The 10 Types Of People You Need To Hire To Help Your Marketing Research

We’re all about the small business, but we’re also about the people who make it happen. We’re building a community of small business owners and entrepreneurs in hopes of inspiring more businesses to get off the ground. 

That’s why we’ve designed this series of posts to help you think outside of the box when hiring for your marketing team. Each post will highlight one specific skill set that can help your business thrive. 

Yes, they may be in high demand right now, but no matter what happens in our economy, you’ll need all ten types of experts to succeed as a small business owner and entrepreneur. So how do you go about finding them? Let’s find out together!

How To Write A Job Description That Attracts Top Talent

market research 101, learn market research basics
1. Building a successful marketing research team requires diverse expertise.
2. Individuals skilled in data analysis are essential for extracting insights from research data.
3. Consumer behavior experts contribute to understanding customer preferences and trends.
4. Hiring professionals with project management skills ensures efficient research execution.
5. Market trend analysts help businesses stay ahead of industry developments.
6. Psychologists bring insights into consumer motivations and decision-making processes.
7. Communication specialists aid in conveying research findings effectively.
8. Digital marketing experts contribute to understanding online consumer behavior.
9. Qualitative researchers provide in-depth insights through focus groups and interviews.
10. Quantitative researchers analyze numerical data for statistical insights.

1. The Branding And Marketing Expert

Branding and marketing experts are the people who understand the importance of a brand, how to build a brand, how to measure a brand, how to grow a brand, and how to protect a brand. 

The job of this person is to help you be sure that your company is focused on its core business value propositions so that you can deliver on what you say you’re going to do.

Mastering the art of efficient writing is essential for successful marketing research. Learn how to write 500 words in 30 minutes to enhance your productivity and communication skills.

2. The Advertising Expert

There is a difference between an advertising expert and a specialist. Specialists are people who know a lot about one part of the process but have little or no experience in other parts. 

An advertising expert, on the other hand, can do everything: write ads and edit them; come up with ideas for ads; create ads and design them. 

You don’t need to hire multiple specialists when you can find someone who is both creative and has all those skills in one person!

3. The Social Media Expert

An expert on social media will help you explore this world. They can help you develop a strategy to use social media effectively, or they can do it for you. The best part is that they’ll probably be able to teach you what they know, so both of your businesses will benefit.

Social media is a great way to promote your business, connect with customers, get your message out to a large audience and learn about your customers.

In the realm of marketing research, turning around a challenging situation requires innovative strategies. Explore the techniques I use to push products that face resistance and navigate through market obstacles.

4. The Sales Strategy Expert

This person is the one who understands the sales process and can help you build a sales strategy. They’ll be working with you to identify which types of customers you should target and the best way to reach them. 

They’ll also work with your sales team to create an effective pipeline, including identifying the best channels for reaching those customers. 

Finally, this person will help you identify ideal candidates on your team who have been successful at building relationships in similar industries or markets as yours and then help them execute their strategies for success!

5. The User Experience Expert

User experience (UX) is the user’s experience of interacting with a company’s product or service. 

User experience professionals are experts in the user’s needs and how to meet those needs, whether it’s through design, usability testing, or other methods. They know how to design products and services that are easy to use.

These folks can help you figure out exactly what your target market wants from your company and then deliver it! 

They’ll make sure that your website is intuitively designed and easy for customers to navigate; they’ll test different ways of presenting information on social media platforms; they’ll determine which emails get clicked on most often by subscribers; 

They’ll suggest changes that will make users stick around longer after visiting your site or app; etc., etc., etc:

6. The Analytics Expert (a.k.a. the Data Geek)

Analytics is a broad term that encompasses a lot of different activities, including:

Data mining. This is the process of looking for useful information in large data sets.

Data analysis. Analytics professionals perform this step, which involves summarizing and reporting the findings from your data mining efforts to help you make better decisions about your business.

Predictive analytics or forecasting. You can use predictive analytics to predict things like when demand will grow or fall based on past trends and other factors and then adjust your operations accordingly. 

Predictive analytics could also be used to forecast demand for products or services you haven’t yet created, but would like to create as soon as possible because there’s demand for it already!

To refine your marketing research, it’s crucial to stay aware of potential pitfalls. Discover the 29 common Facebook ads mistakes to steer clear of in your advertising campaigns.

7. The SEO Strategist

SEO is a very important part of digital marketing. It’s the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

For this to happen, you need to be able to recognize what factors affect your rankings and how they work together with other aspects like conversion rate optimization and content marketing. 

