Technical Writing: Simple Steps To Make It Fun

Technical writing is a big part of our lives, whether we realize it or not. From software to manuals and even the instructions that come with your new gadget, technical writing can be difficult to read and understand. 

But don’t worry! There are some simple steps you can follow that will make sure your documents are clear, concise, and easy to read for all audiences even if they’re not as tech-savvy as you are.

7 Tips for Creating Technical Content – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Embrace a positive mindset towards technical writing.
2. Break down complex topics into manageable sections.
3. Incorporate relatable examples to engage the reader.
4. Use visuals like diagrams and infographics for clarity.
5. Add a touch of creativity to make content more enjoyable.

Technical Writing: Simple Steps To Make it Fun

The first step to making your writing fun is to know your audience. If you are a technical writer, this can be tricky. You may have an idea of who will be reading your work but you need to go beyond that and think about what they do every day and how they feel about their job. 

The best way to do this is by observing them or asking around the office and listening carefully when they talk about their work (or if they don’t like it). You might find that some employees enjoy their jobs while others are bored or frustrated with what they do every day.

You also need to avoid jargon, buzzwords, and clichés whenever possible. They can make writing feel boring because no one likes being talked down to; so keep it simple!

Crafting an attention-grabbing headline is essential in real estate blogging. Learn the art of creating impactful headlines in our article on writing great headlines for real estate blogs.

The Best Content Is Clear And Concise

  • “Concise” means to be brief, precise, and easy to understand.
  • “Clear” means that the reader can understand what you want them to know without confusion.
  • “Concise” also refers to writing that has a specific focus or topic in mind. It does not drift off into areas unrelated to your main point or argument.

For your readers (and editors) to enjoy reading your content, it must be concise and clear so they can easily understand it without confusion or extra effort on their part.

Make Sure You Know Your Audience

When you know your audience, it will be easier to write for them. You need to know who they are, what their needs are, and how they would like to receive information. The more detailed information you have, the better your writing will be. Consider these questions:

  • What is their culture?
  • What is their knowledge level?
  • How much do they already know about the subject matter?
  • What expectations do they have from this piece of writing?
  • What level of interest does this topic hold for them?

When you understand these things about your reader, you can tailor your writing so that it meets their needs and interests in a way that engages them as much as possible.

Enhancing your real estate copywriting skills can greatly boost your content quality. Discover effective strategies in our guide to improving real estate copywriting and elevate your writing game.

Avoid Jargon

Sometimes you may find yourself typing in jargon. This is not a problem; we all make mistakes. But if you want to be successful as a technical writer, it’s important that your writing be understandable for both technical and non-technical users.

Jargon can be defined as the specialized language used by people with common interests or occupations (Dictionary, 2014). In other words, jargon is a word or phrase that has a specific meaning in a particular profession, trade, or another group. 

However if someone outside of your group doesn’t understand what you’re saying, this takes away from the message of what you’re trying to say.

It’s also possible that you might use jargon because it makes you feel more important than others when trying to explain something complicated (Moore & Vines 2011). 

If this is the case then remember: no one likes being talked down to! It’s better just to avoid using jargon altogether if possible because it adds nothing but confusion when reading through text documents such as user manuals or how-to guides…

Make Your Writing Flow

  • Make your writing flow.
  • Start with the most important information and end with it as well.
  • Use the inverted pyramid style, which means starting with your opening (the “hook”) and then introducing details throughout the rest of the article. It’s also a good idea to use transitions to connect ideas within each section of an article or paragraph. This will help readers follow along more easily.

Break up large blocks of text by using headings, lists, bulleted lists, numbered lists, tables, and images/diagrams especially if you’re trying to show how something works or explain something complex! 

It’s also important not just to list facts but consider whether they are relevant in some way don’t just make a list of everything that needs doing unless there is some value in showing why these steps matter so much together!

  • Quotes can help bring life into any piece without having to do all the work yourself!

Write In The Active Voice Instead Of The Passive Voice

Writing in the active voice is a great tool for making your content more engaging. The active voice is when the subject of a sentence is the actor—instead of being acted upon by someone or something else. The passive voice, on the other hand, is when the subject is acted upon by someone or something else.

The active voice sounds more direct and concise because it doesn’t require any extra words to describe who did what; it just says “X did Y.” For example:

  • Active: John threw a ball at Mary! (subject [John] + verb [threw] + object [ball] toward person/thing [Mary])
  • Passive: A ball was thrown at Mary by John! (subject [ball] or phrase “it” + past participle + prepositional phrase describing where it happened [“by John”])

Starting a successful real estate writing career requires determination and insights. Read about one writer’s journey in our post on launching a real estate writing career for inspiration and valuable lessons.

Don’t Use Buzzwords Or Clichés

Buzzwords and clichés are the banes of many a writer’s existences. They’re overused words or phrases that have lost their meaning, and they’re often so trite and unoriginal that it feels like you’ve heard them before. 

Buzzwords are easy to spot: they tend to sound stuffy or overly formal (e.g., “think outside the box”), while clichés usually come off as cheesy (“the pen is mightier than the sword”).

As I write this article, I’m having flashbacks to my copywriting days at a marketing firm where buzzwords were banned entirely, and with good reason! 

