Is Twitter The Best Way To Reach Millennials?

Is Twitter the best way to reach millennials? How about Snapchat or Facebook? You might be thinking, “Millennials are so busy with school or work that they don’t have time to tweet or post on social media.” 

Well, you’re wrong. Millennials are not only active on social media but also use it daily. However, it depends which type of platform they use and how often they use it. We know that millennials are using social media a lot but what exactly do they like to do when they have spare time? 

What’s interesting about these numbers is that the usage rate for most sites is pretty close between the different age groups (except for Instagram and Facebook)

Is Twitter dying? Why smart marketers will get insane numbers
– Targeting millennials requires understanding their preferred social media platforms.
– Twitter’s real-time nature aligns well with millennials’ desire for instant information.
– Visual and interactive content can enhance engagement with millennials on Twitter.
– Consider combining Twitter with other platforms for a comprehensive millennial marketing strategy.
– Measuring engagement metrics helps assess the effectiveness of Twitter in reaching millennials.

Millennials Do Not Use Twitter As Much As Other Social Networks.

It’s no secret that millennials are the most social media-savvy generation, with their constant scrolling and snappy retorts. But it turns out they’re not as fond of Twitter as you might think.

According to a recent study by Twitter and Ipsos MediaCT, only 3% of Millennials say they use Twitter more than any other social network and only 14% say they use it “somewhat frequently.” 

That’s compared to 60% who report using Facebook somewhat frequently or daily (a number that increases to 67% among those aged 18–24). The same pattern holds for both Gen Zers (13-to-21-year-olds) and Generation Xers (34–53 years old): 

Just over half say they use Facebook more often than any other site, while far fewer report using Instagram (Gen Z: 33%; Gen X: 23%), Snapchat (Gen Z: 21%; Gen X: 16%), or LinkedIn (Gen Z: 15%; Gen X: 10%) more frequently.

While these numbers may seem surprising given how much time Millennials spend on their phones each day as well as how many apps have been developed specifically for them they show what many marketers already know: 

That when it comes down to choosing between different platforms based on where you find your target audience, nothing beats Facebook when it comes to reaching young adults in large numbers

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21% Of Millennials Visit Twitter Regularly

The millennial generation is the largest in America. They are also the most difficult to reach and appear to be disinterested in traditional advertising. The good news is that you can reach millennials on other platforms, including Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Facebook. 

You may not be able to reach them on all of these platforms at once but you should at least try each one as a way of reaching out to them.

The social media platform that seems to have the most appeal for millennials is Pinterest with 21% visiting it several times a week or more often (compared to just 16% for Instagram). 

Snapchat has also been attracting an increasing number of younger users who prefer its immediacy as opposed to posting photos on Instagram which takes time before they are seen by their followers

Pinterest Is Used More By Millennials Than Twitter At 29%

Pinterest is used more by millennials than Twitter at 29%. Pinterest is a visual social media platform that allows users to create and save images, videos, and other media from around the web. 

It has over 100 million users, making it the 3rd largest social media platform in terms of users. Pinterest also has a younger audience than Twitter at an average age of 30 compared to Twitter which has an average age of 37.

The majority (62%) of millennials use Pinterest as a resource tool for finding new products or purchasing decisions compared to 13% who use it for entertainment purposes only (37%).

Harnessing the power of social media can enhance your marketing research efforts. Discover practical insights on how to use social media for marketing research and tap into the vast landscape of valuable consumer data.

Snapchat Has 58% Of Millennials Using It Daily

Snapchat is the most popular social network for millennials, and it’s not even close. According to data collected by eMarketer, Snapchat has 58% of millennials using it daily. That’s over double the number of users who use Twitter daily (23%). 

And when you look at what people are doing on those platforms, you’ll see why Snapchat is such an appealing option for brands looking to reach younger audiences.

Millennials spend more time on Snapchat than any other social network: 7 hours per week compared to Instagram’s 4 hours per week and Facebook’s 2 hours per week. 

In fact, according to Nielsen data from 2016 (the latest year available), 88% of U.S.-based smartphone owners aged 18-34 used Facebook in 30 days; 68% used Instagram; 35% used Twitter; just 23% used LinkedIn; and only 16%, Pinterest!

