SEO Copywriting: 15 Best Practices For Writing SEO Blogs

If you’re writing a blog post, your goal is to engage with your readers and deliver a useful piece of content. But how do you go about achieving that? SEO copywriting can help. In this article, we’ll look at what SEO copywriting is and why it’s important, along with some tips for achieving better results from your content by following best practices.

SEO Copywriting Tutorial: From Start to Finish
1. Focus on keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords for your blog content.
2. Craft engaging and attention-grabbing meta titles and descriptions to improve click-through rates on search engine results pages.
3. Incorporate targeted keywords naturally into your content while maintaining its readability and flow.
4. Optimize your blog’s structure with proper heading tags (H1, H2, H3) and use bullet points or numbered lists to enhance readability.
5. Aim for comprehensive and in-depth content that provides value to readers and addresses their queries effectively.
6. Use internal and external links strategically to improve your blog’s authority and provide additional resources for readers.
7. Ensure your blog loads quickly and is mobile-friendly to enhance user experience and search engine rankings.
8. Regularly update and refresh your blog content to keep it relevant and up-to-date for both readers and search engines.
9. Promote your SEO-optimized blogs through social media, email marketing, and other channels to reach a wider audience.
10. Monitor and analyze the performance of your SEO blogs using analytics tools to make data-driven improvements.

It’s All About Your Audience

The first step to being a great copywriter is knowing your audience. Who are they? Where do they hang out? What do they want to read about? How can you engage them on social media and make them want to read your content if it’s not even written yet?

You need to know how to reach your audience, whether that means creating more videos or working with influencers in the space. You also have to know how to convert them into readers (or viewers).

Once you have that nailed down, you should focus on growing an engaged audience for life. You can achieve this by building an email list or adding social media follow buttons within blog posts so that people can subscribe via email or follow you on their favorite platform.

When it comes to SEO writing, there are many myths and misconceptions. Don’t fall into the trap of following 15 Ridiculous SEO Writing Rules. Instead, focus on evidence-based practices and data-driven strategies to boost your content’s performance. Learn more about debunking these myths in our guide on 15 Ridiculous SEO Writing Rules You Should Never Follow.

Keyword Research Matters

Keyword research is a vital first step in crafting SEO-friendly content. It’s also not easy. If you want to write SEO blog posts that reach your target audience and generate the right kind of traffic, you’ll need to do some deep keyword research before you start writing.

There are plenty of tools out there that can help with keyword research, but it’s important not just to use them you should know how they work as well. Here’s what you need to know about both:

Need A Flow Chart For A Topic?

The next step is to create a flowchart. A flowchart is a visual representation of your topic, which can help you organize your thoughts and create a structure for your content.

Using a flowchart will help you write more SEO-friendly blog posts in the following ways:

Flowcharts help you think through the different parts of an article and make sure they all fit together logically. They also give you an easy way to organize all the information into categories that are easy for readers to understand and follow along with as they read through your post. 

This makes it much harder for them to get confused about where you’re going or what point comes next in the article than if everything were just thrown together randomly without any formality or organization whatsoever (which would be quite difficult when dealing with long-form text).

Becoming an SEO wizard is not a magical process; it requires knowledge, skills, and dedication. Discover The Ultimate Guide to Writing Like an SEO Wizard to understand the principles behind effective SEO writing and how to craft content that ranks high on search engines. Let’s explore the secrets of SEO writing together in our comprehensive guide on The Ultimate Guide to Writing Like an SEO Wizard.

Use Headings And Subheadings

Headings and subheadings are the most important components of your blog post. They help readers to find the information they are looking for, and they also help them to skim through your content and focus on what’s most important.

The best way to use headings is by using H1 tags at the beginning of each blog post. The H1 tag should be bolded, and it should appear only once per page (i.e., not repeated). After that, you can use H2 tags as well as italicized text if you want to make some sections stand out from others even more than just bolding them already.

Always Have Those Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are the snippet that appears under the title of a search result. They can be used to persuade users to click through to your site and they’re also used by Google in its search results pages if you’ve ever seen one of those long, unbroken blocks of text next to an article’s title, you’ve seen what we mean!

Meta descriptions should be between 150-160 characters (including spaces) and should be unique for every page. They should also contain keywords that relate directly back to what your page is about so that it shows up in any results pages related to those keywords (and not just on your homepage).

Use Keywords In Your Link Anchors

Like the anchor text of your links, you want to find ways to use keywords in your link anchors. This can be done by using relevant keywords in your headlines, subheadings, and body copy. It’s also a good idea to make sure that you don’t overdo it! 

