Writing a book can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve never written one before. It’s an adventure that can take you to far-off lands and deep into your own imagination.
To get there, though, you have to learn how to write like a pro and that’s what this post is all about! I’m going to share with you 45 tips for becoming a better writer: things like getting feedback from others on what doesn’t work (or does) as well as starting small by writing only one page per week before moving up from there. Are you ready? Let’s go!
Takeaways |
1. Set realistic and achievable writing goals. |
2. Plan and outline your book’s structure before diving into writing. |
3. Create well-developed characters that resonate with readers. |
4. Embrace the editing and revision process to refine your manuscript. |
5. Find your unique author voice and style to stand out. |
6. Overcome writer’s block by trying different creative exercises. |
7. Develop a consistent writing routine to maintain progress. |
8. Seek feedback from beta readers or critique partners for improvement. |
9. Embrace your passion for storytelling and persevere through challenges. |
10. Celebrate your successes, both big and small, along the way. |
Write As You Love It
Write what you love.
You should indeed write about things that interest you since this will make the process easier and more enjoyable.
But don’t stop there. Write about things that inspire you, move you, and leave a lasting impression on your heart.
While it may be tempting to write what people want to read so they’ll buy your book, remember that this is not an audition for something else this is your time to shine as an author!
Go ahead and let yourself shine by writing whatever comes naturally in a way that makes sense for you regardless of whether or not anyone else might be interested in reading it at first glance (because trust me: they will!).
Building realistic goals is essential for any aspiring author. Learn how to effectively set realistic book writing goals to ensure a productive and successful writing journey.
Be Willing To Rewrite
Rewriting is the most important part of the writing process. You can have the best ideas in the world, but if you don’t know how to write them down, no one will ever read them. Rewriting helps you get your ideas on paper in a way that makes sense and flows well. In addition, rewriting will improve both your story and your writing skills.
I’d go so far as to say that rewriting is more important than planning or outlining (but not less than either of those). The sooner you accept this idea and embrace it, the sooner you’ll be able to move forward with confidence and produce a better product with less stress—and who doesn’t want that?
Read Other Books When You Can
Reading other books is a great way to learn about your craft. You can read books in your genre, or you can look for ones that are similar to yours and learn what makes them work.
But it’s also important to read outside of your genre, too: reading something different from what you’re working on will help make clear what works and what doesn’t in a book and it means that when you get back to writing your book, everything will feel fresh again.
If you’re wondering how to take the first steps towards becoming a book writer, our comprehensive guides for aspiring authors can provide you with valuable insights and tips to kickstart your writing career.
Embrace The Process
The process of writing a book is not glamorous. If you love the end product, don’t expect to enjoy every moment of the journey.
It is important to embrace the process rather than focusing on results and outcomes. You must come to terms with the fact that writing a book is going to take some time and effort, but when it is all said and done, there will be great satisfaction in knowing that you have created something worthwhile.
It takes many drafts to write a good book first draft!
Don’t Overthink It
When we start a book, we are often thinking about the audience and how they will react to it. We think about the process and what’s involved in getting it published. Sometimes we even worry about spelling and grammar because of how people may perceive us if we don’t get everything right.
I’ve learned over time that this is not helpful for me or for anyone else who is writing a book. The truth is, you can’t please everyone, so don’t try to do so when you’re writing your first draft!
If someone doesn’t like your book (even if they are family members), remember that they just don’t have enough experience with books themselves yet to understand why yours might be different than any other books they’ve read in their lives so far – but hopefully, that will change soon!
Writing your first book can be an overwhelming experience. For valuable advice tailored to first-time authors, explore our collection of book writing guides designed to support you throughout the writing process.
The Cover Matters
The cover matters. It’s the first thing people see, and it will make or break your book sales.
The cover is what makes people want to read your book. If you have a poorly designed cover, then people won’t take much interest in reading it. The cover needs to be eye-catching so that people are attracted by the design right away!
If you don’t have a good-looking book cover, no one will remember it after they finish reading through all 250 pages of your story (this is assuming that they made it through the entire book). If they can’t remember anything about what happened inside its covers, then why bother picking up another one of yours?
Start On A Page A Week
The best way to write a book is to start on a page a week. If that seems like too much, start with one paragraph a day. Even if you only have time for one paragraph, make it happen.
