Writing for magazines is a magical job. You get to write about things like dogs, celebrities, and how to make your gin. It’s also challenging work that requires a lot of persistence but if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, it can be very rewarding. Here are some tips on how to get started:
Takeaways |
1. Magazine writing offers a magical and fulfilling career path. |
2. The day-to-day life of a magazine writer is both exciting and challenging. |
3. Building a career as a magazine writer requires dedication and perseverance. |
4. Writing for magazines can open doors to various opportunities in the industry. |
5. Embracing creativity and viewing writing as a form of magic can enhance the craft. |
You Are Not A Waitress Or A Girl Peddling Marijuana
You are not a waitress, nor are you a girl peddling marijuana. You are a professional writer who can write about a variety of subjects and earn money from your words.
To become a magazine writer, it’s important to start early. The best way to increase your chances of becoming published is by writing for as long as possible so that your skills improve over time.
Discover the real-world experiences of magazine writers! Our in-depth article on Magazine Writing: A Day in the Life provides insights into the exciting and challenging aspects of this profession.
Do Not Rely Too Much On Your Literary Theory Classes
Remember, writing for magazines is not about your ideas or your style of writing. It is about doing the job that you are being paid to do in the most efficient way possible.
You will be expected to know how to write well enough to get the job done quickly and communicate clearly with clients and colleagues.
Get Ready For A Lot Of Ghostwriting
Ghostwriting is a very common part of being a writer. You’re writing for someone else, and you often don’t get to keep the credit (which can be frustrating, but you’re working with what they want).
One thing to know about ghostwriting is that it’s not just for celebrities. Lots of people may ask you to write something for them, even if they aren’t famous or don’t have much money. They might just need someone who can help them communicate their ideas and make them sound good.
In these cases, you should make sure that the person needs your help before agreeing to work with them! Most people think that writing is easy because they see others doing it all the time;
However, if someone isn’t capable of communicating their thoughts enough on paper if they can’t explain themselves enough in words then they probably don’t understand what they’re trying to say very well either!
As an example: A friend once asked me if I could write an article about how people could use social media effectively without getting overwhelmed by all the information out there; however (spoiler alert!), after chatting with him some more about how he was using social media himself and how he wanted other people using it differently from him…
Unlock the key elements of a successful business plan! Learn about the 15 Secrets to Writing a Great Business Plan that will help you impress investors and set your venture on the path to success.
Get Ready For A Lot Of Name-Dropping
Name-dropping is a big part of the job. If you’re writing about someone or something, it’s expected that you’ll mention them by name. It’s not a bad thing to do in fact, it may be required.
Name-dropping is one of those things that people sometimes complain about when they find out what I do for work (I assume they say “how did your parents let you become a writer?”), but I’ve never had any qualms with this practice myself.
Get Ready To Be The Only Person In The Office Who Knows Where The Staples Is
When you’re the only person in the office who knows where the Staples is, you feel like a magical wizard with a secret power. When your boss asks everyone else where they think it is, they don’t know but YOU do! You can show them how to get there by walking down this hallway and turning right at the third door on your left.
And when they get back from their trip to Staples empty-handed because they forgot their card? You will be there for them with a smile on your face and a bag full of paper clips and staples (not to mention some other random things that might come in handy).
Don’t Even Think About Writing Your Clips
If you’re just starting in writing or are a student or recent graduate, you shouldn’t write your clips.
There are too many pitfalls here to list, but trust me: the last thing you want to do is slap together some samples of your work and send them off into the world with little direction or thought.
It’s not worth it. If you want to make an impression on an editor, take time to research what magazines need and then pitch something tailored specifically for their needs (more on that below).
Design a winning roadmap for your business with these valuable tips! Check out our guide on 10 Tips to Design a Good Business Plan to create a comprehensive and effective plan that aligns with your goals.
Learn How To Work A Fax Machine
The best fax machine is the one that works for you. Whatever you end up with, be sure to get a number and make it easy to remember. You will have to share this number with people who need to send you documents, so make sure it’s something memorable and easy-to-say over the phone.
A good fax machine has multiple features that are easy to use: a simple interface; an auto-fax feature (so your office can send documents without having you press “send”); and software that lets you easily download incoming documents from email accounts like Gmail or Outlook Mail and save them as editable files on your computer.
The best machines also come with customer service phone numbers either toll-free or local so if there’s ever an issue with your equipment, you can call someone directly instead of going through an automated menu system.
If you decide to do anything else besides write, (a) have an extremely good reason, and (b) make sure you’re good at it.
Let’s say you have the ability to be an excellent painter or sculptor. If you’re going to do anything else besides your art, make sure it is something that you are truly good at and enjoy doing. And if you decide on another career path, make sure it’s worth giving up the magical job of writing for life.
If there is a chance of turning your hobby into a paying gig later on in life (like a webcomic), then by all means pursue this dream! But if not, make sure that whatever career path you choose will bring satisfaction without making it so stressful that making time for writing becomes impossible.
Talk To Your Boss Often
There are three things you should do:
Talk to your boss often. You must have regular conversations with your boss about how things are going.
This can be as simple as an email or phone call per week, but there must be actual communication between the two of you regularly. You’ll need to know if they’re happy with what you’re doing, so check in regularly and ask if they mind if any changes are made or if they have any concerns at all.
Always give feedback immediately. Your boss is working hard too, so make sure they know how much their work means to you by returning feedback right away!
If there’s something wrong with the assignment given to you, let them know right away so they can fix it and make sure everything runs smoothly for everyone involved in getting this project done (including people who might not be directly working on this particular project).