You should not have more than 2-3 keywords in each link anchor. Another tip is to avoid using exact match keyword phrases (e.g ‘how-to rank #1 on google with SEO) as they may turn off readers who aren’t interested in the topic at hand.

Time is of the essence when it comes to SEO content creation. Learn how to write an SEO-friendly article in under 48 hours without compromising on quality. Our step-by-step guide on How to Write an SEO-Friendly Article in Under 48 Hours will equip you with effective techniques to deliver valuable content within tight deadlines.

Use Internal Links

When writing your blog posts, make sure to use internal links whenever possible. Internal links are hyperlinks that point back to other pages on your website. For example, if you mention an important fact or concept in one of your blog posts, link directly to another page on your site where more information about this topic can be found. 

This helps guide readers from one section of the post to another and creates a more seamless reading experience for them. Additionally, it allows you to showcase other content within the same site (which I’m sure you’re proud of) so that readers don’t have to leave their comfort zone and go searching for answers elsewhere.

The same principle applies when linking outwards: if there’s something related but external that could benefit from being included in this article (like another blog post or relevant article), then include it! 

And don’t forget about sharing other types of content as well if there’s something else useful related but external that doesn’t fit into an established category yet belongs here because its subject matter aligns with yours (e.g., podcasts), feel free!

Write Content Easy To Share & Readable

Now that you know what SEO copywriting is and why you need it, let’s get into some best practices for writing SEO blogs.

Write content easy to share & read

Use short paragraphs and subheadings, short sentences, short words, and lists. Bullet points are also a great way of keeping things simple and easy to read as well as bold and italics. 

You can also use links to direct readers to other parts of your site or external sites (which helps with search engine optimization). Images are also an excellent way to keep people engaged with what they are reading so long as the image has some relevance to the article topic.

Quotes help create interest in your article but make sure they aren’t too long or else people won’t want them! Headers help break up large chunks of text without making readers feel overwhelmed by them so don’t forget about those either!

Boosting website traffic through SEO copywriting requires understanding the do’s and don’ts of the craft. Avoid common pitfalls and embrace best practices with our comprehensive guide on SEO Copywriting: Do’s and Don’ts for Boosting Traffic. Unleash the power of persuasive content while optimizing for search engines to drive more visitors to your site.

Make Your Content Scannable

Make your content scannable: If you want visitors to read your content, they need to be able to find it and scan it easily. Headings, subheadings, and lists help make things scannable. Make sure that each section has a clear topic sentence and then list the points in that section. 

Use bold text for important points and italics for emphasis. Use numbered lists where appropriate (avoid using them too much though as it looks like you’re just trying to fill space). Include images where relevant, but also consider whether text alone would be clearer than an image might be (images can sometimes distract from the main point of a blog post).

Keep it simple: Don’t use unnecessarily complicated language or jargon if you don’t have to; this will confuse people who are trying to understand the information you’re presenting.”

Break Up The Text With Images, Lists, And Quotes

To make your blog more scannable, use images, lists, and quotes.

Images can be a great way to break up large blocks of text by visually separating them into smaller chunks. Likewise, you can use lists to accomplish the same thing. Lists often include bullet points that make it even easier for readers to scan through the content and find what they’re looking for quickly. 

And lastly, quotes are another great way to break up paragraphs of text into more digestible pieces that are easy on the eyes as well as easier for readers to understand in a shorter period than if they were reading an entire paragraph at once without any breaks between ideas

Make Sure There Is A Good CTA (Call-To-Action) In Each Post!

If you want to convert readers into customers, then you need to use this. The call-to-action is the most important part of your blog post and needs to be placed above the fold. A good CTA will:

  • Be relevant to the content (don’t just add a CTA because it’s a best practice)
  • Be easy for visitors to understand
  • Be easy for visitors to click on

Be sure that any links within your content and at the bottom of each page lead directly back towards your site or product pages so that people can buy from there!

Create Longer Posts To Deliver More Value. Google Likes This

Google likes long-form content. That’s why they rank it higher in search results and show more of it on their SERPs. They also like well-researched, well-written, well structured, proofread, formatted, and designed content.

Google is so fond of long-form content that they recently announced a change to their algorithm that will favor longer articles in mobile searches. This is great news for us copywriters because it means we’ll be able to provide our clients with even more value than ever before!

Write For The Web, Not For Print

SEO copywriting is not about writing for print. It’s not about making your blog posts look pretty or easy to read. It’s about writing specifically for search engines and readers. What does this mean? Well, you need to be aware of what search engines are looking for so that you can use the right keywords in your content (more on this later). 