The reason this works so well is that it keeps you focused on the task at hand: just writing the next page or paragraph, without worrying about all of the other pages and paragraphs in between.
When we try to do this big scary thing all at once, our minds tend to wander off into other places (and never come back).
But when we focus on what’s right in front of us and not worry about anything else going on around us (or even how many pages are still left), our brain can stay focused and productive until we’ve finished our goal for today which turns out to be pretty good motivation for wanting more tomorrow!
Crafting a book that captivates readers and sells well involves strategic planning. Discover 11 effective ways to write a book that sells and elevate your writing skills to create a compelling and marketable story.
Stop Editing As Soon As It’s Good Enough
Every time I look back on my old books, I cringe a bit at the editing that could have been done. It’s hard for me to admit it now, but when I was writing those first books and short stories, I didn’t know much about editing as a separate process from drafting. I just kept writing and then went back over everything after finishing each chapter or scene.
That meant that often my book would be riddled with typos and grammatical errors (and sometimes the same mistake was repeated several times).
After reading this book by Anne Lamott (Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life), which is one long rant about how not to edit to preserve your creative energy for creating good content, I decided that it was time for me to change things up and start editing earlier so as not to waste precious time on fixing mistakes later on.
The main thing you need to remember is that once you’ve gotten through all of your terrible drafts and reached something resembling an actual story/essay/poem/etc., stop! Don’t keep trying new things or making changes based on feedback from others until you’re ready for round two: revision.
Once your first draft is finished? Read through it again yourself before showing anyone else anything.
Get Feedback From Others Who Are Better Writers Than You.
I’m not saying that you should only get feedback from more experienced people. I think it’s great to get feedback from people who are similar to you so that they can give perspective on things that are different than what they have been able to see in their work.
But if you want to improve your writing, try getting some feedback from someone who writes better than you do or at least differently than you do.
Write And Edit Without Thinking About Whether There’s Something Wrong With What You’ve Written
I’ve mentioned this in a previous tip, but it bears repeating: the first draft is all about writing. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to stay in that mindset during this stage. Don’t get stuck on the first sentence because it isn’t perfect.
Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even style at this point just keep going until you have something substantial on paper (or computer).
Let me tell you something: writing a book is really hard work! Your brain will be exhausted by the time you reach the end of your story; therefore, don’t try to edit while writing because your vision will be blurry and your mind foggy.
If there’s anything wrong with what you’ve written during this phase of editing, chances are good that you won’t even see it when everything is fresh in front of you anyway!
As an author, establishing a distinct brand can greatly impact your success. Delve into the world of branding with our insights on creating an author brand and learn how to present yourself and your work in a memorable way.
If you’ve made it this far, I hope that you’re feeling excited to write! Writing can be a rewarding process and I’m glad to have shared my tips with you. I know that some might seem silly or obvious, but they’re all important parts of the whole book-writing process. So go ahead and get started on that novel or memoir today!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you on your journey of writing a book:
Reedsy’s Guide on How to Write a Book: A comprehensive guide offering valuable insights and practical advice to navigate the book-writing process.
MasterClass Article: How to Write a Book: Explore this article for expert tips and techniques from renowned authors to enhance your book-writing skills.
ThinkWritten: Novel Writing Tips: Discover a collection of novel writing tips that can assist you in crafting engaging and captivating stories.
How do I start the process of writing a book?
Starting the process of writing a book involves brainstorming ideas, outlining your plot, and defining your characters. Establish a clear structure and plan before diving into the actual writing.
What are some effective techniques for overcoming writer’s block?
Writer’s block can be frustrating, but trying techniques like freewriting, changing your writing environment, or taking breaks to clear your mind can help break through creative barriers.
How important is creating a unique author brand?
Creating a unique author brand helps you stand out in a crowded market. It allows readers to recognize your work and style, building a loyal audience for your books.
How do I balance writing with other commitments?
Balancing writing with other commitments requires effective time management. Set dedicated writing times, prioritize tasks, and create a consistent routine to maintain progress.
What steps can I take to revise and edit my manuscript effectively?
Effective manuscript revision involves taking a break from your work before revisiting it, seeking feedback from beta readers or editors, and focusing on aspects like plot consistency, character development, and clarity of language.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.