Facebook And Instagram Both Have A 75% Usage Rate

As you may have noticed in your own life, Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social networks among millennials. Facebook has the highest usage rate at 75%, followed by Instagram with a 75% usage rate and Snapchat with a 65% usage rate. 

However, when it comes to the amount of time spent on these platforms, Facebook takes the cake: Millennials spend about seven hours per week on their newsfeeds compared to just two hours for Instagram and one hour for Snapchat.

It’s not likely that these numbers will change anytime soon as both sites are still growing; according to Business Insider.

There were 151 million active users on Facebook at the end of 2018 a 42% increase from 2017 and more than 1 billion daily active users worldwide as of June 2019.

Twitter Needs To Do Something To Appeal The Millennial Generation

The truth is that most millennials aren’t using Twitter. In fact, according to a report by Edison Research, only 18% of people aged 12-34 are using it. 

Though this figure might be low compared to other networks like Facebook and Instagram (both at 75%), it’s not exactly an impressive number when you consider how long Twitter has been around and it’s status as one of the first social networks available to the public.

The reason for this lack of appeal is simple: Millennials don’t see much value in tweeting about their lives. Instead, they prefer other platforms that allow them to connect over shared interests instead of just broadcasting their activities at all times. 

But does this mean that Twitter has no chance with millennials? Not necessarily; there are ways for brands interested in reaching these younger audiences to succeed on Twitter it just takes some extra effort and creativity!

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Pinterest And Snapchat Are More Appealing To The Millennial Generation

Despite all the hype, Twitter has yet to see much success in reaching millennials. A recent study conducted by Sprout Social found that Pinterest and Snapchat are more appealing to this demographic than Twitter.

Millennials spend far more time on these platforms compared to Twitter. Nearly 60% of respondents said they preferred Instagram and Snapchat over Facebook, while only 46% said they preferred Facebook over Instagram and YouTube.

Millennials are also more likely to follow brands on these platforms than on Twitter 53% of respondents said they followed brands via social media channels, yet only 26% said their favorite platform was Twitter (the next most popular was Facebook with 18%).

Facebook And Instagram Show No Signs Of Slowing Down

It’s no secret that Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media sites for millennials. More than half of all millennials use both platforms, with Facebook being the preferred choice among 68% of users.

Moreover, according to a recent study by eMarketer, Facebook usage is not just high but also growing among millennials, especially in comparison to Twitter. 

The study shows that while 82% of US internet users between ages 12 and 34 had a Facebook account at the end of 2017 (compared to 78% in 2016), only 23% were on Twitter (down from 25%).

And if you want another reason why your company should consider investing in these two platforms: 90% of US internet users visit either one or both networks at least once per month making them prime targets for advertisers!

You Can Reach Millennials In Many Different Ways

If you’re looking for a new way to reach millennials, it’s important to be strategic. You’ll have to consider the different ways you can reach them, and what will work best with your brand and budget.

You could try social media advertising, email marketing campaigns (like Constant Contact®), or even traditional advertising like radio or TV commercials. 

Whatever method you choose should be based on the kind of product or service that you’re offering and how much money you’re willing to spend on this campaign.

When targeting millennials, the right platform can make all the difference. Delve into the discussion on whether Twitter is the best way to reach millennials, and uncover insights that can shape your marketing strategy.

Not All Marketing Strategies Will Be Effective For Reaching Millennials

Before you jump into a new marketing strategy, you must know your audience. You’ll want to consider what kind of content and experiences will resonate with them and how they use the internet. 

Once you’ve got an idea of your ideal customer, it’s time to start doing some research on them.

Use a variety of different marketing strategies to reach Millennials effectively. While some companies may be successful using one particular approach or tactic, others may need to try a few before they find the right fit for their brand. 

Make sure that the platforms and channels that you’re using are relevant for reaching Millennials as well as other age groups who could also be interested in your products or services!

Optimizing your budget is essential for effective marketing campaigns. Learn the strategies that work in our guide on the best way for marketers to save money, ensuring every dollar spent delivers maximum impact.