You also need to consider the reader experience when crafting your responses; after all, no one will click on a link if it doesn’t answer their question or interest them enough in some way or another!

Focus On User Intent And Keywords

When creating content from scratch (or even when editing existing pieces), keep these two things in mind: user intent and keywords. User intent refers to what exactly it is a user wants when they search for a certain phrase or keyword(s). 

As an example, let’s say someone types “how many pets can fit in an apartment?” into Google what do they want? They might want information about how many pets live comfortably with humans based on size; i.e., how many dogs can fit into 100 square feet of space versus how many cats could fit into 100 square feet of space.”

Write Your Blog Post Title First And Then Move To The Content

When you’re writing a blog post, the most important thing is to know exactly what you’re writing about. After all, if your article isn’t about a topic people are looking for, then it won’t do much good for anyone.

When I was in college, I had an assignment where we had to write three different essays: one on a topic of our choice (this was the essay that counted), one on a topic chosen by our professor, and then another one based on the prompt given at the beginning of class. 

The prompt was always something like “write an article answering the following question in 1-2 paragraphs: Why should people use this service?” We were instructed not to use any outside sources or quotes from other people when writing these essays because they wanted us to answer questions with our thoughts.

The first thing we did was write down all possible answers/topics we could think of before narrowing them down further into one or two sentences each (depending on how long our assignment was). 

Then once that was done we moved on to researching those topics further so we could find out more about them and finally narrowing them down even further until there were just two ideas left standing. Once those were decided upon, it became easy enough for us to write those articles since now everything else fell into place naturally!

If you aspire to become an SEO copywriter, you’re on the right path to a rewarding career. Discover valuable insights and tips to excel in this field with our guide on How to Become an SEO Copywriter. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to improve your skills, this resource will provide you with the knowledge to thrive in the world of SEO writing.

SEO Copywriting Has A Lot To Do With Logic

We’ve covered the basics of SEO copywriting, and we’ve learned what it is and why it matters. Let’s take a closer look at how to write SEO blog posts by breaking down the five best practices for writing good blogs:

Make sure you’re writing your content with logic in mind. Writing for the web is different than writing for print, but there’s one aspect that remains the same: making sure your content makes sense. 

Writers often forget about this when they’re busy trying to think about keywords, which leads them to make mistakes like overloading their titles with phrases like “how-to” or “best.”

It’s bad enough that these words don’t tell us anything about what we might find inside of those articles but they also frustrate readers who are looking forward to reading something informative or interesting (and not just another listicle).

Write with your audience in mind first, then write for search engines second (or third). In other words: don’t worry so much about keyword density; just focus on creating content that people enjoy reading! 

This will naturally improve overall ranking because Google likes well-written websites more than those filled with filler text designed solely around SEO purposes only – which means fewer penalties down the road too 😉

Don’t forget how important it is always to remember why you’re doing what you do; this goes back again too 🙂


We hope you’ve found this guide helpful! Writing for the web is a complex process, but with the right tools and techniques, your blog will be optimized for both search engines and readers in no time.

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions please reach out to us at [email protected]. We love hearing from folks who are interested in writing more awesome articles like this one!

Further Reading

SEO Copywriting: How to Improve Your Rankings: Learn effective strategies to enhance your website’s rankings through SEO copywriting.

The Ultimate Guide to SEO Copywriting: Dive deep into the world of SEO copywriting with this comprehensive guide by Neil Patel.

SEO Copywriting: The Key to Better Content and Rankings: Discover the importance of SEO copywriting and how it can elevate your content and rankings.


What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the art of crafting content that not only engages readers but also aligns with search engine optimization (SEO) principles to improve a website’s visibility on search engine results pages.

How does SEO copywriting benefit my website?

SEO copywriting helps your website rank higher in search results, attract more organic traffic, and improve user engagement and conversions through well-optimized and compelling content.

What are the essential elements of SEO copywriting?

Key elements of SEO copywriting include keyword research, incorporating relevant keywords naturally into the content, writing compelling meta titles and descriptions, and optimizing content structure for better readability and SEO.

Is SEO copywriting different from traditional copywriting?

Yes, SEO copywriting focuses on incorporating targeted keywords and optimizing content for search engines while maintaining its readability and persuasiveness for human readers.

How can I learn and improve my SEO copywriting skills?

To enhance your SEO copywriting skills, you can explore online resources, attend workshops or webinars, follow industry experts’ blogs, and practice writing optimized content for different topics and niches.