at all times.

Freelancing Gives People The Flexibility To Enjoy Greater Work-Life Balance

Freelancing gives you the flexibility to work when and where you want. You can choose to work from home, a cafe, or somewhere else entirely even if that somewhere else is halfway across the world. 

If you’re working for yourself as a freelancer, it’s entirely up to you how many hours per day or week that work should be. As long as your clients are happy with the results they get from your services, they won’t care whether those services were delivered at 9 AM or 2 AM. 

They also won’t care if they need more hours done one week than another; they’ll just pay what’s agreed upon upfront at whatever rate is necessary (and fair).

Are you considering joining Upwork but feeling hesitant? Don’t worry, our article on why you shouldn’t hesitate to create an Upwork account now will provide you with the reasons and reassurance you need to take the leap into this popular freelancing platform.

Many People Can’t Do What They Love While Employed Full Time, So They Turn To Freelancing 

For example: If you’re a writer and want to get published, it can be tough for an employer to both pay your salary and allow you time off for writing projects. 

So why not freelance? You’ll get paid for every article or book that sells, and since your name is still on the cover of each one, it’s like getting extra exposure from working on something outside of your 9-to-5 job.

Or maybe you’re an artist who wants to get more experience in a certain medium or with a specific type of audience and doesn’t have the means (or desire) to start up an independent business right now. 

By offering services through platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, these artists can earn money while honing their skillset without having to worry about running their own business or finding clients independently.

What Kinds Of Jobs Are People Doing As Freelancers?

Freelancing is not just for writers, designers, and other creative types. The list of things that people can do as freelancers are almost endless. 

You might be a part-time musician who occasionally opens up your home to host events. Or you could be an expert in programming who works remotely with businesses that are hundreds of miles away.

Some people even turn their hobbies into full-time gigs by using their skills to solve problems for others think of illustrators who draw pictures for children’s books or cake decorators that make cakes for parties!

The great thing about freelancing is that it allows you to earn money in new and interesting ways…and also gives you more freedom when it comes to deciding how much work is too much (or not enough).

Networking is a powerful tool for freelancers to expand their opportunities and connect with like-minded professionals. Explore our insightful article on why and how freelancers should network with each other to discover the benefits of building a strong professional network and actionable tips to get started.

People Are Also Freelancing In Fields Like Marketing And Writing

Freelancing isn’t just for IT and programming, either. It can be a good option for people who are not good at selling themselves as the kind of person who would rather work in an office full of other people rather than work alone. 

Freelancing also works well if you have a family, as it allows you to do your job from home and take care of your kids while they’re young.

It’s important to note that this option is only viable if you’re good at what you do, though. If all you want to do is make money for yourself but don’t put in the effort required to make yourself successful, freelancing isn’t going to work out well for anyone involved

More People Now And In The Future Will Be Earning Money By Freelancing

You’re not alone if you’ve been wondering what’s going on with the future of work lately. The traditional 9-to-5 job is quickly becoming a thing of the past for more and more people, as the rise of freelancing continues. 

In fact, according to a survey conducted by Upwork and Freelancer Union in 2017 (the most recent numbers available), there are 59 million people today who earn money by freelancing and even more, will be earning money by freelancing in the future.

In other words: If you’re looking for an opportunity to earn some extra cash or just start branching out into your own business before quitting your current job, now might be your chance!

The landscape of remote work is being reshaped by the rise of freelancing. Discover how freelancing is changing the face of remote work in our informative piece at and learn about the advantages and implications of this evolving trend.


In conclusion, freelancing helps you avoid the monotony of corporate life, allows you to choose the type of work you want to do, and gives you flexibility in terms of when that work needs to be done. 

Freelancing also helps you stay current with new technologies and advancements, which can make your skills more valuable in the future. 

Freelancing is not without its challenges though: it requires more time management skills than regular employment would require because there are no boundaries between your personal and professional life when working as a freelancer. 

The lack of boundaries can lead to burnout if one does not manage their time well enough while freelancing! 

It also means that financial stability might be harder due to fluctuations in income depending on how many contacts are signed or existing ones renewed each month/year (which could cause anxiety about paying for necessities like food).

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore the future of freelancing:

Five Reasons Why Freelancing Is the Future of Work: Discover the key factors that make freelancing a promising option for the future of work.

The Future of Work Is Freelancing: All About the Industry: Dive into the industry-specific insights and trends that shape the future of freelancing.

The Future of Freelancing: Explore a comprehensive overview of the future of freelancing and how it impacts various aspects of work and society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Safe To Work As A Freelancer?

Yes, it is very safe to work as a freelancer. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to always get paid upfront for the work that you do. 

This way, if anything happens, you will be able to recover your losses from the client instead of having to rely on an insurance policy or something similar.

How Do I Become A Freelancer?

You can become a freelancer by creating a website where you advertise your services and prices, then wait for clients to contact you directly via email or phone calls. 

If they like what they see on your site then they may hire you right away or they could ask for samples first before making any decisions about hiring you permanently depending on what kind of job they’re looking for done!

How Do I Get Started As A Freelancer?

There are thousands of platforms online where you can find clients and manage projects. Some of the most popular include Upwork,, and

How Much Can I Earn As A Freelancer?

This depends on your skill set, experience level, rate of pay per hour, etc., but generally speaking, most people report making around $20-$50/hr working part-time hours (around 20-30 hours/week).

Can I Work From Home?

Yes! We want everyone who works with us to feel comfortable and happy in their workspace (or lack thereof). That’s why we offer remote working options for our freelancers all over the globe. As long as you have internet access, you’re good to go!

What Is The Best Way To Find Work As A Freelancer?

There are many different ways to find work as a freelancer, but if you’re just getting started the best thing to do is reach out directly to potential clients through cold emails or LinkedIn messages. 

You’ll want to make sure that your message is professional and well-written for it to get through their spam filters!

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