In other words, don’t wait around until someone else points out an error before letting them know about it; take responsibility for everything yourself!
Make sure everyone has fun doing their job! One big part of being successful at any job involves finding ways to enjoy what we do daily; whether this means bonding with coworkers over lunchtime conversations about current events or just watching funny videos online together during breaks (because sometimes laughter does cure all),
Find ways each day where everyone gets excited about being part of something bigger than themselves because when we share moments like this outside of work hours too Well, That makes us feel closer inside too 😉
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Always Remember That They Hate Themselves More Than They Hate You
Remember that they hate themselves more than they hate you. When you are in the trenches of a writing project, it can seem like everyone is out to get you: your editor hates your ideas and wants you to write about sports all day; your copy editor doesn’t understand that “frenemies” is a thing, and your readers are just waiting for their chance to call you out on Twitter.
But don’t take it personally! Most editors have done this job for years and have seen every stupid thing there is to see in the world of writing. They’re not trying to make things difficult for writers or make them feel bad about themselves in fact, most editors will bend over backward for writers because they know how hard it is!
The only way an editor feels good about herself at work is if her writers feel good about themselves too, so keeping everyone happy (including yourself) should be priority number one.
Don’t be shy about asking questions like “What’s my byline?” “Why aren’t I getting paid?” and “Who do I talk to about getting paid?” (It will most likely be the same person.)
If you aren’t the type to have a list of questions prepared, you should be. If you are, great! But even if you’re not, it’s okay just because this is your first time doesn’t mean that you can’t ask questions. Asking questions is a good thing. I think asking questions should be required by law for every job and career choice ever.
We want our writers to come in with an idea of what they want from their writing experience, so take some time before your meeting and make sure that you understand everything about how we do things here at [insert name of publication]. This will help us tailor your experience accordingly!
Don’t be shy about asking for things like an expense account, travel budgets, and fashion week invitations from friends you don’t have yet.
If you’re determined to succeed in this industry, there’s one thing you have to remember: Ask for what you want. I know it sounds obvious, but it’s something that can be tough when all of your colleagues are older than you and seem infinitely more experienced.
Being young is intimidating in any field; it’s no different here. But if everyone else knows something that could help their career and they aren’t afraid of asking for it why should you feel ashamed?
Be polite and confident as possible when making requests. If someone says no, don’t take it personally! They’re not trying to make fun of or belittle your dream; they just have other things going on at the moment and can’t help out right now (or ever).
Don’t take any rejection personally either; sometimes people will say no just because they don’t want to help that doesn’t necessarily mean that they think less of your work or goals because of your age or gender identity or background at all! Remember: Everyone has their own story about what led them where they are today!
Don’t Be Shy About Naming Your Price When Negotiating With Freelancers
When you’re negotiating with your boss about a raise or a promotion, it’s important to know the going rate for people in your field. The same goes for freelancers: You should have an idea of what other writers are charging before you go into negotiations with your editor.
The best way to find out how much you should be charging is by contacting other writers who write similar pieces and asking them what they charge. What do they charge? How long does it take them? How much time do they spend working on the piece? And how many hours per week do they work?
It’s also helpful to know how much money the publication makes from each issue so that you can calculate how much profit each article earns and then negotiate accordingly.
Writing For Magazines Can Be A Lot Of Fun If You Know What To Expect
If you have the talent and ambition to write for magazines, it can be a lot of fun. There’s no guarantee that you’ll get published in the first place, but once you do make it into one, you’ll be able to see your work printed and distributed all over the world.
And if nothing else, it’s always nice to know that your words are being read by thousands or even millions of people every day. If you don’t enjoy writing then this might not be the job for you; however, most writers love creating new stories with interesting characters and settings.
Writing for magazines can also be great because there are so many different kinds of magazines out there: Sports Illustrated publishes stories about sports (obviously), while Seventeen Magazine publishes fiction stories about teenagers who want more independence from their parents (a topic I am very familiar with).
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It’s not for everyone, but if you’re reading this article, I think it might be something worth considering. The pay is good and there are always opportunities to travel plus, you get to work with a lot of cool people.
It’s also a great way to build up your portfolio before pursuing more lucrative careers like advertising or social media management (although those jobs can also be fun). Finally, if nothing else works out for you professionally in life then at least you’ll have some fun stories about working as an intern at Vogue or doing research on handbags in Paris!
Further Reading
How to Become a Magazine Writer: A comprehensive guide on steps and tips to pursue a career in magazine writing.
Writing: Hobby or Career?: Explore the considerations and possibilities of turning your writing passion into a full-fledged career.
Poet Lisa Marie Basile on Writing as a Form of Magic: An insightful interview with poet Lisa Marie Basile on the magical aspects of writing and creativity.
How can I become a magazine writer?
Becoming a magazine writer requires honing your writing skills, networking with industry professionals, and creating a strong portfolio to showcase your work.
What are some essential tips for successful magazine writing?
Some essential tips include knowing your target audience, crafting compelling narratives, and staying updated on industry trends.
Is writing just a hobby or can it be a viable career?
Writing can be both a fulfilling hobby and a viable career path, depending on your dedication, passion, and willingness to pursue opportunities.
How can writing be seen as a form of magic?
Writing can be seen as a form of magic as it has the power to evoke emotions, create new worlds, and transform the way we perceive reality.
What are some inspiring insights from poet Lisa Marie Basile?
Poet Lisa Marie Basile shares her perspectives on how writing can be a transformative and healing practice, tapping into the deeper realms of creativity.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.