They make your writing less engaging by using unnecessarily complicated language in place of simpler words that say exactly what you mean (like “box” instead of “container”). 

Clichés aren’t quite as bad as buzzwords but should still be avoided if possible because they make your content sound formulaic which doesn’t inspire confidence in readers who are looking for original ideas from an expert source like yourself!

Use Simple, Straightforward Words

  • Use simple, straightforward words.

If you’re tempted to use jargon and buzzwords, think twice. These terms are often not understood by readers outside your field—and even some within it. The same goes for clichés, superlatives (the best, the most), and passive voice (the computer was hacked).

  • Avoid unnecessary words (and clauses).

Unnecessary words include abstract nouns (informality is preferable to informality), adverbs that modify verbs instead of adjectives or other adverbs (he walked quickly), pronouns that could be replaced with names or phrases (they took me there), and adjectives that could be replaced by stronger verbs or more precise nouns/adjectives: 

He was very fast at reaching his conclusions; She was quick in reaching her conclusions; He reached his conclusions quickly; She reached her conclusions quickly.[1]

Curious about the experiences of real estate writers? Gain valuable perspectives from our article discussing what it’s like to be a real estate writer, offering insights into the profession’s nuances.

Get Rid Of Unnecessary And Distracting Words And Phrases

The next step is to remove any words that are not necessary to the sentence. Do you need “this” or “that”? Do you need “very” and its ilk, like “extremely”, or “really”? Are those verbs necessary, or can we get a verb by using action steps instead of verbs?

Finally, remove any words that distract from the point of the paragraph. For example: if someone was trying to convince me of something and said: “I am telling it to you because I know that this is true.”, this last phrase feels unnecessary and distracting because it doesn’t help convey what they’re trying to say at all. 

If they just said “I’m telling it to you because I know it’s true.”, then there would be no distraction whatsoever!

Organize Your Document Carefully By Putting The Most Important Information First

Organize your document carefully by putting the most important information first.

First, last, and most important information goes. When you’re writing a document, it’s very important to organize your writing so that readers can easily find what they are looking for. 

Make sure that you put the most important points at the beginning of your document and save any additional information for later in the text (after all, who wants to read through an entire article just to get to a footnote at the end?).

Use a table of contents to help readers navigate: A table of contents is helpful for both writers and readers. 

Writers can use them as an outline when making sure that all their articles are well-organized; readers can use them as a reference point when deciding which page they want to go next or if they need something specific from their reading materials like an image or chart/graph etc. 

If possible use bullet points instead of paragraphs whenever possible because bullet points tend not to take up much room on the page so more content will be visible at once rather than having lots of tiny paragraphs scattered over multiple pages which makes finding specific topics harder than necessary!

Break Your Work Up Into Short Sentences And Paragraphs

Short sentences and paragraphs make for easier reading. It’s as simple as that. The shorter the sentence, the easier it is to understand what you are saying, so use short sentences when you have important points to emphasize (for example: “The company has been in business for over 50 years!”).

Similarly, short paragraphs are easier to read than long ones because they make large sections of text easier to digest and scan through quickly (for example: If a reader has five paragraphs with five sentences each on a page, he/she can scan through them quickly without having to read every word).

Use The Inverted Pyramid Style In Which You Put The Results First

In the inverted pyramid style, you put the results first and the background information in the middle. 

This is a great way to organize your work because it lets readers know what they’re going to get out of your paper or report, thus making it easier for them to decide whether or not they want to read more. If you’re having trouble deciding where something should go, follow this simple rule: What is most important goes at the top?

Building a rewarding technical writing career involves strategic steps and perseverance. Explore our guide on constructing a fulfilling technical writing career to learn how to create a path you’ll truly enjoy.


Writing technical documents is an important part of being a technical writer. It’s not just about writing, but also about making sure that your readers understand your words and actions. Here are some tips to make the process easier:

Research and gather information before you start writing

Read through the document and make sure it’s complete, clear, and concise

Create drafts of your work in progress so you can edit as much as possible before sending it off (or publishing online!)

Take these steps one at a time, and soon enough you’ll have mastered the art of writing technical documents!

Further Reading

Top 10 Tips for Great Technical Writing: Discover expert insights and practical advice to enhance your technical writing skills and create effective documentation.

7 Best Technical Writing Examples to Improve Your Skills: Explore real-world examples that can help you refine your technical writing abilities and produce more impactful content.

Technical Writing Tips for Success: Gain valuable tips and strategies for success in technical writing, from structuring content to communicating complex ideas effectively.

And here’s the “FAQs” section in markdown:


What are the key elements of successful technical writing?

Successful technical writing involves clear communication, structured organization, attention to detail, and adapting content to your audience’s level of expertise.

How can I improve my technical writing skills?

Improving technical writing skills involves practicing regularly, studying well-crafted examples, seeking feedback, and continuously learning about the subject matter.

What types of documents require technical writing?

Technical writing is essential for a variety of documents, including user manuals, technical guides, software documentation, and scientific research papers.

How do I make technical content more accessible to non-experts?

To make technical content accessible, use plain language, provide explanations for jargon, use visual aids, and consider your audience’s background knowledge.

What role does editing play in technical writing?

Editing is crucial in technical writing to eliminate errors, ensure consistency, improve clarity, and enhance the overall quality and readability of the content.