You Should Target Your Marketing Efforts Towards Millennials Where They Spend Their Time Online

It’s important to remember that Millennials are a large group of people, and their social media habits vary greatly by platform. For example, while Millennials may spend more time on Facebook and Instagram than older generations, they’re much less likely to use Reddit. 

In other words, if you’re trying to reach Millennials as consumers (as opposed to employees or co-workers), you must target your marketing efforts toward the places where they spend their time online.

The right approach to market to millennials will depend on several factors such as budget, location and type of business or product you are selling, etc.

Before you begin marketing your product or service to millennials, you must ask yourself some questions. These include:

  • How much money do I have for my marketing budget?
  • Who is my target audience and where can they be found online?
  • How creative am I willing to be with my marketing efforts (I.E., videos, infographics, etc.)?

Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to start promoting your business. The best way to market your company in a way that connects with millennials is by creating an original strategy tailored specifically for them. 

This means finding out what they like and dislike about your industry and tailoring your message accordingly.

Develop A Strategy That Works Best For Your Business Or Product When You Are Trying To Reach Millennials Based On What Works Best For Your Company

When it comes to marketing, it’s important to use a strategy that works best for your business or product. This can take some trial and error, but once you find it, the payoff will be huge!

When choosing a social media platform, know your target audience. This may sound obvious but knowing who you’re talking to is crucial in developing a successful marketing campaign. Use Facebook ads and Instagram as they have large millennial audiences. 

Also, try using Snapchat since many millennials are on this platform and it’s growing fast among younger generations.

Focus on content and engagement: Content is king when it comes to reaching Millennials on social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram.

Because they are always looking at funny memes or videos that relate directly back to their lifestyle choices (i.e., traveling). Make sure whatever content you create reflects well on your brand.

Use different marketing strategies: Use email blasts with links back over onto social media networks so that people can follow along with what’s happening both inside and outside of their company (i.e., travel blogs). 

This way others interested in travel may come across something interesting about yourself through another source first then decide whether or not they want to see more from other sources.  Use a variety of different marketing strategies: 

Another type of good strategy would be focusing on building relationships through blogging/social networking sites like LinkedIn since many college graduates belong there after school ends.


Marketing to millennials is something many companies are trying to do. Understanding how they use the internet and where they spend most of their time online will help your company reach this demographic. 

You can use the information in this article about social media usage by Millennials as a starting point for research into other marketing efforts such as email campaigns, Facebook ads, or other types of advertising that may be more appropriate depending on your business type.

Further Reading

Expand your understanding of reaching millennials through social media marketing with these additional resources:

Why Twitter Matters to Marketing (Infographic): Explore an informative infographic detailing the significance of Twitter in the marketing landscape.Discover how Twitter’s unique features and user demographics can elevate your marketing efforts.

7 Ways to Reach Millennials Through Social Media Marketing: Dive into a comprehensive guide offering seven effective strategies to engage millennials using social media.Uncover actionable insights to tailor your social media approach to resonate with the millennial audience.

61% of Twitter Users Are Millennials: Learn about the dominance of millennials on Twitter and how this platform can be a key marketing channel.Understand the significance of Twitter’s millennial user base and its implications for your marketing strategy.


Explore common questions about reaching millennials through social media marketing:

What makes Twitter a valuable platform for reaching millennials?

Twitter’s real-time nature and concise format align well with millennials’ preferences for quick and relevant content consumption. Its interactive features enable direct engagement with this audience.

How can I effectively engage millennials on Twitter?

Engaging millennials on Twitter involves creating authentic and relatable content, using visual media, participating in trending conversations, and employing relevant hashtags.

Are there specific strategies for using Twitter to connect with millennials?

Absolutely. Leveraging user-generated content, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, and running interactive polls or contests can foster a sense of community and engagement among millennials on Twitter.

Are there other social media platforms that are equally effective for targeting millennials?

Yes, platforms like Instagram and TikTok also resonate with millennials due to their visual and interactive nature. However, each platform requires tailored content and strategies to connect effectively.

How do I measure the success of my Twitter marketing campaigns targeting millennials?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and sentiment analysis can provide insights into the effectiveness of your Twitter campaigns in reaching and engaging millennials.

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