This can be a very technical field and one that grows more complicated as Google updates its algorithm regularly so it requires someone with knowledge and experience in SEO. 

If you don’t have someone on staff who understands these concepts well, it might be time to bring on an SEO strategist!

8. The Virtual Assistant Or Intern

You can hire a virtual assistant to help you with administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, answering emails, and helping with research. 

You may also want to hire an intern for research and other tasks. Both work well together, but you might want to start with one and then add on the other when needed.

There are many benefits of hiring both:

  • They keep each other busy so they won’t be idle during office hours (which can lead them to do something else).
  • You don’t have as many distractions from your main job as you would if only one person were working for you all day long!

9. The Digital Marketing Consultant

If you’re looking for a professional to help with your digital marketing research, a digital marketing consultant is a way to go. 

These experts have deep knowledge about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to online communications. They can help you understand how consumers are viewing your brand or product and give you ideas for improving it.

Digital marketing consultants also have experience working with various industries, so they can provide insight into any sector of business or consumer market. 

They’ll be able to evaluate whether your current plan is working or if something needs changing for it to reach its potential audience.

Digital marketers typically charge by the hour or by project, depending on how much time they spend working on it (and how much expertise they need). 

A good rule of thumb is that consulting rates range from $100-$300 per hour depending on where the expert lives (it can cost more if he/she lives in a bigger city like New York). That being said, prices at this level are still cheaper than hiring an employee full-time!

Effective marketing research hinges on transforming raw data into actionable insights. Learn how to master this process with the art of distilling data into insights to make informed decisions.

10. The Web Design And Development Pro

You’ll need to hire a professional web designer who can create your website, or at least help you with it. You could do the design yourself, depending on how tech-savvy you are, but unless you’re an expert at Photoshop and HTML, it’s better to leave this job up to someone else. 

If done well, web design will help you reach your target audience by showing off all of your products in their best light. 

It will also improve your chances of getting more traffic and improving SEO rankings (which is important if people want to find information about your business online). And finally, good web design makes websites easier for visitors to use a “good” user experience is always important!

You Can’t Hire Everyone At Once, But It’s Nice To Know The Possibilities Are Out There

You can’t hire everyone at once, but it’s nice to know the possibilities are out there. Hiring one person is much more manageable than hiring a whole team, but that doesn’t mean you’re limited in how you grow your team or add new skillsets. 

You can hire someone on a contract basis, or even part-time hours depending on what stage of development your company is in.

You might also want to consider hiring remote workers if they have skills that are useful for your business and could work remotely easily (such as graphic design).

Engaging with your customers can offer profound insights for marketing research. Understand why your customers are better at research than you might realize and harness their perspectives for your advantage.


I hope this article has helped you get a better idea of what your marketing research team could look like. At the end of the day, even if you don’t want to hire all 10 positions listed here, you must be aware of who else is out there. 

You might be surprised by how much help they can provide when it comes to making your marketing research process easier and more efficient.

Further Reading

Types of Market Research: Explore various methods and techniques of market research to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

Best People to Hire for Your Business: Learn about the key roles and individuals you should consider hiring to build a successful and efficient marketing research team.

Expert Tips for Conducting Better Market Research: Gain valuable insights from experts on how to enhance the quality and effectiveness of your market research efforts.

And here’s the “FAQs” section with semantic-based questions and answers:


How do different types of market research contribute to business growth?

Market research methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and data analysis, provide businesses with valuable insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and competitor strategies. By utilizing these techniques, businesses can make informed decisions that contribute to their growth.

What are the essential roles to consider when building a marketing research team?

When assembling a marketing research team, it’s crucial to have professionals skilled in areas like data analysis, consumer behavior, project management, and market trend analysis. This diverse expertise ensures comprehensive and insightful research outcomes.

What are some practical tips for conducting effective market research?

Conducting effective market research involves defining clear objectives, identifying target audiences, using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, and staying updated with industry trends. These strategies enhance the accuracy and relevancy of research findings.

How can businesses ensure the quality of their market research data?

To ensure data quality, businesses should design well-structured surveys, maintain a diverse and representative sample, validate data accuracy, and employ statistical analysis techniques. Robust data quality measures lead to reliable insights.

What role does ethical consideration play in market research?

Ethical considerations in market research involve obtaining informed consent from participants, protecting their privacy, and ensuring the transparency of research methodologies. Ethical practices not only build trust but also uphold the credibility of research results.